PRANEŠIMAS dėl pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos sprendimo, iš dalies keičiančio Tarybos sprendimą 2000/819/EB dėl daugiametės įmonių ir verslininkystės, ypač smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių (SVĮ), programos (2001–2005 m.)
27.4.2005 - (KOM(2004)0781 – C6‑0242/2004 – 2004/0272(COD)) - ***I
Pramonės, mokslinių tyrimų ir energetikos komitetas
Pranešėja: Britta Thomsen
dėl pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos sprendimo, iš dalies keičiančio Tarybos sprendimą 2000/819/EB dėl daugiametės įmonių ir verslininkystės, ypač smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių (SVĮ), programos (2001–2005 m.)
(KOM(2004)0781 – C6‑0242/2004 – 2004/0272(COD))
(Bendro sprendimo procedūra: pirmasis svarstymas)
Europos Parlamentas,
– atsižvelgdamas į Komisijos pasiūlymą Europos Parlamentui ir Tarybai (KOM(2004)0781)[1],
– atsižvelgdamas į EB sutarties 251 straipsnio 2 dalį ir į EB sutarties 157 straipsnio 3 dalį, pagal kuriuos Komisija jam pateikė pasiūlymą (C6‑0242/2004),
– atsižvelgdamas į Darbo tvarkos taisyklių 51 straipsnį,
– atsižvelgdamas į Pramonės, mokslinių tyrimų ir energetikos komiteto pranešimą (A6‑0118/2005),
1. pritaria Komisijos pasiūlymui su pakeitimais;
2. ragina Komisiją dar kartą perduoti klausimą svarstyti Parlamentui, jei ji savo pasiūlymą ketina keisti iš esmės arba pakeisti jį nauju tekstu;
3. paveda Pirmininkui Parlamento poziciją perduoti Tarybai ir Komisijai.
Komisijos siūlomas tekstas | Parlamento pakeitimai |
Pakeitimas 1 1 straipsnio 1 dalis 7 straipsnio 1 dalis (Sprendimas 2000/819/EB) | |
(1) 7 straipsnio 1 dalyje numatyta finansinė orientacinė 450 milijonų eurų suma pakeičiama 531.5 milijonais eurų. |
(1) 7 straipsnio 1 dalyje numatyta finansinė orientacinė 450 milijonų eurų suma keičiama 538.5 milijonais eurų. |
Justification | |
The budget for the original multiannual programme was EUR 450 million over five years, i.e. EUR 90 million per year. The budget for 2004 (the first financial year adjusted for enlargement) was EUR 91 million. Given that this is an extremely important and smoothly operating programme in a key area of policy, the annual budget for the extension of the programme should be at least the equivalent of the appropriation for 2004. |
- [1] Dar neskelbta Oficialiajame leidinyje.
The Commission's proposal and justification for increasing the budget
The background to the proposal to extend the multiannual programme for enterprise and entrepreneurship, and in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), by one year to 31 December 2006 is that the functions of the programme will in future be performed by its successor programme, the 'Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation' (CIP), which is planned to run from 2007-2013 to coincide with the financial perspective. The time-frame will therefore also coincide with the 7th Research Framework Programme, which creates scope for better coordination between the programmes. To bridge the gap between the existing and the new framework programme, the Commission proposes extending the existing framework programme by one year and raising the total budget by € 81.5 million, equalling the planned expenditure for 2006.
Your rapporteur believes that this extension of the existing multiannual programme is necessary and should be supported. Your rapporteur finds, however, that the proposed budget is inadequate. It should be remembered that the multiannual programme for enterprise and entrepreneurship is the key element in the Community's policy to promote entrepreneurship and support innovation in European SMEs. Moreover, the original five-year appropriation was for € 450 million, i.e. € 90 million per year, and the budgeted amount for 2004 was € 91 million. As the programme shows no sign of a low take-up rate of appropriations - on the contrary, the take-up rate is increasing despite it being a 'front-loaded' programme - the Commission's proposed budget for the extended programme would seem unnecessarily conservative. Your rapporteur therefore proposes that the budget be increased to € 91 million, which is equal to the budgeted amount for 2004.
Several factors justify an increase in the budget. Firstly, it is a multiannual programme which both users and external evaluation experts regard as smoothly operating and achieving its objectives. Secondly, it is important to maintain and extend aid to entrepreneurs and SMEs in Europe because they are the backbone of Europe's economy and their continued growth is a condition of achieving the Lisbon objectives. In general, therefore, the budget for such aid should be increased. Finally, the external evaluation report carried out by INFYDE Consultants (SEC(2004)1460) stresses that the financial instruments in the existing programme in large measure cover the needs of the new Member States. Restricting funds will therefore impede the integration of those countries into the European economy.
Transition to CIP
The experience gained during implementation of the existing programme must be used in preparations for the new CIP programme. The above-mentioned evaluation report emphasises that there must be better coordination between the new programme and the Community's Structural Funds and the 7th Research Framework Programme in order to achieve the necessary synergies. This presupposes a greater degree of coordinated thinking on regional development, research and the development of businesses, which establishing partnerships between local and regional players can help achieve.
Awareness of the existing multiannual programme has been lacking. As regards the new programme, several initiatives should be taken to raise awareness of the various instruments under the programme, particularly in the new Member States.
At the same time, your rapporteur would point out that the current programme has still not brought about a sufficient strengthening of the internal market. greater emphasis on cross-border business activity in the new programme. Such activity can be achieved, for example, by promoting contacts between capital providers involved in the programme in various Member States.
According to the Commission's action plan (COM(2004)0070), the EU is not exploiting its entrepreneurial potential. The new programme must therefore place greater emphasis on the promotion of entrepreneurship. In that connection, it is important to create better conditions so that particular groups such as women, ethnic minorities and immigrants are helped to start and run their own businesses. One way of achieving this is to facilitate access to micro-loans.
At the same time, the new programme should address both entrepreneurship and established businesses within the social economy.
Pavadinimas |
Pasiūlymas dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos sprendimo, iš dalies keičiančio Tarybos sprendimą 2000/819/EB dėl daugiametės įmonių ir verslininkystės, ypač smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių (SVĮ), programos (2001–2005 m.) | ||||||||||
Nuorodos |
KOM(2000)0781 – C6-0242/2004 – 2000/0272(COD) | ||||||||||
Teisinis pagrindas |
EB 251 straipsnio 2 dalis ir 157 straipsnio 3 dalis | ||||||||||
Pagrindas Darbo tvarkos taisyklėse |
51 straipsnis | ||||||||||
Pateikimo Parlamentui data |
14.12.2004 | ||||||||||
Atsakingas komitetas |
ITRE | ||||||||||
Nuomonę teikiantis(-ys) komitetas(-ai) Paskelbimo per plenarinį posėdį data |
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Nuomonė(-s) nepareikšta(-os) |
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Glaudesnis bendradarbiavimas |
Nėra |
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Pranešėjas(-ai) |
Britta Thomsen |
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Pakeistas(-i) pranešėjas(-ai) |
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Supaprastinta procedūra |
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Teisinio pagrindo užginčijimas |
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Numatytų lėšų keitimas |
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Konsultacija su Ekonomikos ir socialinių reikalų komitetu |
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Konsultacija su Regionų komitetu |
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Svarstymas komitete |
31.3.2005 |
26.4.2005 |
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Priėmimo data |
26.4.2005 | ||||||||||
Galutinio balsavimo rezultatai |
Už: Prieš: Susilaikė: |
40 0 0 | |||||||||
Posėdyje per galutinį balsavimą dalyvavę nariai |
Richard James Ashworth, Ivo Belet, Šarūnas Birutis, Jan B?ezina, Pilar del Castillo Vera, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Giles Chichester, Garrelt Duin, Lena Ek, Nicole Fontaine, Adam Gierek, Umberto Guidoni, Andr?s Gyürk, Fiona Hall, David Hammerstein Mintz, Rebecca Harms, Romana Jordan Cizelj, Werner Langen, Anne Laperrouze, Pia Elda Locatelli, Eluned Morgan, Angelika Niebler, Reino Paasilinna, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Umberto Pirilli, Miloslav Ransdorf, Vladimír Remek, Herbert Reul, Teresa Riera Madurell, Mechtild Rothe, Paul Rübig, Andres Tarand, Britta Thomsen, Patrizia Toia, Claude Turmes, Nikolaos Vakalis, Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, Dominique Vlasto | ||||||||||
Posėdyje per galutinį balsavimą dalyvavę pavaduojantys nariai |
Malcolm Harbour, Edit Herczog, Erika Mann, Lambert van Nistelrooij, John Purvis, Hannes Swoboda | ||||||||||
Posėdyje per galutinį balsavimą dalyvavę pavaduojantys nariai (178 straipsnio 2 dalis) |
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Pateikimo data – A5 |
27.4.2005 |
Pastabos |
... | ||||||||||