REPORT on the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education (COM(97)0422 - C4-0628/97 - 97/0224(CNS)) and on the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education. (COM(97)0422 - C40629/97 - 97/0225(CNS))

10 February 1998

Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media
Rapporteur: Mrs Odile Leperre-Verrier

By letter of 2 December 1997 the Council consulted Parliament, pursuant to Articles 126, 127 and 228(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, on the proposals for Council Decisions concerning the Community positions within the Association Councils on the participation of Poland and the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education.

At the sitting of 4 December 1997 the President of Parliament announced that he had referred these proposals to the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media as the committee responsible and the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment for their opinions.

At its meeting of 9 December 1997 the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media appointed Mrs Leperre-Verrier rapporteur.

It considered the Commission proposals and the draft report at its meetings of 21 January and 5 February 1998.

At the latter meeting it adopted the draft legislative resolutions unanimously.

The following took part in the vote/The following were present for the vote: Pex, chairman; Baldi and Ahlqvist, vice-chairmen; Leperre-Verrier, rapporteur; Añoveros Trias de Bes, Augias, Berend (for Escudero), Bianco (for Fontaine), Colajanni (for Barzanti), De Coene, De Esteban Martin (for Fontana), Elchlepp (for Evans), Guinebertière, Kerr, Kuhne, McCartin (for Banotti), Monfils, Ryynänen, Santini (for Boniperti), Sanz Fernández, Tongue and Vaz da Silva.

The opinion of the Committee on Budgets is attached; the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment decided on 26 November 1997 not to deliver an opinion.

The report was tabled on 10 February 1998.

The deadline for tabling amendments will be indicated in the draft agenda for the relevant partsession.


Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education (COM(97)0422 - C4-0628/97 - 97/0224(CNS))

The proposal is approved with the following amendments:

Text proposed by the Commission[1]

Amendments by Parliament

(Amendment 1)

Fourth recital a (new)

Having regard to the agreement between Parliament and the Commission on keeping Parliament informed of the work of the Commission's committees and attendance by Parliament at meetings of those committees, the terms of which are set out in Parliament's resolution of 24 October 1996(1).

1 OJ C 347, 18.11.1996, p. 111.

(Amendment 2)



The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part, concerning the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part, concerning the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

Should the budget of the European Union be required to fund a financial supplement, pursuant to Article 3 of the Additional Protocol to the agreements between the European Community and the Member State concerned (Poland), the Commission shall inform the budgetary authority thereof in advance.

The amounts concerned and the terms for the annual co-financing of the action shall appear in the remarks in Annex IV, Part B, Section III of the budget.

(Amendment 3)

Draft Decision of the Association Council

Terms and conditions for participation

Article 2

The terms and conditions for the submission, assessment and selection of applications related to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of Poland shall be the same as those applicable to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of the Community.

The terms and conditions for the submission, assessment and selection of applications related to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of Poland shall be the same as those applicable to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of the Community.

Language preparation and training activities concern the official languages of the Community. In exceptional circumstances, other languages could be accepted if the implementation of the programmes so requires.

Language preparation and training activities concern the official languages of the Community and, with a view to a global approach to integration in the EU, the official languages of the CEECs (future EU Member States), especially as some of them have official language status in the EU (e.g. Slovene in Carinthia, Styria and Italy).

(Amendment 4)

Draft Decision of the Association Council

Terms and conditions for participation

Article 3

To ensure the Community dimension of the Programmes, transnational projects and activities proposed by Poland will be required to include a minimum number of partners from the Member States of the Community. This minimum number will be decided in the framework of the implementation of the Programmes, taking into account the nature of the various activities, the number of partners in a given project, and the number of countries participating in the Programme. Projects and activities carried out solely between Poland and the EFTA-EEA States or any other third country, including those with an association agreement with the Community, to which participation in the programmes is open, shall not be eligible for Community financial support.

To ensure the Community dimension of the Programmes, transnational projects and activities proposed by Poland will be required to include a minimum number of partners from the Member States of the Community. This minimum number will be decided in the framework of the implementation of the Programmes, taking into account the nature of the various activities, the number of partners in a given project, and the number of countries participating in the Programme. Poland shall be involved from the outset in such decisions. Projects and activities carried out solely between Poland and the EFTA-EEA States or any other third country, including those with an association agreement with the Community, to which participation in the programmes is open, shall not be eligible for Community financial support.

(Amendment 5)

Draft Decision of the Association Council

Terms and conditions for participation

Article 7

Without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Commission and the Community's Court of Auditors in relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the programmes pursuant to Articles 10, 9 and 8 of Leonardo da Vinci, Youth for Europe and Socrates decisions respectively, the participation of Poland in the programmes shall be continuously monitored on a partnership basis involving the Commission and Poland. Poland shall submit to the Commission relevant reports and take part in other specific activities set out by the Community to this end.

Without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Commission and the Community's Court of Auditors in relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the programmes pursuant to Articles 10, 9 and 8 of Leonardo da Vinci, Youth for Europe and Socrates decisions respectively, the participation of Poland in the programmes shall be continuously monitored on a partnership basis involving the Commission and Poland. Poland shall submit to the Commission relevant reports and take part in other specific activities set out by the Community to this end.

At the end of the programme, a steering committee shall draw up an extremely precise assessment of the activities undertaken and of their impact on the adaptation of school and university educational systems, training and the integration of young people into working life, their integration in terms of European citizenship and their situation in general.

Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education (COM(97)0422 - C4-0628/97 - 97/0224(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council, COM(97)0422[2]FNOJ C <,

- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Articles 126 and 127 of the EC Treaty and Article 228(3), first subparagraph, thereof (C4-0628/97),

- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,

- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinion of the Committee on Budgets (A4-0057/98),

1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;

2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;

3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;

6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.

  • [1] () OJ C 337, 7.11.1997, p. 20.
  • [2] () OJ C 337, 7.11.1997, p. 20.


Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education (COM(97)0422 - C4-0629/97 - 97/0225(CNS))

The proposal is approved with the following amendments:

Text proposed by the Commission[1]

Amendments by Parliament

(Amendment 1)

Fourth recital a (new)

Having regard to the agreement between Parliament and the Commission on keeping Parliament informed of the work of the Commission's committees and attendance by Parliament at meetings of those committees, the terms of which are set out in Parliament's resolution of 24 October 1996(1).

1 OJ C 347, 18.11.1996, p. 111.

(Amendment 2)



The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

Should the budget of the European Union be required to fund a financial supplement, pursuant to Article 3 of the Additional Protocol to the agreements between the European Community and the Member State concerned (the Slovak Republic), the Commission shall inform the budgetary authority thereof in advance.

The amounts concerned and the terms for the annual co-financing of the action shall appear in the remarks in Annex IV, Part B Section III of the budget.

(Amendment 3)

Draft Decision of the Association Council

Terms and conditions for participation

Article 2

The terms and conditions for the submission, assessment and selection of applications related to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of the Slovak Republic shall be the same as those applicable to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of the Community.

The terms and conditions for the submission, assessment and selection of applications related to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of the Slovak Republic shall be the same as those applicable to eligible institutions, organisations and individuals of the Community.

Language preparation and training activities concern the official languages of the Community. In exceptional circumstances, other languages could be accepted if the implementation of the programmes so requires.

Language preparation and training activities concern the official languages of the Community and, with a view to a global approach to integration in the EU, the official languages of the CEECs (future EU Member States), especially as some of them have official language status in the EU (e.g. Slovene in Carinthia, Styria and Italy).

(Amendment 4)

Draft Decision of the Association Council

Terms and conditions for participation

Article 3

To ensure the Community dimension of the Programmes, transnational projects and activities proposed by the Slovak Republic will be required to include a minimum number of partners from the Member States of the Community. This minimum number will be decided in the framework of the implementation of the Programmes, taking into account the nature of the various activities, the number of partners in a given project, and the number of countries participating in the Programme. Projects and activities carried out solely between the Slovak Republic and the EFTA-EEA States or any other third country, including those with an association agreement with the Community, to which participation in the programmes is open, shall not be eligible for Community financial support.

To ensure the Community dimension of the Programmes, transnational projects and activities proposed by the Slovak Republic will be required to include a minimum number of partners from the Member States of the Community. This minimum number will be decided in the framework of the implementation of the Programmes, taking into account the nature of the various activities, the number of partners in a given project, and the number of countries participating in the Programme. The Slovak Republic shall be involved from the outset in such decisions. Projects and activities carried out solely between the Slovak Republic and the EFTAEEA States or any other third country, including those with an association agreement with the Community, to which participation in the programmes is open, shall not be eligible for Community financial support.

(Amendment 5)

Draft Decision of the Association Council

Terms and conditions for participation

Article 7

Without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Commission and the Community's Court of Auditors in relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the programmes pursuant to Articles 10, 9 and 8 of Leonardo da Vinci, Youth for Europe and Socrates decisions respectively, the participation of the Slovak Republic in the programmes shall be continuously monitored on a partnership basis involving the Commission and the Slovak Republic. The Slovak Republic shall submit to the Commission relevant reports and take part in other specific activities set out by the Community to this end.

Without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Commission and the Community's Court of Auditors in relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the programmes pursuant to Articles 10, 9 and 8 of Leonardo da Vinci, Youth for Europe and Socrates decisions respectively, the participation of the Slovak Republic in the programmes shall be continuously monitored on a partnership basis involving the Commission and the Slovak Republic. The Slovak Republic shall submit to the Commission relevant reports and take part in other specific activities set out by the Community to this end.

At the end of the programme, a steering committee shall draw up an extremely precise assessment of the activities undertaken and of their impact on the adaptation of school and university educational systems, training and the integration of young people into working life, their integration in terms of European citizenship and their situation in general.

Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education (COM(97)0422 - C4-0629/97 - 97/0225(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council, COM(97)0422[2]FNOJ C <,

- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Articles 126 and 127 of the EC Treaty and Article 228(3), first subparagraph, thereof (C4-0629/97),

- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,

- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinion of the Committee on Budgets (A4-0057/98),

1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;

2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;

3. Calls on the Council to incorporate Parliament's amendments in the common position that it adopts in accordance with Article 189c(a) of the EC Treaty;

4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;

5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;

6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.

  • [1] () OJ C 337, 7.11.1997, p. 20.
  • [2] () OJ C 337, 7.11.1997, p. 20.



All the additional protocols to the Europe Agreements relating to participation by the countries of central Europe in Community programmes have now entered into force. The Council Decisions concerning the Community positions within the Association Councils on the participation of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education have been adopted following consultation of Parliament[1].

Poland and the Slovak Republic have now confirmed that they wish to participate in these programmes and that they are prepared to make the corresponding financial contributions.

The participation of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania, and now Poland and the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education is based on two concepts.

Firstly, these various programmes, which began to be implemented in 1994 and 1995, provide for the association of a number of CEECs, firstly as third countries, then, in a second phase and progressively, as full partners.

Secondly, the Association Councils set up with a view to enlargement have indicated that they wish to make 'education, youth and training' the first link in the chain of joint activities undertaken with the five countries which have already signed Additional Protocols. This is an important political decision.

At the request of the Dublin European Council, the Commission has proposed strengthening the preaccession strategy for all applicant countries in Central and Eastern Europe, irrespective of the progress each of them has made with transition. This pre-accession strategy is intended in particular to familiarize applicant countries with the Union's policies and procedures by giving them the opportunity to take part in Community programmes.

Having analysed the decision proposed by the Commission to the various Association Councils and recalling the views on enlargement expressed by Parliament in its resolution of 4 December 1997, it would be appropriate to consider, as Parliament did during the debate on participation by Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania, whether, in the light of the enlargement procedure already initiated, the method and the instruments are commensurate with the objectives selected.


Background to the decision

Following the signing in 1996 of additional protocols with five CEECs (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania), the Association Councils considered and laid down in detail the procedures for the participation of those countries in Community programmes. It was decided to begin with the programmes concerning education, training and youth. Other agreements should be signed subsequently in the fields of culture, the environment and health, social policy, etc.

We cannot but welcome the fact that cooperation in the fields of education and youth has been selected as a priority, since that option had been confirmed on several occasions by Mr van den Broek, Commissioner responsible for matters connected with enlargement. It is true that education and training are essential elements in the rapprochement of nations, and it goes without saying that young people are the basis of the future. Furthermore, exchanges in this field already exist; as we indicated in the introduction, the three programmes concerned, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates and Youth for Europe, may support actions integrating countries of Central and Eastern Europe, while the Tempus Programme, introduced in 1990 as part of the Phare and Tacis programmes, has laid the foundations for cooperation in the university field (logistical and technical support, exchanges of students and teachers, etc.).

Accordingly, we may take the view that the conditions required for the participation of Poland and the Slovak Republic, which have stated their wish to be associated with these programmes, are now in place.

The participation agreement

Under this agreement, Poland and the Slovak Republic may participate in all the activities listed under the three programmes, the objective of which is set out in Annex 1. All the CEECs are to have access to these programmes on an equal footing, which corresponds to Parliament's general approach to enlargement. Nevertheless, in order to be eligible, the proposed activities must concern a minimum number of partners from the European Union.

Furthermore, these two countries will be associated in the monitoring of their participation in the programmes, they will be invited to attend coordination meetings prior to management committee meetings, and they will be informed of the outcome of those meetings. But it is for them to set up or make available the national structures and mechanisms required for their participation.

As regards the financial aspect, the amount to be provided by the Community to supplement these country's contributions was entered in the 1997 budget, in Article B7-503. Commitments relating to this expenditure must be entered into before 31 March 1998. Poland has also been allowed to use up to 10% of its Phare funding allocation. Its annual contribution is ECU 6 420 00 from 1997, and the Community may pay a supplement not exceeding 10% of the national indicative programme. The Slovak Republic has entered in its national budget 50% of the cost of participating in the programmes and, subject to the customary Phare programming procedures, the remaining 50% will come from the Slovak Republic's Phare annual national indicative programmes.

It should be noted that the financial contribution of these countries must cover the subsidies and aid granted to their national participants under the programmes, the operation of the national agencies and additional management costs borne by the European Commission as a result of their participation. Furthermore, the aggregate amount of subsidies and aid received must not exceed the financial contribution paid.

This is, therefore, a proper participation agreement concluded between partners and not an aid programme. This is an important influence, because the CEECs have sometimes felt that they were the poor relations receiving aid from the European Union. In the evaluation of the Tempus Programme, the problem of creating a genuine partnership was raised on a number of occasions. It is, therefore, particularly important that, as regards the association with Community programmes, the CEECs concerned should feel that they were on an equal footing.


Although there are no major obstacles to the participation of Poland and the Slovak Republic in these programmes concerning education, training and youth, and while this approach, as we have already emphasized, constitutes a positive political advance, some questions still remain to be answered.

Evaluation of the programmes

The Leonardo, Socrates and Youth for Europe programmes adopted under the codecision procedure were implemented during 1995. In general terms, these programmes seek:

(a) an improvement in the quality of European citizenship based on mutual comprehension and solidarity between young Europeans;

(b) the gradual establishment of a European education and training area;

(c) high-quality creative and outgoing education capable of responding to the challenges of our time.

Those programmes have now reached the half-way stage and are therefore ready for evaluation. That is why your rapporteur wonders whether it would not have been preferable to wait for this initial evaluation before taking other partners on board.

We must be aware that these three programmes operate in synergy with other activities that the European Union is undertaking in the fields of education, training and youth. Article 126 of the Maastricht Treaty entrusted the Union with powers in this field. However limited they may be, they do demonstrate a genuine determination to act.

Accordingly, the White Paper entitled 'Teaching and Learning - Towards the Learning Society' defines the priorities of an education which is capable of carrying out its traditional tasks while integrating the new economic, technological and, above all, human aspects. Similarly, the European Voluntary Service is an additional step towards affirming European citizenship. In this way, the place of young people and their integration into working life have become a major preoccupation of the European Union, and we cannot but regret the absence of support measures with regard to the signatory states.

The situation of young people within the CEECs

My second question concerns the CEECs and their requirements as regards education and training, particularly with a view to enlargement.

On the one hand, we cannot ignore the situation of young people in some of those countries: unemployment, uncertainty and delinquency are too frequently their fate, while children constitute an extremely vulnerable group. Of course, it is not really in the nature of these programmes to seek a solution to problems of this nature, or at least not directly, although they claim to address themselves to young disadvantaged people; it would therefore be naive to think that a cure for these serious problems can be found in the activities which they propose. But it would be just as illusory if, on the grounds of political or media considerations, a veil were cast over this quite worrying reality. In this respect, during the May 1997 part-session and in the wake of a very hard-hitting UNICEF report, the European Parliament adopted an emergency resolution on the situation of children in Central and Eastern Europe[2]. Some proposals have been made with a view to ensuring that children are better protected and that respect for their rights is guaranteed in those countries. Rather than drawing up a specific programme as advocated, it might be preferable to consider that Socrates or Youth for Europe may provide an initial framework for such activities.

Furthermore, Poland and the Slovak Republic, like all the CEECs, are themselves faced with the problem of adapting their educational systems, not only in relation to the European Union but also in the current context of globalization and the development of new information technologies. The three programmes concerned may constitute answers and a not inconsiderable aid, but the multidirectional character of their activities does not oblige them to respond to those objectives.

The enlargement procedure, of which the principle of free movement and mutual recognition of diplomas are a corollary, presupposes genuine advances in education. The Turin European Foundation for Training is actively concerned, and the Tempus Programme is making an active contribution in the university field, but it would undoubtedly have been useful to establish with each of the countries concerned priority objectives and initiate, along the lines of the Tempus Programme, a framework programme of action for education and youth in the CEECs concerned.

The enlargement process presupposes that quite a number of stages will be involved. Socrates, Leonardo and Youth for Europe are merely footbridges. The real bridges remain to be built.


In conclusion, five issues deserve to be taken into account:

(a) Now that all five conditions are met, it would be appropriate to approve the three association agreements proposed by the Council and Commission to Poland and the Slovak Republic.

(b) The association of those three countries to the Leonardo, Socrates and Youth For Europe programmes should enable them, firstly, to familiarize themselves with the way the European institutions operate and with the procedures and management of Community programmes and, secondly, to promote better mutual understanding, assisting the rapprochement between the various Member States and the CEECs concerned.

(c) The Union must also pay very close attention to the education situation so as to ensure respect for the rights of minorities such as the Hungarian minority in the Slovak Republic.

(d) With a view to enlargement, the activities undertaken under these various programmes and the requirements of each country as regards education, training and youth should be put in perspective so that priority objectives may be established.

(e) At the end of the programme, a steering committee should draw up an extremely precise assessment of the activities undertaken and of their impact on the adaptation of the school and university educational systems, training and the integration of young people into working life, on their integration in terms of European citizenship and their situation in general.

  • [1] () OJ C 286, 22.9.1997, p. 16.
  • [2] () B4-0371/97 - OJ C 167, 2.6.1997, p. 155.




This programme basically aims at improving vocational training, either as regards initial training or the integration of young people into working life. Its aim is the enhancement of the continuous training instruments within the Member States and support for the training activities, including cooperation between universities and undertakings. It also makes an important contribution to innovation as regards vocational training and ensures that account is taken of the new technologies.


This is primarily a programme to promote student mobility and encourage the learning of foreign languages. Nevertheless, all levels of education are involved, including primary and secondary. It has three aims:

1. Mutual recognition of diplomas.

2. Primary and secondary schools.

3. To introduce horizontal measures as regards the learning of languages, including lesser-used languages.


This programme seeks to promote exchanges between and mobility of young people within the European Union. Its aim is to improve, develop and diversify youth exchanges outside traditional educational and vocational training systems.

Two types of measures are involved:

1. Direct financial aid and advice for the organization of exchange projects.

2. Study visits or assistance for the advisory officers and senior staff involved in running exchange bodies.


(Rule 147 of the Rules of Procedure)

for the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media

on the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education (COM(97)0422 - 97/0224(CNS)) and the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education. (COM(97)0422 - 97/0225(CNS)) (rapporteur: Mrs Leperre-Verrier)

Committee on Budgets

Letter from the chairman of the Committee on Budgets to Mr Pex, chairman of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media

Brussels, 25 November 1997

Dear Mr Pex,

At its meeting of 24 November 1997, the Committee on Budgets considered the two proposals mentioned above.

It noted that these proposals followed on from three previous proposals concerning the participation of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education. The two new proposals also include the adoption of the terms and conditions for participation by Poland and the Slovak Republic in the Leonardo da Vinci, Youth for Europe and Socrates programmes on the same footing as the Member States. Participation will be effective from 1997 until the accession of the countries concerned in line with decisions taken at budgetary level beyond 1999.

1. The budgetary questions on which the committee has focused are as follows:

(a) A revenue heading where the national contributions are to be entered for participation in the three programmes provided for by Article 3(1) of the additional protocols.

A sum of ECU 10.51 m will thus be paid by Poland for the three financial years 1997, 1998 and 1999.

A sum of ECU 6.97 m will be paid by the Slovak Republic for the same three years.

These appropriations will be entered under item 6091 of the revenue section.

(b) An expenditure heading covering the European Union's contribution to participation in these programmes by the countries concerned. This contribution is broken down as follows:

* The European Union's contribution proper, in other words 97% of the total annual cost of the action in 1997, 87% in 1998 and 77% in 1999 funded from appropriations for the Phare programme under line B7-500 for Poland; 50% for the Slovak Republic.

* A possible supplementary contribution not exceeding 10% of the annual national indicative programme and funded from heading B7-503: Opening up Community programmes to associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe;

2. In other words, line B7-503 serves to accommodate appropriations from line B7-500 which are in transit and intended for item 6091 in the revenue section, into which the national contributions of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are also to be paid.

The Commission will then make a payment from the revenue section to the expenditure lines for the programmes concerned.










Slovak Republic





EU PHARE (B7-500 + B7-503)










3. The Committee on Budgets was critical of the complexity and lack of clarity both in the financial statement, particularly points 5.3 and 7.1, and in the procedure itself.

It therefore feels that, in the interests of transparency, the Commission, while attempting to simplify this procedure, should keep the budgetary authority informed of movements of appropriations as regards both revenue and expenditure (Amendment No 2).

4. In this connection , the committee recalled that Parliament adopted an amendment at first reading creating an Annex IV entitled: List of budget lines open to associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Cyprus and Malta.

The aim was to ensure greater transparency in the co-financing actions carried out in cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with a view to accession.

The Commission is therefore asked to include these programmes and their respective costs to the EU budget and the applicant countries in the above-mentioned annex, giving details of the budgetary lines concerned (Amendment No 2).

5. With regard to administrative expenditure, the Commission is requesting a temporary A post and a C post to cover the extension of these programmes at a cost of ECU 495 000 over 3 years (1997-1999) with effect from 1997. The Committee on Budgets wanted to know what use the Commission intends to make of the payments to be made by the third countries to the administrative section of the revenue budget, which for the two countries totalled ECU 4 310 m over the three-year period in question (1997-1999). In addition, it stresses once again that the Commission should seek to cover its additional human resources needs by means of redeployment (given that the application of the 'Liikanen facility' is not justified in this case).

6. The other administrative expenditure resulting from this operation is as follows:

- Technical assistance (A-1178/A238): ECU 3 908 960;

- Mission expenses (A-1300): ECU 60 000;

- Commitology (A-2500 and A-2510): ECU 342 000;

The Committee on Budgets noted that this expenditure is covered by the revenue received from Poland and the Slovak Republic, whereas the commitology expenses are to be charged to the EU budget.

It wishes to recall that, by virtue of the Williamson agreement between the Commission and Parliament, greater transparency in the work of committees is needed (Amendment No 1).

In the light of the above considerations, and while delivering a favourable opinion on the proposal, the Committee on Budgets invites the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media, which is the Committee responsible, to take into consideration the remarks set out above and include in its report the following amendments.

Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the

Community position within the Association Council

on the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training,

youth and education (COM(97)0422 - 97/0224 (CNS))

(Amendment 1)

Recital 5 (new)

Having regard to the agreement between Parliament and the Commission on keeping Parliament informed of the work of the Commission's committees and attendance by Parliament at meetings of those committees, the terms of which are set out in Parliament's resolution of 24 October 1996(1).

1 OJ C 347, 18.11.1996, p. 111.

(Amendment 2)



The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part, concerning the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part, concerning the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

Should the budget of the European Union be required to fund a financial supplement, pursuant to Article 3 of the Additional Protocol to the agreements between the European Community and the Member State concerned (Poland), the Commission shall inform the budgetary authority thereof in advance.

The amount concerned and the terms for the annual co-financing of the action shall appear in the remarks in Annex IV, part B Section III of the budget.

Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the

Community position within

the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic

in Community programmes in the fields of training,

youth and education (COM(97)0422 - 97/0225 (CNS))

(Amendment 1)

Recital 5 (new)

Having regard to the agreement between Parliament and the Commission on keeping Parliament informed of the work of the Commission's committees and attendance by Parliament at meetings of those committees, the terms of which are set out in Parliament's resolution of 24 October 1996(1).

1 OJ C 347, 18.11.1996, p. 111.

(Amendment 2)



The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

The position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education, is the attached draft decision of the Association Council.

Should the budget of the European Union be required to fund a financial supplement, pursuant to Article 3 of the Additional Protocol to the agreements between the European Community and the Member State concerned (Slovak Republic), the Commission shall inform the budgetary authority thereof in advance.

The amount concerned and the terms for the annual co-financing of the action shall appear in the remarks in Annex IV, part B Section III of the budget.

Yours sincerely,

Detlev Samland

The following were present for the vote: Samland, chairman; Giansily, vice-chairman; Adam (for Bösch), Alavanos (for Miranda), Böge, Brinkhorst, Garriga Polledo, Haug, Kaklamanis, KellettBowman (for Bardong), Kuckelkorn (for Colom I Naval), Müller, Rübig (for Bourlanges) and Virrankoski.