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Europski izbori 2024.: 6. – 9. lipnja 2024.

24-05-2024 - 11:25
In the European Union, democracy may seem obvious to us today. But this has not always been the case. Not so long ago, millions of Europeans lived through times when they could not vote or even speak up freely. When their very lives could be in danger simply for being different, for holding different beliefs or for wanting a different life. Democracy is a precious gift passed on to us from previous generations. They aspired towards it and fought for it. Now it is up to us to maintain it, to make it stronger and pass it on to the generations to come. The most effective way to do so is by voting - because the more people vote, the stronger democracy becomes. On June 6-9 2024: Use your vote or others will decide for you.
Use your vote – European elections 2024 video – Trailer 3 Dubbed 16:9 - Swedish (Finland) © European Parliament

Na europskim izborima, koji će se održati od 6. do 9. lipnja, građani država članica EU-a izabrat će svoje predstavnike u Europskom parlamentu. Novoizabrani zastupnici, koji će predstavljati građane Unije do 2029., sastat će se u srpnju kako bi izabrali svojeg predsjednika, potpredsjednike i kvestore. Odlučit će i o sastavu stalnih odbora i pododbora Parlamenta, čime će započeti novi parlamentarni saziv. Zatim će odbori održati svoje prve sjednice, na kojima će izabrati svoje predsjednike i potpredsjednike.


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