Next Meeting of the DLAT Delegation: 17 February 2025
The next meeting of the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT) is scheduled for:
Monday 17 February 2025, 15.00-18.30,
The meeting will host the 5th High-Level Seminar of the Euroamerica Foundation under the title 'Latin America and the Caribbean, once again on the radar of European policy'.

At its constitutive meeting on 30 September 2024, the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT) elected the following Bureau members:

Gabriel Mato taking office as newly elected Chair of the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly on 30 September 2024.

In order to facilitate a swift start into the new legislative term, the Parliament has prepared for the new Members a series of brochures providing a detailed information on the EP's role in the external policies of the EU as well as the work of parliamentary standing delegations.