REPORT on the proposals for Council Decisions concerning the Community position within the Association Councils on the participation of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0319/98 to C4-0326/98 - 98/0145(CNS) to 98/0152(CNS))
4 September 1998
Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media
Rapporteur: Mrs Odile Leperre-Verrier
- By letters of 28 May 1998 the Council consulted Parliament, pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, on the proposals for Council decisions concerning the Community position within the Association Councils on the participation of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture.
By letters of 28 May 1998 the Council consulted Parliament, pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, on the proposals for Council decisions concerning the Community position within the Association Councils on the participation of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture.
At the sitting of 15 June 1998 the President of Parliament announced that he had referred this proposal to the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media as the committee responsible and to the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations for their opinions.
At its meeting of 4 June 1998 the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media had appointed Mrs Odile Leperre-Verrier rapporteur.
At its meetings of 23 June, 21 July and 2 September 1998, it considered the Commission proposals and the draft report.
At its meeting of 2 September 1998 the committee decided to apply the procedure without debate pursuant to Rule 99(1).
At the last of these meetings, it adopted the draft legislative resolution unanimously.
The following were present for the vote: Pex, chairman; Ahlqvist, Baldi and Hawlicek, vice-chairmen; Añoveros de Bes, Augias (for Elschlepp), Banotti, Boniperti (for Kristoffersen), De Coene, Evans, Feret, Fontaine (for Günther), Gröner, Guinebertiere, Junker (for Darras), Kerr, Kuhne, LeperreVerrier, rapporteur; Monfils, Morgan, Mouskouri (for Colombo Svevo), Pack, Perry, Poisson, Ryynänen, Tongue and Vaz da Silva.
The opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations are attached.
The report was tabled on 4 September 1998.
The deadline for tabling amendments will be indicated in the draft agenda for the part-session at which the report is to be considered.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Bulgaria in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0319/98 - 98/0145(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Bulgaria, of the other part, concerning the participation of Bulgaria in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Bulgaria, of the other part, concerning the participation of Bulgaria in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Bulgaria will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform Bulgaria about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Bulgaria will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Bulgaria in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0319/98 - 98/0145(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0145(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0319/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Czech Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0320/98 - 98/0146(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Czech Republic in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Czech Republic in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, the Czech Republic will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform the Czech Republic about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, the Czech Republic will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Czech Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C40320/98 - 98/0146(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0146(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0320/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Estonia in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0321/98 - 98/0147(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Estonia, of the other part, concerning the participation of Estonia in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Estonia, of the other part, concerning the participation of Estonia in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Estonia will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform Estonia about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Estonia will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Estonia in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0321/98 - 98/0147(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0147(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0321/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Hungary in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0322/98 - 98/0148(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Hungary, of the other part, concerning the participation of Hungary in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Hungary, of the other part, concerning the participation of Hungary in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Hungary will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform Hungary about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Hungary will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Hungary in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0322/98 - 98/0148(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0148(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0322/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Lithuania in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0323/98 - 98/0149(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
1OJ C 182, 12.6.1998, p. 21
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Lithuania, of the other part, concerning the participation of Lithuania in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Lithuania, of the other part, concerning the participation of Lithuania in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Lithuania will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform Lithuania about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Lithuania will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Lithuania in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0323/98 - 98/0149(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0149(CNS))[1],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0323/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
- [1] () OJ C 182, 12.6.1998, p. 21
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Poland in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0324/98 - 98/0150(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Poland, of the other part, concerning the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Poland, of the other part, concerning the participation of Poland in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Poland will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform Poland about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Poland will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Poland in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0324/98 - 98/0150(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0150(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0324/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Romania in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0325/98 - 98/0151(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part, concerning the participation of Romania in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part, concerning the participation of Romania in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Romania will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform Romania about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, Romania will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of Romania in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0325/98 - 98/0151(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239) - 98/0151(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0325/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0326/98 - 98/0152(CNS))
This proposal is approved with the following amendments:
(Amendment 1)
Recital 3a (new)
Having regard to the fundamental role played by culture in bringing peoples together and in the emergence of European citizenship and the consequent need to involve the applicant countries in this process; |
(Amendment 2)
Recital 3b (new)
Whereas the revival of cultural activity will have positive effects on the economic and social development of the applicant countries and on their democratic functioning; |
(Amendment 3)
Recital 3c (new)
Whereas, with reference to Article 128 of the Union Treaty, it is important to foster cultural expression in the applicant countries, while respecting their cultural diversity and the minorities of which they are composed. |
(Amendment 4)
Recital 3d (new)
Whereas, irrespective of the transitional stage in which the European Union's cultural programmes find themselves, it is essential to involve the countries concerned on a lasting basis and at least during this intermediate three-year period; |
(Amendment 5)
Recital 4 (new)
Whereas revenue originating in third countries is earmarked to the abovementioned programmes and entered as such on the corresponding expenditure line. |
(Amendment 6)
Has decided as follows: | Has decided as follows: |
- the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. | - the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the participation of the Slovak Republic in Community programmes in the field of culture, is that set out in the attached draft decision of the Association Council. |
- the annual breakdown of appropriations intended to finance this operation shall, pursuant to Article 109 of the Europe Agreement establishing an association referred to in the first recital, appear in Annex IV, part B, section III of the budget of the European Union; |
(Amendment 7)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 7
7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, the Slovak Republic will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees. The Commission will inform the Slovak Republic about the results of such regular meetings. | 7. Without prejudice to the procedures referred to in Article 5 of the Decision on Kaleidoscope, Article 5 of the Decision on Ariane and Article 7 of the Decision on Raphael, the Slovak Republic will be invited to any coordination meetings on questions concerning the implementation of this Decision prior to the regular meetings of the Programme Committees, to which the associate country may send an observer in order to benefit directly from the lessons of Community experience and possibly express its point of view, without however being able directly to influence the decisions. |
(Amendment 8)
Proposal for a decision on the Association Council
Annex I, paragraph 8
8. The language to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be one of the official languages of the Community. | 8. The language or languages to be used as regards the application process, contracts, reports to be submitted and other administrative arrangements for the Programmes will be the official languages of the Community. This should not however have the effect of completely excluding the language or languages of the associate country, especially at the level of informal negotiations. |
Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council decision on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community position within the Association Council on the participation of the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0326/98 - 98/0152(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(98)0239)98/0152(CNS))[2],
- having been consulted by the Council pursuant to Article 128(3) in conjunction with Article 228(3), first subparagraph (C4-0326/98),
- having regard to Rule 58 of its Rules of Procedure,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Economic Relations (A4-0301/98),
1. Approves the Commission proposal, subject to Parliament's amendments;
2. Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty;
3. Calls on the Council to notify Parliament should it intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
4. Calls for the conciliation procedure to be opened should the Council intend to depart from the text approved by Parliament;
5. Asks to be consulted again should the Council intend to make substantial modifications to the Commission proposal;
6. Instructs its President to forward this opinion to the Council and Commission.
Following the association of five central and eastern European countries with Community programmes on training, education and youth, and several projects for formal involvement in audiovisual programmes or framework research programmes, eight CEECs have now applied to take part for three years in the European Union's cultural programmes (Kaleidoscope, Ariane and Raphaël); the countries concerned are Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
This decision forms part of the pre-accession strategy for certain central and eastern European countries which was introduced with the signing of additional protocols providing for the participation of these countries in Community programmes, and has since been reaffirmed in AGENDA 2000 and at the Luxembourg European Council last December.
The association agreement and its application
This agreement provides for the possible association of these countries in the three Community programmes on culture (Kaleidoscope, Ariane and Raphaël) set up under decisions which entered into force on 29 March 1996, 6 October and 13 October 1997 respectively. It will be recalled that in 1997 Raphaël funded some 100 projects involving development of the cultural heritage, Ariane assisted, among other things, 70 translations of literary works from and into Community languages and Kaleidoscope gave support to 52 cultural events, in the visual and the performing arts, involving hundreds of participants.
However, it should be pointed out that certain countries have opted to be only partly involved in these programmes. The Czech Republic, for example, has only subscribed to Raphaël, while Bulgaria will take part only in Kaleidoscope and Ariane.
Under these agreements, and in accordance with the procedures common to all Community programmes, the eight countries concerned will be able to take part in all actions falling within the framework of the three programmes. They will be involved in the monitoring of their participation in the programmes and will be invited to the coordination meetings prior to the meetings of the management committees, but it will be up to them to set up or make available the national structures necessary for their participation.
As regards finance, the countries are called upon to contribute to the budget for these programmes, but they will have the option of using their PHARE appropriations (see the attached table on financing). As a general rule, it should be noted that the national contribution comes to 50%. However certain countries will remain below this figure as the contribution from the national budgets is limited to the cost of administrative management.
The appropriations necessary for the 1998 financial year have been entered in the budget and the relevant countries have taken an active part in the invitations to tender, pending the final decision of Parliament and the Council concerning this association arrangement. Account must therefore be taken of this desire to take part, even if the cultural programmes are currently in a transitional stage, and of the highly specific context of their renewal.
A specific context:
At Community level the cultural programmes are currently in a somewhat delicate situation. Two programmes (Kaleidoscope and Ariane) will expire at the end of the year, while Raphaël is due to be revised on that date. Moreover, some very painful budgetary restrictions are currently being imposed on culture.
A new framework programme is due to see the light of day in the year 2000. However, the 1999 financial year is by no means assured, given that the recent judgment of the Court of Justice concerning temporary and experimental measures places strict limits on the leeway enjoyed by the Commission.
In spite of this difficult context, however, the European Commission has decided to press ahead and propose decisions covering a thee-year period. These decisions are tailored to the funding that the CEECs can afford and should enable them to derive immediate benefit from the programmes. It is extremely important, in spite of the current difficulties, for the countries concerned to be able to take part in actions which, in political and social terms, should enable them to make progress along the road to European integration.
Obviously, at a time of economic transition, when everything needs to be rebuilt, to concern oneself with works of art, culture or safeguarding the heritage might seem to be a luxury, far removed from everyday concerns. But, as Commissioner Oreja recently pointed out, this would be to forget that the prime mover of European integration is not material, but moral and cultural - to safeguard peace for nations whose differences, though doubtless considerable, pale into insignificance when set against their common European culture and past.
It is right therefore that, even in the midst of the difficulties of the transition, a range of measures, though limited in scope and number, should recapture something of this original enthusiasm, bearing in mind at the same time that attention to cultural matters means more than an attachment to the past and to the heritage, no matter how glorious; but it also involves creation.
Moreover, if in these countries with their rich cultural heritage, the administration of culture were to be reorganised on a decentralised basis, this would help to rebuild a civil society which is still cruelly lacking and would encourage social and democratic forms of expression.
Although Parliament has been consulted only belatedly on this matter and in spite of the difficulties discussed above, your rapporteur advocates that Parliament should give swift approval to this association proposal.
However, she urges the Commission and the Council to take account of the following points:
1. The agreement concluded by the European Union with states has also, through them, been concluded with peoples and citizens, who are characterised by linguistic and cultural diversity. They must therefore, as provided by Article 128(1) of the Treaty on European Union, be taken into account.
2. The transitional period in which the cultural programmes now find themselves entails the need for a clause which guarantees full involvement of the countries concerned in the solutions which are found, particularly during the year of transition between the old programmes and the new framework programme.
3. The participation of eight countries in the programmes should eventually lead to equal treatment in terms of management (the cost of which they will moreover bear themselves). Even if the current operating rules do not yet allow full participation with voting rights in the management committees in which the Member States are represented, the associate countries should at least be able to make their voices heard in them, particularly as their projects will be selected at the same time as the others, in accordance with the same rules and without special quotas.
4. Similarly, the Commission should make arrangements at least occasionally, at the request of the countries concerned, for their languages to be used, which would be a way of recognising their cultural identity.
Poland (1 March 1997) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 248 864In 1998: 3% national budget,1999: 13% national budget2000: 23% national budget.Remainder taken from Phare |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 70 700In 1998: 3% national budget,1999: 13% national budget2000: 23% national budget.Remainder taken from Phare |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 305 424In 1998: 3% national budget,1999: 13% national budget2000: 23% national budget.Remainder taken from Phare |
Czech Republic(1 February 1996) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 154 900i.e. 46% national budget, remainder from Phare | ||
Slovakia (1 July 1996) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 42 152i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 11 975i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 51 732i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Hungary (1 February 1996) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 85 536i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 18 653i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 104 976i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Romania (1 August 1996) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 120 736i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 18 653i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 137 323i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Bulgaria (1 August 1996) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 54 991i.e. ECU 0 in the national budgetECU 54 991 from Phare |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 22 628i.e. ECU 0 in the national budgetECU 22 628 from Phare |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 57 150In 1998: ECU 0 in the national budget, ECU 57 150 from PhareIn 1999: 11.4% national budget, remainder taken from PhareIn 2000: 30% national budget, remainder taken from Phare |
Estonia (1 February 1998) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 8 008In 1998: > 85% national budgetRemainder taken from Phare |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 2 275i.e. 50% national budget50% Phare approp. |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 9 828In 1998: ECU 1409In 1999/2000: 12% national budget, remainder taken from Phare |
Lithuania(1 February 1998) |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 18 744In 1998: 10% national budget1999: 30% national budget2000: 50% national budgetRemainder taken from Phare |
Contribution (exc. administration): ECU 23 004In 1998: 90% national budget1999: 70% national budget2000: 50% national budgetRemainder taken from Phare |
(Rule 147)
for the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media
on the proposals for Council Decisions concerning the Community position within the Association Councils on the participation of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture (COM(98)0239 - C4-0319/98 to C4-0326/98 - 98/0145(CNS) to 98/0152(CNS)) (report by
Mrs Leperre-Verrier).
Committee on External Economic Relations
Letter from the chairman of the committee to Mr Pex, Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media
Brussels, ... July 1998
Dear Mr Pex,
At its meeting of 22 and 23 July 1998 the Committee on External Economic Relations considered the proposals for Council Decisions concerning the Community position within the Association Councils on the participation of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture.
The Community's cultural policy aims to help the cultures of Europe flourish whilst respecting national diversity yet also emphasizing our common cultural heritage.
The present proposals for decisions concern the participation of the above countries in the following initiatives:
- 'Kaleidoscope', establishing a support programme for artistic and cultural activities with a European dimension;
- 'Ariane', establishing a support programme in the area of books and reading;
- 'Raphael', establishing a programme in the field of cultural heritage.
In accordance with the provisions of the Europe Agreements or their additional protocols concerning these countries' participation in Community programmes, the countries will themselves meet the costs arising from their participation. They are, however, entitled to use some of the resources from their national Phare programmes to supplement contributions from their own budgets.
It is very important to involve these countries in an appropriate way in the management and decision-making processes of the programmes to which they will contribute financially.
In this regard, it is proposed to involve them closely in the monitoring of their participation in the programmes, to invite them to coordination meetings prior to the meetings of the management committees, and to keep them informed of the outcome of those meetings.
Offering these countries the opportunity to participate actively in the Community's policies in this area is a matter of considerable political importance, as part of the reinforced pre-accession strategy.
In practice, the conditions and arrangements governing the submission, assessment and selection of applications made by eligible institutions, organizations and individuals in these countries will be the same as those applicable to eligible institutions, organizations and individuals in the Community.
In order to ensure that the programmes have a Community dimension, the transnational projects and activities proposed by these countries will be required to include a minimum number of partners from the Community Member States. This minimum number will be determined, in the context of the implementation of the programmes, by taking into account the nature of the various activities, the number of partners for a given project and the number of countries participating in the programmes.
Each of the countries concerned will make an annual contribution to the general budget of the European Communities to cover the cost of its participation in the programmes. The Association Committee may adjust this contribution, which covers the financial support received under the programmes by participants in the countries concerned and the additional administrative costs relating to the management of the programmes by the Commission arising from the participation of each country.
These countries should ideally be able to participate in the Community's cultural policy as soon as possible, i.e. from 1998.
In the light of the Europe agreements establishing an association between each of these states and the European Union, the obligations stemming from them, the evolving nature of relations between these countries and the European Union, which should eventually lead to them joining the Union, and, in this context, the vital importance of strengthening cultural links between all the peoples of Europe, the Committee on External Economic Relations attaches the utmost importance to the implementation of the proposals for decisions under consideration and approved them unanimously.[1]
(sgd) Lucia Castellina
- [1] () The following Members were present for the vote: Castellina, chairman; Moniz, vice-chairman; Hindley, Malerba (for Tajani), Moorhouse, Sonneveld (for Schwaiger) and Valdivielso de Cué.
(Rule 147 of the Rules of Procedure)
for the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media
on the proposal for Council Decisions on the Community position within the Association Councils on the participation of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the Community programmes in the field of culture
(COM(98)0239 - C4-0319/98 - C4-0326/98 - 98/0145(CNS) - 98/0152(CNS))
Committee on Budgets
Letter from the committee chairman to Mr Pex, chairman of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media
Brussels, 2 September 1998
Dear Mr Pex,
The Committee on Budgets considered the above subject at its meeting of 2 September 1998.
The committee noted that this proposal aims to define the arrangements for the above countries' participation in Community cultural programmes from 1998. Apart from the mutual benefit to the countries involved, such participation plays an important part in the general context of the enhanced preaccession strategy, as a means of familiarising applicant countries with Community working methods and decision-making procedures.
The Commission presents the arrangements for the applicant countries' financial contribution to the various cultural programmes in an annex[1] to each legislative proposal and proposes an institutional arrangement to associate them with the management and decision-making process of the programmes in which they will participate.
With regard to the financial arrangements, the applicant countries are themselves to meet the costs resulting from their participation. They can, however, cover part of the overall cost from their allocation under the PHARE programme, i.e. from Community appropriations, and the rest from their own national budget, i.e. extra-Community appropriations.
Because this system is so complex and in order to ensure that the authorised appropriations are presented transparently, the Committee on Budgets, during the 1998 budgetary procedure, justifiably proposed Amendment 1000[2], one element of which was to create an Annex IV to Section III/B of the General Budget incorporating all the financial elements (operational appropriations) concerned with applicant countries' participation in the various Community programmes.
To enable applicant countries to participate in the decision-making process, it is proposed 'to involve them closely in the monitoring of their participation in the programmes' to which they will contribute financially and 'to invite them to coordination meetings prior to the meetings of the Programme Committees, and to inform them about their results'.
This institutional issue was raised in the Committee on Budgets[3] when it became evident that there were no appropriate provisions. The Commission is now trying to resolve this problem through a system of formal meetings, but not enough details are given, for example on the way in which the opinion of applicant countries is to be presented and taken into account at meetings of the management committee. The Commission specifies what languages are to be used at these formal meetings with applicant countries' representatives but not how the administrative costs of these meetings are to be covered; will the administrative costs (travel and accommodation expenses) be shared according to a system still to be worked out, or will they be met in full by Chapter A-70 of the Commission's operational budget?
In conclusion, the opinion of the Committee on Budgets is in favour, but it reserves the right to scrutinise the presentation of and financial allocation to the lines/programmes/administrative costs/countries concerned in the context of the budgetary procedure.
Yours sincerely,
Detlev Samland
The following were present for the vote: Samland, chairman, Tillich, Willockx, Giansily, vice-chairmen, Adam (for Laignel), Böge, Bösch, Bourlanges, Brinkhorst, Colom i Naval, Dankert, Dell'Alba, Dührkop Dührkop, Elles, Fabra Vallés, Garriga Polledo, Ghilardotti, Haug, Imaz San Miguel, Kaklamanis, Katiforis (for M. Waidelich), Kellet-Bowman (for M. Bardong), Krehl, Mulder (for Mrs Kjer Hansen), Müller, Pronk (for Di Prima), Rübig (for McCartin), Seppänen, Tappin, Theato, Tomlinson, Viola (for Podesta), Virrankoski and Wynn.
- [1] () This specific annex takes the place of a financial protocol such as the one provided in the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).
- [2] () Amendment tabled in the Committee on Budgets by Mr Christodoulou and Mr Tillich
- [3] () Round Table on Enlargement, 22 May 1997, see also working document on 'The impact of enlargement: an overview', PE 222.003, rapporteur Mr Christodoulou