An Coiste um Thrádáil Idirnáisiúnta
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INTA re-elects Bernd Lange as Chair
At the INTA constitutive meeting of 23 July 2024, Members re-elected Bernd Lange (S&D, DE) as Chair for two and a half years. INTA also elected its four Vice-Chairs. Together with the Chair, they make up the Bureau of the committee.
The four Vice-Chairs are:
1st Vice-Chair: Ms Manon AUBRY (The Left, FR)
2nd Vice-Chair: Mr Iuliu WINKLER (EPP, RO)
3rd Vice-Chair: Ms Karin KARLSBRO (Renew, SE)
4th Vice-Chair: Ms Kathleen VAN BREMPT (S&D, BE)
All the elections took place by acclamation.
A delegation of seven INTA Members will travel to Geneva to participate to the WTO Public Forum between 10 and 12 September. INTA Members will meet with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the WTO to discuss the state of world trade and the prospects for trade policy in the aftermath of the 13th Ministerial Conference which took place earlier this year (MC13).
At its 9 September meeting, INTA Members will exchange with the Commission on the negotiations on the WTO plurilateral agreement on e-commerce. After five years of discussion between the participants in the WTO Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on e-commerce, the negotiations have been concluded.
INTA Coordinators - 10th legislature
Activity Report 2019-2024
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