Lauksaimniecības un lauku attīstības komiteja
Jaunākās ziņas
Next meetings of the Committee on Agricultural and Rural Development
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On 17-18 February, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will adopt its opinion on the 2026 Budget. It will also consider two draft opinions on, respectively, the Water Resilience Strategy and a revamped long-term EU budget.

On 10 February, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will hold an extraordinary meeting to exchange with Commissioner Hansen on two recent legislative proposals: the amendment to the common market organisation Regulation to strengthen the position of farmers in the food supply chain, and the regulation on cross-border enforcement of the rules on unfair trading practices in the agricultural and food supply chain.

On 29-30 January, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will adopt its opinion on the 2023 EU budget discharge. The Committee will also consider two draft reports on, respectively, the welfare of dogs and cats and the status of seeds from Ukraine and Moldova.

On 13 January, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development considered its draft opinion on the 2026 Budget. Moreover, the Members discussed the recommendations for the future of the EU wine sector issued last December by the High-Level Group on Wine Policy. They also discussed forest monitoring in a meeting jointly organised with ENVI.
Latest press releases
Activity report
The AGRI Activity Report lists all of the legislative and non-legislative activities and initiatives carried out by the committee during the 9th term.
Fact Sheets on the EU
The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.
Supporting Analyses
prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies
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