Multiannual calls
Multiannual calls
Directorate C - DG FINS Directorate-General for Finance
- Contract notice published in OJ S 42/2024 - 00121023 on 28/02/2024
- TED Reference: 2024/S 42-121023
- EP Reference: EP/FINS 2024-104
For details see tender documentation:-
Call for Expressions of Interest
EN (97 KB)Download in PDF format -
Annex I: Model of Standard Audit Report with unqualified opinion
EN (WORD - 142 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex II: Declaration on the applicant's honour on exclusion and selection criteria
EN (WORD - 327 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex III: Declaration of acceptance and written statement
EN (WORD - 97 KB)Download in DOC format
22/10/2020 INLO Direction de la Logistique
- Contract notice published in OJ/S206
- TED Reference: 2020/S 206-500667
- EP Reference: 06B30/2020/M063
- Contact address for questions:
For details see tender documentation: -
16/09/2019 - Directorate B - Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value
- EP Reference: EPRS/EVAL/SER/19/017CEI
For details see tender documentation:-
Call for Expressions of Interest
EN (1.3 MB)Download in PDF format -
Annex I: Application form
EN (WORD - 137 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex II: Declaration on the applicant’s honour concerning the exclusion and selection criteria
EN (WORD - 142 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex III: Legal Entity form
EN (EXCEL - 1 MB)Download in DOC format -
Annex IV: Draft order form
EN (47 KB)Download in PDF format -
Annex V: European Parliament's environmental policy EMAS
EN (1 MB)Download in PDF format -
Annex VI: EPRS Style guide
EN (1.4 MB)Download in PDF format -
Annex VII: EPRS Layout summary for documents commissioned
EN (WORD - 2.9 MB)Download in DOC format -
Annex VIII: Declaration on professional independence and absence of conflicts of interest
EN (WORD - 75 KB)Download in DOC format
09/09/2019 - Directorate B - Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value
- EP Reference: EPRS/ESMH/SER/19/001/CEI
- Contract notice published in N/A
- TED Reference: N/A
For details see tender documentation:-
Call for Expressions of Interest
EN (673 KB)Download in PDF format -
Annex I: Application form
EN (WORD - 158 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex II - Declaration on honour
EN (WORD - 139 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex III - Financial Identification Form
EN (EXCEL - 1 MB)Download in DOC format -
Annex IV - Information on the European Parliament's environmental policy
EN (47 KB)Download in PDF format -
Annex V - Draft Order Form
EN (WORD - 57 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex VI - Declaration on professional independence and absence of conflicts of interest
EN (WORD - 48 KB)Download in DOC format
- TED Reference: 2019/S 159-391887
- EP Reference: IP/A/ALL/CEI/2019-050
Open invitation to tender
For details see tender documentation:-
Call for Expressions of Interest
EN (161 KB)Download in PDF format -
Annex I - Application Form
EN (WORD - 48 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annex II - Financial Identification Form
EN (EXCEL - 1 MB)Download in DOC format -
Annexe III - Draft Order Form
EN (WORD - 98 KB)Download in DOC format -
Annexe IV - EMAS policy
EN (1.9 MB)Download in PDF format