RAPORT referitor la propunerea de directivă a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului privind post-echiparea cu oglinzi retrovizoare la vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri înregistrate pe teritoriul Comunităţii

3.4.2007 - (COM(2006)0570 – C6‑0332/2006 – 2006/0183(COD)) - ***I

Comisia pentru transport şi turism
Raportor: Paolo Costa

Procedură : 2006/0183(COD)
Stadiile documentului în şedinţă
Stadii ale documentului :  


privind propunerea de directivă a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului privind post-echiparea cu oglinzi retrovizoare la vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri înregistrate pe teritoriul Comunităţii

(COM(2006)0570 – C6‑0332/2006 – 2006/0183(COD))

(Procedura de codecizie: prima lectură)

Parlamentul European,

–   având în vedere propunerea Comisiei prezentată Parlamentului European şi Consiliului (COM(2006)0570)[1],

–   având în vedere articolul 251 alineatul (2) şi articolul 71 alineatul (1) litera (c) din Tratatul CE, în temeiul cărora propunerea a fost prezentată de către Comisie (C6-0332/2006),

–   având în vedere articolul 51 din Regulamentul său de procedură,

–   având în vedere raportul Comisiei pentru transport şi turism (A6‑0124/2007),

1.  aprobă propunerea Comisiei astfel cum a fost modificată;

2.  solicită Comisiei să îl sesizeze din nou, în cazul în care intenţionează să modifice în mod substanţial această propunere sau să o înlocuiască cu un alt text;

3.  încredinţează Preşedintelui sarcina de a transmite Consiliului şi Comisiei poziţia Parlamentului.

Text propus de ComisieAmendamentele Parlamentului

Amendamentul 1

Considerentul 3a (nou)


(3a) Dispozitivele de vizibilitate indirectă, precum oglinzile cu unghi de vizibilitate larg sau cele de proximitate, camerele de luat vederi, monitoarele sau alte dispozitive îmbunătăţesc câmpul de vizibilitate al conducătorului auto şi sporesc siguranţa vehiculelor.


Self-explanatory. Improved and other innovative devices of indirect vision reduce blind spots and can influence the driver's behaviour, and thus, contribute to the prevention of accidents.

Amendment 2

Recital 6

(6) Pentru a sprijini reducerea accidentelor rutiere fatale cauzate de vehiculele respective şi care implică participanţi vulnerabili la trafic, este necesar să se dispună, între timp, post-echiparea cu dispozitive îmbunătăţite de vizibilitate indirectă la vehiculele în cauză.

(6) Pentru a sprijini reducerea accidentelor soldate cu morţi şi răniţi cauzate de vehiculele respective şi care implică participanţi vulnerabili la trafic, este necesar să se dispună, între timp, post-echiparea cu dispozitive îmbunătăţite de vizibilitate indirectă la vehiculele în cauză.


Although safety has increased in EU, the death toll numbers 41,000 deaths and more than 1.7 million injuries (2005). Road accidents related to the blind spots involving Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) cause not only fatalities but also other type of injuries (serious and slight) which are important as well, in terms of social and economic impact. It should be noted that according to the data provided in the cost-benefit analysis, there are 23 injuries per one fatality concerning the two wheelers and pedestrians.

Amendamentul 3

Considerentul 8

(8) Cu toate acestea, este oportun şi proporţional să se acorde derogări pentru vehiculele a căror durată de viaţă rămasă este scurtă, pentru vehiculele prevăzute cu oglinzi retrovizoare laterale al căror câmp de vizibilitate acoperă suprafeţe nesemnificativ mai mici decât câmpurile de vizibilitate reglementate de Directiva 2003/97/CE şi pentru vehiculele a căror dotare cu oglinzi retrovizoare conforme cerinţelor directivei amintite este imposibilă din punct de vedere tehnic.

(8) Cu toate acestea, este oportun şi proporţional să se prevadă exceptări şi derogări pentru vehiculele a căror durată de viaţă rămasă este scurtă, pentru vehiculele prevăzute cu oglinzi retrovizoare laterale al căror câmp de vizibilitate acoperă suprafeţe nesemnificativ mai mici decât câmpurile de vizibilitate reglementate de Directiva 2003/97/CE şi pentru vehiculele a căror dotare cu oglinzi retrovizoare conforme cerinţelor directivei amintite nu este posibilă, la un preţ rezonabil, din punct de vedere tehnic.


As the proposed measure applies to old vehicles, which are in circulation in the EU, there is a need to provide certain flexibility for compliance with regard to the existing Community legislation for new HGVs and avoid trade barriers. The flexibility includes specific exemptions and limited derogations with regard to the requirements of the field of vision and to the equipment of devices of indirect vision set out in Directive 2003/97/EC, especially for those vehicles where the field of vision can not be fully covered or where no solution at reasonable cost is available.

Amendamentul 4

Considerentul 8a (nou)


(8a) Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 care au fost iniţial înregistrate şi/sau omologate şi/sau puse în funcţiune cu mai mult de 10 ani înainte de data la care este transpusă prezenta directivă şi care sunt utilizate în special pentru valoarea lor istorică nu ar trebui să fie afectate de normele şi procedurile prevăzute de prezenta directivă.


The amendment aims to provide an exemption regarding the use of historical vehicles given that this could not affect the output of the proposed measure. The recital intends also to cover historical vehicles for which there are no longer registries or documentation proving their initial date of registration. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced a similar reference to those vehicles into the text).

Amendamentul 5

Considerentul 8b (nou)


(8b) Pentru camioanele care, din motive tehnice şi/sau economice, nu îndeplinesc în totalitate cerinţele prezentei directive, autorităţile competente ar trebui să permită şi să aprobe soluţii alternative. În asemenea cazuri, statele membre comunică liste cu soluţiile tehnice permise şi aprobate, inclusiv cu cele mai bune practici referitoare la aspectele procesului de post-echipare, Comisiei, care, la rândul său, le pune la dispoziţia tuturor statelor membre.


It is necessary to provide flexibility with regard the general obligation set out for compliance with the requirements of Directive 2003/97/EC. In some trucks, the retrofitting cannot be technically possible or economically affordable, unless major changes in the cabin structure or in the door are made. In order to provide safety, legal certainty and avoid trade barriers, all technical solutions including best practices should be communicated to the Commission who will make them available. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced a similar reference into the text).

Amendamentul 6

Considerentul 9

(9) Pentru a permite pieţei să acopere o cerere foarte mare de oglinzi retrovizoare într-o perioadă foarte scurtă, este necesar să se acorde perioade de tranziţie.

(9) Pentru a permite pieţei să acopere o cerere mare de oglinzi retrovizoare într-o perioadă scurtă, este necesar să se prevadă o perioadă de tranziţie.


Citations on difficulties of the market in coping with a very high demand for mirrors in a very short period do not seem to make unanimity between producers of such devices. A long transitional period, as proposed, cannot be justified as any delay for the measure reduces its effectiveness. In addition, the total number of the HGVs that has to be retrofitted is likely to be less than the initial estimates of the Commission, and therefore a short transitional period should be provided for.

Amendamentul 7

Considerentul 10

(10) Vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri în cazul cărora post-echiparea cu dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă care acoperă în mare parte câmpul de vizibilitate reglementat de directiva amintită s-a efectuat înainte de intrarea în vigoare a Directivei 2003/97/CE trebuie să fie exonerate de cerinţele prezentului act normativ.

(10) Vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri în cazul cărora post-echiparea cu dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă care acoperă în mare parte câmpul de vizibilitate reglementat de directiva amintită s-a efectuat înainte de data la care a fost transpusă Directiva 2003/97/CE trebuie să fie exonerate de cerinţele prezentului act normativ.


In order to increase road safety, some Member States - the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark - implemented national schemes on retrofitting of mirrors to their existing fleet and based on the requirements set out in Directive 2003/97/EC. Therefore, the exemption should cover HGVs retrofitted before the expiry of the deadline set for transposition (24 January 2005) and not at the date of the entry into force of the Directive (date of its publication in OJ, i.e. 29.1.2004). (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 8

Considerentul 10a (nou)


(10a) Pentru claritate, când se face referire la câmpul de vizibilitate al oglinzilor şi al altor dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă montate pe vehicule, care acoperă suprafeţe nesemnificativ mai mici decât câmpul de vizibilitate prevăzut în Directiva 2003/97/CE, ar trebui aplicate cerinţele şi condiţiile de flexibilitate privind câmpul de vizibilitate şi echiparea cu oglinzi şi cu alte dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă, menţionate în anexa III la directivă.


The requirements for the fitting of mirrors or others devices of indirect vision to vehicles laid down in Dir. 2003/97/EC should apply also to vehicles where a reduced field of vision is foreseen. Therefore, all conditions or additional flexibility set out in Annex III of that Directive should be valid for the retrofitting of mirrors with a reduced field of vision, e.g. 10% reduction of the specified field of vision of Class IV or V when there is obstruction due to the bodywork and some of his components, such as other mirrors, door handlers etc (see remark 5.8.2 in Annex III of Dir. 2003/97/EC).

Amendamentul 9

Considerentul 11

(11) Procesul de post-echipare a vehiculelor trebuie să fie însoţit de măsuri destinate de mărire a sensibilităţii privind pericolele asociate existenţei unor unghiuri moarte la vehicule grele pentru transportul de mărfuri.

(11) Procesul de post-echipare a vehiculelor trebuie să fie însoţit de măsuri adecvate menite să crească sensibilitatea privind pericolele asociate existenţei unor unghiuri moarte la vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri, inclusiv de campanii de sensibilizare destinate participanţilor vulnerabili la traficul rutier, precum cicliştii, motocicliştii şi pietonii, şi cu privire la reglarea şi folosirea corectă a dispozitivelor de vizibilitate indirectă.


In order to take advantage of the retrofitting of mirrors to HGVs and their effect on the prevention or reduction of accidents, accompanying measures are required to be taken. Awareness campaigns have to be launched covering all road users and especially the two-wheelers and the pedestrians. Likewise, as mirrors have to be correctly adjusted, appropriate training for drivers as well as for personnel in charge of inspection and controls will be needed.

Amendamentul 10

Considerentul 11a (nou)


(11a) Tipurile de vehicule altele decât cele acoperite de prezenta directivă, precum vehiculele uşoare pentru trannsportul de mărfuri şi autobuzele, care nu sunt echipate cu dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă îmbunătăţite, sunt adesea implicate în accidente cauzate de „unghiul mort”, şi este, prin urmare, necesar ca cerinţele legislaţiei comunitare în domeniul siguranţei active şi pasive să fie frecvent revizuite pentru a îmbunătăţi şi a promova siguranţa rutieră.


According to Article 71 of the EC Treaty, transport safety is an integral part of the common transport policy. The scope of the proposal does not cover, (same in Directive 2003/97/EC), Light Goods Vehicles (22.5 million) and coaches/buses (700,000), which are also implicated in accidents related to the blind spot. Therefore, there is need for continuous reviewing and further developing road safety related to the "lateral blind spot" accidents.

Amendamentul 11

Considerentul 11b (nou)


(11b) Pentru a realiza o analiză mai completă şi o viitoare strategie privind reducerea accidentelor cauzate de „unghiul mort” şi în cadrul stabilit de Decizia 93/704/CE a Consiliului din 30 noiembrie 1993 privind crearea unei baze de date comunitare asupra accidentelor rutiere1 şi de alte acte comunitare pertinente, precum Decizia 2367/2002/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 16 decembrie 2002 privind programul statistic comunitar pentru perioada 2003-20072, Comisia ar trebui să colecteze datele pertinente de la statele membre şi să le proceseze în mod corespunzător.



1 JO L 329, 30.12.1993, p. 63. Decizie, astfel cum a fost modificată ultima dată prin Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1882/2003, (JO L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1).


2 JO L 358, 31.12.2002, p. 1. Decizie, astfel cum a fost modificată ultima dată prin Decizia (CE) nr. 787/2004 (JO L 138, 30.4.2004, p. 12).


Self-explanatory. In order to facilitate the development of a more integrated approach for the prevention of "blind spot" accidents, it is necessary that the Commission, in cooperation with Member States, proceeds to the collection and processing of more complete and comparable data.

Amendamentul 12

Considerentul 11c (nou)


(11c) Directiva 96/96/CE prevede că, în cazul vehiculelor utilizate la transportul mărfurilor, cu masa maximă tehnic admisibilă de peste 3 500 kg, trebuie efectuate inspecţii tehnice auto periodice, cel puţin o dată pe an. Vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri trebuie, printre altele, să fie echipate cu oglinzi retrovizoare conforme cu cerinţele prezentei directive pentru a trece de inspecţia tehnică auto. Certificatele emise în urma inspecţiei tehnice auto de către statele membre pentru vehiculele înregistrate pe teritoriul lor sunt recunoscute reciproc, în vederea liberei circulaţii a vehiculelor pe căile rutiere ale statelor membre.


In order to ensure that adequate field of vision is provided for HGVs in accordance with the requirements set out in the proposed measure, periodic roadworthiness tests should be applied (Directive 96/96/EC). These tests are necessary in order to provide safety and legal certainty on compliance with the reduced field of vision set out in the proposed measure and thus, to prevent any market distortion. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 13

Considerentul 12a (nou)


(12a) În conformitate cu punctul 34 din Acordul interinstituţional pentru o legiferare mai bună1, statele membre sunt încurajate să elaboreze, pentru ele însele şi în interesul Comunităţii, propriile tabele care, pe cât posibil, să ilustreze corespondenţa dintre prezenta directivă şi măsurile de transpunere şi să le facă publice.



1 JO C 321, 31.12.2003, p. 1.


Self-explanatory. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 14

Articolul 2 alineatul (1)

(1) Prezenta directivă se aplică în cazul categoriilor N2 şi N3 astfel cum sunt menţionate la punctul 2 din anexa II la Directiva 70/156/CE şi care nu sunt acoperite de Directiva 2003/97/CE.

(1) Prezenta directivă se aplică în cazul categoriilor N2 şi N3 astfel cum sunt menţionate la punctul 2 din anexa II la Directiva 70/156/CE şi care nu sunt omologate sau aprobate ca vehicul unic în temeiul Directivei 2003/97/CE.


It gives more clarity to the scope and it is in accordance with the wording of Directive 2003/97/EC. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 15

Articolul 2 alineatul (1) litera (a)

(a) Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 înregistrate cu mai mult de 10 ani înainte de data menţionată la articolul 7;

(a) Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 înregistrate înainte de 1 ianuarie 2000;


It provides more clarity to the Commission's text by setting a cut-off date for the proposed measure. By assuming that the entry into force of the Directive to be the year 2008, the scope is restricted to HGVs registered no more than 10 years. This is because, the Commission, based on a cost-benefit analysis, estimated that the cost of retrofitting of HGVs older than 10 years will exceed the benefits. According to the Commission's estimates, the retrofit will concern almost 4 million HGVs. It should be noted that about 300,000 new tracks above 3.5 t are registered in the EU per year.

Amendamentul 16

Articolul 2 alineatul (2) litera (b)

(b) Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 în cazul cărora este imposibilă montarea de oglinzi retrovizoare de clasele IV şi V astfel încât să se asigure îndeplinirea următoarelor condiţii:

(b) Vehiculele de categoria N2, cu masa maximă tehnic admisibilă de cel mult 7,5 tone, în cazul cărora este imposibilă montarea unei oglinzi retrovizoare de clasa V astfel încât să se asigure îndeplinirea următoarelor condiţii:


The text is aligned with the existing legislation covering new HGVs (Directive 2003/97/EC). The exemption should concern only vehicles of category N2 not exceeding 7.5 t and not vehicles N2 exceeding 7.5 tons and N3, because there is no obstruction on mounting a Class IV mirror to those vehicles, i.e. 2 m from the ground. Directive 2003/97/EC provides compulsory fitting of Class IV mirror to N2 >7,5 t and to N3. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 17

Articolul 2 alineatul (2) litera (b) punctul (i)

(i) nicio componentă a oglinzilor retrovizoare nu se află la o distanţă mai mică de 2 m (±10 cm) faţă de sol, indiferent de poziţia de reglare, atunci când vehiculul are o încărcătură care corespunde masei sale maxim admisibile din punct de vedere tehnic;

(i) nicio componentă a oglinzii retrovizoare nu se află la o distanţă mai mică de 2 m (+10 cm) faţă de sol, indiferent de poziţia de reglare, atunci când vehiculul are o încărcătură care corespunde masei sale maxim admisibile din punct de vedere tehnic, şi


The text is aligned with the existing legislation covering new HGVs according to the requirements of Directive 2003/97/EC (see previous justification). The condition for fitting a Class IV mirror stipulated in Annex III of that Directive is not less than 2 m with tolerance of ±10 cm from the ground, but less than 2 m with tolerance of +10 cm from the ground. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text.)

Amendamentul 18

Articolul 2 alineatul (2) litera (b) punctul (ii)

(ii) oglinzile retrovizoare sunt vizibile integral din poziţia conducătorului auto.

(ii) oglinda retrovizoare este vizibilă integral din poziţia conducătorului auto.


See previous justifications. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text.)


Articolul 2 alineatul (2) litera (c)

(c) Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 care, înainte de intrarea în vigoare a Directivei 2003/97/CE, au făcut obiectul unor măsuri naţionale de impunere a montării altor dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă care acoperă cel puţin 95% din câmpul total de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut pentru oglinzile retrovizoare de clasele IV şi V de directiva menţionată.

(c) Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 care fac obiectul unor măsuri naţionale care au intrat în vigoare înainte de data la care a fost transpusă Directiva 2003/97/CE, de impunere a montării, pe partea pasagerului, a altor dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă care acoperă cel puţin 95% din câmpul total de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut pentru oglinzile retrovizoare de clasele IV şi V de directiva menţionată.


This exemption should concern "Grandfather’s cases" - the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark – that implemented national schemes on retrofitting of mirrors to their existing fleet based on the requirements set out in Directive 2003/97/EC before the expiry of the deadline for transposition (24 January 2005) and not at the date of the entry into force of the Directive as proposed by the Commission. It brings also more clarity. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 20

Articolul 3 alineatul (1)

Cu începere de la data prevăzută la articolul 7, statele membre vor verifica dotarea tuturor vehiculelor prevăzute la articolul 2 alineatul (1), pe partea pasagerului, cu oglinzi de proximitate şi cu unghi de vizibilitate mare care îndeplinesc cerinţele prevăzute pentru oglinzile de clasele IV, respectiv V de directiva 2003/97/CE.

(1) Cu începere de la data prevăzută la articolul 7 şi până la 30 iunie 2008, statele membre verifică dotarea tuturor vehiculelor prevăzute la articolul 2, pe partea pasagerului, cu oglinzi de proximitate şi cu unghi de vizibilitate larg care îndeplinesc cerinţele prevăzute pentru oglinzile de clasele IV, respectiv V de Directiva 2003/97/CE.


Delaying the introduction of the measure reduces its effectiveness and the beneficial effects of its implementation, which are to save lives. An extra 1200 lives could be saved up to 2020, if the implementation was to start from 2008 and the societal costs corresponds to 2.4 billion EUR. In order to have more consistency, better wording on wide angle and close proximity mirrors is needed. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced similar reference into this paragraph).

Amendamentul 21

Articolul 3 alineatul (2)

Prin derogare de la primul paragraf, cerinţele prezentei directive se vor considera a fi respectate în cazul în care vehiculele sunt prevăzute cu oglinzi ale căror câmpuri de vizibilitate combinate acoperă cel puţin 99% din câmpul total de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut pentru oglinzile retrovizoare de clasele IV şi V de Directiva 2003/97/CE.

(2) Prin derogare de la primul paragraf, cerinţele prezentei directive se vor considera a fi respectate în cazul în care vehiculele sunt prevăzute, pe partea pasagerului, cu oglinzi de proximitate şi cu unghi de vizibilitate larg, ale căror câmpuri de vizibilitate combinate acoperă cel puţin 95% din câmpul total de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut de Directiva 2003/97/CE pentru oglinzile retrovizoare de clasa IV şi cel puţin 85% din câmpul de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut de Directiva 2003/97/CE pentru oglinzile de clasa V, .


The reduction of the field of vision from 99% to 95% disadvantages the effectiveness of the measure but gives flexibility. As the total field of vision of Class V mirror is relative small (5.5 m2) contrary to that of Class IV (307.9 m2), the introduction of a separate field of vision for Class V mirror covering up to 85% from the total field set out in Dir. 2003/97/EC appears to be necessary in order provide safety. Also, setting separate field of vision for Class IV and V is simpler and provides clarity. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced similar reference into the text).

Amendamentul 22

Articolul 3 alineatul (2a) (nou)


(2a) Vehiculele menţionate la articolul 2 care, ca urmare a lipsei soluţiilor tehnice viabile din punct de vedere economic, nu pot fi echipate cu oglinzi care să îndeplinească cerinţele stabilite la alineatele (1) şi (2) ale prezentului articol, pot fi echipate cu oglinzi suplimentare şi/sau alte dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă, cu condiţia ca aceste dispozitive combinate să acopere cel puţin 95% din câmpul de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut de Directiva 2003/97/CE pentru oglinzile de clasa IV şi cel puţin 85% din câmpul de vizibilitate la nivelul solului prevăzut de Directiva 2003/97/CE pentru oglinzile de clasa V.


Alternative solutions, such as additional mirrors or other devices of indirect vision should be provided for compliance to the requirements of the Dir. 2003/97/EC, especially for trucks where no kit is available in the market. As there is a possibility to cover the field of vision of Class IV and V mirrors with device and in order to ensure better visibility in terms of safety, separation of the field of vision of Class IV mirror from that of the Class VI mirror is necessary. See previous justification. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced a similar reference into the text).

Amendamentul 23

Articolul 3 alineatul (2b) (nou)


(2b) Statele membre transmit Comisiei o listă cu soluţii tehnice, inclusiv cu cele mai bune practici privind aspectele procesului de post-echipare, în conformitate cu prezentul articol. Comisia pune la dispoziţia statelor membre aceste informaţii prin publicarea lor în Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene şi prin orice alte mijloace de difuzare adecvate.


In order to provide safety, legal certainty and avoid trade barriers and market distortion, all technical solutions including best practices should be communicated to the Commission who will make them available through publication or any other appropriate means. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced a similar reference into the text).

Amendamentul 24

Articolul 3a (nou)


Articolul 3a


(1) Cerinţele enunţate la articolul 3 alineatele (1), (2) şi (2a) sunt îndeplinite în cazul în care un stat membru face dovada îndeplinirii acestora, în temeiul articolului 3 din Directiva 96/96/CE a Consiliului din 20 decembrie 1996 privind apropierea legislaţiilor statelor membre referitoare la inspecţia tehnică auto pentru autovehicule şi remorcile acestora1.


(2) Comisia, asistată de comitetele menţionate la articolul 8 alineatul (1) din Directiva 96/96/CE a Consiliului şi la articolul 13 alineatul (1) din Directiva 70/156/CEE a Consiliului, în cadrul mandatelor lor respective, adoptă măsurile necesare pentru a se asigura că echipamentul menţionat la articolul 3 este instalat şi testat pentru a verifica dacă îndeplineşte cerinţele inspecţiei tehnice auto în conformitate cu prezenta directivă. Aceste măsuri sunt adoptate până la data menţionată la articolul 7.


1 JO L 46, 17.2.1997, p. 1. Directivă, astfel cum a fost modificată ultima dată prin Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1882/2003 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului (JO L 284, 30.10.2003, p. 1).


In order to ensure that the adequate field of vision is provided for the existing fleet of HGVs and according to the requirements set out in the proposed measure, periodic roadworthiness tests should be applied on the basis of the Directive 96/96/EC. These tests are necessary in order to provide safety and legal certainty on compliance with the different field of vision set out in the proposed measure and thus, to prevent any market distortion. (The Council in its "general approach" introduced identical reference into the text).

Amendamentul 25

Articolul 3b (nou)


Articolul 3b


Statele membre şi, atunci când este cazul, Comisia, în cadrul domeniilor lor de competenţă respective, însoţesc măsurile din prezenta directivă de iniţiative de sensibilizare a participanţilor la trafic în legătură cu pericolele generate de unghiurile moarte ale vehiculelor.


In order to take advantage of the retrofitting of mirrors to HGVs and their effect on the prevention or reduction of accidents, accompanying measures are required. Awareness campaigns have to be launched covering all road users and especially the two-wheelers and the pedestrians. Likewise, as mirrors have to be correctly adjusted, appropriate training for drivers as well as for personnel in charge of inspection and controls will be needed.

Amendamentul 26

Articolul 4

Articolul 4

Prin derogare de la primul paragraf de la articolul 3, statele membre pot dispune următoarele:


(1) Vehiculele înregistrate cu 4 până la 7 ani înaintea datei prevăzute la articolul 7 se vor conforma cerinţelor prezentei directive în termen de cel mult 1 an de la data respectivă;


(2) Vehiculele înregistrate cu 7 până la 10 ani înaintea datei prevăzute la articolul 7 se vor conforma cerinţelor prezentei directive în termen de cel mult 2 ani de la data respectivă.



While the Commission’s proposal foresees early phasing-in date (1998) due mainly to the high cost-benefit ratio and immediate implementation for the most recent lorries (registered after 2004), the progressive retrofitting through various steps may compromise the overall objective, which is to save lives. Delaying the introduction of this measure with no particular reason cannot be justified. (The Council in its "general approach" deleted also this text).

Amendamentul 27

Articolul 5

Articolul 5

Vehiculele de categoriile N2 şi N3 care nu pot fi prevăzute cu oglinzi retrovizoare conforme cerinţelor prezentei directive ca urmare a inexistenţei unor soluţii tehnice disponibile se pot prevedea cu alte dispozitive de vizibilitate indirectă, cu condiţia ca dispozitivele respective să acopere un câmp de vizibilitate cel puţin echivalent cu cel stabilit la paragraful al doilea de la articolul 3.


Vehiculele post-echipate în conformitate cu primul alineat se omologhează individual de către autorităţile competente ale statelor membre.



The text is replaced by another text under Article 3. See previous amendments. (The Council in its "general approach" deleted also this text).

Amendamentul 28

Articolul 7a (nou)


Articolul 7a


Până la [...]*, Comisia prezintă Parlamentului European şi Consiliului un raport privind punerea în aplicare a prezentei directive, alături de un studiu privind accidentele cauzate de „unghiul mort”, care să acopere toate vehiculele şi costurile implicate, destinat îmbunătăţirii siguranţei rutiere. Pe baza unei analize mai complete a costurilor în raport cu beneficiile, raportul Comisiei este însoţit, dacă este cazul, de o propunere de revizuire a legislaţiei existente.



[Trei ani de la intrarea în vigoare a prezentei directive].


A progress report should be presented on the implementation of this Directive and on aspects covering costs of blind spot accidents, including the introduction of devices of indirect vision to other types of vehicles, e.g. N1. Further collection of data and figures should be provided in order to have a more comprehensive picture of the cost-benefit of retrofitting of mirrors and it should be accompanied by a proposal for reviewing existing legislation or introducing new one.

  • [1]  Nepublicată încă în JO.


1. Introduction

In order to remedy shortcomings in the exterior field of vision of the existing lorries in circulation in the EU and improve road safety, the Commission proposes the retrofitting of mirrors to Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) registered in the Community.

Accidents related to the blind spot and devices of indirect vision

A large number of accidents are caused by drivers of vehicles who are not aware that other road users are very close to or beside their own vehicle. These accidents are often related to a change of direction at crossings, junctions or roundabouts, when drivers fail to detect other road users in the blind spots which exist in the area immediately round the vehicles. Larger vehicles are implicated in a significant number of accidents related to the so-called blind spot and it is estimated that every year over 400 people lose their life in such circumstances in the EU, most of them being vulnerable road users, such as cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. Based on real accident investigations, it became apparent that the vehicles equipped with devices of indirect vision, such as mirrors of wide-angle (Class IV) and close proximity (Class V) or camera-monitor, improve vulnerable road users' safety and avoid accidents due to the lateral blind spot on the passenger's side. Some Member States have opted to introduce measures/schemes for the fitting of additional mirrors in order to reduce the blind spots to the driver’s vision, in particular the right passenger side (left for the UK) of the vehicle.

2. Existing legislation on exterior field of indirect vision for new HGVs

The equipment with devices of indirect vision eliminating blind spots is compulsory for new HGV's. According to Directive 2003/97/EC[1], the fitting of wide-angle mirrors (Class IV), close-proximity mirrors (Class V) or supplementary vision, for those vehicles of category N2 above 7.5 t and less 12 t and for all those of category N3 (above 12 t), is mandatory as from 26 January 2006 to any new vehicle type and from 26 January 2007 to any new vehicle. The compulsory fitting of Class IV and Class V mirrors was extended to all new vehicles of category N2, by the Commission’s directive 2005/27/EC, amending directive 2003/97/EC to technical progress, in order to reduce the blind spot of N2 vehicles ≤ 7.5 tonnes.

3. Commission proposal on the retrofitting of mirrors to HGV registered in the Community

As the existing fleet of HGVs, which represents a great number of vehicles circulating in European roads, were not included under the EC mandatory lateral field of vision, some Member States - the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark - implemented national schemes because they judged the obligation for new vehicles not far-reaching enough. After a thorough consultation process among stakeholders, the Commission opted for compulsory and gradual introduction of retrofitting of existing HGVs on the passenger’s side with wide-angle mirrors (Class IV) and close-proximity mirrors (Class V).

- The scope of the directive

While the proposed measure aims to cover the existing fleet of lorries and thus complement the existing EC legislation on devices of indirect vision, its scope is restricted to HGVs registered no more than ten years before the entry into force of the Directive. The estimated fleet of HGVs which is currently in circulation in EU 25 is approximately 5 millions. The Commission assumed that the cost of retrofitting of HGVs older than 10 years (between 100 and 150 € per vehicle) will exceed the benefits[2]. If the proposed Directive enters into force by 2008, the retrofit should concern HGVs registered after 1998, which is estimated at almost 4 million (Bulgaria and Romania not included).

Exemption for HGVs registered in three Member States (NL, DK, BE) is foreseen, where effective national measures have been already implemented in order to eliminate blind spots.

- Differentiation and accompanying measures

It is worth mentioning that the proposal provided a differentiated set of requirements of the Directive 2003/97/EC mainly, in order to accept alternative solutions with low costs and avoid distortions in the market. Compliance is considered to be achieved for the mirrors, if the field of vision covers no less than 99% of the total field of vision at ground level of Class IV and Class V mirror. Member States are allowed to extend the scope of the proposed directive in order to cover more vehicles and even those registered before 1998.

Accompanying measures are proposed to be taken by Member States in order to raise awareness of the dangers for road users arising from vehicle blind spots.

- Transposition and implementation periods

The period for transposing the Directive at national law is set at one year after its entry into force. As regards the implementation, it is proposed that compliance has to be fulfilled immediately for vehicles registered after 2004 and for the remaining vehicles, flexibility is foreseen according to their date of registration, i.e. one additional year for those registered between four and seven years before the date of transposition, which is one year, and two years for those registered between seven and ten years before the date of transposition.

- Commission's impact assessment

Based on a cost-benefit analysis[3], the Commission estimates that an extra 1200 lives could be saved up to 2020, if the implementation were to start from 2008. This corresponds to 2.4 billion € in societal costs calculated on the average of an accident cost per fatality which is estimated at 2 Mio €. The total benefits from the proposed directive are estimated to be around of 1.7 billion €, while the costs would amount to be between 400 and 600 million. The cost benefit ratio of the measure is in order of 3,5 : 1. This means that for 1 € spent, there is societal benefit of 3.5 €.

4. The general approach of the Council (12/12/06)

The Council's general approach adopted by the Transport Ministers amends the Commission's proposal with regard to the 10 years approach and introduces a cut-off date of 1 January 2000 for the obligation to retrofit. It is proposed that Member States should implement these new requirements in 3 years (1 for transposition + 2 for implementation) following the entry into force of the directive (14 days after publication). Regarding flexibility and compliance to the requirements of the field of vision of Class IV and V mirrors provided under Directive 2003/97/EC, the total field of vision is fixed at 95% for IV and 85% for V instead of the 99% (Commission proposal). While Council's text made progress on extending the retrofitting of Class IV mirror, certification and controls (roadworthiness tests) and exemption on historical vehicles, it deletes awareness campaigns.





Additional periods


Commission proposal


Lorries not older than 10 years (1998)



One (1) year


Immediately after transposition (HGV registered after 2004)

- One additional year for HGV registered 4-7 years before the date of transposition

- Two additional years for HGV registered 7-10 years before the date of transposition

Council's general approach

Lorries registered after 01/01/2000

One (1) year

Two years for all HGV


No additional periods

5. Assessment of Commission’s proposal

The measure improves safety by reducing blind spots to the right passenger side (left in the UK) and creates a level playing field on equipment of indirect vision between new and existing lorries.

- Phasing-in date and progressive implementation

The timid approach through progressive implementation and various steps may compromise the overall objective, which is to save lives. The references made to difficulties of the market in coping with high demand for mirrors in a very short period are not shared between producers of such devices. In addition, the total number of HGVs that has to be retrofitted is likely to be less than the Commission's estimates.

- The limitation to the retrofitting of Class IV mirrors and exclusion of LGVs

The limitation of the retrofitting of Class IV seems not to be correct as in most situations the Class IV mirror is fitted on height lower than 2 m. Therefore, rectification is need. The scope of the proposal does not cover LGV (22.5 million) and coaches/buses (700,000) due to low cost-benefit ratio.

- Flexibility for compliance

The differentiated approach to the requirements of Dir. 2003/97/EC, while cited by the Commission, is not reflected fully in the text.

The main proposals of the Rapporteur

As progressive implementation and delays for its application alters the principal objective (save lives), rapid adoption and immediate implementation after the period given to the Member States for transposing the measure into national law, but not later than 30 June 2008, is proposed. A clear cut-off date is included for the retrofitting phasing-in.

More flexible approach is proposed on the percentage of the field of vision set out in Dir. 2003/97/EC for the wide angle mirror (Class IV, 95% instead of 99% of the Commission's) and for the close proximity mirror (Class V, 85% instead of 99% of the Commission's) in order to avoid restrictions in the market. In addition, the separation of the field of vision of wide angle mirror from that of the close proximity mirror is made in order to ensure better visibility in terms of safety and provide legal certainty.

Where no available solutions exist for the fitting of Class IV and V, in terms of technical and economical affordability, the same flexible approach is proposed for the devices, which are different from the type of mirrors Class IV and V.

Accompanying measures, including awareness campaigns for all road users, by Member States and where appropriate, by the Commission, are included. Collection of data in order to provide a more comprehensive analysis and a better strategy on blind spots accidents together with a progress report on the implementation of the measure and on the opportunity of extending requirements to other types of vehicles, e.g. N1 are proposed.


I. Definitions

- Vehicles N categories (Directive 70/156/EEC):

Category N1: vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass not exceeding 3,5 tonnes.

Category N2: vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods and having a mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes but not exceeding 12 tonnes.

Category N3: vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes.

- Light Goods Vehicle: less than 3.5 t of Gross Vehicle Weight.

- Heavy Goods Vehicle: above 3.5 t of Gross Vehicle Weight.

II. Table: requirements of Directive 2003/97/EC amended by Commission Directive 2005/27/EC (Source: Consolidated version of Directive

Vehicle category

Interior mirror

Exterior mirrors


Interior mirror

Class I

Main mirror (large)

Class II

Main mirror (small)

Class III

Wide-angle mirror

Class IV

Close-proximity mirror

Class V

Front mirror

Class VI




Unless a mirror would not provide rearward vision (as defined in item 5.1 Annex III)


If the mirror does not

provide rearward vision



One on the driver's side

and one on the passenger's side. Class II mirrors may be fitted as an alternative.


One on the driver's side and/or one on the passenger's side


One on the driver's side and one on the passenger's side (both must be fitted at least 2 m above the ground)


(must be fitted at least 2 m above the ground)


N2 ≤7,5 t


no requirements for the field of view)


One on the driver's side and one on the passenger's side.

Not permitted


For both sides if a Class V mirror can be fitted


For both sides together if not


One on the passenger’s side


One on the driver’s side (both must be fitted at least 2m above the ground)

A tolerance of + 10 cm may be applied


One front mirror (must be fitted at least 2m above the ground)


N2 >7,5 t


no requirements for the field of view)


One on the driver's side and one on the passenger's side.

Not permitted


One on the driver’s side and one on the passenger’s side


One on the passenger’s side


One on the driver’s side (both must be fitted at least 2m above the ground)


One front mirror (must be fitted at least 2m above the ground)




no requirements for the field of view)


One on the driver's side and one on the passenger's side.

Not permitted


One on the driver’s side and one on the passenger’s side


One on the passenger’s side


One on the driver’s side (both must be fitted at least 2m above the ground)


One front mirror (must be fitted at least 2m above the ground)

*Class V and VI mirrors shall be mounted on vehicles in such a way that, regardless of their position after adjustment, no part of these mirrors or their holders is less than 2 m from the ground when the vehicle is under a load corresponding to its technically permissible maximum laden mass. These mirrors shall not, however, be mounted on vehicles the cab height of which is such as to prevent compliance with this requirement. In this case an other device for indirect vision is not required. In case the field of vision can be perceived through the combination of the field of vision from a Class IV wide-angle mirror and that of a Class VI front mirror, the installation of a Class V close proximity mirror is not compulsory.

III. Figures on mirrors with the field of indirect vision (extracted from Directive 2003/97/EC)

Figure 1: Field of vision of Class I mirror

Figure 2: Field of vision of Class II mirror

Figure 3: Field of vision of Class III mirror

Figure 4: Field of vision of Class IV wide-angle mirror

Figures 5a and 5b: Field of vision of Class V close-proximity mirror

Figure 6: Field of vision of Class VI front mirror

  • [1]  Directive 2003/97/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type approval of devices, amending Directive 70/156/EEC and repealing Directive 71/127/EEC.
  • [2]  The benefit of retrofitting on existing track depends on its risks of being involved in relevant accident and decreases with the remaining lifespan of the vehicle (16 years for a HGV). See Commission’s "Full impact assessment", SEC(2006)1238.
  • [3]  Jacobs Consultancy Cost-benefit analysis of blind spot mirrors, final report, August 2004. http://ec.europa.eu/transport/roadsafety/publications/projectfiles/mirrors_en.htm



Post-echiparea cu oglinzi retrovizoare la vehiculele grele pentru transportul de mărfuri înregistrate pe teritoriul Comunităţii


COM(2006)0570 - C6-0332/2006 - 2006/0183(COD)

Data prezentării la PE


Comisia competentă în fond

       Data anunţului în plen



Comisia (comisiile) sesizată(e) pentru avizare

       Data anunţului în plen






Avize care nu au fost emise

       Data deciziei







       Data numirii

Paolo Costa




Examinare în comisie





Data adoptării





Rezultatul votului final







Membri titulari prezenţi la votul final

Inés Ayala Sender, Etelka Barsi-Pataky, Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Paolo Costa, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Arūnas Degutis, Christine De Veyrac, Petr Duchoň, Robert Evans, Emanuel Jardim Fernandes, Mathieu Grosch, Georg Jarzembowski, Stanisław Jałowiecki, Timothy Kirkhope, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Jaromír Kohlíček, Sepp Kusstatscher, Jörg Leichtfried, Bogusław Liberadzki, Eva Lichtenberger, Erik Meijer, Robert Navarro, Seán Ó Neachtain, Willi Piecyk, Reinhard Rack, Luca Romagnoli, Brian Simpson, Renate Sommer, Dirk Sterckx, Ulrich Stockmann, Armando Veneto, Marta Vincenzi, Roberts Zīle

Membri supleanţi prezenţi la votul final

Margrete Auken, Johannes Blokland, Philip Bradbourn, Zita Gurmai, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Corien Wortmann-Kool

Membri supleanţi [articolul 178 alineatul (2)] prezenţi la votul final

Marian-Jean Marinescu, Alexandru Athanasiu