Commission des pétitions

Dernières nouvelles

Next meetings

18-02-2025 - 11:32

The next meetings of the Committee on Petitions will take place on:

Wednesday 19 February 2025, 9:00 - 12:30 and 14:30 - 18:30, Brussels, Room: ANTALL (4Q1)

Thursday 20 February 2025, 9:00 - 12:30, Brussels, Room: SPINELLI (3G3)

À ne pas manquer

07-02-2025 - 18:02

19-02-2025 14:30 : The Joint LIBE-PETI public hearing ‘Border checks and the future of the Schengen area’, based on Petitions 0585/2023 and 0509/2024, focuses on the evolution of the Schengen Area, recent amendments to the Schengen Borders Code and the impact of the reintroduction of internal border controls.