REPORT on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 96/16/EC on statistical surveys of milk and milk products
(COM(2003) 158 – C5‑0157/2003 – 2003/0060(COD))

13 June 2003 - ***I

Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Rapporteur: Joseph Daul

Procedure : 2003/0060(COD)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :  
Texts tabled :
Debates :
Texts adopted :


By letter of 2 April 2003 the Commission submitted to Parliament, pursuant to Article 251(2) and Article 285(1) of the EC Treaty, the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 96/16/EC on statistical surveys of milk and milk products (COM(2003) 158 – 2003/0060 (COD)).

At the sitting of 7 April 2003 the President of Parliament announced that he had referred this proposal to the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development as the committee responsible and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs for its opinion (C5‑0157/2003).

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development appointed Joseph Daul rapporteur at its meeting of 29 April 2003.

It considered the Commission proposal and draft report at its meetings of 11 and 12 June 2003.

At the last meeting it adopted the draft legislative resolution unanimously.

The following were present for the vote: Joseph Daul (chairman and rapporteur), Alexandros Baltas (for Gordon J. Adam), Christel Fiebiger, Georges Garot, Lutz Goepel, María Esther Herranz García (for Encarnación Redondo Jiménez), María Izquierdo Rojo, Elisabeth Jeggle, Salvador Jové Peres, Heinz Kindermann, Astrid Lulling (for Albert Jan Maat), Xaver Mayer, Karl Erik Olsson and Agnes Schierhuber.

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs decided on 7 May 2003 not to deliver an opinion.

The report was tabled on 13 June 2003.


European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 96/16/EC on statistical surveys of milk and milk products (COM(2003) 158 – C5‑0157/2003 – 2003/0060(COD))

(Codecision procedure: first reading)

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2003) 158[1]),

–   having regard to Article 251(2) and Article 285(1) of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C5‑0157/2003),

–   having regard to Rule 67 of its Rules of Procedure,

–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (A5‑0212/2003),

1.   Approves the Commission proposal as amended;

2.   Asks for the matter to be referred to it again, should the Commission intend to amend its proposal substantially or replace it with another text;

3.   Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

Text proposed by the CommissionAmendments by Parliament
Amendment 1
Recital 3

(3)   Specialisation in agriculture is increasing in general, and the milk sector in particular, is currently undergoing regional specialisation which gives rise to enormous differences between the regions of a single Member State, requiring detailed information at regional or even local level;

(3)   Specialisation in agriculture is increasing in general, and the milk sector in particular, is currently undergoing regional specialisation which gives rise to enormous differences between the regions of a single Member State, requiring detailed information at regional level;

Amendment 2
Recital 4

(4)   It is necessary to record the production and use of milk on farms according to standardised criteria, to improve the accuracy of such records and to conduct surveys of local production units which treat or process milk;


Amendment 3
Article 1, paragraph 1

1.   After Article 2(2), the following text is inserted:


‘For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2) above, within the meaning of Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 on the statistical units for the observation and analysis of the production system in the Community "the survey unit" shall be taken to mean an enterprise or part thereof (e.g. a workshop, factory, warehouse, office, mine or depot) situated in a geographically identified place. At or from this place economic activity is carried out for which - save for certain exceptions - one or more persons work (even if only part-time) for one and the same enterprise. With the exception of the Member States where the agreement of the enterprises to lift the confidentiality of the data has been obtained, the survey units shall be local units.’

Amendment 4
Article 1, paragraph 2

2.   Article 4 is amended as follows:

1.   Article 4 is amended as follows:

a)   In paragraph (1)(b), the following text is inserted:

a)   In paragraph (1)(b), the following text is inserted:

‘iv) The protein content of the main milk products;

‘iv) The protein content of the main milk products, based on the measuring or estimating method most likely to guarantee reliable data;

v)   The quantity of cow's milk produced by agricultural holdings on a regional basis (territorial unit NUTS 2) according to the most appropriate measuring or estimating method for guaranteeing the reliability of the data.’

v)   The quantity of cow's milk produced by agricultural holdings on a regional basis (territorial unit NUTS 2) according to the most appropriate measuring or estimating method for guaranteeing the reliability of the data.’

vi)   The quantities of the main milk products reused by the sector.


b)   paragraph 2 is deleted.

b)   paragraph 2 is deleted.

Amendment 5
Article 1, paragraph 3

3.   Article 5 is amended as follows:

2.   Article 5

a)   in paragraph 2, the last sentence is replaced by the following text: ‘The methodological reports shall be compiled in the form of a standard questionnaire drawn up by the Commission in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 7.’

Paragraph 2, the last sentence is replaced by the following text:

b)   the following paragraph 3 is added:


3. The Member States shall notify the Commission annually of the measuring or estimating method used to compile the data referred to in Article 4(1) and, where appropriate, of any updatings of the method used and the information required for interpreting them. The data on regional milk production and on protein in the main milk products transmitted by the Member States shall be presented in a reliable manner using generally recognised statistical methodologies’.

‘The Member States shall notify the Commission annually of the methodological information relating to the data referred to in Article 4(1) in compliance with a standard questionnaire drawn up by the Commission on the basis of the procedure laid down in Article 7.

Amendment 6
Article 1, paragraph 4

4.   Article 6 is amended as follows:

Article 6 is amended as follows:

a)   the following text is added in paragraph 2:


‘The Commission may disseminate confidential data on condition that this is authorised by the survey units. The Member States shall ask the survey units for the authorisation and shall inform the Commission of the response when transmitting the data to it.’


b)   Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:

Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:

-   in subparagraph (b), the second indent is deleted.

-   subparagraph (c) is replaced by the following:

-   in subparagraph (b), the second indent is deleted.

-   subparagraph (c) is replaced by the following:

"(c) in September of the year following the year of the reference date, the results referred to in Article 1(2) and in subparagraphs (b)(v) and (c) of Article 4(1).’

"(c) in September of the year following the year of the reference date, the results referred to in Article 1(2) and in subparagraphs (b)(v) and (c) of Article 4(1).’

  • [1] OJ not yet published.