PREPORUKA o nacrtu odluke Vijeća, u ime Europske unije, o Protokolu o utvrđivanju ribolovnih mogućnosti i financijskog doprinosa predviđenih Sporazumom o partnerstvu u ribarstvu između Europske unije i Gabonske Republike
27.1.2014 - (11871/2013 – C7‑0484/2013 – 2013/0216(NLE)) - ***
Odbor za ribarstvo
Izvjestitelj: João Ferreira
o nacrtu odluke Vijeća, u ime Europske unije, o Protokolu o utvrđivanju ribolovnih mogućnosti i financijskog doprinosa predviđenih Sporazumom o partnerstvu u ribarstvu između Europske unije i Gabonske Republike
(11871/2013 – C7‑0484/2013 – 2013/0216(NLE))
Europski parlament,
– uzimajući u obzir nacrt Odluke Vijeća (11871/2013),
– uzimajući u obzir nacrt protokola o utvrđivanju ribolovnih mogućnosti i financijskog doprinosa predviđenih Sporazumom o partnerstvu u ribarstvu između Europske unije i Gabonske Republike (11875/2013),
– uzimajući u obzir zahtjev za davanje suglasnosti koji je podnijelo Vijeće u skladu s člankom 43. i člankom 218. stavkom 6. drugog podstavka, točkama (a) i (7), Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije (C7-0484/2013),
– uzimajući u obzir članak 81. i članak 90. stavak 7. Poslovnika,
– uzimajući u obzir Rezoluciju od 25. listopada 2011. o usklađenosti politika za razvoj[1],
– uzimajući u obzir preporuku Odbora za ribarstvo i mišljenja Odbora za razvoj i Odbora za proračune (A7-0049/2014),
1. daje suglasnost za sklapanje sporazuma;
2. poziva Komisiju da Parlamentu dostavi akte i zaključke sastanaka zajedničkog odbora predviđenog člankom 9. Sporazuma, višegodišnji sektorski program iz članka 3. Protokola, rezultate godišnjih ocjena te akte i zaključke sastanaka predviđenih člankom 4. Protokola; poziva Komisiju da omogući sudjelovanje predstavnikâ Parlamenta kao promatračâ na sastancima zajedničkog odbora; poziva Komisiju da tijekom posljednje godine primjene protokola koji je na snazi, a prije otvaranja pregovora o njegovu produženju, Parlamentu i Vijeću predstavi potpuno izvješće o njegovoj provedbi uz analizu u kojoj su mjeri istražene ribolovne mogućnosti i ocjenu učinkovitosti protokola s obzirom na njegove troškove; ostaje pri tome da se pristup tom izvješću ne bi trebao ograničavati bez potrebe;
3. poziva Vijeće i Komisiju da, u skladu sa svojim ovlastima i u skladu s člankom 13. stavkom 2. Ugovora o Europskoj uniji i člankom 218. stavkom 10. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije ažurno i u potpunosti informiraju Parlament u svim fazama postupaka koji se odnose na novi Protokol i njegovo produženje;
4. nalaže svojem predsjedniku da stajalište Parlamenta proslijedi Vijeću, Komisiji te vladama i parlamentima država članica i Gabonske Republike.
- [1] Usvojeni tekstovi, P7_TA(2012)0399.
Context and general aspects
On the basis of the powers conferred on it by the Council, the European Commission has conducted negotiations with the Gabonese Republic with a view to renewing the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Gabonese Republic. The previous Protocol was in force between 3 December 2005 and 2 December 2011. After two rounds of negotiations, two issues remained to be settled. The first concerned the conditions governing suspension of the application of the protocol, at the initiative of one of the parties. The second related to the conditions governing the payment intended for sectoral support. The non-renewal of the Protocol meant that EU fishing vessels were forced to cease fishing activities after 2 December 2011, since the 'exclusivity clause' provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) remained in force. The Protocol covered 40 vessels (24 purse seiners and 16 longliners). The Member States affected were France, Portugal and Spain.
The negotiations remained on hold until the end of the first quarter of 2013. After the resumption of negotiations, the two parties reached agreement on the text of the new protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement. The text was initialled on 24 April 2013. The new protocol covers a period of three years from the date of provisional application laid down in Article 14, that being the date on which this new protocol is signed.
The main aim of the protocol to the Agreement is to provide fishing opportunities for EU Member State vessels in Gabonese waters within the limits of the available surplus, in accordance with the best available scientific advice and recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The Commission's negotiating position was based in part on the results of an ex-post evaluation carried out by external experts.
The new protocol provides for fishing opportunities in the following categories:
27 freezer tuna vessels;
8 pole-and-line tuna vessels.
The fishing opportunities for surface longliners (16 licences) provided for in the previous protocol have not been renewed. The decision to remove these licences for longliners was based on the low level of utilisation during the period covered by the previous protocol and the likelihood that this low utilisation rate would continue or indeed decline further. Gabon, along with other states, recently adopted national legislation prohibiting catches of sharks in the waters under its sovereignty and jurisdiction. In some cases, shark catches accounted for a significant proportion of the total catches taken by the fleets operating under this Agreement.
The annual financial contribution which the EU is to pay Gabon for the opportunity to fish for tuna and other highly-migratory species totals EUR 1 350 000. This sum is based on:
(a) a reference tonnage of 20 000 tonnes, corresponding to the sum of EUR 900 000 linked to access to resources;
(b) support for the development of Gabon's sectoral fisheries policy amounting to EUR 450 000. This sectoral support must meet the objectives of the Gabonese Republic's national fisheries policy and in particular the needs of the Gabonese Republic in the fight against illegal fishing and the implementation of the national fisheries strategy.
Access to fishery resources in Gabonese fishing zones will be granted to foreign fleets to the extent that there is a surplus within the meaning of Article 62 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and having taken into account the operating capacity of the Gabonese fleet.
The two parties have agreed to improve the regular monitoring of catches taken by EU vessels in the Gabonese fishing zone. To this end, over the course of the fishing season, the EU will regularly analyse data on the catch and effort of EU fishing vessels operating in the Gabonese fishing zone. The EU will regularly update Gabon on the outcome of these analyses.
During the period covered by the protocol, the parties may decide to review the fishing opportunities within the Joint Committee provided for in Article 9 of the Agreement, in accordance with the conditions geared to promoting responsible fishing and sustainable fisheries. In that case, the financial contribution is to be adjusted proportionately and pro rata temporis.
EU shipowners are to pay fees for each tonne caught in Gabonese waters. The amount of the flat-rate fee to be paid by shipowners has been set at EUR 55 per tonne for tuna seiners and pole-and-line tuna vessels during the first year of the protocol's application and EUR 65 in the following two years. An annual national fee will also be charged, set at EUR 13 750 for the duration of the protocol.
Rules on landing have also been laid down, according to which, in the case of tuna seiners, a minimum of 30 % of the catch from Gabonese waters must be landed at Gabonese ports (once the port structures and tuna processing facilities are operational). In the case of pole-and-line tuna vessels, vessel owners must undertake to land 100 % of the catch at Gabonese ports.
Vessel owners must undertake to employ ACP nationals. For both the fleet of tuna seiners and the fleet of pole-and-line tuna vessels, at least 20 % of the seamen signed on must be of ACP origin. Vessel owners must endeavour to sign on Gabonese seamen.
Rapporteur's position
Under Articles 43(2) and 218(6)(a) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the European Parliament can either consent or decline to consent to the signing of the protocol between the EU and the Gabonese Republic.
The rapporteur recommends that Parliament should consent to the signing of the present protocol and considers it appropriate to make a number of comments on the protocol and on the Agreement.
After the negotiations had been suspended owing to the differences of opinion mentioned above, the compromise that has now been reached with regard to the conditions governing the suspension of the protocol's application can be seen as balanced and appropriate.
With regard to the conditions governing the payment intended for sectoral support, the EU's position is that this contribution is conditional on the effective implementation of the jointly agreed objectives and measures. In this context, and in order to prevent any interruptions in the payments to be paid to Gabon by the EU within the framework of this sectoral support, the EU should make more effort to verify the foundations necessary for the smooth absorption of aid while respecting Gabon's sovereignty and its legitimate options and priorities. The joint formulation of models with objectives, actions and indicators is called for, with the aim of monitoring the use of the funds more effectively in a spirit of partnership. Where divergences from the stated objectives have been found, such monitoring should include the adoption of corrective procedures, to be coordinated with Gabon, before any payments are suspended (which, in principle, should not occur).
It should be stressed that, in the medium term, the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and Gabon should promote Gabon's exploitation of its own fishery resources, for both internal consumption, according to the needs of its population, and export, boosting the added value of fishing activities and thereby enabling it to benefit from the wealth produced, which will remain in the country. From this point of view, the landing rules laid down still leave a long way to go before this objective can be achieved. It is proposed that the conditions be created that will allow port structures and tuna processing facilities to be brought into operation as quickly as possible so that, as a rule, catches taken in Gabonese waters can be landed at Gabonese ports.
The principle that access to fishery resources in Gabonese fishing zones is to be granted to foreign fleets to the extent that there is a surplus within the meaning of Article 62 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea should be understood dynamically rather than statically, factoring in the necessary development and gradual increase in operating capacity of the Gabonese fleet.
The availability of up-to-date scientific data on fish stocks and overall fishing effort in Gabonese waters is of major importance. This Agreement should help facilitate the analysis of this data.
The fact that the protocol recognises the need to improve the regular monitoring of catches taken by EU vessels in the Gabonese fishing zone demonstrates that there are shortcomings in this area. As has already been recommended for other agreements, the transparency of the procedures for identifying the total catches should be improved along with the measures to prevent illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. It is particularly important to verify that the provisions on catch reporting are complied with.
To conclude, the rapporteur would stress that full account must be taken of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the draft legislative resolution. Parliament must be kept immediately and fully informed at all stages of the procedures related to the new protocol and its renewal. It is proposed that an annual report be submitted to Parliament and the Council on the results of the multiannual sectoral programme described in Article 3 of the protocol, as well as on compliance with catch reporting requirements.
MIŠLJENJE Odbora za razvoj (18.1.2014)
upućeno Odboru za ribarstvo
o prijedlogu Odluke Vijeća o zaključenju protokola kojim se određuju mogućnosti ribolova i financijskog doprinosa utvrđene Sporazumom o partnerstvu u području ribarstva između Europske unije i Gabonske Republike koji je na snazi
(COM(2013)0465 – C7 – 2013/0216(NLE))
Izvjestiteljica za mišljenje: Eva Joly
L’article 178 du traité instituant la Communauté européenne prévoit que "La Communauté tient compte des objectifs [de coopération au développement] dans les politiques qu'elle met en œuvre et qui sont susceptibles d'affecter les pays en développement". La Commission du développement devrait ainsi évaluer l'APP conclu avec le Gabon.
Le secteur de la pêche contribue marginalement à son économie: estimé à 1,5% du PIB, il ne génère que 0,1% des recettes budgétaires. Sa contribution est évaluée à 5% de l’emploi total mais bénéficie principalement à des ressortissants étrangers en l’absence de tradition maritime. Il est cependant identifié dans les politiques nationales comme un secteur potentiel de croissance sur lequel s’appuyer pour diversifier une économie extrêmement dépendante du pétrole (80% des exportations, 60% des recettes budgétaires et 40% du PIB).
Dans la période 2008-2013, la pêche n’apparaît pas dans les domaines de concentration des 10ème FED nationaux et régionaux. Le Gabon a cependant bénéficié d'un programme FED tous ACP concernant le secteur de la pêche : le projet Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries (ACP FISH II).
Le nouveau protocole fixe un montant annuel pour l'accès à la ZEE du Gabon de 900 000 EUR. Le montant payé par l'UE (hors frais supplémentaires payés par les armateurs) sera de 45 EUR/T, suite à un rééquilibrage des montants payés par l'UE (à la baisse) et par les armateurs (à la hausse). Le montant alloué à la politique sectorielle de la pêche va lui passer de 145 000 EUR par an dans le protocole précédent à 450 000 EUR.
Si l'investissement de l'UE dans le précédent accord a produit un effet de levier important sur la création de richesse, c'est uniquement au profit du secteur de la pêche européen. L'accord a contribué à soutenir 630 emplois - dont 210 postes de travail occupés par des ressortissants européens - mais, au Gabon, a profité majoritairement à des ressortissants étrangers.
Globalement, l'accord aurait été peu efficace sous son objectif de stimuler le développement du secteur de la pêche. Le cadre des investissements dans ce secteur, en raison de l'absence d'infrastructures adéquates, d'une fiscalité pénalisante et du prix élevé des facteurs de production y est peu attractif. Faute de ports de pêches utilisables par les navires industriels et d'industries capables de traiter les captures de ces derniers, ce sont les pays voisins qui ont bénéficié d'achats de biens et services lors d'escales.
Le partenariat prévu pour la mise en œuvre des pratiques de pêche responsable n'a pas fonctionné comme prévu dans le protocole.
Malgré le suivi par satellite des navires industriels (VSM) et l'organisation de patrouilles en mer, les comportements INN restent fréquents.
Les retards considérables dans la transmission des documents de programmation et de suivi de l'utilisation des fonds de l'appui sectoriel, en partie dû au manque de capacités de la partie gabonaise, est un autre point sensible.
Votre rapporteuse estime que l’accord de pêche entre le Gabon et l’UE doit toutefois être maintenu. Il permet de valoriser une ressource hauturière que les flottes nationales n’exploitent pas faute de capacités de captures et de filières à terre susceptibles de les valoriser. Il fournit aux autorités du Gabon des ressources financières programmables sur le moyen terme qui ont notamment permis d'amorcer la mise en œuvre d’un dispositif national de lutte contre la pêche INN qu’il convient de compléter et de pérenniser à l’échelle tant nationale que régionale, certains aspects clés de la gestion des pêcheries (avis scientifique, contrôle du respect des règles) étant des problématiques largement transnationales. Votre rapporteuse rappelle que les accords de partenariat dans le secteur de la pêche ne doivent pas se contenter d'être un moyen légal d'autoriser aux navires européens l'accès aux ressources halieutiques des pays tiers. Ils doivent permettre de promouvoir l’exploitation durable des ressources maritimes. La contrepartie financière payée par le contribuable européen doit être affectée exclusivement aux objectifs de développement, et donc être dépensée au bénéfice des communautés de pêcheurs, afin d'améliorer leurs conditions de vie, d'assurer des programmes de formation, de garantir la sécurité en mer, et de créer de nouveaux emplois locaux. Votre rapporteuse propose donc que le Parlement donne son accord à la ratification du nouveau protocole, sous la condition du respect de plusieurs points.
Odbor za razvoj poziva Odbor za ribarstvo da kao nadležni odbor Parlamentu predloži da da suglasnost.
Odbor za razvoj smatra da pri provedbi protokola Komisija treba u obzir uzeti sljedeće točke:
a) podsjeća da za poboljšanje doprinosa EU-a promicanju održivog ribolova u Gabonu, posebno u pogledu doprinosa prehrambenoj sigurnosti i iskorjenjivanju siromaštva, mjere koje treba poduzeti moraju biti dosljedne i usklađene s aktivnostima financiranima iz ostalih europskih razvojnih programa, poglavito 11. Europskog razvojnog fonda i programa AKP-a „Fish II” te gabonskih regionalnih i nacionalnih programa;
b) poziva na provedbu ograničenog broja ciljeva u okviru višegodišnjeg sektorskog programa u svrhu poboljšanja učinkovitosti pomoći (doprinos izgradnji ribarskih luka u koje će moći pristajati industrijska plovila, pojačan sanitarni nadzor i nadzor obrade kako bi se ponovno potaknuo izvoz);
c) poziva Komisiju da razmotri usvajanje mjera za jačanje pravnog okvira te financijskih, tehničkih i ljudskih resursa u Gabonu u svrhu odvraćanja od nezakonitog, neprijavljenog i nereguliranog ribolova;
d) u svrhu poboljšanja sveukupne transparentnosti sporazuma, iznosi plaćeni na temelju protokola moraju se upisati u zakone o financijama Gabona, a stanje računa „Fondovi za morski ribolov” mora biti dostupno na zahtjev;
e) traži da se godišnji izvještaji o korištenju sektorskih sredstava šalju Parlamentu i Vijeću u cilju promicanja transparentnosti i jamčenja propisnog korištenja tih sredstava.
Datum usvajanja |
18.12.2013 |
Rezultat konačnog glasovanja |
+: –: 0: |
17 1 1 |
Zastupnici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju |
Ricardo Cortés Lastra, Véronique De Keyser, Catherine Grèze, Mikael Gustafsson, Filip Kaczmarek, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Gay Mitchell, Norbert Neuser, Bill Newton Dunn, Birgit Schnieber-Jastram, Michèle Striffler, Alf Svensson, Ivo Vajgl, Daniël van der Stoep, Anna Záborská |
Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju |
Kriton Arsenis, Santiago Fisas Ayxela, Isabella Lövin |
Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju prema čl. 187. st. 2. |
Jolanta Emilia Hibner |
MIŠLJENJE Odbora za proračune (18.11.2013)
upućeno Odboru za ribarstvo
o prijedlogu Odluke Vijeća o sklapanju Protokola između Europske unije i Gabonske Republike o ribolovnim mogućnostima i financijskom doprinosu predviđenom u Sporazumu o partnerstvu u ribarstvu između dvije stranke koji je trenutno na snazi
(COM(2013)0465 – C7‑0000/2013 – 2013/0216(NLE))
Izvjestitelj za mišljenje: François Alfonsi
Na temelju ovlasti koje joj je dodijelilo Vijeće Europska komisija provela je pregovore s Gabonskom Republikom o obnovi Protokola uz Sporazum o partnerstvu u ribarstvu između Europske zajednice i Gabonske Republike. Na kraju tih pregovora pregovarači su 24. travnja 2013. parafirali novi nacrt protokola. Novi Protokol obuhvaća razdoblje od tri godine od datuma privremene primjene iz članka 14., a to je datum potpisivanja tog novog Protokola.
Glavni je cilj Protokola uz Sporazum osiguravanje ribolovnih mogućnosti za plovila EU-a u vodama Gabonske Republike unutar granica raspoloživog viška u skladu s najboljim dostupnim znanstvenim savjetima i preporukama Međunarodne komisije za očuvanje atlantskih tuna (ICCAT). Pregovaračka pozicija Komisije dijelom se temeljila na rezultatima naknadne procjene vanjskih stručnjaka.
Opći cilj je jačanje suradnje između Europske unije i Gabonske Republike, stvarajući partnerski okvir unutar kojeg se razvija održiva ribarstvena politika i pametno iskorištavanje ribolovnih resursa u ribolovnoj zoni Gabonske Republike u interesu obaju strana.
Prema članku 43. stavku 2. i članku 218. stavku 6. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije Europski parlament može dati suglasnost ili odbiti davanje suglasnosti.
Novim Protokolom predviđa se ukupni financijski doprinos od 4 161 000 EUR za cijelo razdoblje i 4 050 000 EUR za cijelo razdoblje za očuvanje i upravljanje prirodnim resursima. Godišnji financijski doprinos od 1 350 000 EUR temelji se na: (a) referentnoj masi od 20 000 tona, za iznos od 900 000 EUR povezan s pristupom i (b) potpori za razvoj sektorske ribarstvene politike Gabonske Republike u iznosu od 450 000 EUR. Tom se potporom ostvaruju ciljevi nacionalne ribarstvene politike, a posebno potrebe Gabonske Republike, u borbi protiv nezakonitog ribolova i za provedbu nacionalne ribarstvene strategije.
U pogledu sadržaja značajke Sporazuma su sljedeće:
Vrsta rashoda |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Ukupno EUR |
Operativna odobrena sredstva |
1 350 000€ |
1 350 000€ |
1 350 000€ |
4 050 000€ |
Administrativni rashodi |
37 000 |
37 000 |
37 000€ |
111 000€ |
1 387 000€ |
1 387 000€ |
1 387 000€ |
4 161 000€ |
Nadalje, Odbor za proračune poziva Odbor za ribarstvo da traži od Komisije da:
• svake godine provjeri poštuju li države članice čija plovila djeluju u okviru Protokola uz Sporazum zahtjeve za izvješćivanje. Ako to nije slučaj, Komisija bi trebala odbiti njihove zahtjeve za ribolovnu dozvolu za sljedeću godinu;
• izvijesti na godišnjoj razini Parlament i Vijeće o rezultatima višegodišnjeg sektorskog programa opisanog u članku 7. Protokola, kao i o poštovanju izvještajnih zahtjeva od strane država članica;
• podnese Parlamentu i Vijeću naknadnu procjenu Protokola, uključujući i analizu troškova i koristi, prije nego što Protokol istekne ili pregovori o njegovoj mogućoj zamjeni započnu.
Odbor za proračune poziva Odbor za ribarstvo da kao nadležni odbor Parlamentu predloži da da suglasnost.
Datum usvajanja |
14.11.2013 |
Rezultat konačnog glasovanja |
+: –: 0: |
30 1 1 |
Zastupnici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju |
Jean-Luc Dehaene, José Manuel Fernandes, Eider Gardiazábal Rubial, Salvador Garriga Polledo, Ivars Godmanis, Ingeborg Gräßle, Lucas Hartong, Anne E. Jensen, Ivailo Kalfin, Sergej Kozlík, Jan Kozłowski, Alain Lamassoure, Jan Mulder, Juan Andrés Naranjo Escobar, Nadezhda Neynsky, Dominique Riquet, Alda Sousa, Derek Vaughan, Jacek Włosowicz |
Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju |
François Alfonsi, Maria Da Graça Carvalho, Frédéric Daerden, Edit Herczog, Paul Rübig, Peter Šťastný |
Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju prema čl. 187. st. 2. |
Pablo Arias Echeverría, Jean-Paul Besset, Arkadiusz Tomasz Bratkowski, Zdravka Bušić, Jolanta Emilia Hibner, Helmut Scholz, Tadeusz Zwiefka |
Datum usvajanja |
22.1.2014 |
Rezultat konačnog glasovanja |
+: –: 0: |
19 1 0 |
Zastupnici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju |
John Stuart Agnew, Antonello Antinoro, Alain Cadec, Chris Davies, João Ferreira, Carmen Fraga Estévez, Pat the Cope Gallagher, Dolores García-Hierro Caraballo, Isabella Lövin, Gabriel Mato Adrover, Guido Milana, Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, Ulrike Rodust, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Struan Stevenson, Isabelle Thomas, Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa |
Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju |
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Ole Christensen, Jens Nilsson |