IZVJEŠĆE o prijedlogu Uredbe Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o izmjeni Uredbe Vijeća (EZ) br. 302/2009 o višegodišnjem planu oporavka plavoperajne tune u istočnom Atlantiku i Sredozemnom moru
12.2.2014 - (COM(2013)0250 – C7‑0117/2013 – 2013/0133(COD)) - ***I
Odbor za ribarstvo
Izvjestitelj: Raül Romeva i Rueda
o prijedlogu Uredbe Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o izmjeni Uredbe Vijeća (EZ) br. 302/2009 o višegodišnjem planu oporavka plavoperajne tune u istočnom Atlantiku i Sredozemnom moru
(COM(2013)0250 – C7‑0117/2013 – 2013/0133(COD))
(Redovni zakonodavni postupak: prvo čitanje)
Europski parlament,
– uzimajući u obzir prijedlog Komisije upućen Europskom parlamentu i Vijeću (COM(2013)0250),
– uzimajući u obzir članak 294. stavak 2. i članak 43. stavak 2. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije, u skladu s kojima je Komisija podnijela prijedlog Parlamentu (C7‑0117/2013),
– uzimajući u obzir članak 294. stavak 3. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije,
– uzimajući u obzir članak 55. Poslovnika,
– uzimajući u obzir izvješće Odbora za ribarstvo (A7-0102/2014),
1. usvaja sljedeće stajalište u prvom čitanju;
2. traži od Komisije da predmet ponovno uputi Parlamentu ako namjerava bitno izmijeniti svoj prijedlog ili ga zamijeniti drugim tekstom;
3. nalaže svojem predsjedniku da stajalište Parlamenta proslijedi Vijeću, Komisiji i nacionalnim parlamentima.
Amandman 1 Prijedlog Uredbe Uvodna izjava 4.a (nova) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tekst koji je predložila Komisija |
Izmjena | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(4a) Na svom 23. redovnom sastanku Međunarodna komisija za očuvanje atlantskih tuna (ICCAT) usvojila je Preporuku 13-08 o dopuni Preporuke 12-03 u cilju omogućavanja izmjena ribolovnih sezona u istočnom Atlantiku koje ne bi utjecale na zaštitu područja mriještenja plavoperajne tune. U toj se preporuci ICCAT-a navodi da ugovorne stranke i surađujuće neugovorne stranke, subjekti ili ribarski subjekti mogu odrediti drugi datum početka ribolovne sezone za svoje brodove za ribolov s mamcima i brodove s povlačnim povrazom koji djeluju u istočnom Atlantiku pridržavajući se ukupnog trajanja otvorene sezone za te oblike ribolova. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amandman 2 Prijedlog Uredbe Članak 1. Uredba (EZ) br. 302/2009 Članak 7. – stavak 3. – podstavak 2. (novi) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Justification | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This reflects the change made at the 2013 ICCAT meeting while maintaining flexibility for the Member States in the affected areas. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amandman 3 Prijedlog Uredbe Članak 1. Uredba (EZ) br. 302/2009 Članak 7. – stavak 6. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Amandman 4 Prijedlog Uredbe Članak 1. – točka 1.a (nova) Uredba (EZ) br. 302/2009 Članak 24.a (novi) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The proposal by the Commission concerns an amendment to the recovery plan that was first adopted for bluefin tuna in 2006. At that time, the species was widely recognized to be over-exploited and depleted, but the Contracting Parties to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT - the regional management body responsible for the fishery) were loath to reduce catches and profits. Eventually, though, after years of political battles and a number of amendments to the recovery plan, the most recent scientific analysis of bluefin (2012) suggested that recent trends in several indicators indicate that stock recovery may have begun, although scientists are still extremely cautious and state that “in 2012, the Committee had too few information about the catch composition, effort and spatial distribution of the main Mediterranean fisheries to derive any conclusive statement.”
In addition, no new assessment of bluefin has been conducted for 2013, and the scientific committee (SCRS) states that it cannot scientifically justify a substantial change in the TAC. More specifically, it states “Nonetheless, the Committee notes that maintaining catches at around recent TACs under the current management scheme will likely allow the stock to increase during that period and is consistent with the goal of achieving FMSY and BMSY through 2022 with at least 60% of probability, given the quantified uncertainties."
Nonetheless, bluefin being such a profitable fishery, there will be pressure at the upcoming ICCAT meeting in Cape Town in November 2013 to increase the TAC.
It is your rapporteur's firm belief that it would be foolish and economically counter-productive to increase the TAC. The stock is still well below levels capable of producing MSY and the SCRS continues to stress that significant uncertainties remain about the status of the stock. The new objective of fisheries management in the CFP requires stocks to be restored to and maintained at levels above MSY - so the EU's policy dictates that we must be cautious about this fishery. Economics point in the same way, since if the stock were allowed to increase, so as to ensure recovery to more abundant levels, catches and profits could both increase. The most economically productive stocks are those which are well above levels that can produce MSY, and bluefin is still a long way from there.
Coming to the substance of the Commission's proposal, it is to amend one article of Regulation 301/2009, the current recovery plan. It is proposed, based on ICCAT Recommendation 12-03, to amend the fishing season. First, it changes from a closed season to an open season. It also changes the dates for purse seines, bait boats and trolling boats by a few days. Since these are from an ICCAT Recommendation, they must be transposed into EU law.
However, there is a third provision, which adds a new sentence to the EU Regulation - "Fishing for bluefin tuna by other gears than those mentioned in paragraphs 1 to 5 shall be permitted throughout the year".
Your rapporteur finds this too loose a phrase, even if it comes from ICCAT language. The Commission confirms that only three gears would be involved in the targeted fishery - traps, small longliners (< 24-m) and hand lines. So, given that management of this fishery has been problematic and complicated for many years, in order to avoid all possible confusion over which gears are able to fish all year round, it is proposed to specify that the year-round season applies to these gears only. It is true that this differs from the ICCAT language but it serves simply to clarify it, in order to ensure that there are no unintended consequences later.
Naslov |
Višegodišnji plan oporavka plavoperajne tune u istočnom Atlantiku i Sredozemnom moru |
Referentni dokumenti |
COM(2013)0250 – C7-0117/2013 – 2013/0133(COD) |
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Datum podnošenja |
12.2.2014 |