SOOVITUS TEISELE LUGEMISELE Nõukogu ühine seisukoht eesmärgiga võtta vastu Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiiv, mis käsitleb mootorsõidukite kliimaseadmetest pärit heitkoguseid ja millega muudetakse nõukogu direktiivi 70/156/EMÜ
12.10.2005 - (16182/4/2004 – C6‑0222/2005 – 2003/0189B(COD)) - ***II
Keskkonna-, rahvatervise- ja toiduohutuse komisjon
Raportöör: Avril Doyle
nõukogu ühise seisukoha kohta eesmärgiga võtta vastu Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiiv, mis käsitleb mootorsõidukite kliimaseadmetest pärit heitkoguseid ja millega muudetakse nõukogu direktiivi 70/156/EMÜ
(16182/4/2004 – C6‑0222/2005 – 2003/0189B(COD))
(Kaasotsustamismenetlus: teine lugemine)
Euroopa Parlament,
– võttes arvesse nõukogu ühist seisukohta (16182/4/2004 – C6‑0222/2005);
– võttes arvesse oma esimese lugemise seisukohta[1] Euroopa Parlamendile ja nõukogule esitatud komisjoni ettepaneku (KOM(2003)0492)[2] küsimuses;
– võttes arvesse EÜ asutamislepingu artikli 251 lõiget 2;
– võttes arvesse kodukorra artiklit 62;
– võttes arvesse keskkonna-, rahvatervise- ja toiduohutuse komisjoni soovitust teisele lugemisele (A6‑0294/2005),
1. kiidab ühise seisukoha muudetud kujul heaks;
2. teeb presidendile ülesandeks edastada Euroopa Parlamendi seisukoht nõukogule ja komisjonile.
Nõukogu ühine seisukoht |
Euroopa Parlamendi muudatusettepanekud |
Muudatusettepanek 1
5 a. Liikmesriigid võivad viivitamatult edendada kliimaseadmete paigaldamist, mis sisaldavad tõhusat ja madala globaalset soojenemist põhjustava potentsiaaliga gaasi, näiteks süsinikdioksiidi. Kui liikmesriigid võtavad madalama globaalset soojenemist põhjustava potentsiaaliga seadmete paigaldamise ergutamiseks kasutusele maksu- või muid soodustusi, teavitavad nad nendest meetmetest komisjoni. |
Reinstatement of an amendment from first reading in a modified form.
Muudatusettepanek 2
ARTIKKEL 6 A (uus)
Artikkel 6 a |
Märgistamine |
Ilma et see piiraks nõukogu direktiivi 67/548/EMÜ ning Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiivi 1999/45/EÜ sätete kohaldamist ohtlike ainete ja valmististe märgistamise osas, ei viida käesoleva direktiivi artikli 2 alla kuuluvaid mootorsõidukeid turule, kui neile on paigaldatud kliimaseade, mis sisaldab fluoritud kasvuhoonegaase, kui fluoritud kasvuhoonegaaside keemiline nimetus pole kantud märgisele, kasutades tunnustatud tööstuse nomenklatuuri. Kõnealune märgis osutab selgelt, et kliimaseade sisaldab fluoritud kasvuhoonegaase, ja sellele on märgitud nende globaalset soojenemist põhjustav potentsiaal. Nimetatud teave märgitakse selgelt ja kustutamatult sõidukile, mis tahes reklaamile ja müügiteabele. Kõnealune märgis paigaldatakse sõiduki välispinnale nii, et see oleks selgelt nähtav ega oleks varjatud. |
Consumers must be adequately informed in order to make a choice on the type of air conditioning, if any, they are buying. Because mobile air conditioning can't be hermetically sealed, and because emissions are subject to the stress of driving and to an increased weight of the vehicle, such a choice can make a difference in protecting our climate.
1. Response to Climate Change
The overall objective of the Commission proposal is to make a significant contribution towards the European Community’s Kyoto Protocol target by introducing cost-effective mitigation measures. Action to reduce emissions of fluorinated gases needs to be considered in the context of wider efforts being taken to combat climate change. Climate change is recognised as one of the greatest environmental and economic challenges facing humanity. This Directive together with the Regulation on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases provide a legislative framework at the Community level to improve the containment and monitoring of fluorinated gases, as well as to introduce marketing and use restrictions for certain applications.
2. The Common Position(s)
Whereas the original Commission proposal was in the form of one Regulation with a single market legal base (Article 95), the Council reached a Common Position which took the form of two separate texts, a Directive based on Article 95 and a Regulation based on a dual legal base consisting of Articles 175 and 95. The rationale for the split of the Commission proposal into two different texts was to move all the requirements relating to emissions from air conditioning in motor vehicles from the proposed Regulation to a new Directive under the framework Directive 70/156/EEC for type-approval of motor vehicles.
In its First Reading the European Parliament did in fact ask for the requirements concerning air-conditioning systems for vehicles to be linked to the type-approval. Council has thus in fact given the European Parliament what it asked for, by presenting this Directive. Many of the European Parliament's other amendments adopted in first reading have also been incorporated in the Common Position. In addition, your rapporteur recognises that the automobile industry is a global one and that vehicles exported outside Europe will need to be provided with a network of mechanics trained in servicing the MAC systems that are produced in the EU.
3. The Rapporteur's Position
The rapporteur welcomes the proposed Directive from the Council which is an important step in combating Climate change. It is vital for the European Union to show that concrete measures are taken within Europe to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases. It is evident, however, that there is a balance to be struck between being sufficiently ambitious in environmental terms and allowing the internal market to work without too many restrictions or administrative burdens. In addition, your rapporteur recognises that the automobile industry is a global one and that vehicles exported outside Europe will need to be provided with a network of mechanics trained in servicing the MAC systems that are produced in the EU.
a) Legal base
With regard to this Directive, the rapporteur finds that precisely because of internal market consideration, Article 95 is the correct legal base for this Directive. This is due to the fact that the type-approval system is built on a common legislative framework justified by creating a well functioning internal market. This will in fact be the 58th daughter Directive of 70/156/EEC. It is hard to believe that anybody would want to create different type-approval procedures for each individual Member State.
b) Contents of the Directive
The rapporteur is also content with the overall contents of the Directive. As it stands now there will be a phase out of HFC-134a (which has a global warming potential, or GWP, of 1300). A ban will apply to all new vehicle models coming out of production lines as of 2011 and by 2017, every new vehicle produced will have to use alternatives. Even though the dates are slightly less ambitious than the European Parliament wished for it its first reading, the rapporteur is of the opinion that it will be difficult enough for industry to comply with the dates proposed, especially for small and medium sized companies.
The rapporteur is also of the opinion that a balance has to be struck between being technology prescriptive on the one hand in relation to the global warming potential of the gases to be allowed according to the Directive and promoting the development of alternative environmental technologies. As it stands now the ban in the Directive applies to gases with a global warming potential higher than 150, meaning that HFC-152a (which has a GWP of about 140) can still be used. This will allow further innovation and development of alternative technologies with regard to air-conditioning systems. The proposed European regulatory framework is significantly more ambitious than the rest of the world, where, instead of substituting HFC-134a for a gas with a lower GWP, the automobile industry is taking the approach of reducing leakage of 134a through developing better contained "enhanced" 134a-based MAC systems.
Pealkiri |
Nõukogu ühine seisukoht eesmärgiga võtta vastu Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiiv, mis käsitleb mootorsõidukite kliimaseadmetest pärit heitkoguseid ja millega muudetakse nõukogu direktiivi 70/156/EMÜ | |||||||
Viited |
16182/4/2004 – C6‑0222/2005 – 2003/0189B(COD) | |||||||
Õiguslik alus |
art 251 lg 2 ja art 95 (EÜ) | |||||||
Menetlusalus |
art 162 | |||||||
EP 1. lugemise kuupäev – P5 |
31.3.2004 |
T5-0237/2004 | ||||||
Komisjoni ettepanek |
KOM(2003)0492 - C6-0222/2005 | |||||||
Komisjoni muudetud ettepanek |
Ühise seisukoha kättesaamisest istungil teada andmise kuupäev |
4.7.2005 | |||||||
Vastutav komisjon |
ENVI 7.7.2005 | |||||||
Raportöör(id) |
Avril Doyle 12.7.2005 |
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Aseraportöör(id) |
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Arutamine komisjonis |
14.9.2005 |
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Vastuvõtmise kuupäev |
11.10.2005 | |||||||
Lõpphääletuse tulemused |
poolt: vastu: erapooletuid: |
43 0 6 | ||||||
Lõpphääletuse ajal kohal olnud liikmed |
Georgs Andrejevs, Johannes Blokland, John Bowis, Frederika Brepoels, Hiltrud Breyer, Martin Callanan, Dorette Corbey, Chris Davies, Avril Doyle, Mojca Drčar Murko, Edite Estrela, Anne Ferreira, Alessandro Foglietta, Françoise Grossetête, , Satu Hassi, Gyula Hegyi, Mary Honeyball, Christa Klaß, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Urszula Krupa, Peter Liese, Jules Maaten, Roberto Musacchio, Riitta Myller, Vittorio Prodi, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Guido Sacconi, Karin Scheele, Carl Schlyter, Richard Seeber, Jonas Sjöstedt, María Sornosa Martínez, Antonios Trakatellis, Thomas Ulmer, Anja Weisgerber, Åsa Westlund, Anders Wijkman | |||||||
Lõpphääletuse ajal kohal olnud asendusliikmed |
Margrete Auken, María del Pilar Ayuso González, Milan Gaľa, Hélène Goudin, Ambroise Guellec, Rebecca Harms, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Miroslav Mikolášik, Pál Schmitt, Renate Sommer, Andres Tarand, Phillip Whitehead | |||||||
Lõpphääletuse ajal kohal olnud asendusliikmed (kodukorra art 178 lg 2) |
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Esitamise kuupäev – A6 |
12.10.2005 |
A6-0294/2005 | ||||||
Märkused |
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