REPORT on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of Parliament for the financial year 2012 - Section I - Parliament
25.3.2011 - (2011/2018(BUD))
Committee on Budgets
Rapporteur: José Manuel Fernandes
on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of Parliament for the financial year 2012 - Section I - Parliament
(Special legislative procedure - budget)
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Article 314 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
– having regard to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities[1], and particularly Article 31 thereof,
– having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management[2],
– having regard to its resolution of 9 March 2011 on the guidelines for the 2012 budget procedure – Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X[3],
– having regard to the Secretary-General's report to the Bureau on drawing up Parliament's preliminary draft estimates for the financial year 2012,
– having regard to the preliminary draft estimates drawn up by the Bureau on 23 March 2011 pursuant to Rules 23(7) and 79(1) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the draft estimates drawn up by the Committee on Budgets pursuant to Rule 79(2) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to Rule 79 of its Rules of Procedure,
– having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets (A7-0087/2011),
A. whereas the current financial, economic and social situation of the EU obliges the institutions to respond with the quality and efficiency that is required and to employ strict management procedures so that savings should be achieved; considers that such savings should involve budget lines related with the Members of the European Parliament;
B. whereas the institutions should be provided with sufficient resources, although in the current economic context those resources should be managed with rigour and efficiency
C. whereas it is particularly desirable for the Committee on Budgets and the Bureau to continue with the enhanced cooperation throughout the annual budget procedure under Rules 23 and 79 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, which provide that the Bureau is responsible for taking financial, organisational and administrative decisions concerning the internal organisation of Parliament as well as for drawing up Parliament's preliminary draft estimates and the Committee on Budgets is responsible for the report to the plenary on Parliament’s budget estimates in the context of the annual procedure,
D. whereas the prerogatives of the plenary in adopting the estimates and the final budget will be fully maintained in accordance with the Treaty provisions and the Rules of Procedure,
E. whereas a pre-conciliation meeting between delegations of the Bureau and the Committee on Budgets took place on 15 March and 22 March 2011;
F. whereas in a recent letter, the Commissioner responsible for budget called on all institutions to exploit all possible efforts towards limiting expenditure in preparing their own estimates of expenditure for the Draft Budget 2012;
General Framework and overall budget
1. Welcomes the so far good cooperation between the Bureau of the European Parliament and the Committee on Budgets during the current budget procedure and the agreement between the Bureau and the Committee on Budgets during its pre-conciliation on 22 March 2011;
2. Notes that the level of the Preliminary Draft Estimates for the 2012 budget, as suggested by the Secretary General to the Bureau, amounts to EUR 1 773 560 543, representing 20,26 % of heading 5 of the multiannual financial framework (MFF); notes that the rate of increase suggested is 5,20 % over the 2011 budget;
3. Welcomes that the Bureau of the European Parliament adopted savings compared to the originally suggested Preliminary Draft Estimates in its Preliminary Draft Estimates for the 2012 budget as adopted at its meeting on 23 March 2011 after its pre-conciliation with the Committee on Budgets; confirms the proposal of the Bureau and sets the overall level of the Draft Estimates 2012 at EUR 1 724 575 043, , representing 19,70 % of heading 5 of the MFF; notes that the rate of increase suggested is 2,30 % over the 2011 budget;
4. Calls for a long-term review of the European Parliament's budget; asks for future potential savings to be identified in order to reduce costs and create resources for the long-term running of the Parliament as part of a legislative authority;
5. Reaffirms that in the light of the difficult economic and budgetary conditions in the Member States, the Parliament should show its budgetary responsibility and self-restraint by staying under the current inflation rate[4]; following the interinstitutional line, enlargement-related needs are to be integrated either by a letter of amendment or an amending budget; the needs for the 18 new MEPs following the Lisbon Treaty will be also integrated by a letter of amendment or an amending budget;
6. Furthermore urges the administration to present an objective evaluation of the European Parliament's budget with the aim of identifying savings throughout and present this evaluation to the Committee on Budgets in a timely fashion before the end of the budgetary procedure;
7. Recalls that the ceiling for heading 5 of the MFF for the EU’s budget in 2012 is EUR 8 754 million;
8. Is of the opinion that the European Parliament and the other institutions should show budgetary responsibility and self-restraint in the context of economic crisis and the heavy burden of public debt and restraint in times of ongoing national budgetary consolidation efforts without undermining the goal of legislative excellence; is therefore ready to accept a revision of the ceiling of heading 5 of the MFF according to point 23 of the Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA); this revision should be an offsetting with a reduction of the ceiling of heading 5 (administration) by EUR 100 million and a corresponding increase of other headings in favour of youth;
Specific issues
9. Encourages the Bureau to apply a stringent human resources management approach prior to the establishment of new posts within the European Parliament;
10. Considers that the ongoing efforts to modernise and rationalise the administration and the proposals for 2012 should contribute to a reduction in the external provision of services and expects significant savings to be made here so as to achieve a level of expenditure comparable at least to that of 2010;
11. Welcomes the Secretary General's proposal to continue to implement Parliament's environmental policy, to start-up an information campaign, to provide support for the multi-annual ICT strategy and to continue to modernise and rationalise the administration
12. Efforts to modernise and rationalise the administration must also include the security of the parliament; requests a reserve of EUR 3 million, which would be lifted upon presentation of a viable concept for improvements and costs-plan;
13. Reminds the importance of all the points mentioned in the guidelines for the budget 2012 such as the modernisation of the software application systems including the digital strategy with regard to the Web 2.0 tools and social networks, cloud computing system and Wifi, information and communication policy, the knowledge management system, translation and interpretation, environmental policy and EMAS and active non-discrimination policies;
14. Considers that in the implementation of the 2012 budget further savings should be achieved by reducing the consumption of namely water, electricity and paper and that an effort should be made to reduce transportation costs related to official missions and travel;
15. Highlights the need for constant and even-distributed information of the European citizens and asks its administration to constantly monitor existing and potential locations for its information offices, in particular where accommodation is offered free of charge;
Buildings in construction
16. Recalls its position, expressed in Parliament's resolution on the guidelines for the 2012 budget procedure[5]; considers that early payment, with a view to reducing financing costs, remains one of the key priorities for the future; asks in this context for optimal use of the budget resources at year end, providing additional resources for long term building projects though transfer of unused appropriations to be approved by the Committee on Budgets while respecting the principles of transparency and sound financial management;17. Welcomes the detailed information received concerning the continuation of the realisation of the House of European History; takes note of the estimated total cost for setting up the House of European History, the estimated running costs and the staffing needs; asks the Bureau to reduce the estimated running costs; requests - in order to maintain a transparent and fruitful dialogue with the parties involved - to be presented with a business plan setting out the long-term business strategy of the House of European History and requests to be informed as soon as possible on the building project according to Article 179(3) of the Financial Regulation proposes a reserve of EUR 2 million until receipt of said business plan;
18. Does not support the creation of a new budget line at this stage specifically for the House of European History; therefore requests that the EUR 1 million which has been allocated to the new item "3247" (House of European History) be transferred to item 101 (contingency reserve); considers however that any creation of such a line should be part of a transparent procedure and approved by the budgetary authority;
Final considerations
19. Adopts the draft estimates for the financial year 2012 as annexed and recalls that the adoption of Parliament's position on the Draft Budget, as modified by the Council, will take place in October 2011, according to the procedure laid down by the Treaty;
o o
20. Instructs its President to forward this resolution and the estimates to the Council and Commission.
- [1] OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.
- [2] OJ C 139, 14.6.2006, p. 1.
- [3] Text adopted, P7_TA(2011)0088.
- [4] Eurostat press release 41/2011, 16 March 2011.
- [5] Texts adopted, P7_TA(2011)0088.
Contribution of the European Communities to the financing of the expenditure
of Parliament for the financial year 2012
Heading |
Amount |
Expenditure |
1 724 575 043 |
Own resources |
129 610 967 |
Contribution due |
1 594 964 076 |
Title Chapter Article Item |
Heading |
2012 budget |
2011 budget |
2010 outturn |
4 |
4 0 |
4 0 0 |
Proceeds from taxation on the salaries, wages and allowances of Members of the institutions, officials, other servants and recipients of pensions |
48 103 216 |
47 464 953 |
59 149 990,85 |
4 0 3 |
Proceeds of the temporary contribution from the salaries of Members of the institution, officials and other servants in active employment |
p.m. |
p.m. |
7 030,91 |
4 0 4 |
Proceeds from the special levy on the salaries of Members of the institutions, officials and other servants in active employment |
8 130 225 |
8 109 730 |
6 901 334,6 |
Chapter 4 0 — Total |
56 233 441 |
55 574 683 |
66 058 356,36 |
4 1 |
4 1 0 |
Staff contributions to the pension scheme |
63 032 588 |
58 631 602 |
55 583 611,27 |
4 1 1 |
Transfer or purchase of pension rights by staff |
9 134 938 |
9 134 938 |
9 451 168,22 |
4 1 2 |
Contributions to the pension scheme by officials and temporary staff on leave on personal grounds |
10 000 |
10 000 |
0,00 |
Chapter 4 1 — Total |
72 177 526 |
67 776 540 |
65 034 779,49 |
4 2 |
4 2 1 |
Contributions by Members of the European Parliament to a retirement pension scheme |
p.m. |
p.m. |
73 671,19 |
Chapter 4 2 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
73 671,19 |
Title 4 — Total |
128 410 967 |
123 351 223 |
131 166 807,04 |
5 |
5 0
5 0 0 |
Proceeds from the sale of movable property (supply of goods) |
5 0 0 0 |
Proceeds from the sale of vehicles — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
93 942,73 |
5 0 0 1 |
Proceeds from the sale of other movable property — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
2 000,00 |
5 0 0 2 |
Proceeds from the supply of goods to other institutions or bodies — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
5 0 1 |
Proceeds from the sale of immovable property |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
5 0 2 |
Proceeds from the sale of publications, printed works and films — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
300 137,25 |
Chapter 5 0 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
396 079,98 |
5 1 |
5 1 1 |
Proceeds from letting and subletting immovable property and reimbursement of charges connected with lettings |
5 1 1 0 |
Proceeds from letting and subletting immovable property — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
1 319 875,47 |
5 1 1 1 |
Reimbursement of charges connected with lettings — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
4 964,60 |
Chapter 5 1 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
1 324 840,07 |
5 2 |
5 2 0 |
Revenue from investments or loans granted, bank and other interest on the institution's accounts |
1 200 000 |
1 300 000 |
1 082 116,96 |
Chapter 5 2 — Total |
1 200 000 |
1 300 000 |
1 082 116,96 |
5 5 |
5 5 0 |
Proceeds from the supply of services and works for other institutions or bodies, including refunds by other institutions or bodies of mission allowances paid on their behalf — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
3 087 737,58 |
5 5 1 |
Revenue from third parties in respect of services or work supplied at their request — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
3 949 888,58 |
Chapter 5 5 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
7 037 626,16 |
5 7 |
5 7 0 |
Revenue arising from the repayment of amounts wrongly paid — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
1 707 401,88 |
5 7 1 |
Revenue earmarked for a specific purpose, such as income from foundations, subsidies, gifts and bequests, including the earmarked revenue specific to each institution — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
5 7 2 |
Repayment of welfare expenditure incurred on behalf of another institution |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
5 7 3 |
Other contributions and refunds in connection with the administrative operation of the institution — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
89 528 615,35 |
Chapter 5 7 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
91 236 017,23 |
5 8 |
5 8 1 |
Revenue from insurance payments received — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
149 785,46 |
Chapter 5 8 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
149 785,46 |
Title 5 — Total |
1 200 000 |
1 300 000 |
101 226 465.86 |
6 6 |
6 6 0 |
Other contributions and refunds |
6 6 0 0 |
Other assigned contributions and refunds — Assigned revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
10 155 209,29 |
6 6 0 1 |
Other non-assigned contributions and refunds |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
Chapter 6 6 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
10 155 209,29 |
Title 6 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
10 155 209,29 |
9 |
9 0 |
9 0 0 |
Miscellaneous revenue |
p.m. |
p.m. |
545 721,64 |
Chapter 9 0 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
545 721,64 |
Title 9 — Total |
p.m. |
p.m. |
545 721,64 |
129 610 967 |
124 651 223 |
243 094 203,83 |
General summary of appropriations (2012 and 2011) and outturn (2010)
Title Chap. |
Heading |
2012 approps. |
2011 approps. |
2010 outturn |
1 0 |
209 597 938 |
221 289 598 |
207 680 219,98 |
1 2 |
576 397 354 |
569 844 235 |
532 628 081,59 |
1 4 |
115 346 520 |
122 260 343 |
85 755 019,65 |
1 6 |
17 926 450 |
15 635 500 |
13 339 918,84 |
Title 1 — Total |
929 248 262 |
929 029 676 |
860 233 683,63 |
2 0 |
207 730 99 |
183 188 366 |
186 396 512,82 |
2 1 |
129 855 624 |
113 787 071 |
137 467 641,39 |
2 3 |
13 620 000 |
15 567 000 |
10 373 434,80 |
Title 2 — Total |
351 206 623 |
312 542 437 |
334 237 589,01 |
3 0 |
38 822 350 |
39 499 769 |
30 180 428,11 |
3 2 |
111 367 836 |
103 974 776 |
97 821 408,11 |
Title 3 — Total |
150 190 186 |
143 474 545 |
128 001 836,22 |
4 0 |
86 850 000 |
83 650 000 |
76 088 321,79 |
4 2 |
186 197 000 |
176 043 709 |
153 418 840,93 |
4 4 |
340 000 |
340 000 |
310 000,00 |
Title 4 — Total |
273 387 000 |
260 033 709 |
229 817 162,72 |
10 0 |
5 000 000 |
25 914 026 |
0,00 |
10 1 |
14 522 972 |
14 000 000 |
0,00 |
10 3 |
p.m. |
835 000 |
0,00 |
10 4 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
10 5 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
10 6 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
10 8 |
1 000 000 |
p.m. |
0,00 |
Title 10 — Total |
20 522 972 |
40 749 026 |
0,00 |
1 724 575 043 |
1 685 829 393 |
1 552 290 271,58 |
Revenue — Own resources
Title 4 — Revenue accruing from persons working with the institutions and other Union bodies
Chapter 4 0 — Miscellaneous taxes and deductions
Article 4 0 0 — Proceeds from taxation on the salaries, wages and allowances of Members of the institutions, officials, other servants and recipients of pensions
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
48 103 216 |
47 464 953 |
59 149 990,85 |
Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union, and in particular Article 12 thereof.
Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 260/68 of 29 February 1968 laying down the conditions and procedure for applying the tax for the benefit of the European Communities (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 8).
Article 4 0 3 — Proceeds of the temporary contribution from the salaries of Members of the institution, officials and other servants in active employment
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
7 030,91 |
Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 3831/91 of 19 December 1991 amending the Staff Regulations of officials and the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities with a view to introducing a temporary contribution (OJ L 361, 31.12.1991, p. 7).
Article 4 0 4 — Proceeds from the special levy on the salaries of Members of the institutions, officials and other servants in active employment
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
8 130 225 |
8 109 730 |
6 901 334,60 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 66a thereof.
Chapter 4 1 — Contribution to the pension scheme
Article 4 1 0 — Staff contributions to the pension scheme
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
63 032 588 |
58 631 602 |
55 583 611,27 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 83(2) thereof.
Article 4 1 1 — Transfer or purchase of pension rights by staff
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
9 134 938 |
9 134 938 |
9 451 168,22 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Articles 4, 11(2) and (3) and 48 of Annex VIII thereto.
Article 4 1 2 — Contributions to the pension scheme by officials and temporary staff on leave on personal grounds
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
10 000 |
10 000 |
0,00 |
Chapter 4 2 — Other contributions to the pension scheme
Article 4 2 1 — Contributions by Members of the European Parliament to a retirement pension scheme
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
73 671,19 |
Rules governing the payment of expenses and allowances to Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Annex III thereto.
Title 5 — Revenue accruing from the administrative operation of the institution
Chapter 5 0 — Proceeds from the sale of movable property (supply of goods) and immovable property
Article 5 0 0 — Proceeds from the sale of movable property (supply of goods)
Item 5 0 0 0 — Proceeds from the sale of vehicles — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
93 942,73 |
This item is intended to record revenue accruing from the sale or part-exchange of vehicles belonging to the institutions.
In accordance with Article 18(1)(e) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Item 5 0 0 1 — Proceeds from the sale of other movable property — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
2 000,00 |
This item is intended to record revenue accruing from the sale or part exchange of movable property other than vehicles belonging to the institutions.
In accordance with Article 18(1)(e) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Item 5 0 0 2 — Proceeds from the supply of goods to other institutions or bodies — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(g) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Details of expenditure and revenue resulting from loans or rents or the provision of services under this budget item shall be set out in an annex to this budget.
Article 5 0 1 — Proceeds from the sale of immovable property
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
This article is intended to record revenue from the sale of immovable property belonging to the institutions.
Article 5 0 2 — Proceeds from the sale of publications, printed works and films — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
300 137,25 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(j) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
This article shall also include the proceeds of the sale of these products by electronic means.
Chapter 5 1 — Proceeds from lettings
Article 5 1 1 — Proceeds from letting and subletting immovable property and reimbursement of charges connected with lettings
Item 5 1 1 0 — Proceeds from letting and subletting immovable property — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
1 319 875,47 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(e) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Details of expenditure and revenue resulting from loans or rents or the provision of services under this budget item shall be set out in an annex to this budget.
Item 5 1 1 1 — Reimbursement of charges connected with lettings — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
4 964,60 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(e) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Chapter 5 2 — Revenue from investments or loans granted, bank and other interest
Article 5 2 0 — Revenue from investments or loans granted, bank and other interest on the institution's accounts
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 200 000 |
1 300 000 |
1 082 116,96 |
This article is intended to record revenue from investments or loans granted, bank and other interest on the institution's accounts.
Chapter 5 5 — Revenue from the proceeds of services supplied and works carried out
Article 5 5 0 — Proceeds from the supply of services and works for other institutions or bodies, including refunds by other institutions or bodies of mission allowances paid on their behalf — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
3 087 737,58 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(g) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Article 5 5 1 — Revenue from third parties in respect of services or work supplied at their request — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
3 949 888,58 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(e) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Chapter 5 7 — Other contributions and refunds in connection with the administrative operation of the institution
Article 5 7 0 — Revenue arising from the repayment of amounts wrongly paid — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
1 707 401,88 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Article 5 7 1 — Revenue earmarked for a specific purpose, such as income from foundations, subsidies, gifts and bequests, including the earmarked revenue specific to each institution — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(c) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
Article 5 7 2 — Repayment of welfare expenditure incurred on behalf of another institution
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
This article is intended to record revenue from the repayment of welfare expenditure incurred on behalf of another institution.
Article 5 7 3 — Other contributions and refunds in connection with the administrative operation of the institution — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
89 528 615,35 |
Chapter 5 8 — Miscellaneous payments
Article 5 8 1 — Revenue from insurance payments received — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
149 785,46 |
In accordance with Article 18(1)(h) of the Financial Regulation, this revenue is to be considered as assigned revenue and gives rise to the entry of additional appropriations against the headings which bore the initial expenditure giving rise to the corresponding revenue.
This article also includes reimbursement by insurance companies of the salaries of officials involved in accidents.
Title 6 — Contributions and refunds in connection with Union agreements and programmes
Chapter 6 6 — Other contributions and refunds
Article 6 6 0 — Other contributions and refunds
Item 6 6 0 0 — Other assigned contributions and refunds — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
10 155 209,29 |
This item is intended to record, pursuant to Article 18 of the Financial Regulation, any revenue not provided for in other parts of Title 6 and which is used to provide additional appropriations to finance expenditure to which this revenue is assigned.
Item 6 6 0 1 — Other non-assigned contributions and refunds — Assigned revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,00 |
Title 9 — Miscellaneous revenue
Chapter 9 0 — Miscellaneous revenue
Article 9 0 0 — Miscellaneous revenue
Budget 2012 |
Budget 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
545 721,64 |
This article is intended to record miscellaneous revenue.
Details of expenditure and revenue resulting from loans or rents or the provision of services under this Article shall be set out in an annex to this budget.
Expenditure — EXPENDITURE
Article 1 0 0 — Salaries and allowances
Item 1 0 0 0 — Salaries
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
68 130 000 |
67 755 185 |
67 712 998,56 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 9 and 10 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 1 and 2 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover the salary provided for by the Statute for Members.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Item 1 0 0 4 — Ordinary travel expenses
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
77 657 238 |
75 396 756 |
75 133 000,00 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 20 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 10 to 21 and 24 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses in connection with travelling to and from the places of work and with other duty travel.
It is also intended to cover expenditure relating to any carbon offsets, as provided for in the Eco-Management Audit Scheme (EMAS) action plan adopted by the Bureau.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 10 000.
Item 1 0 0 5 — Other travel expenses
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
5 399 718 |
9 396 317 |
5 293 962,21 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 20 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 22, 23 and 29 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover reimbursement of additional travel expenses, travel expenses incurred in the Member State of election and repatriation expenses, including the relevant insurance policy.
It is also intended to cover expenditure relating to any carbon offsets, as provided for in the EMAS action plan adopted by the Bureau.
Item 1 0 0 6 — General expenditure allowance
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
38 944 212 |
38 330 147 |
36 966 241,00 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 20 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 25 to 28 thereof.
This allowance is intended to cover - in accordance with the above articles of the Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament - expenses resulting from the parliamentary activities of Members.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 25 000.
Item 1 0 0 7 — Allowances for performance of duties
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
181 000 |
179 000 |
172 428,79 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 20 thereof.
Bureau Decision of 16-17 June 2009.
This appropriation is intended to cover the flat-rate subsistence and representation allowances in connection with the duties of the President of the European Parliament.
Article 1 0 1 — Accident and sickness insurance and other welfare measures
Item 1 0 1 0 — Accident and sickness insurance and other social security charges
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 233 770 |
3 477 040 |
1 928 101,01 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 18 and 19 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 3 to 9 thereof.
Common rules on the insurance of officials of the European Union against the risk of accident and of occupational disease.
Joint rules on sickness insurance for officials of the European Union.
Commission Decision laying down general implementing provisions for the reimbursement of medical expenses.
Rules governing the payment of expenses and allowances to Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 21 and Annex IV thereto (temporary application for 18 months after the close of the sixth parliamentary term).
This appropriation is intended to cover accident insurance and reimbursement of medical expenses for Members and loss and theft of Members' personal effects.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 140 000.
Item 1 0 1 2 — Specific measures to assist disabled Members
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
384 000 |
380 000 |
153 259,40 |
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 30 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover certain expenditure required to provide assistance for a seriously disabled Member.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Article 1 0 2 — Transitional allowances
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
490 000 |
1 510 000 |
6 250 465,65 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 13 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 45 to 48 and 77 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover the transitional allowance after the end of a Member's term of office.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Article 1 0 3 — Pensions
Item 1 0 3 0 — Retirement pensions
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
11 084 000 |
11 131 000 |
10 182 164,82 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 14 and 28 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 49, 50 and 75 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover the payment of an old-age pension after the cessation of a Member's term of office.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 50 000.
Item 1 0 3 1 — Invalidity pensions
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
418 000 |
406 742 |
344 044,77 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 15 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 51 to 57 and 75 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover the payment of a pension to Members who become incapacitated during their term of office.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 20 000.
Item 1 0 3 2 — Survivors’ pensions
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 930 000 |
3 072 147 |
2 797 599,03 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 17 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 58 to 60 and 75 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover the payment of a survivor's and/or orphan's pension in the event of the death of a Member or of a former Member.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 15 000.
Item 1 0 3 3 — Optional pension scheme for Members
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
46 000 |
55 000 |
45 954,74 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 27 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 76 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover the institution's contribution to the additional voluntary pension scheme for Members.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Article 1 0 5 — Language and data-processing courses
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
700 000 |
800 000 |
700 000,00 |
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 44 thereof.
Bureau decision of 4 May 2009 on language and computer courses for Members.
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of language and IT courses for Members.
Article 1 0 8 — Exchange losses
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover exchange differences to be met from the budget of the European Parliament in accordance with the provisions applicable to the payment of the general expenditure allowance.
Article 1 0 9 — Provisional appropriation
Item 1 0 9 0 — Provisional appropriation
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover the effects of any adjustments to payments to Members of the institution.
This appropriation is purely provisional and may be used only after its transfer to other headings in accordance with the Financial Regulation.
Item 1 0 9 1 — Provisional appropriation for the 18 additional Members — Treaty of Lisbon
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
9 400 264 |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure in connection with the arrival, pursuant to the Treaty of Lisbon, of the 18 additional Members.
This appropriation is purely provisional and may be used only after its transfer to other headings in accordance with the Financial Regulation.
Article 1 2 0 — Remuneration and other entitlements
Item 1 2 0 0 — Remuneration and allowances
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 2 0 0 |
569 408 154 |
562 435 035 |
525 864 796,40 |
Reserve |
714 026 |
Total |
569 408 154 |
563 149 061 |
525 864 796,40 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union.
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
This appropriation is mainly intended to cover, for officials and temporary staff holding a post provided for in the establishment plan:
— salaries, allowances and other payments related to salaries,
— insurance against sickness, accident and occupational disease and other social security contributions,
— flat-rate overtime allowances,
— miscellaneous allowances and grants,
— payment of travel expenses for officials or temporary staff, their spouses and dependants from their place of employment to their place of origin,
— the impact of salary weightings applicable to remuneration and to the part of emoluments transferred to a country other than the country of employment,
— unemployment insurance for temporary staff and payments made by the institution to allow temporary staff to constitute or maintain pension rights in their country of origin.
This appropriation is also intended to cover the insurance premiums in respect of sports accidents for users of the European Parliament’s sports centre in Brussels and in Strasbourg.
Part of these appropriations is to be used for the recruitment of temporary agents with disabilities and with expertise in disability rights and non-discrimination policies, in order to implement the Action Plan 2009-2013 for the promotion of gender equality and diversity in the European Parliament Secretariat adopted by the Bureau (PE413.568/BUR) in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Article 26 thereof, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. An annual report will be drawn up on the use of appropriations for this purpose.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 1 800 000.
Item 1 2 0 2 — Paid overtime
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
455 200 |
455 200 |
300 000,00 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 56 thereof and Annex VI thereto.
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
This appropriation is intended to cover the payment of overtime under the conditions set out in the above-mentioned provisions.
Item 1 2 0 4 — Entitlements in connection with entering the service, transfer and leaving the service
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
5 035 000 |
5 034 000 |
3 700 000,00 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union.
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— travel expenses due to officials and temporary staff (including their families) entering or leaving the service or being transferred to another place of employment,
— installation/resettlement allowances and removal expenses due to officials and temporary staff obliged to change their place of residence on taking up duty, on transfer to a new place of employment and on finally leaving the institution and resettling elsewhere,
— daily subsistence allowance for officials and temporary staff who furnish evidence that they must change their place of residence on taking up duty or transferring to a new place of employment,
— the compensation for a probationary official who is dismissed because his work is obviously inadequate,
— compensation for a member of the temporary staff whose contract is terminated by the institution,
— the difference between the contributions paid by contract staff to a Member State pension scheme and those payable to the Community scheme in the event of reclassification of a contract.
Article 1 2 2 — Allowances upon early termination of service
Item 1 2 2 0 — Allowances for staff retired in the interests of the service
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
402 000 |
530 000 |
697 937,85 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Articles 41 and 50 thereof and Annex IV thereto.
This appropriation is intended to cover the allowances payable to officials:
— assigned non-active status in connection with action to reduce the number of posts in the institution,
— holding an AD 16 or AD 15 post who are retired in the interests of the service.
It also covers the employer's contribution to sickness insurance and the impact of weightings applicable to these allowances.
Item 1 2 2 2 — Allowances for staff whose service is terminated and special retirement scheme for officials and temporary staff
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 097 000 |
1 390 000 |
2 065 347,34 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Articles 64 and 72 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to fund:
— the allowances payable under the Staff Regulations or the regulations referred to below,
— the employer's contributions towards sickness insurance for the recipients of the allowances,
— the impact of the weightings applicable to the various allowances.
Legal basis
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom, ECSC) No 2689/95 of 17 November 1995 introducing special measures to terminate the service of temporary staff of the European Communities as a result of the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden (OJ L 280, 23.11.1995, p. 4).
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1748/2002 of 30 September 2002 introducing, in the context of the modernisation of the institution, special measures to terminate the service of Officials of the European Communities appointed to an established post in the European Parliament and temporary staff working in the Political Groups of the European Parliament (OJ L 264, 2.10.2002, p. 9).
Article 1 2 4 — Provisional appropriation
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
This appropriation is intended to cover the effects of any salary adjustments decided by the Council during the financial year.
It is provisional and may be used only after its transfer to the appropriate headings of this chapter.
Legal basis
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 65 thereof and Annex XI thereto.
Article 1 4 0 — Other staff and externals
Item 1 4 0 0 — Other staff
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
33 120 000 |
32 579 343 |
25 212 376,41 |
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
This appropriation is intended to cover the following expenditure:
— the remuneration, including allocations and allowances, of other staff, including contract and local staff and special advisers (within the meaning of the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union), employer's contributions to the various social security schemes and the impact of salary weightings applicable to the remuneration of these staff,
— the employment of temporary agency staff.
Part of these appropriations is to be used for the recruitment of contract staff with disabilities and with expertise in disability rights and non-discrimination policies, in order to implement the Action Plan 2009-2013 for the promotion of gender equality and diversity in the European Parliament Secretariat adopted by the Bureau (PE413.568/BUR) in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Article 26 thereof, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. An annual report will be drawn up on the use of appropriations for this purpose.
Item 1 4 0 2 — Conference interpreters
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 4 0 2 |
60 480 000 |
58 000 000 |
54 990 000,00 |
Reserve |
2 000 000 |
Total |
60 480 000 |
60 000 000 |
54 990 000,00 |
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
Agreement on auxiliary conference interpreters.
This appropriation is intended to cover the following as part of interinstitutional cooperation:
— the fees, social security contributions, travel expenses and subsistence allowances of auxiliary conference interpreters used by Parliament to service meetings organised by Parliament or by other institutions which cannot be serviced by Parliament interpreters (officials and temporary staff),
— expenditure on conference agencies, technicians and administrators used to service the above meetings where they cannot be serviced by officials, temporary staff or other staff,
— services provided to Parliament by interpreters who are officials or temporary staff members in other institutions,
— travel expenses and subsistence allowances related to services provided to Parliament in the context of international cooperation by interpreters who are staff members of international institutions,
— language-related interinstitutional cooperation.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 200 000.
Item 1 4 0 4 — Graduate traineeships, grants and exchanges of officials
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
7 961 520 |
7 138 000 |
5 552 643,24 |
Rules governing the attachment of Parliament officials and temporary staff of the political groups to national public authorities, bodies treated as such public authorities and international organisations.
Rules governing the secondment of national experts to the European Parliament.
Internal Rules governing traineeships and study visits in the Secretariat of the European Parliament.
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— an allowance and travel expenses for trainees at the beginning and end of traineeships,
— accident and sickness insurance for trainees during traineeships,
— expenditure arising from movements between the European Parliament and the public sector in the Member States or other countries specified in the rules,
— expenditure arising from the secondment of national experts to the European Parliament,
— the organising of training schemes for conference interpreters and translators, inter alia in cooperation with schools of interpreting and universities providing training in translation, as well as grants for the training and further training of interpreters and translators, purchase of teaching materials, and associated costs,
— additional costs for trainees on the pilot programme of traineeships for persons with disabilities, directly related to their disability, in accordance with Article 20(8) of the Internal Rules governing traineeships and study visits in the Secretariat of the European Parliament.
Item 1 4 0 6 — Observers
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
The appropriation is intended to cover the payment of expenses relating to observers, in accordance with Rule 11 of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure.
Item 1 4 0 7 — Training allowance (European Parliament apprenticeship programme)
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
This item is intended to remunerate the work of trainees taking part in the European Parliament's apprenticeship programme.
Article 1 4 2 — Outside services
Item 1 4 2 0 — Outside services
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
23 402 000 |
24 200 000 |
20 494 609,37 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the translation, typing, coding and technical assistance work sent to outside suppliers.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 200 000.
Item 1 4 2 2 — Interinstitutional cooperation activities in the language field
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
383 000 |
343 000 |
335 834,20 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— expenditure related to actions decided on by the Interinstitutional Committee on Translation and Interpretation with a view to promoting interinstitutional cooperation in the sphere of languages,
— expenditure on publications, information activities, public relations, and participation in public events, exhibitions and language fairs.
Article 1 4 4 — Provisional appropriation
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
This appropriation is intended to cover the effects of any salary adjustments decided by the Council during the financial year.
It is provisional and may be used only after its transfer to the appropriate headings of this chapter.
Legal basis
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
Article 1 6 1 — Expenditure relating to staff management
Item 1 6 1 0 — Expenditure on recruitment
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
402 775 |
515 500 |
348 408,75 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Articles 27 to 31 and 33 thereof and Annex III thereto.
Decision 2002/620/EC of the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman of 25 July 2002 establishing a European Communities Personnel Selection Office (OJ L 197, 26.7.2002, p. 53) and Decision 2002/621/EC of the Secretaries-General of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, the Registrar of the Court of Justice, the Secretaries-General of the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, and the Representative of the European Ombudsman of 25 July 2002 on the organisation and operation of the European Communities Personnel Selection Office (OJ L 197, 26.7.2002, p. 56).
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— expenditure on organising the competitions provided for in Article 3 of Decision 2002/621/EC and travel and subsistence expenses for applicants called for interviews and medical examinations,
— the costs of organising procedures for selecting staff.
In cases duly justified by operational needs and after consultation of the European Personnel Selection Office, the institution may use some of these appropriations to organise its own competitions.
Item 1 6 1 2 — Further training
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
4 400 000 |
4 100 000 |
3 680 849,76 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 24a.
Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union.
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on training for improving staff skills and the performance and efficiency of the institution, e.g. via language courses for the official working languages.
Article 1 6 3 — Measures to assist the institution's staff
Item 1 6 3 0 — Social welfare
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
711 500 |
650 000 |
517 840,38 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Articles 9(3), third subparagraph, and 76 thereof.
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— as part of an interinstitutional policy to assist persons with a disability in the following categories:
— officials and temporary staff in active employment,
— spouses of officials and temporary staff in active employment,
— dependent children within the meaning of the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union,
the reimbursement, to the extent permitted by the budget and after national entitlements in the country of residence or the country of origin have been exhausted, of expenses (other than medical expenses) recognised as necessary, resulting from the handicap and supported by documentary evidence and not covered by the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme,
— action taken in respect of officials and other servants in particularly difficult situations,
— the financing of a grant for the Staff Committee and incidental expenditure in the Welfare Service. Contributions or defrayal of expenses by the Staff Committee for participants in a welfare activity will be aimed at financing activities that have a social, cultural or linguistic dimension, but there will be no subsidies for individual staff members or households.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 8 000.
Item 1 6 3 1 — Mobility
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
996 000 |
825 000 |
196 954,06 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure relating to mobility at the various places of work.
Item 1 6 3 2 — Social contacts between members of staff and other social measures
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
310 400 |
310 000 |
309 000,00 |
This appropriation is intended to encourage and provide financial backing for schemes to promote social contact between staff of different nationalities, for example subsidies to staff clubs, sports associations, cultural societies, etc., and to make a contribution to the cost of a permanent leisure centre (cultural and sports activities, hobbies, restaurant).
It also covers financial support for interinstitutional social activities.
The amount of assigned revenue pursuant to Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 800 000.
Article 1 6 5 — Activities relating all persons working with the institution
Item 1 6 5 0 — Medical service
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 135 000 |
1 285 000 |
810 000,00 |
Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 59 thereof and Article 8 of Annex II thereto.
This appropriation is intended to cover the operating costs of the medical service at the three places of work, including the purchase of materials and pharmaceutical products, etc., expenditure on preventive medical check-ups, expenditure arising from the operation of the Invalidity Committee and expenditure on services provided by outside medical specialists deemed necessary by the medical officers.
It also covers expenditure involving the purchase of certain work tools deemed necessary on medical grounds, together with expenditure on medical or paramedical staff under service provision arrangements or on short-term stand-in assignment.
Item 1 6 5 2 — Current operating expenditure for restaurants and canteens
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 960 000 |
2 600 000 |
2 313 000,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover restaurant and canteen management and operating costs.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 2 000 000.
Item 1 6 5 4 — Early childhood centre and approved day nurseries
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
6 010 775 |
5 350 000 |
5 163 865,89 |
This appropriation is intended to cover Parliament's contribution to all the expenditure of the early childhood centre and outside crèches with which an agreement has been concluded.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation from parental contributions is estimated at EUR 2 200 000.
Since risk cover has been revoked by insurance companies, the risk of industrial conflicts and terrorist attacks for the European Parliament buildings needs to be covered through the European Union budget.
The appropriations of this title accordingly cover all expenses in connection with damage resulting from industrial conflicts and terrorist attacks.
Chapter 2 0 — Buildings and associated costs
Article 2 0 0 — Buildings
Item 2 0 0 0 — Rent
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
33 531 999 |
34 327 626 |
31 475 172,11 |
This appropriation is intended to cover rent for the buildings or parts of buildings occupied by Parliament.
It also covers property tax. The rentals are calculated over 12 months on the basis of existing leases or leases in preparation, which normally provide for cost of living or construction cost index-linking.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 500 000.
Item 2 0 0 1 — Lease payments
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
25 910 000 |
12 155 000 |
5 673 000,02 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the annual lease payments for buildings or parts of buildings under existing leases or leases in preparation.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 100 000.
Item 2 0 0 3 — Acquisition of immovable property
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
19 101 687,92 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the acquisition of immovable property. Subsidies for land and its servicing will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulation.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 100 000.
Item 2 0 0 5 — Construction of buildings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
6 995 000 |
7 644 000 |
4 642 954,40 |
This item is intended for any entry of appropriations for the construction of buildings.
Item 2 0 0 7 — Fitting-out of premises
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 0 0 7 |
33 625 000 |
22 195 000 |
19 256 305,98 |
Reserve |
2 000 000 |
2 500 000 |
Total |
35 625 000 |
24 695 000 |
19 256 305,98 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the performance of fitting-out work, including other expenditure connected with that work, in particular architects' or engineers' fees, etc.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 500 000.
Item 2 0 0 8 — Other specific property management arrangements
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
5 100 000 |
4 637 000 |
10 207 506,94 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on property management not specifically provided for in the other articles in this chapter, i.e.:
— waste management and treatment,
— mandatory inspections, quality checks, expert opinions, audits, compliance monitoring, etc.,
— technical library,
— management support (building helpdesk),
— taking care of building drawings and information media,
— other expenditure.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 10 000.
Article 2 0 2 — Expenditure on buildings
Item 2 0 2 2 — Building maintenance, upkeep, operation and cleaning
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
46 965 000 |
44 749 000 |
39 351 882,15 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the maintenance, upkeep, operating and cleaning costs, on the basis of current contracts, for the buildings (offices, other areas and installations) rented or owned by the European Parliament.
Before renewing or concluding contracts, the institution will consult the other institutions on the contractual terms each of them has obtained (prices, currency chosen, index-linking, duration, other clauses) with due regard for Article 91(3) of the Financial Regulation.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 75 000.
Item 2 0 2 4 — Energy consumption
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
18 921 000 |
18 947 000 |
16 953 364,08 |
This appropriation is intended to cover, in particular, water, gas, electricity and heating costs.
It is also intended to cover expenditure relating to any carbon offsets, as provided for in the EMAS action plan adopted by the Bureau.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 82 000.
Item 2 0 2 6 — Security and surveillance of buildings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 0 2 6 |
35 730 000 |
37 624 740 |
38 917 197,63 |
Reserve |
3 000 000 |
Total |
38 730 000 |
This appropriation is intended to cover essentially the costs of caretaking and surveillance in respect of buildings occupied by Parliament at its three habitual places of work, its information offices in the European Union and its offices in third countries.
Before renewing or concluding contracts, the institution will consult the other institutions on the contractual terms each of them has obtained (prices, currency chosen, index-linking, duration, other clauses) with due regard for Article 91(3) of the Financial Regulation.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 180 000.
Item 2 0 2 8 — Insurance
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
953 000 |
909 000 |
817 441,59 |
This appropriation is intended to cover payments in respect of insurance policy premiums.
In connection with public procurement, the institution will consult the other institutions on the contractual terms each of them has obtained.
Article 2 1 0 — Computing and telecommunications
Item 2 1 0 0 — Equipment and software for information and innovation technologies
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 1 0 0 |
37 392 000 |
32 674 000 |
56 626 299,47 |
Reserve |
2 500 000 |
Total |
37 392 000 |
35 174 000 |
56 626 299,47 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on the purchase, hire, servicing and maintenance of equipment and software for the institution, and related work. This equipment and software relates mainly to systems at the computer and telecommunications centre, computing at departmental level and in the political groups and the electronic voting system.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 65 000.
Item 2 1 0 2 — Outside assistance for information and innovation technologies
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 1 0 2 |
62 933 000 |
53 981 250 |
55 814 489,55 |
Reserve |
2 500 000 |
Total |
62 933 000 |
56 481 250 |
55 814 489,55 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of outside assistance from service bureaux and data-processing consultants in connection with the operation of the computer centre and the network, the production and maintenance of applications, support for users, including Members and political groups, the carrying out of studies, and the drawing up and input of technical documentation.
It is also intended to cover Parliament's share of the costs of the NAP payroll application help desk set up by common accord between the institutions.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 88 000.
Article 2 1 2 — Furniture
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 277 500 |
3 224 000 |
3 667 697,84 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the purchase, hire, maintenance and repair of furniture, including the purchase of ergonomic furniture, the replacement of worn-out and broken furniture and office machines. It is also intended to cover miscellaneous expenditure on managing Parliament's furniture stock.
In connection with works of art, this appropriation is intended to cover both the cost of acquiring and purchasing specific material and the current expenditure relating thereto, such as experts', conservation, framing, restoration, cleaning, insurance and ad hoc transport costs.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Article 2 1 4 — Technical equipment and installations
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
19 983 124 |
17 407 821 |
15 468 717,32 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the purchase, hire, maintenance, repair and management of technical equipment and installations, and in particular of:
— miscellaneous fixed and mobile technical installations and equipment in connection with publishing, security, canteens and buildings, etc.,
— equipment in particular for the printshop, telephone service, canteens, staff shops, security, conferences, and the audiovisual sector, etc.,
— special equipment (electronic, computing and electrical) and related external services,
— installation of two additional telephone lines in Members' offices upon request.
This appropriation also covers advertising costs for the resale and scrapping of inventoried items.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 205 000.
Article 2 1 6 — Vehicles
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
6 270 000 |
6 500 000 |
5 890 437,21 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the purchase, maintenance, use and repair of vehicles (fleet of cars and bicycles) and the hire of cars, taxis, coaches and lorries, with or without drivers, including the necessary insurance cover and other management costs. When replacing the car fleet or purchasing or hiring vehicles, preference will be given to cars that are the least polluting for the environment, such as hybrid cars.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 175 000.
In connection with public procurement, the institution will consult the other institutions on the contractual terms each of them has obtained.
Article 2 3 0 — Stationery, office supplies and miscellaneous consumables
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 608 000 |
2 575 000 |
1 973 879,58 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the purchase of paper, envelopes, office supplies, supplies for the print shop and reproduction workshops, etc., together with the related management costs.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 15 000.
Article 2 3 1 — Financial charges
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
170 000 |
370 000 |
322 571,20 |
This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios and miscellaneous charges) and other financial charges, including ancillary costs for the financing of buildings.
Article 2 3 2 — Legal costs and damages
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 314 000 |
1 314 000 |
1 041 148,97 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— costs which may be awarded against Parliament by the Court of Justice, the General Court, the Civil Service Tribunal or national courts,
— the cost of hiring outside lawyers to represent Parliament in Union and national courts, and the cost of hiring legal advisers or experts to assist the Legal Service,
— reimbursement of lawyers' fees in connection with disciplinary and equivalent proceedings,
— damages, interest and any debts within the meaning of Article 8(3) of the Financial Regulation,
— agreed compensation through amicable settlement pursuant to Articles 69 and 70 of the Rules of Procedure of the Civil Service Tribunal.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Article 2 3 5 — Telecommunications
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
7 441 000 |
9 405 000 |
5 689 527,32 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on data transmission networks between the three places of work, the computer centres and the information offices, together with telecommunication subscriptions and charges (fixed-line and mobile telephony, television).
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 20 000.
Article 2 3 6 — Postage on correspondence and delivery charges
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
352 500 |
422 000 |
222 579,14 |
This appropriation is intended to cover charges for postage, processing and delivery by national postal services or private delivery firms.
This appropriation is also intended to cover mail-handling services.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Article 2 3 7 — Removals
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
950 000 |
850 000 |
637 980,61 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of removal and handling work carried out by removal firms or by temporary handling staff supplied by outside agencies.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 40 000.
Article 2 3 8 — Other administrative expenditure
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
784 500 |
631 000 |
485 748,98 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— insurance not specifically provided for in another item,
— the purchase and maintenance of uniforms for ushers, drivers and removal men, medical services and various technical services,
— miscellaneous operating and management expenses, purchases of goods or services not specifically provided for against another heading,
— miscellaneous purchases relating to EMAS activities.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 50 000.
Article 3 0 0 — Expenses for staff missions and duty travel between the three working places
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
29 820 000 |
29 820 000 |
23 842 500,00 |
Staff Regulations of officials of the European Union, and in particular Article 71 thereof and Articles 11 to 13 of Annex VII thereto.
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on duty travel by staff of the institution, seconded national experts and trainees between place of employment and any of the European Parliament's three working places (Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg) and on missions to any location other than the three working places. Expenditure is made up of transport costs, daily allowances, accommodation costs and compensatory allowances for unsocial hours. Ancillary costs (including cancellation of tickets and hotel reservations, electronic invoicing costs and mission insurance costs) are also covered.
It is also intended to cover expenditure relating to any carbon offsets, as provided for in the EMAS action plan adopted by the Bureau.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 100 000.
Article 3 0 2 — Entertainment and representation expenses
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 361 350 |
2 047 450 |
813 419,17 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— expenses related to the obligations of the institution regarding entertainment, including in connection with work carried out by the institution's unit for Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA), and representation expenses for Members of the institution,
— representation expenses of the President when he or she is travelling outside the working places,
— representation expenses and the contribution to the secretarial expenses of the President's office,
— the Secretariat’s reception and representation expenses, including the purchase of items and medals for officials who have completed 15 or 25 years’ service,
— miscellaneous protocol expenditure, such as on flags, display stands, invitation cards, printed menus, etc.,
— travel and subsistence expenses incurred by VIP visitors to the Institution,
— entertainment and representation expenses and the other specific expenses for Members performing official duties at the European Parliament.
Article 3 0 4 — Miscellaneous expenditure on meetings
Item 3 0 4 0 — Miscellaneous expenditure on internal meetings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 600 000 |
2 594 000 |
2 650 000,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the costs of the beverages, refreshments and occasional light meals served at meetings held by the institution, together with the management costs for these services.
Item 3 0 4 2 — Meetings, congresses and conferences
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 396 000 |
1 350 000 |
905 991,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover, inter alia:
— expenditure connected with the organisation of meetings outside the places of work (committees and committee delegations, political groups), including, where appropriate, representation expenditure,
— affiliation fees in respect of international organisations to which the European Parliament or one of its bodies belongs (Interparliamentary Union, Association of Secretaries-General of Parliaments, Twelve Plus Group within the Interparliamentary Union).
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 20 000.
Item 3 0 4 4 — Miscellaneous expenditure on the organisation of the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO and other interparliamentary, ad hoc and WTO delegation meetings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
860 000 |
858 000 |
435 159,91 |
This appropriation is intended to cover in particular expenditure, other than that covered by Chapter 1 0 and Article 3 0 0, connected with the organisation of meetings of interparliamentary and ad hoc delegations, joint parliamentary committees, parliamentary cooperation committees and delegations to the WTO, and meetings of the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO and its Steering Committee.
Item 3 0 4 6 — Miscellaneous expenditure on the organisation of ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly meetings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
400 000 |
451 000 |
120 187,59 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure, other than that covered by Chapter 1 0 and Article 3 0 0, connected with the organisation of meetings of delegations to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.
Item 3 0 4 7 — Miscellaneous expenditure on the organisation of Eurolat Parliamentary Assembly meetings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
82 000 |
80 000 |
54 825,44 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure, other than that covered by Chapter 1 0 and Article 3 0 0, connected with the organisation of meetings of the Eurolat Parliamentary Assembly, its committees and its bureau.
Item 3 0 4 8 — Miscellaneous expenditure on the organisation of Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean meetings
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
220 000 |
216 319 |
6 595,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure, other than that covered by Chapter 1 0 and Article 3 0 0, connected with the organisation of meetings of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, its committees and its Bureau and the European Parliament's contribution to the budget of the Assembly's autonomous secretariat or the direct defrayal of expenses representing the European Parliament's share of the Assembly's budget.
Item 3 0 4 9 — Expenditure on travel agency services
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
2 083 000 |
2 083 000 |
1 351 750,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the running costs of the travel agency under contract to Parliament.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 50 000.
Article 3 2 0 — Acquisition of expertise
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 2 0 |
11 420 000 |
10 082 500 |
7 565 986,37 |
Reserve |
1 500 000 |
Total |
11 420 000 |
11 582 500 |
7 565 986,37 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— the cost of contracts with qualified experts and research institutes for studies and other research activities (workshops, round tables, expert panels and conferences) carried out for Parliament's governing bodies and the Administration, including for the establishment of the House of European History and the Cost of Non-Europe Office,
— study appraisal costs and STOA's participation in scientific bodies,
— the travel, subsistence and incidental expenses of experts and other persons, including petitioners to Parliament, invited to take part in committee, delegation, study group or working party meetings,
— expenditure on calling in outside persons to take part in the work of bodies such as the Disciplinary Board or the Specialised Financial Irregularities Panel.
Article 3 2 2 — Acquisition of information and archiving
Item 3 2 2 0 — Documentation and library expenditure
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
4 516 686 |
4 593 826 |
3 908 448,93 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— the expansion and renewal of the general reference section and the updating of the library's collection,
— subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals and news agencies and to the publications thereof and online services, including copyright fees for the reproduction and dissemination of the above in written and/or electronic form and service contracts for press reviews and cuttings,
— subscriptions or service contracts for the supply of summaries and analyses of the content of periodicals or the storage on optical media of articles taken from such periodicals,
— utilising external documentary and statistical databases (computer hardware and telecommunications charges excepted),
— the obligations assumed by the European Parliament under international and/or interinstitutional cooperation arrangements,
— the purchase or rental of special library, documentation and media library materials, including electrical, electronic and computer facilities and/or systems, as well as outside services for the acquisition, development, installation, use and maintenance of these facilities and systems,
— the cost of services relating to library activities, in particular in dealings with library customers (enquiries, analyses), and quality management systems, etc.,
— the costs of binding and conservation materials and work for the library, documentation service and multimedia resource centre,
— the cost, including materials, of internal publications (brochures, studies etc) and communication (newsletters, videos, CD-ROMs etc.),
— the purchase of new dictionaries and glossaries, or the replacement thereof, regardless of medium, including for the new language sections, and other works for the language services and the Legislative Quality Units.
Item 3 2 2 2 — Expenditure on archive fonds
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 932 500 |
1 895 000 |
1 855 577,56 |
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43), and the implementing measures adopted within the European Parliament.
Bureau decision of 16 December 2002 on enhancing information and transparency: the archives of the European Parliament.
Rules on processing the papers of Members of the European Parliament, adopted by the Bureau decision of 10 October 2007, as amended by the Bureau decision of 21 April 2009.
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of outside archiving services, such as:
— the transfer of main archives onto various media (microfilm, disc, cassette, etc.), the purchase, hire, upkeep and repair of special facilities and materials (electronic, computerised and electrical, books and magazines), including the related outside services,
— expenditure on publications on all media (brochures, CD-ROM, etc.),
— external activities to acquire primary archive sources (first-hand accounts gathered by reporters and/or historians and/or archivists, etc.) or secondary archive sources (documents on any medium).
It is also intended to cover the cost of processing the papers of Members of the European Parliament accumulated in the exercise of their office.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 20 000.
Article 3 2 3 — Relations with parliaments of third countries and support for parliamentary democracy
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
535 000 |
520 000 |
458 853,07 |
Presidency Conclusions, Conference of Speakers of EU Parliaments, Copenhagen 2006 and Bratislava 2007.
Bureau Decision of 18 June 2007.
Geographical area covered: countries outside the European Union with the exception of European Union candidate and potential candidate countries.
This appropriation is intended to cover the expenditure committed for promoting relations between the European Parliament and democratically elected national parliaments from third countries as well as with corresponding regional parliamentary organisations. It relates notably to activities aimed at strengthening the parliamentary capacity in new and emerging democracies, and promoting the use of new IC technologies by parliaments.
Article 3 2 4 — Production and dissemination
Item 3 2 4 0 — Official Journal
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
5 056 000 |
5 359 450 |
4 150 500,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the institution’s share of the Publications Office’s expenditure on publishing and dissemination and other ancillary costs with regard to the texts to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 500 000.
Item 3 2 4 1 — Digital and traditional publications
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
5 010 000 |
4 224 000 |
4 367 052,11 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— all costs for digital publishing (Intranet sites) and traditional publishing (miscellaneous documents and printed matter subcontracted out), including distribution,
— upgrading and evolutive and corrective maintenance of editorial and translation systems.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 210 000.
Item 3 2 4 2 — Expenditure on publication, information and participation in public events
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
21 626 000 |
19 615 000 |
13 633 132,71 |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on information publications, including electronic publications, information activities, public relations, participation in public events, trade fairs and exhibitions in the Member States and the accession countries and the countries in which the European Parliament has a liaison office, and updating of the Legislative Observatory (OEIL).
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Item 3 2 4 3 — Parlamentarium - the European Parliament Visitors Centre
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 600 000 |
2 000 000 |
12 725 985,24 |
This appropriation is intended to finance the Parlamentarium - the European Parliament Visitors Centre.
Item 3 2 4 4 — Organisation and reception of groups of visitors, Euroscola programme and invitations to opinion multipliers from third countries
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
28 940 000 |
29 710 000 |
24 534 586,63 |
This appropriation is intended to cover subsidies granted for group visits and associated supervision and infrastructure costs, the running costs of the Euroscola programme, and the financing of traineeships for opinion multipliers from third countries (EUVP). It shall be increased every year using a deflator that takes into account movements in GNI and prices.
Each Member of the European Parliament is entitled to invite a maximum of five groups each calendar year for a total of 110 visitors. The number of participants present for any given visit may vary between a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 110.
An appropriate amount is included for visitors with disabilities.
Item 3 2 4 5 — Organisation of seminars, symposia and cultural activities
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 696 650 |
2 475 000 |
2 165 974,73 |
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— expenditure or subsidies connected with the organisation of national and multinational symposia and seminars for opinion multipliers from the Member States and the accession countries, the cost of organising parliamentary symposia and seminars, and the financing of cultural projects of European interest, such as the Sakharov Prize, joint meetings of European, Israeli and Palestinian young political leaders and the European Parliament LUX Prize for European Cinema;
— expenditure on special events in the Chamber in Strasbourg and Brussels in accordance with the annual programme adopted by the Bureau;
— multilingualism support measures such as seminars and conferences, meetings with interpreter training providers, measures and actions to raise awareness for multilingualism and the profession of interpreter, actions and measures taken as part of interinstitutional and international cooperation as well as participation in similar actions and measures organised jointly with other services in the context of interinstitutional and international cooperation;
— the operating expenses of the Sakharov Prize Network and its members' mission expenses.
This appropriation also covers the cost of organising these activities, including catering services and expenses.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.
Item 3 2 4 6 — Parliamentary television channel (Web TV)
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
3 2 4 6 |
8 500 000 |
8 000 000 |
8 991 999,80 |
Reserve |
1 000 000 |
Total |
8 500 000 |
9 000 000 |
8 991 999,80 |
This appropriation is intended to finance the parliamentary television channel (Web TV).
An evaluation of the prototype will be made. It will have to take into consideration the content and the cost of the project, including the structures and level of participation of political groups and the definition of programme content.
Item 3 2 4 8 — Expenditure on audiovisual information
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
14 760 000 |
13 600 000 |
12 137 103,25 |
European Parliament Resolution of 12 March 2002 on the guidelines for the 2003 budgetary procedure (OJ C 47 E, 27.2.2003, p. 72).
European Parliament Resolution of 14 May 2002 on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of Parliament for the financial year 2003 (OJ C 180 E, 31.7.2003, p. 150).
European Parliament Resolution of 14 May 2003 on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of Parliament for the financial year 2004 (OJ C 67 E, 17.3.2004, p. 179).
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— the operating budget of the audiovisual sector (including services under its own control and outside assistance such as technical services for radio and television stations, provision, production and coproduction of audiovisual programmes, the hiring of lines, the transmission of television and radio programmes, and other measures to develop relations between the institution and audiovisual broadcasting bodies),
— expenditure on live Internet broadcasting of plenary sittings and parliamentary committee meetings,
— the recording of part-session proceedings on DVD-ROMs,
— the establishment of appropriate archives and a search engine ensuring uninterrupted public access to that information.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 13 000.
Item 3 2 4 9 — Information exchanges with national parliaments
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
675 000 |
700 000 |
291 207,71 |
Conferences of Speakers of European Parliamentary Assemblies (June 1977) and of European Union Parliaments (September 2000, March 2001). Geographical area covered: European Union countries and European Union candidate and pre-candidate countries.
This appropriation is intended to cover:
— expenditure committed for promoting relations between the European Parliament and national parliaments. It relates to parliamentary relations other than those covered by Chapters 1 0 and 3 0, exchanges of information and documentation, and assistance in the analysis and management of that information, including exchanges with the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD),
— funding of cooperation programmes and training schemes for officials of the aforementioned parliaments and, in general, activities to strengthen their parliamentary capacities.
Training schemes include study visits to the European Parliament in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg; the appropriation is intended to cover all or part of the expenditure incurred by participants, in particular travelling costs, travel expenses, accommodation and daily allowances,
— cooperation measures, including those linked to legislative work, and measures linked to documentation, analysis and information, including those carried out by the ECPRD.
Article 3 2 5 — Expenditure relating to Information Offices
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 100 000 |
1 200 000 |
1 035 000,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover all expenditure (office supplies, telecommunications, delivery charges, handling, transport, miscellaneous incidental expenditure) linked to the Information Offices of the European Parliament.
Article 4 0 0 — Current administrative expenditure and expenditure relating to the political and information activities of the political groups and non-attached Members
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
55 800 000 |
54 850 000 |
53 355 141,79 |
Rules adopted by the Bureau decision of 1 February 2001, as last amended on 20 September 2010.
This appropriation is intended to cover, in respect of the political groups and the non-attached Members:
— secretarial, administrative and operational expenditure,
— expenditure on political and information activities conducted in connection with the European Union's political activities.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 50 000.
Article 4 0 2 — Contributions to European political parties
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
18 900 000 |
17 400 000 |
13 954 330,00 |
Article 10(4) of the Treaty on European Union.
Article 224 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding (OJ L 297, 15.11.2003, p. 1).
Decision of the Bureau of the European Parliament of 29 March 2004 laying down the procedures for implementing Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.
This appropriation is intended to finance political parties at European level.
Article 4 0 3 — Contributions to European political foundations
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
12 150 000 |
11 400 000 |
8 778 850,00 |
Article 10(4) of the Treaty on European Union.
Article 224 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding (OJ L 297, 15.11.2003, p. 1).
Decision of the Bureau of the European Parliament of 29 March 2004 laying down the procedures for implementing Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.
This appropriation is intended to finance political foundations at European level.
Article 4 2 2 — Parliamentary assistance
Item 4 2 2 0 — Parliamentary assistance
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
4 2 2 0 |
185 697 000 |
175 793 709 |
152 645 162,53 |
Reserve |
13 200 000 |
Total |
185 697 000 |
188 993 709 |
152 645 162,53 |
Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Article 21 thereof.
Implementing measures for the Statute for Members of the European Parliament, and in particular Articles 33 to 44 thereof.
Council Regulation No 160/2009 of 23 February 2009 amending the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities (OJ L 55, 27.2.2009 p. 1).
Implementing measures for Title VII of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the Communities adopted by the Bureau.
This appropriation is intended to cover parliamentary assistance expenses.
The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 400 000.
Item 4 2 2 2 — Exchange losses
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
500 000 |
250 000 |
773 678,40 |
This appropriation is intended to cover exchange differences to be met from the budget of the European Parliament in accordance with the provisions applicable to reimbursement of parliamentary assistance expenses.
Article 4 4 0 — Cost of meetings and other activities of former Members
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
200 000 |
200 000 |
170 000,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of meetings of the association of former Members of the European Parliament plus any other associated costs, if appropriate.
Article 4 4 2 — Cost of meetings and other activities of the European Parliamentary Association
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
140 000 |
140 000 |
140 000,00 |
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of meetings of the European Parliamentary Association plus, if appropriate, any other associated costs.
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
5 000 000 |
25 914 026 |
0,— |
1. |
Item |
2 0 0 7 |
Fitting-out of premises |
2 000 000 |
2. |
Item |
2 0 2 6 |
Security and surveillance of buildings |
3 000 000 |
Total |
5 000 000 |
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
14 522 972 |
14 000 000 |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure resulting from budgetary decisions taken in the course of the financial year (expenditure that cannot be estimated).
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
835 000 |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover the cost of the institution's preparations for enlargement.
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on information and communication policy.
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover property investments and fitting-out work carried out by the institution. Parliament's Bureau is requested to adopt a coherent and responsible long-term strategy in the area of property and buildings which takes into account the particular problem of increasing maintenance costs, renovation needs and security costs and ensures the sustainability of Parliament's budget.
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
p.m. |
p.m. |
0,— |
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on the institution’s priority projects under development.
Chapter 10 8 — EMAS RESERVE
Budget 2012 |
Appropriations 2011 |
Outturn 2010 |
1 000 000 |
p.m. |
0,— |
Further to the decisions to be taken by the Bureau for implementation of the EMAS plan, in particular following Parliament's carbon audit, this appropriation is intended to endow the relevant operational headings.
Function group and grade |
2011 |
Permanent posts |
Temporary posts |
Others |
Political groups |
Non-category |
1 |
AD 16 |
11 |
1 |
7 |
AD 15 |
35 |
1 |
4 |
AD 14 |
149 |
2 |
6 |
23 |
AD 13 |
279 |
8 |
2 |
34 |
AD 12 |
443 |
10 |
67 |
AD 11 |
131 |
5 |
37 |
AD 10 |
191 |
7 |
28 |
AD 9 |
155 |
6 |
17 |
AD 8 |
130 |
7 |
21 |
AD 7 |
304 |
22 |
AD 6 |
269 |
5 |
30 |
AD 5 |
382 |
3 |
119 |
AD total |
2 479 |
10 |
53 |
409 |
AST 11 |
151 |
10 |
33 |
AST 10 |
71 |
17 |
21 |
AST 9 |
115 |
3 |
30 |
AST 8 |
365 |
5 |
34 |
AST 7 |
753 |
1 |
55 |
AST 6 |
384 |
6 |
68 |
AST 5 |
325 |
7 |
66 |
AST 4 |
206 |
11 |
67 |
AST 3 |
184 |
14 |
59 |
AST 2 |
225 |
5 |
64 |
AST 1 |
151 |
1 |
98 |
AST total |
2 930 |
10 |
70 |
595 |
Total |
5 410[1] |
20[2] |
123[3] |
1004 |
Grand total |
6 537[4] |
Function group and grade |
2012 |
Permanent posts |
Temporary posts |
Other |
Political groups |
Non-category |
1 |
AD 16 |
11 |
1 |
7 |
AD 15 |
35 |
1 |
4 |
AD 14 |
184 |
2 |
6 |
24 |
AD 13 |
449 |
8 |
2 |
34 |
AD 12 |
238 |
11 |
67 |
AD 11 |
131 |
6 |
36 |
AD 10 |
191 |
5 |
28 |
AD 9 |
155 |
6 |
21 |
AD 8 |
167 |
7 |
18 |
AD 7 |
472 |
5 |
29 |
AD 6 |
214 |
1 |
48 |
AD 5 |
247 |
10 |
99 |
AD total |
2 494 |
10 |
61 |
415 |
AST 11 |
151 |
10 |
33 |
AST 10 |
71 |
17 |
24 |
AST 9 |
165 |
3 |
28 |
AST 8 |
500 |
5 |
39 |
AST 7 |
568 |
1 |
58 |
AST 6 |
424 |
6 |
65 |
AST 5 |
285 |
7 |
63 |
AST 4 |
206 |
22 |
70 |
AST 3 |
239 |
7 |
68 |
AST 2 |
205 |
1 |
59 |
AST 1 |
138 |
1 |
93 |
AST total |
2 952 |
10 |
70 |
600 |
Total |
5 447[5] |
20[6] |
131 |
1.015 |
Grand total |
6 593[7] |
Budget line |
Heading |
Revenue received in |
Projection |
2010 |
2012 |
5000 |
Proceeds from the sale of vehicles |
93 942.73 |
150 000 |
5001 |
Proceeds from the sale of other movable property |
2 000.00 |
5 000 |
5002 |
Proceeds from the supply of goods to other institutions or bodies |
0.00 |
15 000 |
502 |
Proceeds from the sale of publications, printed works and films |
300 137.25 |
213 000 |
5110 |
Proceeds from letting and subletting immovable property |
1 319 875.47 |
1 155 000 |
5111 |
Reimbursement of charges connected with lettings |
4 964.60 |
400 000 |
550 |
Proceeds from the supply of services and works for other institutions or bodies, including refunds by other institutions or bodies of mission allowances paid on their behalf |
3 087 737.58 |
1 530 000 |
551 |
Revenue from third parties in respect of services or work supplied at their request |
3 949 888.58 |
p.m. |
570 |
Revenue arising from the repayment of amounts wrongly paid |
1 707 401.88 |
90 000 |
571 |
Revenue earmarked for a specific purpose, such as income from foundations, subsidies, gifts and bequests, including the earmarked revenue specific to each institution |
0.00 |
p.m. |
573 |
Other contributions and refunds in connection with the administrative operation of the institution |
89 528 615.35 |
p.m. |
581 |
Revenue from insurance payments received |
149 785.46 |
25 000 |
6600 |
Other assigned contributions and refunds |
10 155 209.29 |
2 203 000 |
110 299 558.19 |
5 786 000 |
- [1] Of which five ad personam promotions (three AD 14 to AD 15, one AST 10 to AST 11, and one AST 4 to AST 5) granted in exceptional cases to deserving officials.
- [2] Notional reserve for officials seconded in the interests of the service not included in the grand total.
- [3] Of which four half-time AD (language teachers) and one AD 10 (DG IPOL) limited to five years.
- [4] One AD 5 and four AST 3 (professional training) plus two AD 5 and two AST 1 (translation) have been placed in the reserve on the establishment plan with no allocation of appropriations; six AD 5 and two AST 1 (Library) have been entered in the establishment plan with no allocation of appropriations; 30 administrative posts (six AD 5 and 24 AST 1) have been entered in the establishment plan and the corresponding appropriations have been placed in the reserve.
- [5] Of which five ad personam promotions (three AD 14 to AD 15, one AST 10 to AST 11, and one AST 4 to AST 5) granted in exceptional cases to deserving officials.
- [6] Notional reserve for officials seconded in the interests of the service not included in the grand total.
- [7] One AD 5 and four AST 3 (professional training) plus two AD 5 and two AST 1 (translation) ) have been entered in the establishment plan with no allocation of appropriations.
Date adopted |
24.3.2011 |
Result of final vote |
+: –: 0: |
33 7 0 |
Members present for the final vote |
Damien Abad, Alexander Alvaro, Marta Andreasen, Reimer Böge, Lajos Bokros, Giovanni Collino, Isabelle Durant, Göran Färm, José Manuel Fernandes, Eider Gardiazábal Rubial, Salvador Garriga Polledo, Jens Geier, Ingeborg Gräßle, Carl Haglund, Lucas Hartong, Monika Hohlmeier, Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewska, Anne E. Jensen, Ivailo Kalfin, Jan Kozłowski, Giovanni La Via, Vladimír Maňka, Barbara Matera, Claudio Morganti, Nadezhda Neynsky, Miguel Portas, László Surján, Angelika Werthmann, Jacek Włosowicz |
Substitute(s) present for the final vote |
Philippe Boulland, Maria Da Graça Carvalho, Hynek Fajmon, Edit Herczog, Jürgen Klute, Peter Šťastný, Georgios Stavrakakis |
Substitute(s) under Rule 187(2) present for the final vote |
Pervenche Berès, Francesco De Angelis, Petra Kammerevert, Vittorio Prodi |