Welcome from the Chair

As the elected Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, EU-Tajikistan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia (DCAS), it is my pleasure to welcome you to our webpages.

During my term, I aim to strengthen strategic relationships between the European Parliament and Central Asian States, together with political dialogue and promotion of human rights, trade and common security. The region is becoming even more crucial following the Russia's aggression to Ukraine, the radical change that took place in Afghanistan, the growing impact of climate change in Central Asia. Our parliamentary diplomacy has to play a very important role in promoting dialogue with our counterparts and promotion of core values of the European Union.
I look forward to guiding our Delegation with the fruitful support of all of you.


10th parliamentary term (2024-2029)

03-09-2024 - 17:49

During the first plenary sitting in Strasbourg of the newly-elected Parliament, MEPs approved the proposal on the number and numerical strength of the interparliamentary delegations.

Each of the 48 European Parliament's standing delegations will hold its constitutive meeting towards the end of September/beginning of October and will elect its respective bureau, comprising of a Chair and Vice-Chairs.

We will update this page as soon as the dates for the constitutive meetings have been confirmed.

European Parliament decision of 17 July 2024 on the number and numerical strength of the interparliamentary delegations

