RAPPORT dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi azzjoni komunitarja għall-avveniment tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura għas-snin 2007 sa l-2019
10.3.2006 - (COM(2005)0209 – C6‑0157/2005 – 2005/0102(COD)) - ***I
Kumitat għall-Kultura u l-Edukazzjoni
Rapporteur: Christa Prets
dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi azzjoni komunitarja għall-avveniment tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura għas-snin 2007 sa l-2019
(COM(2005)0209 – C6‑0157/2005 – 2005/0102(COD))
(Proċedura ta' kodeċiżjoni: l-ewwel qari)
Il-Parlament Ewropew,
– wara li kkunsidra l-proposta tal-Kummissjoni lill-Parlament Ewropew u lill-Kunsill (COM(2005(0209)[1],
– wara li kkunsidra l-Artikolu 251(2) u l-Artikolu 151 tat-Trattat KE, skond liema Trattat, il-Kummissjoni ppreżentat il-proposta lill-Parlament (C6‑0157/2005),
– wara li kkunsidra l-Artikolu 51 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura tiegħu,
– wara li kkunsidra r-rapport tal-Kumitat għall-Kultura u għall-Edukazzjoni (A6‑0061/2006),
1. Japprova l-proposta tal-Kummissjoni kif emendata;
2. Jitlob lill-Kummissjoni sabiex terġa' tirreferi l-kwistjoni lill-Parlament jekk għandha l-ħsieb li temenda l-proposta b'mod sustanzjali jew li tibdilha b'test ieħor;
3. Jagħti istruzzjonijiet lill-President tiegħu sabiex jgħaddi l-pożizzjoni tal-Parlament lill-Kunsill u lill-Kummissjoni.
Test propost mill-Kummissjoni | Emendi tal-Parlament |
Emenda 1 Premessa 2 | |
(2) Minn studju li sar tar-riżultati miksuba mill-avveniment tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura sa l-2004 jidher li kellu impatt pożittiv f’dak li huwa ħoss min-naħa tal-mexxi tax-xandir, bl-għażla li saret ta’ l-iżvilupp tal-kultura u t-turiżmu u l-għarfien minn nies tal-post ta’ l-importanza tal-belt tagħhom li nħatret. Madankollu din l-azzjoni teħtieġ titjib. |
(2) Minn studju li sar fuq ir-riżultati miksuba mill-avveniment tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura sa l-2004 jidher li dan l-avveniment kellu impatt pożittiv f’dak li huwa ħoss min-naħa tal-mezzi tax-xandir, l-iżvilupp tal-kultura u t-turiżmu u l-għarfien minn nies tal-post ta’ l-importanza li l-belt tagħhom nħatret; madankollu l-azzjoni teħtieġ titjib, partikolarment fir-rigward ta' l-effett tagħha fit-tul fuq l-iżvilupp kulturali tal-belt u tar-reġjun |
Emenda 2 Premessa 2a (ġdida) | |
(2) Billi wieħed jippermetti lill-bliet li jinvolvu r-reġjun ta' madwarhom, li jinkludi l-gżejjer, ikun jista' jintlaħaq pubbliku akbar u l-impatt ta' l-avveniment jista' jiġi amplifikat. |
Emenda 3 Premessa 3 | |
(3) Il-partijiet interessati fl-avveniment enfażizzaw il-problemi fil-proċess ta’ għażla stabbilit bid-Deċiżjoni 1419/1999/KE u rrakkmandaw sorveljanza tal-proposti, partikolarment biex itejbu d-dimensjoni Ewropea tagħhom. |
(3) Il-partijiet interessati fl-avveniment enfażizzaw il-problemi fil-proċess ta’ għażla stabbilit bid-Deċiżjoni 1419/1999/KE u rrakkmandaw: sorveljanza tal-proposti, partikolarment biex itejbu d-dimensjoni Ewropea tagħhom; kompetizzjoni li titjieb; u definizzjoni ġdida ta' l-irwol tal-bord. |
Emenda 4 Premessa 4 | |
(4) L-importanza u l-impatt tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura titlob għall-ħolqien ta’ proċess ta’ għażla mħallta, li jinvolvi livelli nazzjonali u Ewropej, u l-introduzzjoni ta’ element qawwi ta’ sorveljanza. |
(4) L-importanza u l-impatt tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura titlob għall-ħolqien ta’ proċess ta’ għażla mħallta, li jinvolvi livelli nazzjonali u Ewropej, u l-introduzzjoni ta’ element qawwi ta’ sorveljanza u ta' konsulenza, biex ikun inkorporat komponent nazzjonali u biex tissaħħaħ id-dimensjoni Ewropea. |
Emenda 5 Premessa 6 | |
(6) Fażi ta’ sorveljanza wara l-ħatra tinħtieġ biex tiggarantixxi l-valur miżjud Ewropew ta’ l-azzjoni. |
(6) Biex tiggarantixxi l-valur miżjud Ewropew ta’ l-azzjoni, tinħtieġ fażi ta’ sorveljanza wara l-ħatra, li fiha, l-ewwel nett, tingħata attenzjoni biex il-kriterji stipulati mill-programm kulturali jkunu sodisfatti, u t-tieni nett li jkunu provduti parir u assistenza minn esperti. |
Emenda 6 Premessa 6a (ġdida) | |
(6a) Għandu jitwaqqaf bord ta' 6 ċittadini u 7 esperti Ewropej; il-bord kollu, magħmul minn 13-il espert ('il-bord ta' l-għażla') se jissorvelja il-fażi ta' l-għażla sa meta tiġi maħtura l-belt; is-7 esperti Ewropej fuq il-bord biss (li jsiru 'l-bord ta' kontroll u ta' konsultazzjoni') se jissorveljaw il-proċess ta' kontroll u ser jagħtu direzzjoni lill-Kapitali waqt il-fażi ta' kontroll sakemm iseħħ l-avveniment. |
Emenda 7 Premessa 6 b (ġdida) | |
(6b) Għal appoġġ u assistenza, kemm għall-applikant kif ukoll għall-ibliet li ġew innominati, għandha tinħoloq websajt li tkun miżmuma kostantament u aġġornata regolarment mill-Kummissjoni, dwar is-suġġett ta' "Kapitali Ewropej tal-Kultura" (applikazzjoni, selezzjoni, implimentazzjoni u links). |
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
The rapporteur calls for a website maintained and updated by the Commission. It should include the following: FAQs; links, best practice examples and useful tips for capitals of culture (CCs); provision of information on conditions for applying to be a CC; a list of mentors (such as directors and experts from previous CCs); contact addresses of experts on the monitoring and advisory panel; links to existing sites, such as the European Capitals of Culture and Cultural Month website | |
Emenda 8 Premessa 6 c (ġdida) | |
(6c) Huwa importanti li jkun imħeġġeġ it-tixrid ta' prattika tajba, speċjalment biex ikun garantit il-valur miżjud Ewropew ta' l-azzjoni. Għalhekk, in-netwerks tal-Kapitali Ewropej tal-Kultura uffiċjali tas-snin ta' qabel għandhom ikunu mħeġġa li jkollhom rwol kostruttiv fil-qsim ta' esperjenzi u l-aħjar prattiki mal-Kapitali Ewropej tal-Kultura tal-ġejjieni; l-aktar fuq il-bażi ta' skambji matul il-fażi ta' preparazzjoni. |
Emenda 9 Premessa 7 | |
(7) Huwa importanti li tkun apprezzata l-kwalità tal-programm f’termini ta’ għanijiet u kriterji ta’ l-azzjoni u b’mod partikolari l-valur miżjud Ewropew billi jingħata premju. |
(7) Huwa importanti li tkun apprezzata l-kwalità tal-programm f’termini ta’ għanijiet u kriterji ta’ l-azzjoni u b’mod partikolari l-valur miżjud Ewropew billi jingħata premju f'forma ta' allokazzjoni finanzjarja. |
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
The financial prize will be based on the final report by the monitoring and advisory panel. This means ensuring that the aims and criteria of the action are fulfilled and recommendations of the selection panel and the monitoring and advisory panel are taken into account. | |
Emenda 10 Premessa 7a (ġdida) | |
(7a) Biex ikun salvagwardjat l-effett fit-tul ta' l-avveniment tal-Kapitali Kulturali, huwa mixtieq li jkunu użati l-inizjattiva u l-istrutturi u l-kapaċitajiet li l-avveniment joħloq bħala l-bażi għal strateġija dejjiema ta' żvilupp kulturali għall-ibliet ikkonċernati. |
Emenda 11 Premessa 7 b (ġdida) | |
(7b) Biex pajjiżi terzi jkunu awtorizzati li jieħdu sehem f'inizjattivi kulturali Ewropej, Ix-Xahar Kultural1i, jew inizjattiva simili, għandha tiġi esplorata. ----- 1 Konklużjonijiet tal-laqgħa tal-Ministri tal Kultura fil-Kunsill tat-18 ta' Mejju 1990 dwar l-eliġibilita futura għal "Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura" u dwar avveniment speċjali ta' Xahar Kulturali Ewropew (ĠU C 162, 3.7.1990, p. 1.) |
Emenda 12 Premessa 8 | |
(8) The designation process laid down in this Decision needs a period of six years to be implemented ; this period cannot be guaranteed for the years 2011 and 2012 given that this Decision enters into force in 2007. For these years a designation process is provided, as laid down in Decision 1419/1999/EC as modified by Decision 649/2005/CE. |
(8) The designation process laid down in this Decision needs a period of six years to be implemented ; this period cannot be guaranteed for the years 2011 and 2012 given that this Decision enters into force in 2007. For these years a designation process is provided, as laid down in Decision 1419/1999/EC as amended by Decision 649/2005/EC. |
Emenda 13 Artikolu 2, paragrafu 1 | |
1. Cities in Member States shall be entitled to be designated as European Capitals of Culture for one year, in turn, as set out in the list of the Annex. |
1. Cities in Member States and in countries acceding to the European Union after 31 December 2006 shall be entitled to be designated in turn as European Capitals of Culture for one year, in the order set out in the Annex. |
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
Arrangements must be made for future enlargement phases, so as to clarify the situation of countries currently negotiating their accession and ensure they are treated equally. The provisions in the proposal on Romania and Bulgaria particularly need clarifying. | |
Emenda 14 Artikolu 3 paragrafu 3 | |
3. The cultural programme shall meet the following criteria, grouped into two categories called “The European Dimension” and “City and Citizens”: As regards “The European Dimension”, the programme shall: |
imħassar |
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
The criteria are dealt with separately in a new article. | |
Emenda 15 Artikolu 3, paragrafu 3 a (ġdid) | |
3.000000a. The programme shall be consistent with any national cultural strategy or policy of the relevant Member State or, where applicable under a Member State’s institutional arrangements, any regional cultural strategies, on condition that any such strategy or policy does not aim to restrict the number of cities which may be considered for designation as Capitals of Culture under this Decision.
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
This meets the Member States’ wish to take account of the national cultural policy dimension. | |
Emenda 16 Artikolu 3.000000 a (ġdid) | |
Artikolu 3.000000a Application criteria
The cultural programme shall fulfil the following criteria, subdivided into two categories, ‘the European Dimension’ and ‘City and Citizens’:
As regards ‘the European Dimension’, the programme shall:
(a) foster cooperation between cultural operators, artists and cities from the relevant Member States and other Member States in any cultural sector, (b) highlight the richness of cultural diversity in Europe, (c) bring the common aspects of European cultures to the fore.
As regards ‘City and Citizens’, the programme shall: (a) foster the participation of the citizens living in the city and its surroundings and raise their interest as well as the interest of citizens from abroad, (b) be sustainable and be an integral part of the long-term cultural and social development of the city.
Emenda 17 Artikolu 4, paragrafu 1, subparagrafu 2 | |
These calls for submission of applications, aimed at the candidate cities for the title, shall mention the criteria laid down in Article 3 of this Decision and on the Commission website. |
These calls for submission of applications, aimed at the candidate cities for the title, shall mention the criteria laid down in Article 3 of this Decision and the guidance available on the Commission website. |
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
The Commission website should give clear and comprehensible details of the requirements that cultural capitals must meet. At the same time the website should assist cities in meeting the criteria for their cultural programmes. | |
Emenda 18 Artikolu 5, paragrafu 2 | |
2. The selection panel shall consist of 13 members. The members are appointed by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions and by the Member State concerned each year. It shall designate its chairman among the personalities nominated by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. |
2. The selection panel shall consist of 13 members. Seven of them shall be nominated by the European Institutions: two from the European Parliament, two from the Council, two from the Commission and one from the Committee of the Regions. The remaining six shall be nominated by the Member State concerned in consultation with the European Commission. The Member State shall then formally appoint the selection panel. The panel shall designate its chairman among the personalities nominated by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. |
Ġustifikazzjoni | |
This amendment specifies the composition of the selection panel. |
It is proposed that the official appointment of the panel should be simplified by concentrating the procedure in one decision, rather than having multiple appointments taking place at different times. However, the European institutions would continue to be responsible for nominating their respective members of the selection panel. The Member State's role in appointing the panel would therefore be a formality and the Member State would not be able to change the nominations made by the institutions.
Emenda 19 Artikolu 5, paragrafu 3 | |||||||
3. Two Panel members shall be appointed by the European Parliament, two by the Council, two by the Commission and one by the Committee of the Regions. |
| ||||||
These selection panel members shall be independent experts with no conflicts of interest and with substantial experience and expertise in the cultural sector, in cultural development of cities or in organization of European Capital of Culture. |
3. These selection panel members shall be independent experts with no conflicts of interest with regard to the cities which responded to the call for submission of applications, and with substantial experience and expertise in the cultural sector, in cultural development of cities or in organization of European Capital of Culture. | ||||||
They shall be appointed for three years. |
| ||||||
By way of derogation to the first subparagraph in the first year this Decision is in force, two experts shall be appointed by the Commission for one year, two by the European Parliament for two years, two by the Council for three years and one by the Committee of the Regions for three years. |
The seven members nominated by the European Institutions shall be appointed for three years. By way of derogation in the first year this Decision is in force, two experts shall be appointed by the Commission for one year, two by the European Parliament for two years, two by the Council for three years and one by the Committee of the Regions for three years. | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
This amendment clarifies the composition of the selection panel. | |||||||
Emenda 20 Artikolu 5, paragrafu 4 | |||||||
4. Each of the Member States concerned shall nominate six personalities as members in agreement with the Commission, who shall be independent from the cities which applied to the call for submission of applications These selection panel members shall be independent experts with no conflicts of interest and with substantial experience and expertise in cultural sector or city development. |
imħassar | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
This amendment clarifies the composition of the selection panel. | |||||||
Emenda 21 Article 6, paragraph 2, subparagraph 3 | |||||||
It shall submit its report to the competent Member State and the Commission. |
It shall submit its report to the competent Member State and the Commission. Each of the Member States concerned shall formally approve the short-list based on the reports of the selection panel. | ||||||
Emenda 22 Artikolu 7, paragrafu 2, subparagrafu 1 | |||||||
2. Each of the Member States concerned shall convene the relevant selection panel, for final selection, nine months after the first selection meeting. |
2. Each of the Member States concerned shall convene the relevant selection panel, for final selection, nine months after the pre-selection meeting. | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
Clarifies the proposal wording. | |||||||
Emenda 23 Artikolu 8, paragrafu 2, subparagrafu 1 | |||||||
2. The European Parliament may forward an opinion to the Commission not later than two months after receipt of the nominations of the Member States concerned. |
2. The European Parliament may forward an opinion to the Commission not later than three months after receipt of the nominations of the Member States concerned. | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
Parliament should have sufficient time to draw up the opinion. A period of three months also complies with Decision 1419/1999/EC of 25 May 1999 establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2005 to 2019. | |||||||
Emenda 24 Artikolu 8.000000 a (ġdid) | |||||||
Artikolu 8.000000a Monitoring and advisory panel A monitoring and advisory panel shall be established to monitor the implementation of the objectives and criteria of the action and provide capitals with support and guidance from the time of their designation to the start of the European Capital of Culture event. 1. The panel shall consist of the seven experts nominated by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. In addition, the relevant Member State may nominate an observer to this panel. 2. The cities concerned shall issue progress reports to the Commission three months before the meetings of the panel. 3. The Commission shall convene the panel and the representatives of the city concerned. The panel shall be convened on two occasions to give advice on, and to take stock of, the preparations for the event with a view to helping cities to develop a high-quality programme with a strong European dimension. Its first meeting shall take place at least two years before the event; its second meeting shall take place at least eight months before the event. 4. After each meeting the panel shall issue a report on the state of preparations for the event and any steps to be taken. The reports shall pay particular attention to the European added value of the event in accordance with the criteria set out in Article 3 and the recommendations laid down in the reports of the selection and the monitoring and advisory panels. 5. The reports shall be forwarded to the Commission and to the cities and Member States concerned. They shall also be published on the Commission’s website. | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
The new arrangement of the text aims to improve the coherence of the wording. New Article 8a not only simplifies the structure of the text but also clarifies the role of the monitoring and advisory panel. This emphasises the panel’s assistance to CCs when drawing up their programmes, which mainly involves obtaining expert advice and tackling any problems at an early stage. | |||||||
Emenda 25 ARTIKOLU 9 | |||||||
ARTIKOLU 9 Mid term Monitoring 1. The designated Capitals of Culture shall issue a mid term progress report to the Commission, at the latest 27 months before the event is due to begin, on the state of the preparations of the programme for the event. The Commission shall ensure independent evaluation of this report. 2. No later than 24 months before the event is due to begin, the Commission shall convene the seven experts nominated by the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the authorities responsible for the implementation of the programmes of the cities designated as European Capitals of Culture. From this stage these experts form a “monitoring panel”. They shall meet to evaluate the preparation of the event, particularly concerning the European added value of the programmes. The monitoring panel shall issue a mid term monitoring report on the state of the preparations for the event, and the steps still to be taken, in line with the objectives and criteria of the action and the recommendations laid down in the reports of the selection panels referred to in Article 7(2). The mid term monitoring report shall be transmitted to the Commission and to the cities and Member States concerned not later than one month after the mid term monitoring meeting. It shall be published on the internet site of the Commission. |
imħassar | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
The new arrangement of the text aims to improve the coherence of the wording. The content of old Article 9 has been incorporated in new Article 8a. | |||||||
Emenda 26 ARTIKOLU 10 | |||||||
ARTIKOLU 10 Final monitoring 1. The nominated Capitals of Culture shall issue a final progress report to the Commission, at the latest nine months before the event is due to begin, on the state of the preparations of the programmes for the event. The Commission shall ensure independent evaluation of this report. 2. The Commission shall convene a meeting of the monitoring panel with the authorities responsible for the implementation of the programmes of the cities which have been designated as European Capitals of Culture no later than six months before the event is due to begin in order to evaluate the preparation of the event, particularly concerning the European added value of the programme. The monitoring panel shall issue a final monitoring report on the state of the preparations for the event, and the steps still to be taken, in line with the objectives and criteria of the action and the recommendations laid down in the reports referred to in Article 7(2) third subparagraph and in Article 9(2), fourth subparagraph. This final monitoring report shall be transmitted to the Commission and to the cities and Member States concerned not later that one month after the final monitoring meeting. It shall be published on the internet site of the Commission. |
imħassar | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
The new arrangement of the text aims to improve the coherence of the wording. The content of old Article 10 has been incorporated in new Article 8a. | |||||||
Emenda 27 ARTIKOLU 11 | |||||||
On the basis of the report referred to in Article 10(2), second subparagraph, the Commission may award a prize to each of the designated cities provided that their programmes meet the criteria of the action and the recommendations issued by the panels during the selection and monitoring process as referred to in Articles 9 and 10. This prize shall reward the quality of the programme in accordance with the objectives of the programme as specified in Article 3. |
imħassar | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
The rapporteur proposes a new version of Article 11 in another amendment. | |||||||
Emenda 28 Artikolu 11.000000 a (ġdid) | |||||||
Artikolu 11.000000a Prize On the basis of the report issued by the monitoring and advisory panel after its second meeting eight months before the event, a prize in honour of Melina Mercouri shall be awarded to the designated cities by the Commission provided that they meet the criteria laid down in Article 3 and have implemented the recommendations made by the selection as well as the monitoring and advisory panels. The prize shall be monetary and shall be awarded in full at the latest three months before the start of the relevant year. | ||||||
Emenda 29 Article 12, subparagraph 2 | |||||||
A report on that evaluation shall be presented by the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee of the Regions. |
A report on that evaluation shall be presented by the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee of the Regions by the end of the year following the European Capital of Culture event. | ||||||
Emenda 30 ARTIKOLU 13 | |||||||
Decision 1419/1999/EC as modified by Decision 649/2005/CE is hereby repealed.
Decision No 1419/1999/EC as amended by Decision No 649/2005/CE is hereby repealed. That Decision shall however continue to apply in the case of cities which have been designated as Capitals of Culture for 2007, 2008 and 2009.
| ||||||
Emenda 31 ARTIKOLU 14 | |||||||
1. The cities designated as European Capitals of Culture for 2010 on the basis of Decision 1419/1999/EC as modified by Decision 649/2005/CE shall be submitted to the monitoring process laid down in Articles 9 and 10 of this Decision. The Commission may award a prize to the designated cities on the basis of Article 11 of this Decision. |
1. The cities designated as European Capitals of Culture for 2010 on the basis of Decision 1419/1999/EC as modified by Decision 649/2005/CE shall be submitted to the monitoring process laid down in Article 9 of this Decision. The Commission shall award a prize to the designated cities on the basis of Article 11 of this Decision. | ||||||
2. By way of derogation to Article 4 to 8, the nominations for European Capitals of Culture concerning the years 2011 and 2012 shall be governed by the following decision procedure: |
2. By way of derogation to Article 3 to 8, the nominations for European Capitals of Culture concerning the years 2011 and 2012 shall be governed by the following decision procedure: | ||||||
1) Cities in Member States shall be designated as European Capital of Culture, in turn, as set out on the list contained in Annex. |
1) Cities in Member States shall be designated as European Capital of Culture, in turn, as set out on the list contained in Annex. | ||||||
2) Each Member State shall submit, in turn, its nomination of one or more cities to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. |
2) Each Member State shall submit, in turn, its nomination of one or more cities to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. | ||||||
3) This nomination shall be submitted no later than four years before the event in question is due to begin and may be accompanied by a recommendation from the Member State concerned. |
3) This nomination shall be submitted no later than four years before the event in question is due to begin and may be accompanied by a recommendation from the Member State concerned. | ||||||
4) The Commission shall each year form a selection panel which shall issue a report on the nomination or nominations judged against the objectives and characteristics of this action. |
4) The Commission shall each year form a selection panel which shall issue a report on the nomination or nominations judged against the objectives and characteristics of this action. | ||||||
5) The selection panel shall be composed of seven leading independent personalities who are experts on the cultural sector, of whom two shall be appointed by the European Parliament, two by the Council, two by the Commission and one by the Committee of the Regions. |
5) The selection panel shall be composed of seven leading independent personalities who are experts on the cultural sector, of whom two shall be appointed by the European Parliament, two by the Council, two by the Commission and one by the Committee of the Regions. | ||||||
6) The selection panel shall submit its report to the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. |
6) The selection panel shall submit its report to the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. | ||||||
7) The European Parliament may forward an opinion to the Commission on the nomination or nominations not later than three months after receipt of the report. |
7) The European Parliament may forward an opinion to the Commission on the nomination or nominations not later than three months after receipt of the report. | ||||||
8) The Council, acting on a recommendation from the Commission drawn up in the light of the opinion of the European Parliament and of the selection panel's report, shall officially designate the city in question as a European Capital of Culture for the year for which it has been nominated. |
8) The Council, acting on a recommendation from the Commission drawn up in the light of the opinion of the European Parliament and of the selection panel's report, shall officially designate the city in question as a European Capital of Culture for the year for which it has been nominated. | ||||||
9) The nomination shall include a cultural programme based on the criteria laid down in Article 3. |
| ||||||
| ||||||
Emenda 32 | |||||||
Artikolu 14, paragrafu 2.a (ġdid) | |||||||
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Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
Art. 13.1 - it is proposed that the text should be clear that the EC shall (rather than 'may') award the prize to cities. This is provided that, as noted in Article the cities meet the 'European dimension' criteria laid down in Article 3(3) and have implemented the recommendations made by the selection and monitoring and advisory panels. However, cities should have the certainty that, provided they meet these requirements, they will receive funding under the Culture Programme (rather than this being left at the EC's discretion). | |||||||
Art. 13.2 - while Articles 4 to 8 cover the selection procedures, there are additional requirements in Article 3 which have an affect on these selection procedures. Therefore it should be clarified that any derogation should be extended to Article 3 as well. However, 2011 and 2012 Capitals of Culture would still be subject to the new monitoring and advisory procedures. | |||||||
Art. 13.3 - the 2010, 2011 and 2012 CC should all benefit from the monitoring and advisory panel procedures under the new Decision, and as a result be eligible for a prize. However, as they will have to apply to become CC by demonstrating how they will meet the criteria set out in the current 1999 Decision, it could be difficult and confusing for these Capitals to be assessed against the 'new' criteria when undergoing the monitoring and advisory procedure. Therefore, while cities could be encouraged to try to take into account the new criteria, it would be difficult to force cities to do so if they did not wish to. | |||||||
Emenda 33 ARTIKOLU 15 | |||||||
This Decision shall apply from 1st January 2007. |
This Decision shall enter in force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from 1st January 2007, with the exception of Article 4, which shall apply from the date of entry into force of this Decision. | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
Clarifies entry into force of the decision. | |||||||
Emenda 34 ANNESS | |||||||
ANNESS Order of entitlement to nominate a “European Capital of Culture” 2007 Il-Lussemburgu 2008 Ir-Renju Unit 2009 Austria - Lithuania 2010 Germany - Hungary 2011 Finland - Estonia 2012 Portugal - Slovenia 2013 France - Slovakia 2014 Sweden - Latvia 2015 Belgium - Czech Republic 2016 Spain - Poland 2017 Denmark - Cyprus 2018 Netherlands - Malta 2019 L-Italja |
ANNESS Order of entitlement to nominate a “European Capital of Culture"1 2007 Luxembourg - Romania 2 2008 Ir-Renju Unit 2009 L-Awstrija - Lithuania 2010 Germany - Hungary 2011 Finland - Estonia 2012 Portugal - Slovenia 2013 France - Slovakia 2014 Sweden - Latvia 2015 Belgium - Czech Republic 2016 Spain - Poland 2017 Denmark - Cyprus 2018 Netherlands - Malta 2019 Italy - Bulgaria 3 ______________ 1 Ireland was entitled to nominate a “European Capital of Culture” in 2005, Greece in 2006. 2 Under the terms of Decision 1419/1999/EC, the Romanian city of Sibiu was designated as European capital of culture for the year 2007. 3 Subject to accession to the EU, Bulgaria will participate in the European Capital of Culture event of 2019. | ||||||
Ġustifikazzjoni | |||||||
The annex should be included as Decision 649/2005/EC which established the list will be repealed with the new Decision. | |||||||
As Romania and Bulgaria are both nearing their accession to the EU, it is important to ensure their inclusion in the Annex to avoid the need for a further COD including them in the list. | |||||||
As Romania is already due to host a CC event in 2007 as a third country it will not be able to have an additional CC, but the text highlights Romania as it should become a MS during 2007. The Annex allows Bulgaria to participate in 2019, but makes clear it would not be able to participate in the unlikely event that it has not acceded to the EU before 2019. |
The European Capital of Culture Programme (ECC) was set up in 1985 by the then Greek cultural minister Melina Mercouri, with the aim of bringing citizens in Europe closer together.
Experience has shown that the programme leads to a long-term positive effect on the development of the cities selected while generating a great deal of interest with the citizens concerned.
The document aims to highlight the wealth, diversity and common features of the cultural heritage in Europe and facilitate better mutual understanding between European citizens. At the same time the proposal plans to strengthen the competitive element and European added value, and introduces a monitoring phase.
Involving the new EU Member States
In accordance with the current list of ‘pairs’ of Member States entitled to propose cultural capitals of the period 2009-2019, from 2009 two capitals of culture will be designated in order to enable the 10 new EU Member States to take part in the programme.
Financial aspect
The proposal will have no direct financial implications as this aspect is covered under the Culture 2000 Programme and the forthcoming Culture 2007 Programme. At the present time the Commission proposal would make it possible to triple the Community contribution for the Culture 2007 Programme.
A prize will be awarded to the cities selected if the preparation of the programme complies with the aims and criteria of the event. This prize also represents financial support for implementing the CC programme.
Selection panel/monitoring panel[2]
A joint selection panel meets during the selection phase, composed of seven experts from the European institutions and six experts from each of the Member States concerned. During the monitoring phase a monitoring panel meets to watch over, assist with and advise on the CC’s preparations for the year. It is composed of the seven European experts.
The Commission proposal under discussion is a recasting of the 1999 text, Decision 1419/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2005 to 2019[3].
The time-frame for the procedure looks like this:
Time frame * n = Capital of Culture year |
Action |
Responsibility |
Kummissjoni proposta
Rapporteur’s amendments
n-6 |
Call for applications |
Member State (MS) |
n-5 |
Pre-selection meeting of panel in the MS concerned (13 experts) |
MS |
n-5 + 9 months |
Final meeting of selection panel in the MS concerned (13 experts) |
MS |
n-4 |
Notification of the European Institutions of nominating a city |
MS |
n-4 + 2 months |
n-4 + 3 months |
Parliament opinion on the nomination |
Il-Parlament |
Designation of Cultural Capital |
Kunsill |
n-2 – 3 months (three months before mid-term monitoring) |
Mid-term report of the designated cities to the Commission (COM) |
Cultural capital (CC) |
n-2 |
Mid-term meeting of the Monitoring Panel* (7 European experts + COM representatives) |
n-2 + 1 |
Mid-term report of the Monitoring Panel* to the COM and MS |
n-9 months (three months before final monitoring) |
n-11 months (three months before final monitoring) |
Final report of the designated cities to the Commission |
CC |
n-6 months |
n-8 months |
– Final monitoring meeting (7 European experts + COM representatives) |
n-7 months |
– Final report of the Monitoring Panel* presented |
n-3 months (at the latest) |
– Prize (financial support for the CC) |
Kummissjoni |
Year of CC |
CC |
n + 1 |
n+ max. 1 year |
Evaluation of results of the event |
Kummissjoni |
The rapporteur welcomes the fact that the proposal strengthens the European dimension and improves the transparency of the selection procedure.
She also welcomes the fact that the Community contribution under the Culture 2007 programme will be three times that of the present programme.
At the same time she stresses the need for the prompt provision of sufficient Community funds, to enable the Capitals of Culture to implement their programme of events successfully and on schedule, and in this context proposes the following:
A prize in honour of Melina Mercouri will be awarded in the form of a financial allocation to the selected city. To obtain a prize, the cities concerned must fulfil the aims and criteria of the action and take account of the recommendations of the selection panel and the monitoring and advisory panel for those cities. The prize will be based on the final report by the monitoring and advisory panel.
The task of the monitoring and advisory panel is to evaluate objectively, from the moment that the cultural capital is designated, the state of preparations for the programme of events, while also providing assistance to the capitals in devising their programmes, consisting mainly of expert advice and early action to deal with any problems in the monitoring phase.
The rapporteur takes the view that a solution must be found to enable Romania and Bulgaria to be included in the COC initiative.
With regard to the selection criteria for cultural programmes listed in the proposal, the rapporteur draws attention to the need for the prompt provision of further details and clarification, so that cultural capitals have a clear idea which requirements they need to fulfil. These details should be set out on the cultural capitals website.
The rapporteur calls for a website to be set up, to be constantly maintained and regularly updated by the Commission. This should:
· provide further information and assistance for cities in the application, selection and implementation process;
· set up links between the programmes of nominated cities;
· and promote links for the exchange of experience and know-how between the present and previous capitals of culture.
The website should particularly contain the following:
· frequently answered questions (FAQs);
· links, best practice examples and useful tips for cultural capitals;
· the list of mentors (for instance, directors and experts of previous cultural capitals);
· contact addresses for the experts on the monitoring and advisory panel;
· links to existing sites, such as the European Capitals of Culture and Cultural Month website.
The rapporteur supports the general Commission proposal to provide third countries with an opportunity for taking part in European cultural events by reviving the Cultural Month initiative[4] or a comparable initiative.
Opinion minoritaire de Mme Erna Hennicot-Schoepges suivant l'article 48 du règlement du Parlement européen
La députée rappelle ses propositions d'amendements non retenues lors du vote final qui visaient primairement à :
· Faciliter et alléger les procédures en supprimant le rôle du jury afin de laisser aux Etats membres la charge de sélectionner et désigner la capitale européenne de la culture, selon leurs propres critères, et en toute connaissance des particularités régionales et locales des différentes villes candidates.
· L'organisation en réseau des anciennes capitales européennes de la culture afin d'accompagner les futures capitales de la culture pendant la phase de préparation, sur la base des expériences acquises au cours des manifestations précédentes, ceci surtout pour assurer la plus-value européenne de l'action.
Ne souhaitant pas s'opposer au consensus, la députée souligne néanmoins les risques de la procédure révisée : il s'agit d'éviter l'expérience négative qu'a vécue le Luxembourg lors de la procédure de sélection par un jury en tant que capitale de la culture pour l'année 2007.
En prononçant son jugement sur les initiatives des candidats, le jury devra faire preuve d'une fine connaissance des sensibilités de ses interlocuteurs et du contexte de la région concernée afin d'aider au développement culturel plutôt que de primer l’existant.
Titolu |
Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture for the years 2007 to 2019 |
Referenzi |
COM(2005)0209 – C6-0157/2005 – 2005/0102(COD) |
Data meta ġiet ippreżentata lill-Parlament |
30.5.2005 |
Kumitat responsabbli |
CULT29.9.2005 |
Kumitat(i) mitlub(a) jagħti/u opinjoni(jiet) |
Opinjoni mhix mogħtija |
Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib |
Rapporteur(s) |
Christa Prets16.6.2005 |
Rapporteur(s) preċedenti |
Proċedura simplifikata - data tad-deċiżjoni |
Bażi legali kkontestata |
/ |
Dotazzjoni finanzjarja emendata Data ta' l-opinjoni tal- BUDG |
/ |
Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali Ewropew - data tad-deċiżjoni fil-plenarja |
Kumitat tar-Reġjuni konsultat - data tad-deċiżjoni fil-plenarja |
Diskussjoni fil-kumitat |
3.10.2005 |
28.11.2005 |
23.1.2006 |
Data ta' l-adozzjoni |
23.2.2006 |
Riżultat tal-votazzjoni finali |
+: –: 0: |
20 0 1 |
Membri preżenti għall-votazzjoni finali |
Maria Badia I Cutchet, Christopher Beazley, Giovanni Berlinguer, Guy Bono, Marie-Hélène Descamps, Věra Flasarová, Milan Gaľa, Manolis Mavrommatis, Ljudmila Novak, Doris Pack, Miguel Portas, Christa Prets, Karin Resetarits, Nikolaos Sifunakis, Hannu Takkula, Helga Trüpel, Thomas Wise, Tomáš Zatloukal |
Sostitut(i) preżenti għall-votazzjoni finali |
Emine Bozkurt, Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, Nina Škottová |
Sostituti(i) skond l-Artikolu 178(2) preżenti għall-votazzjoni finali |
Data tat-tressiq |
10.3.2006 |
Kummenti (disponibbli b'lingwa waħda biss) |
... |
- [1] Għadha mhix ippubblikata fil-ĠU.
- [2] The rapporteur proposes a change of terminology: monitoring and advisory panel*.
- [3] OJ L 166, 1.7.1999, pp. 1-5.
- [4] Conclusions of the Ministers of Culture meeting within the Council of 18 May 1990 on future eligibility for the ‘European City of Culture’ and on a special European Cultural Month event (OJ C 162, 3.7.1990, p. 1.).