Pasiūlymas dėl rezoliucijos - B6-0072/2005Pasiūlymas dėl rezoliucijos
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to wind up the debate on the statement by the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Pasqualina Napoletano, Véronique De Keyser and Michel Rocard
on behalf of the PSE Group
on the Middle East

Procedūra : 2004/2632(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the Middle East

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in the Middle East and in particular that of 23 October 2003,

–  having regard to UN Security Council Resolutions 242, 338, 425, 1373 and 1397,

–  having regard to the results of the Palestinian presidential election,

–  having regard to the Preliminary Statement of the European Union Election Observation Mission and the statement of the EP observers' delegation,

–  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas the Palestinian presidential election proceeded in a satisfactory manner despite the difficult circumstances due to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories,

B.  concerned by the impact of the occupation on the elections in terms of restrictions on freedom of movement of both candidates and voters, by the short-term arrests and harassment of some candidates when trying to reach their potential voters in East Jerusalem and by the serious restrictions imposed on Jerusalem residents exercising their right to vote,

C.  noting, however, that democratic elections under foreign military occupation have never happened anywhere in the world except in Palestine; noting that on the election day the Israeli authorities facilitated voter access to polling stations, especially in the West Bank,

D.  concerned that between 10 and 15 thousand Palestinian citizens have been held in Egypt at the Rafah border for almost one month by an Israeli decision to close the border, after it had been blown up by a terrorist attack, and have been unable to reach their home cities and exercise their right to vote,

E.  concerned about the consequences of the latest terrorist attack in Gaza in terms of victims on both sides and further restrictions imposed on Palestinians,

1.  Welcomes the success of the first presidential elections since 1996 and the notable turnout of voters; pays tribute to the Palestinian people and authorities for the commitment to democracy that they have just demonstrated despite the occupation; warmly congratulates the Palestinian women who helped secure the electoral operations and largely participated in the vote;

2.  Considers that the new President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and the other candidates have conducted the campaign in a mature manner under the given circumstances, respecting international standards;

3.  Urges Israel, in view of the coming legislative Palestinian elections, to fully respect the internationally recognised rights of all East Jerusalem residents to vote and to facilitate the process in a such way that the obstacles observed in the presidential elections are lifted by the time of the legislative elections;

4.  Welcomes the effectiveness of the EU observation mission and calls on the Council and the Commission to prepare another mission for the July general elections with the aim of supporting pluralism and balanced access to the media for all candidates and finding ways, in cooperation with the Israeli authorities, to overcome the difficulties facing the Palestinians living in East Jerusalem;

5.  Invites the new Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority to recognise the window of opportunity offered by the results of the elections and relaunch negotiations; calls on the EU and the USA to take an urgent initiative in the framework of the Quartet, in accordance with their complementary roles in the peace process, in order to open a new phase of strong mutual cooperation to jointly relaunch their efforts to bring peace to the region;

6.  Calls on the Council, the High Representative for the CFSP and the Commission to fully play their role in the process, continue assistance to the Palestinian authorities and people and develop dialogue with Israel, in the framework of the Barcelona Process and the European Neighbourhood Policy and in accordance with the Action Plans already adopted by the Council;

7.  Calls on the Commission to increase its humanitarian and relief assistance to the Palestinian population so as to alleviate its sufferings and provide the conditions for a sustainable economic recovery;

8.  Strongly encourages President Abbas to act upon his willingness to end violence, to reform and reinforce control over the Palestinian security corps and to fully engage in dialogue with all concerned parties; believes that full political support by the USA and the EU as well as active cooperation on the Israeli side are essential in order to achieve these goals;

9.  Calls on the Palestinian Authority to duly recognise the Palestinian people's commitment to democracy and to promote the independence of the judiciary, better separation of powers between the legislative and executive arms of government, good governance, including transparent accounting and the fight against corruption, and the rule of law;

10.  Considers that the Roadmap, as established by the Quartet, continues to be the main guideline to reach peace with a view to achieving a two-state solution which acknowledges the right of Israel to security and recognises borders and the right of the Palestinian people to live in a sovereign, secure, democratic and viable state;

11.  Condemns all terrorist attacks and any indiscriminate acts of violence from both sides; strongly demands that armed Palestinian groups refrain from any attacks and recalls that any form of terror and violence not only causes loss of innocent lives but is also detrimental to the peace process and to the conditions of the civilian population; asks the Israeli Government to renounce the disproportionate use of force and selected killings;

12.  Draws the attention of the Israeli Government to the fact that the Palestinian people opted for legitimate institutions and democracy by a large majority in the municipal and presidential elections, and that by doing so they opted for negotiations and peace;

13.  Considers that those Palestinians who decided not to participate in this process did so out of despair, which can also be a motivation for terrorists; believes that ending the recruitment of terrorists means tackling the roots of terrorism through economic progress, greater freedom of movement and a better quality of life for Palestinians; it is the only way to reduce terrorist influence and commit the Palestinian Authority to progress;

14.  Expects the new Israeli Government to implement the withdrawal from Gaza and part of the Northern West Bank as a credible first step in the Roadmap leading to a lasting peace by involving and negotiating it with Egypt, the first neighbour which has approved this project, and the Palestinian authorities under the verification of an international observer mission; calls on the Council to find ways to provide the necessary assistance in order to make it successful;

15.  Reiterates its call to the Israeli Government to stop the expansion of settlements, notably in the Jerusalem area, to halt the construction of the wall, and to fully comply with the Fourth Geneva Convention, and thus end the violation of international law;

16.  Calls on the Quartet to find ways to constructively involve Syria and Lebanon in future negotiations so as to reach a lasting global settlement;

17.  Believes that a final and comprehensive settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is crucial for the whole of the Middle East and the Arab world and that the successful conduct of the elections in the Occupied Territories is a model for the promotion of democracy in the whole area;

18.  Expects that the conference on Palestine that will be held in London in March will be able to give significant political and economic support to the Palestinian Authority;

19.  Suggests setting up a joint follow-up working party which, under the auspices of the Foreign Affairs Committee, steered by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the EP ad hoc delegation for the observation of the Palestinian Presidential Elections, and involving the Chief Observer of the EU electoral observation mission as well as the European Commission, will closely monitor the electoral process with a view to the upcoming Palestinian municipal and legislative elections;

20.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian Legislative Council, the Israeli Government and Knesset, the US Government and the UN Secretary-General.