EP delegation to CBD - COP15 in Montreal

07-12-2022 - 15:29
Planet earth with animals and plants for biodiversity © Shutterstock

A delegation of nine Members from the ENVI committee will be in Montreal between 14 and 17 December to participate in the fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD - COP15).

The aim of the delegation, headed by MEP César Luena (S&D), is to look at the progress of agreeing an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Parliament will also be able to highlight the benefits for biodiversity of the proposal preliminarily agreed with Council on the EU Deforestation Regulation. This law will assure deforestation-free products and require companies to issue a due diligence statement on products such as palm oil, soy, coffee, cocoa, rubber, and wood. Members will meet with CBD actors, international organizations, civil society organizations, relevant stakeholders, third-country representatives as well as EU delegates.