Pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Pasqualina NAPOLETANO and Glenys KINNOCK on behalf of the PES Group
on Zimbabwe
European parliament resolution on Zimbabwe
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Zimbabwe, most recently of 16 December 2004,
– having regard to Council Common Position of 21 February 2005 renewing sanctions against the Mugabe regime and Commission Regulation of 15 June 2005 extending the travel ban,
– having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas on 19 May, the Mugabe regime intensified its oppression of the people of Zimbabwe through the brutal destruction of thousands of homes in Harare through the so-called 'Operation Drive Out Rubbish',
B. whereas the UN estimates that at least 275 000 are now without shelter or livelihood and many children are unable to attend school; whereas many of those who have been evicted are living on the banks of the Mukluvisi River, which is now carrying domestic waste and is therefore a serious health hazard to those living under such precarious conditions,
C. whereas those loyal to Mugabe had consolidated their power in the flawed parliamentary elections of 31 March, elections which were marred by oppression and intimidation and failed to meet internationally acceptable democratic standards,
D. whereas G8 leaders will meet at Gleneagles on 6-8 July and the British Presidency of the G8 has put assistance to Africa at the top of its agenda,
E. whereas on 24 May EU Development Ministers agreed to increase EU aid to 0.56% of national income by 2010, in order to reach 0.7% percent by 2015 in furtherance of the Development Goals; whereas the increase is estimated to amount to an additional €20 billion annually by 2010,
F. whereas extra aid to Africa is crucial but must be combined with good governance, the rule of law and respect for human rights,
G. whereas previously, Zimbabwe had a successful economy, exported food to other African countries and was in a position to assist its weaker neighbours in overcoming their difficulties; it is now a failed state with millions of its people reliant on food aid from the international community,
H. whereas the African Union and SADC have refused to intervene to put a stop to Mugabe's brutal oppression and the South African President, Thabo Mbeki, has not criticised Mugabe's actions, nor taken tangible measures against his regime; whereas the Commission has expressed its disappointment at the fact that neither the African Union nor South Africa have condemned the actions of the Mugabe government,
I. Whereas the motivations for these brutal acts by Mugabe are thought to include punishment for the urban poor who did not support him in the recent elections and an attempt to create a new class of rural poor that will be reliant upon his government for aid, therefore garnering support and dispersal of the disaffected poor before they could organise and start a revolution,
J. whereas sanctions against Zimbabwe have been renewed and the EU travel ban against Zimbabwe has been updated; whereas this renewal will have little impact without rigorous enforcement of the sanctions; whereas Council has imposed no other measures against the Mugabe regime since the 31 March fraudulent elections or following the most recent bout of oppression,
K. whereas the next EU Foreign Ministers Council (GAERC) will take place on 18-19 July and provides an opportunity for action,
1. Condemns the Mugabe regime for the intensification of its oppression of the Zimbabwean people, and expresses its deep disappointment at the refusal of other African governments, particularly South Africa, SADC and the African Union to criticise Mugabe's actions;
2. Calls on all African governments to speak out against the actions of Mugabe, and to recognise the situation as abuse of human rights and to stop using the excuse that Mugabe's actions amount to Zimbabwe's internal affairs;
3. Demands an immediate end to the forced mass evictions, compensation for losses incurred by those affected by the demolitions and full, unfettered access for humanitarian agencies to vulnerable groups requiring immediate relief;
4. Calls upon the Mugabe regime to cooperate fully with the new UN Special Envoy for human settlement issues in Zimbabwe, Mrs Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, ensuring there are no delays in her visit and providing strong support for implementation of her recommendations;
5. Welcomes the release of Roy Bennett MP and calls for the release of the other
30 000 innocent victims imprisoned as a result of Operation Clean Up;
6. Calls for the establishment of an international committee of inquiry to investigate the use of food and shelter as political weapons;
7. Refuses to recognise the result of the deeply flawed elections of 31 March which failed to meet internationally accepted democratic standards, including SADC standards;
8. Deeply regrets the failure of Council to respond to Parliament's consistent calls for increased pressure against the Mugabe regime;
9. Insists, in the light of the situation in Zimbabwe and the desire of the people of our countries for support for Africa, that the Council take serious action to bring about change for the better in Zimbabwe;
10. Calls, in this regard, on the Council to close the loopholes in existing EU targeted sanctions, to make a clear commitment to their rigorous enforcement on the part of all Member States, to curtail the economic links with Zimbabwe that directly benefit the regime, such as trade with farms controlled by regime members, to take measures against those providing financial backing for the anti-democratic activities of the regime and to prevent family members of Mugabe's henchmen from accessing employment and educational institutions in EU Member States;
11. Criticises the Commission President's initial suggestion that Member States "should not be giving lessons" to African countries while endorsing his subsequent expression of disappointment at the failure of the African Union and South Africa to respond to the "human rights crisis" in Zimbabwe;
12. Insists that aid must be made available to Zimbabwean people through non-governmental channels; calls on the Commission and ECHO to do their utmost to ensure that humanitarian aid and development aid arrive where they are needed and are not hampered by the ZANU-PF regime;
13. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Governments of the Member States, the Government and Parliament of Zimbabwe, the Government and Parliament of South Africa, the Secretary General of the Commonwealth, the UN Secretary-General, the Presidents of the Commission and Council of the African Union and the Secretary-General of SADC.