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Förslag till resolution - B6-0572/2005Förslag till resolution
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
by Ona Jukneviciene
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on Uzbekistan

Förfarande : 2005/2631(RSP)
Dokumentgång i plenum
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Antagna texter :

European parliament resolution on Uzbekistan

The European Parliament,

-  having regard to the European Parliament's earlier resolutions concerning the situation of human rights and democracy in Uzbekistan,

-  having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part which entered into force on 1 July 1999,

A.  whereas the Government of Uzbekistan has not yet allowed any independent enquiry into the events in Andijan in May 2005, where hundreds of civilians were killed by security forces,

B.  whereas fifteen men have gone on trial in Uzbekistan, accused of leading the armed unrest in Andijan,

C.  whereas Amnesty International denounced the arrest of thousands of people in order to cover-up the truth that people in detention are at serious risk of being subjected to torture and other ill-treatment and that many have been charged with capital offences and risk being sentenced to death following an unfair trial,

D.  whereas most independent local journalists and human rights workers are being intimidated by the security services or have been driven out of the country,

E.  whereas the Uzbek authorities decided to postpone the 6th EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee meeting,

F.  whereas the situation of the refugees after the events in Andijan remains unclear;

G.  reiterating the importance of EU-Uzbekistan relations and recognizing the crucial role of Uzbekistan in the Central Asia region but stressing that those relations must be based on mutual respect for the principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights as laid down in the EU/Uzbekistan Partnership Agreement,

H.  whereas Uzbekistan receives EUR 16 million in aid under the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU,

I.  whereas the Uzbek President, Mr. Karimov, has been the leader of the country since its independence in 1989 and has prevented any real democratic process,

J.  whereas the development of civic society is an essential step to provide the country with a functioning democracy, stability and social cohesion which is essential to fight effectively against any risk of religious extremism,

K.  whereas Uzbek society is largely secular and the limited religious extremism is essentially fuelled by social injustice, stressing that the fight against religious extremism can only be conducted through legal means and not though oppression,

1.  Notes that civil society in Uzbekistan, as well as in neighbouring countries, demands a more open society, where individual freedoms and human rights are fully respected and there is real progress towards democracy;

2.  Deeply regrets the Uzbek authorities' refusal to allow an independent inquiry into the events in Andijan and reiterates its condemnation of the excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate use of violence by the Uzbek security forces which led to the killing of hundreds of civilians;

3.  Urges the Uzbek authorities to allow an international independent enquiry into the events in Andijan of May 2005, this being an essential step to restore Uzbekistan's international credibility as far as its compliance with international standards of respect of rule of law and human rights is concerned;

4.  Welcomes and supports the decision taken at the General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting on 3 October 2005 to introduce an embargo on the export of arms and military equipment and other equipment that might be used for internal repression to Uzbekistan, to implement restrictions on admission to the EU of Uzbek individuals directly responsible of the Andijan events and to suspend sine die all scheduled technical meetings under the PCA and the Commission’s reorientation and reduction of its TACIS programme in order to support increased focus on the needs of the population, democracy, human rights as well as to foster links with Uzbek civil society;

5.  Urges the Uzbek President, Mr Karimov, to change radically his authoritarian policy and to engage in democratic reforms, including the promotion of human rights, free elections, accountability and transparency;

6.  Urges the Government of Uzbekistan to release all human rights defenders and political opposition members who are still in detention and allow them to work freely and without fear of persecution;

7.  Urges that the trial of the individuals accused of plotting to overthrow the Uzbek Government fully comply with international law and be open to independent observers, these being allowed complete access to the proceedings;

8.  Asks the Uzbek authorities to allow members taking part in the 6th EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee to travel to Andijan and to have unconstrained access to members of the opposition, NGOs and the independent media, as standard practice in PCC activities;

9.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the President, the Government and the Parliament of Uzbekistan, the OSCE and the Secretary General of the United Nations.