ПРЕПОРЪКА ЗА ВТОРО ЧЕТЕНЕ относно общата позиция на Съвета с оглед приемане на регламент на Европейския парламент и на Съвета относно общи правила за извършване на въздухоплавателни транспортни услуги в Общността (преработка)

25.6.2008 - (16160/4/2007 – C6‑0176/2008 – 2006/0130(COD)) - ***II

Комисия по транспорт и туризъм
Докладчик: Arūnas Degutis

Процедура : 2006/0130(COD)
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относно общата позиция на Съвета с оглед приемане на регламент на Европейския парламент и на Съвета относно общи правила за извършване на въздухоплавателни транспортни услуги в Общността (преработка)

(16160/4/2007 – C6‑0176/2008 – 2006/0130(COD))

(Процедура на съвместно вземане на решение: второ четене)

Европейският парламент,

–   като взе предвид общата позиция на Съвета (16160/4/2007 – C6‑0176/2008),

–   като взе предвид своята позиция на първо четене[1] относно предложението на Комисията към Европейския парламент и към Съвета (COM(2006)0396)[2],

–   като взе предвид член 251, параграф 2 от Договора за ЕО,

–   като взе предвид член 67 от своя правилник,

–   като взе предвид препоръката за второ четене на комисията по транспорт и туризъм (A6‑0264/2008),

1.  одобрява общата позиция;

2.  констатира, че актът е приет в съответствие с общата позиция;

3.  възлага на своя председател да подпише акта заедно с председателя на Съвета, съгласно член 254, параграф 1 от Договора за ЕО;

4.  възлага на своя генерален секретар да подпише акта, след като е направена проверка за надлежното изпълнение на всички процедури, и съвместно с генералния секретар на Съвета да пристъпи към публикуването му в Официален вестник на ЕС;

5.  възлага на своя председател да предаде позицията на Парламента съответно на Съвета и на Комисията.

  • [1]  Текстове, приети на 11.7.2007 г., P6_TA(2007)0337.
  • [2]  Все още непубликуван в ОВ.


Introduction and Background

The Regulation is a recast of legislation governing the operation of air services in the Community. Its purpose is to address and update the third aviation package which constituted the final stage in the liberalisation of air transport in the Community and dates back to 1992.

That package had three elements: Regulation No. 2407/92 which dealt with the licensing of carriers and the leasing of aircraft; Regulation No.2408/92 which established the principle of free access for Community air carriers to intra-community air routes and lays down certain derogations, particularly for public service obligations; and Regulation No. 2409/92 which liberalised air fares.

The purpose of the present Regulation is to update and modify, in some instances tighten the provisions of this package on the basis of experience acquired and the current circumstances of the aviation sector.

Content of the Draft Regulation

The present proposal aims to establish a level playing field in the granting and revoking of operating licences. It requires Member States to reinforce the supervision of operating licences. It seeks better to align and strengthen rules governing the leasing of aircraft; both "dry" (without crew) and "wet" (with crew) the better to ensure safety and the proper application of social provisions. It clarifies the rules on traffic distribution between airports by removing the "airport system" concept and addressing the reality of cities and conurbations served by the same airport(s) while disqualifying discrimination between carriers. Finally it promotes price transparency for the passenger and fair price behaviour.

Parliament's First Reading.

Parliament completed its First Reading of this proposal on 9 May 2007. A total of 53 amendments were adopted, all of which reflected issues raised in the Transport and Tourism committee. In summary Parliament's amendments addressed:

- reinforcement of financial oversight;

- the proper application of social legislation;

- price transparency and optional price supplements to be on an "opt-in" basis only, clarity in the definition of "wet "and "dry" lease agreements;

- reinforcement of financial fitness requirements;

- clear administrative responsibility for revoking or suspending operating licences;

- arrangements for reviewing compliance;

- conditions to be fulfilled before aircraft can be "wet leased " from a third country;

- the right of carriers to be heard before a decision is taken to suspend or revoke an operating licence;

- the inclusion social development criteria in respect of Public Service Obligations;

- consultation of airports on traffic distribution and

- penalties for infringements of the Regulation.

After Parliament's First Reading

The Council Presidency indicated a willingness to accept wholly, partially or in principle Parliament's amendments in these areas.

By letter dated 29 November 2009 the chairman of the Transport and Tourism committee confirmed with the agreement of the rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs, that he would be prepared to recommend the proposed common position with these amendments included.

Council's Common Position

After careful examination of Council's common position, communicated to Parliament on 17 April 2008, it can be stated that Council respected this engagement. Council accepted 20 of Parliaments amendments in their entirety. A further 12 amendments were accepted in principle but incorporated elsewhere in the Regulation or redrafted. Council rejected 13 amendments on the grounds of lack of clarity, for technical reasons or because they were rendered redundant by other amendments. Only eight amendments, dealing with the scope of the Regulation and aspects of the licensing regime were rejected on grounds of principle.


Your rapporteur recommends acceptance of the Council's common position without further amendment. This is for two reasons. Firstly the proposed Regulation reinforces and improves the provisions of the existing legislation in the areas it addresses, that is on the supervision of operating licences; the leasing of aircraft; traffic distribution and transparent pricing. Secondly taken together the amendments of both arms of the legislative authority improve the Commission's original draft. Thirdly the substance of Parliament's amendments have been accepted.



Общи правила за извършване на въздухоплавателни транспортни услуги в Общността (преработка)


16160/4/2007 – C6-0176/2008 – 2006/0130(COD)

Дата на 1-во четене в ЕП – Номер P

11.7.2007                     T6-0337/2007

Предложение на Комисията

COM(2006)0396 - C6-0248/2006

Дата на обявяване в заседание на получаването на общата позиция


Водеща комисия

       Дата на обявяване в заседание




       Дата на назначаване

Arūnas Degutis




Разглеждане в комисия





Дата на приемане





Резултат от окончателното гласуване







Членове, присъствали на окончателното гласуване

Gabriele Albertini, Inés Ayala Sender, Michael Cramer, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Arūnas Degutis, Christine De Veyrac, Petr Duchoň, Saïd El Khadraoui, Robert Evans, Francesco Ferrari, Brigitte Fouré, Mathieu Grosch, Georg Jarzembowski, Timothy Kirkhope, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Jaromír Kohlíček, Bogusław Liberadzki, Eva Lichtenberger, Seán Ó Neachtain, Josu Ortuondo Larrea, Paweł Bartłomiej Piskorski, Reinhard Rack, Brian Simpson, Renate Sommer, Dirk Sterckx, Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, Yannick Vaugrenard

Заместник(ци), присъствал(и) на окончателното гласуване

Margrete Auken, Philip Bradbourn, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Lily Jacobs, Elisabeth Jeggle, Maria Eleni Koppa, Helmuth Markov, Rosa Miguélez Ramos, Vural Öger, Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Corien Wortmann-Kool

Заместник(ци) (чл. 178, пар. 2), присъствал(и) на окончателното гласуване

Ioannis Gklavakis, Helmut Kuhne, Maria Petre