Commission des affaires économiques et monétaires

À ne pas manquer

A profile of a Vice-President of the European Parliament.
17-02-2025 - 10:11

Olli Rehn, Governor of the Bank of Finland, will appear before ECON Committee Members in his capacity as First Vice Chair of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) on Thursday, 20 February 2025.

Andrzej DOMAŃSKI (Minister of Finance, Poland)
17-02-2025 - 10:11

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) holds an Economic Dialogue and exchange of views with Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance of Poland, in his capacity as President of the ECOFIN Council during the Polish Presidency (January to June 2025) on Wednesday, 19 February 2025.

Paschal DONOHOE (Eurogroup President)
17-02-2025 - 10:08

On Wednesday, 19 February 2025, the ECON Committee will hold the first economic dialogue with the President of the Eurogroup Pascal Donohoe under the new parliamentary term.

European Union (2016) - European Parliament
13-02-2025 - 07:24

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) will hold a scrutiny debate on Solvency II and IRRD on Wednesday, 19 February 2025.

Inter-parliamentary Conference on European Economic Governance
11-02-2025 - 11:00

The European Parliamentary Week (EPW) 2025, co-organised by the European Parliament, the Polish Seijm and the Polish Senate, will take place on 17 and 18 February 2025 at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event brings together parliamentarians from the EU, candidate and observer countries to discuss economic, budgetary and social matters.

Recovery and Resilience Dialogue
11-02-2025 - 10:59

On Monday, 10 February 2025, the Members from the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs held the first Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) since the entry into office of the new European Commission with Raffaele Fitto, Executive Vice-President of the Commission for Cohesion and Reforms and Valdis Dombrovskis, Commissioner for Economy and Productivity, Implementation and Simplification.

InvestEU, BUDG-ECON debate
04-02-2025 - 13:53

Ms Flores, Chair of the InvestEU Steering Board, attended a joint BUDG-ECON meeting for an exchange of views with Members on the performance of InvestEU, in accordance with Article 27 of the InvestEU Regulation, on Monday 3 February 2025.

Joint ECON-EMPL Economic Dialogue on the European Semester 2025
04-02-2025 - 13:53

The Joint ECON-EMPL Economic Dialogue on the European Semester took place on 28 January 2025. It consisted of an exchange of views on the recently published 2025 European Semester Autumn Package with Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness and Valdis Dombrovskis, Commissioner for Economy and Productivity; Implementation and Simplification.

Enrico Letta and Christian Noyer
22-01-2025 - 15:56

Enrico Letta and Christian Noyer, authors of the reports "Much more than a market" and "Developing European capital markets to finance the future" respectively, appeared before the ECON Committee to present the Capital Markets Union- related aspects of their recently published reports on Thursday, 16 January, from 09:00 to 10:30.


The ECON Committee is also responsible for tax matters and is assisted by a subcommittee on tax matters, for tax-related matters and particularly the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, as well as financial transparency for taxation purposes.

ECON Activity Report 2019 - 2024

Fact Sheets on the EU

The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.

Supporting Analyses

Supporting Analyses provide high-level independent expertise, analysis and policy advice in all areas of activity of the European Parliament.


Comité de l'avenir de la science et de la technologie