IZVJEŠĆE o prijedlogu Uredbe Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o izmjeni Uredbe (EU) br. 525/2013 s obzirom na tehničku provedbu Protokola iz Kyota uz Okvirnu konvenciju Ujedinjenih naroda o promjeni klime

12.3.2014 - (COM(2013)0769 – C7‑0393/2013 – 2013/0377(COD)) - ***I

Odbor za okoliš, javno zdravlje i sigurnost hrane
Izvjestitelj: Vladimir Urutchev

Postupak : 2013/0377(COD)
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o prijedlogu Uredbe Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o izmjeni Uredbe (EU) br. 525/2013 s obzirom na tehničku provedbu Protokola iz Kyota uz Okvirnu konvenciju Ujedinjenih naroda o promjeni klime

(COM(2013)0769 – C7‑0393/2013 – 2013/0377(COD))

(Redovni zakonodavni postupak: prvo čitanje)

Europski parlament,

–       uzimajući u obzir prijedlog Komisije upućen Parlamentu i Vijeću (COM(2013)0769),

–       uzimajući u obzir članak 294. stavak 2. i članak 192. stavak 1. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije, u skladu s kojima je Komisija podnijela prijedlog Parlamentu (C7−0393/2013),

–       uzimajući u obzir članak 294. stavak 3. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije,

–       uzimajući u obzir mišljenje Europskoga gospodarskog i socijalnog odbora od 26. veljače 2014.[1],

–       nakon savjetovanja s Odborom regija,

–       uzimajući u obzir članak 55. Poslovnika,

–       uzimajući u obzir izvješće Odbora za okoliš, javno zdravlje i sigurnost hrane (A7-0171/2014),

1.      usvaja sljedeće stajalište u prvom čitanju, kao što je navedeno u nastavku;

2.      zahtijeva od Komisije da predmet ponovno uputi Parlamentu ako namjerava bitno izmijeniti svoj prijedlog ili ga zamijeniti drugim tekstom;

3.      nalaže svojem predsjedniku da stajalište Parlamenta proslijedi Vijeću, Komisiji i nacionalnim parlamentima.

Amandman    1

Prijedlog Uredbe

Uvodna izjava 5.a (nova)


Tekst koji je predložila Komisija



(5a) U delegiranim aktima koji trebaju biti doneseni u skladu s ovom Uredbom Komisija bi trebala predvidjeti, kao i za postupak upravljanja jedinicama iz prvog obvezujućeg razdoblja Protokola iz Kyota, primjenu periodičnog neto obračunavanja pri kojemu se provode prijenosi jedinica dodijeljene kvote (AAU) radi odražavanja neto prijenosa emisijskih jedinica Unije, uključujući prijenos emisijskih jedinica s trećim zemljama koje sudjeluju u Sustavu za trgovanje emisijama stakleničkih plinova EU-a koje nisu dio sporazuma o zajedničkom ispunjavanju obveza (npr. Norveška i Lihtenštajn).

Amandman  2

Prijedlog Uredbe

Uvodna izjava 5.b (nova)

Tekst koji je predložila Komisija



(5b) Relevantni međunarodni propisi o obračunu emisija i napretku u ispunjavanju obveza trebali bi biti usvojeni na sljedećoj konferenciji o klimi u Limi u prosincu 2014. Komisija bi stoga trebala djelovati s državama članicama i trećim zemljama kako bi pomogla osigurati formalno usvajanje obračunskih propisa iz Protokola iz Kyota na konferenciji o klimi u Limi. Ishod tih propisa trebao bi se odraziti na provedbu registra Unije te na delegirane akte predviđene ovom Uredbom.



Amending / replacing AM 5 (recital 5b) by the Rapporteur.

Amandman  3

Prijedlog Uredbe

Uvodna izjava 5.c (nova)

Tekst koji je predložila Komisija



(5c) Kao rezultat znatnog smanjenja emisija stakleničkih plinova u Uniji, zbog politika u vezi s klimom i gospodarskih okolnosti, u drugom ciljnom razdoblju Protokola iz Kyota doći će do znatnog viška jedinica dodijeljene kvote, ovjerenih smanjenja emisija i jedinica smanjenja emisija na računima Unije i država članica. U skladu s Odlukom 1/CMP.8 prema kojoj su stranke dužne do 2014. preispitati svoje obveze smanjenja za drugo ciljno razdoblje, Unija i države članice trebale bi otkazati niz jedinica kako bi bile u skladu s predviđenim stvarnim emisijama te najmanje s isplativom krivuljom domaćih emisija u svrhu ostvarenja ciljeva Unije u vezi s klimom za 2050.

Amandman  4

Prijedlog Uredbe

Uvodna izjava 6.


Tekst koji je predložila Komisija


(6) Radi utvrđivanja jasnih pravila kojima se osigurava tehnička provedba Protokola iz Kyota u Europskoj uniji nakon 2012., omogućavanja učinkovitog funkcioniranja zajedničkog ispunjavanja obveza Europske unije, njezinih država članica i Islanda te osiguravanja njegove usklađenosti s funkcioniranjem Sustava za trgovanje emisijama stakleničkih plinova EU-a i Odlukom o zajedničkom naporu, ovlast za donošenje delegiranih akata u skladu s člankom 290. UFEU-a treba delegirati Komisiji. Pri pripremanju i izradi delegiranih akata Komisija bi trebala osigurati njihovu usklađenost s međunarodno dogovorenim obračunskim zahtjevima, uvjetima zajedničkog ispunjavanja obveza navedenima u Odluci […] i odgovarajućem zakonodavstvu Unije,

(6) Radi utvrđivanja jasnih pravila kojima se osigurava tehnička provedba Protokola iz Kyota u Europskoj uniji nakon 2012., omogućavanja učinkovitog funkcioniranja zajedničkog ispunjavanja obveza Europske unije, njezinih država članica i Islanda te osiguravanja njegove usklađenosti s funkcioniranjem Sustava za trgovanje emisijama stakleničkih plinova EU-a i Odlukom o zajedničkom naporu, ovlast za donošenje delegiranih akata u skladu s člankom 290. UFEU-a treba delegirati Komisiji. Pri pripremanju i izradi delegiranih akata Komisija bi trebala osigurati istodobno, pravodobno i odgovarajuće slanje relevantnih dokumenata Europskom parlamentu i Vijeću, kao i njihovu usklađenost s međunarodno dogovorenim obračunskim zahtjevima, uvjetima zajedničkog ispunjavanja obveza navedenima u Odluci Vijeća o ratifikaciji Izmjena iz Dohe Protokola iz Kyota i relevantnim zakonodavstvom Unije,

  • [1]  Još nije objavljeno u Službenom listu.



During the Doha Climate Change Conference held in December 2012, the 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted an amendment to the Protocol.

The Doha amendment establishes a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol (KP CP2), starting on 1 January 2013 and ending on 31 December 2020, with legally binding emission reduction commitments according to which the European Union, its Member States and Iceland are committed to limit their average annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the years 2013 to 2020 to 80% of their base year emissions (mostly 1990).

Alongside with it, the Doha Amendment made the following changes to the Kyoto Protocol: firstly, the inclusion of a new gas (nitrogen trifluoride ); secondly, an ambition mechanism providing for a simplified procedure to allow a Party to adjust its commitment by increasing its ambition during a commitment period; and thirdly a provision which automatically adjusts a Party's target to prevent an increase in its emissions for the period 2013 to 2020 beyond its average emissions for the years 2008 to 2010.

The Doha Climate Change Conference also adopted Decisions 1/CMP.8 and 2/CMP.8 on the technical implementation of the commitments related to the accounting and management of Kyoto units during the second commitment period and the transition from the first to the second commitment period.

Thus the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol after 2012 requires a set of technical implementation rules to be drawn up for the European Union, its Member States and Iceland.


The proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council provides the basis for adopting the needed technical rules to ensure the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in the European Union after 2012, enable the effective operation of the joint fulfilment of the commitments of the European Union, its Member States and Iceland, and ensure its alignment with the operation of the EU ETS and the Effort Sharing Decision. These rules should address a number of issues, including:

-          Unit management processes such as transactions of Kyoto units (issuance, transfer, acquisition, cancellation, retirement, carry-over, replacement or expiry date change) in and between the national registries of the European Union, Member States and Iceland;

-          Accounting processes related to the transition from the first to the second commitment period, including the carry-over of surplus AAUs, CERs and ERUs from the first to the second commitment period;

-          The establishment and maintenance of a previous period surplus reserve (PPSR) and a commitment period reserve (CPR) for each member of the joint fulfilment agreement;

-          Accounting for the ‘share of proceeds’ following the issuance of ERUs and the first international transfer of AAUs in the second commitment period.

Legal aspects

A delegated act pursuant to Article 290 TFEU supplements the essential rules by specifying its substance and regulating further details. It is different from an implementing act which provides for uniform conditions in the implementation of Union legislation by the Member States.

The accounting requirements of the Kyoto Protocol to be implemented after 2012 are to a large extent based on internationally agreed rules. These rules are not implemented by the Member States alone and they apply equally to the European Union itself, placing an obligation on EU institutions.

The delegated acts envisaged in this regulation would not harmonise the implementation of any existing essential rules, as provided for by Article 290 TFEU, but rather set out further specific technical details for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol after 2012.

In order to establish an effective registries system that implements the new accounting and unit management requirements in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, it is therefore necessary to empower the Commission to adopt the needed delegated acts.

Position of the rapporteur

The rapporteur welcomes the Commission proposal. He believes that it provides the necessary legal basis for adopting the technical rules to ensure the effective implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in the European Union after 2012.

The rapporteur would like to highlight the following aspects that should be reflected in the Commission proposal:

Addressing uncertainties and adjustments

The emission levels/allocated amounts to each Member State (and Iceland) are based on the Effort-Sharing Decision (ESD) (Decision 406/2009) and cover all the sources and sinks on the territory of that Member State as covered by the Kyoto Protocol, with the exception of sources included in the EU ETS.

The EU emission level/assigned amount covers the emissions in the Member States and Iceland from sources included in the EU ETS that are also within the scope of the Kyoto Protocol.

As Member State assigned amounts are fixed in the Proposal for Council Decision on the ratification of Doha agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, any uncertainties or adjustments in the definition of the joint assigned amount will only affect the EU assigned amount. The use of any surplus or addressing any deficit in the EU assigned amount that may arise for instance as a result of the UN Expert Review process would need to be addressed through delegated legislation.

International rules still not formally adopted

The relevant international rules governing the accounting for emissions and progress towards achievement of commitments in Kyoto Protocol second period were agreed in substance, albeit not formally adopted, in Warsaw in November 2013. Pending the resolution of two contentious provisions, their adoption should take place at the next climate conference in Lima in December 2014. As the substantively agreed part of these international rules was declared to be closed by all Parties with a commitment in the Kyoto Protocol second period, the lack of a formal adoption of these rules should therefore not prevent the European Union, its Member States or Iceland from proceeding with the implementation of the rules into the domestic law. Nonetheless, the Commission shall work with the Member States and third countries to help ensure the formal adoption of the Kyoto Protocol accounting rules at the Lima climate conference. Any substantive change in the rules should be reflected in the delegated acts envisaged in this regulation.

Net clearance exercise

As for the unit management processes in the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, a periodic net clearance exercise should be foreseen for the second commitment period whereby transfers of AAUs are undertaken to reflect net transfers of EU allowances, including transfer of emission allowances with third countries participating in the EU ETS which are not part of the join fulfilment agreement (e.g. Norway and Liechtenstein). This should be addressed in the delegated acts to be adopted in accordance to this regulation.


The rapporteur considers that the scope of the proposed amendment to the Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 on the Mechanism for Monitoring and Reporting of the greenhouse gas emissions in EU reflects to full extend the necessity to draw up and adopt the specific and coherent rules to ensure the technical implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in the Union after 2012, to enable the effective operation of the joint fulfilment of the commitments of the Union, its Member States and Iceland, and ensure its alignment with the operation of the EU ETS and the Effort Sharing Decision.

The rapporteur perceives the formal entry into force of the Doha Amendment among the priority objective for the European Union since the Kyoto Protocol has a crucial contribution in global efforts to tackle climate change.

Therefore, given the above mentioned considerations, the Rapporteur suggests that the Committee responsible and the European Parliament adopt the Commission proposal without unnecessary delays and not later than the end of the current parliamentary term.



Prijedlog uredbe Europskog Parlamenta i Vijeća o izmjeni Uredbe (EU) br. 525/2013 u pogledu tehničke provedbe Protokola iz Kyota uz Okvirnu konvenciju Ujedinjenih naroda o promjeni klime

Referentni dokumenti

COM(2013)0769 – C7-0393/2013 – 2013/0377(COD)

Datum podnošenja EP-u





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Odbor(i) čije se mišljenje traži

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 Datum imenovanja

Vladimir Urutchev





Razmatranje u odboru





Datum usvajanja





Rezultat konačnog glasovanja







Zastupnici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju

Elena Oana Antonescu, Pilar Ayuso, Sergio Berlato, Franco Bonanini, Biljana Borzan, Martin Callanan, Chris Davies, Bas Eickhout, Edite Estrela, Jill Evans, Elisabetta Gardini, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Françoise Grossetête, Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Satu Hassi, Jolanta Emilia Hibner, Martin Kastler, Christa Klaß, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Claus Larsen-Jensen, Jo Leinen, Peter Liese, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, Linda McAvan, Andrés Perelló Rodríguez, Mario Pirillo, Anna Rosbach, Oreste Rossi, Carl Schlyter, Horst Schnellhardt, Richard Seeber, Dubravka Šuica, Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu, Thomas Ulmer, Glenis Willmott, Sabine Wils, Marina Yannakoudakis

Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju

Margrete Auken, Inés Ayala Sender, Nikos Chrysogelos, Birgit Collin-Langen, Julie Girling, Jutta Haug, Romana Jordan, Filip Kaczmarek, Judith A. Merkies, Justas Vincas Paleckis, Marit Paulsen, Vittorio Prodi, Rebecca Taylor, Marita Ulvskog, Vladimir Urutchev

Zamjenici nazočni na konačnom glasovanju prema čl. 187. st. 2.

Fiona Hall, Kent Johansson, Bernd Lange, Emma McClarkin, Sabine Verheyen

Datum podnošenja
