Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)
As part of the ‘Fit for 55 package’, the Commission proposed a revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII). The overall objectives of the revision are to achieve an increase in the use of energy from renewable sources by 2030, to foster better energy system integration and to contribute to climate and environmental objectives including the protection of biodiversity. ENVI is associated under Rule 57 RoP with ITRE on this file. .
The enhanced EU climate ambition of 55% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2030 requires significantly higher shares of renewable energy sources in an integrated energy system. The current EU target of at least 32% renewable energy by 2030, set in the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII), is not sufficient and needs to be increased. At the same time, new accompanying measures in different sectors in line with the Energy System Integration, the Hydrogen, the Offshore Renewable Energy and the Biodiversity Strategies are required to achieve this increased target. The revision of REDII also aims at contributing to the EU's technological and industrial leadership along with the creation of jobs and economic growth. The ENVI Rapporteur prepared his draft opinion in December 2021 and it will be considered in the ENVI Committee on 2 February 2022
ENVI Rapporteur
Nils TORVALDS (Renew)
Consideration of draft report in ENVI: 2/02/2022
Deadline for amendments : 9/02/2022
Vote in ENVI: 15-17 /05/2022
Vote ITRE: July 2022