Single Market For Digital Services (DSA) and amending Directive -final vote -12.10.21

12-10-2021 - 13:09
Image with a hand and items related to consumers
The DSA and DMA - a forward-looking and consumer-centered perspective © Image used under the license from

On Tuesday 12 October 2021, the FEMM Committee voted on the draft opinion to the proposal for a regulation on a “Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act or “DSA”) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC".

The rapporteur Jadwiga Wiśniewska (ECR) tabled 28 amendments and her colleagues 141 voted on 11 October. She considers that the Commission proposal does not take into account particular vulnerabilities of women and girls. Broad support were found to better protect children, strengthen users' position vis-à-vis the digital platforms, fight violence and harmful content, access to data, adopt codes of conduct, identify all potential risks in digital environment, strengthen platforms' accountability and involve national bodies in the implementation of the directive. Rapporteur and shadows agreed that nothing illegal in the physical world offline should be tolerated online.