Állásfoglalásra irányuló indítvány - B6-0117/2005Állásfoglalásra irányuló indítvány
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to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Philippe Morillon, Emma Bonino, Marielle De Sarnez and Ignasi Guardans Cambó
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on the European Union's relations with the Mediterranean region

Eljárás : 2005/2506(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the European Union's relations with the Mediterranean region

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on the Euro-Mediterranean partnership,

–  having regard to the Barcelona Declaration of November 1995,

–  having regard to its resolution on the new neighbourhood policy for the enlarged Europe, adopted in 2004,

–  having regard to the conclusions adopted by the Presidency at the Euro-Mediterranean meeting of foreign ministers held in The Hague on 29 and 30 November 2004,

–  having regard to the communication on the EU, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, a long-standing partnership, adopted by the Council in June 2004,

–  having regard to UN Security Council resolution 1559,

–  having regard to the statement by the President of the UN Security Council of 15 February 2005,

–  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas over the past ten years the Barcelona process has provided the framework for a fruitful partnership between the countries and peoples on the two shores of the Mediterranean and is worth reviving,

B.  noting that the European Neighbourhood Policy is designed to enhance this partnership by providing a fresh opportunity for deepening relations, strengthening political dialogue and integrating the associated countries in EU policy,

C.  whereas the initial action plans drawn up in this context with Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority and adopted by the Council commit the Union and the associated countries to a closer dialogue,

D.  whereas the resumption of dialogue between the parties involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict provides an opportunity to settle this issue in a global and long-term way, which at the same time underpins the importance of the Euromed process,

E.  whereas on 19 October 2004 the Commission and Syria formally concluded negotiations on an EU-Syria association agreement, thus bringing to an end the bilateral agreement phase provided for by the Euro-Mediterranean partnership,

F.  concerned by the situation created in Lebanon following the assassination of Rafik Hariri and its potential repercussions on the whole region and deeply concerned about the role of Syria in that assassination,

G.  concerned by the waiver of parliamentary immunity and detention of Ayman Nour, President of the Ghad Party in Egypt,

H.  noting the Council's common position of 14 October 2004, which lifts the restrictions and arms embargo against Libya, preparing the ground for Libya's full participation in the Barcelona process,

I.  pointing out that the transformation of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Forum into a Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA), with its committees, strengthens the parliamentary dimension of the Euromed process, thereby enhancing its democratic profile,

1.  Awaits the comprehensive review of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership which is due to be submitted to ministers at the forthcoming Euro-Mediterranean ministerial meeting in Luxembourg and asks to be fully associated with this process;

2.  Welcomes the ministers' decision to make 2005 the Year of the Mediterranean and calls for every effort to be made to ensure that the Barcelona process becomes more visible and more democratic for all the parties involved;

3.  Reiterates its appeal to all contracting parties to Euro-Mediterranean association agreements to translate the human rights clause into an action programme designed to improve and enhance respect for human rights and to put in place a regular review mechanism, in accordance with Article 2 of the association agreement;

4.  Calls on the Commission to involve it in the assessment and implementation of action plans;

5.  Believes that the European initiative for democracy and human rights (EIDHR) has an important role to play in promoting the values shared by the European Union and the associated countries; calls on it to step up its action in Mediterranean countries in order to support the development and consolidation of civil society and independent non-governmental actors;

6.  Condemns the attack in which Rafik Hariri his life and which claimed many other victims; expresses its deep sympathy with Mr Hariri's family and with the families of all the victims; calls on the Lebanese government to bring to justice the perpetrators, organisers and instigators of this terrorist act; assures the Lebanese people of its support and urges them to unite in overcoming this tragedy;

7.  Expresses its grave concern at the announcement of the forthcoming signature of the European Union's association agreement with Syria, bearing in mind the seriousness of the situation with regard to democracy, human rights and Syria's role in Lebanon;

8.  Calls once again for Syria to end any interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon;

9.  Calls on Libya to take the necessary action and give the commitments required for it to become a party to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, which will contribute to strengthening the Barcelona process;

10.  Is firmly convinced that the arrest of Ayman Nour runs counter to the process of political reform and is likely to undermine democratisation efforts in Egypt;

11.  Welcomes the recent positive developments concerning the conflict in the Middle East, which could have a decisive influence on the development of the whole Euromed partnership and calls on the Euromed partners to do their utmost to support the resumption of dialogue and restore the credibility and effectiveness of the roadmap;

12.  Calls for the resumption of a continuous dialogue on security and welcomes the non-proliferation clauses relating to weapons of mass destruction included in the latest agreements and action plans; calls on the Council to involve the partner countries more actively in the European security and defence policy;

13.  Points out once again that the fight against terrorism cannot be at the expense of civil liberties and human rights; welcomes the growing cooperation in this area but calls for more transparent and open procedures; endorses the proposal for a code of conduct in this sphere;

14.  Urges all the countries in the Mediterranean region to consolidate their relations, including trade relations, and, if necessary, remove any obstacles;

15.  Is convinced that the signature in February 2004 of the Agadir agreement between Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan, which is due to enter into force this year, marks a breakthrough in terms of economic relations between the two shores of the Mediterranean and the development of a more balanced association; calls on the countries which have not yet joined this agreement to explore the possibility of acceding to the process;

16.  Welcomes the steady improvement in the rate of implementation of MEDA funds;

17.  Notes the progress achieved towards creating a free trade area by 2010 and the strategy blueprint for liberalising trade in agricultural products;

18.  Supports the proposal to establish a disaster detection and prevention system in the Mediterranean, in the light of recent events in Asia;

19.  Awaits with interest the inaugural session of the Anna Lindh Foundation for dialogue between cultures; is convinced that it can play a decisive role in fostering mutual understanding and making the most of our common heritage;

20.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States and the governments and parliaments of the associated countries, including Libya.