Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni - B6-0087/2006Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni
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to wind up the debate on the statement by the Council
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit, Margrete Auken, Jillian Evans, David Hammerstein Mintz, Caroline Lucas, Angelika Beer, Cem Özdemir and Johannes Voggenhuber
on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group
on the result of the Palestinian elections and the situation in East Jerusalem

Proċedura : 2006/2507(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the result of the Palestinian elections and the situation in East Jerusalem

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on the Middle East, in particular that of 27 January 2005,

–  having regard to the Statement of Preliminary Conclusions and Findings of the European Union Election Observation Mission and the statement of the EP observers' delegation on the Palestinian legislative elections held on 25 January 2006,

–  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas the over-delayed Palestinian legislative elections were finally held in a peaceful and orderly manner with a high turnout and overall respect for the rules and European standards in spite of the difficult conditions under which they took place,

B.  whereas, according to the EU Election Observation Mission, these elections 'marked another important milestone in the building of democratic institutions' under the efficient, professional and independent administration of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC),

C.  whereas the campaign took place in a generally calm and positive atmosphere in spite of the restrictions by Israeli forces on the freedom of movement of candidates and voters, which reduced the scope for genuinely free elections and prevented a proper campaign from taking place in East Jerusalem,

D.  stressing that the result of the elections is to be considered in all respects the legitimate and democratic expression of the Palestinian people, which must be fully accepted and respected by all sides, parties and the international community,

E.  pointing to the urgent need to make renewed efforts in order to move forward with the roadmap, with a view to achieving a long-lasting and comprehensive settlement for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

F.  having regard to the decision of the Council not to take into account and therefore not to publish the report on East Jerusalem drafted by the EU Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah,

1.  Welcomes the smooth and overall peaceful running of the election process and high turnout, which proves once more the strong commitment and determination of the Palestinian people to decide freely their future by democratic means;

2.  Stresses that the electoral campaign and the election-day procedures complied with international standards, and welcomes, in this regard, the role played by the EU, in particular the European Union Election Observation Mission, in the process;

3.  Urges the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to favour the prompt formation of a new government which, in line with the previous one, should be committed to respect for democratic principles, the rejection of violence and a willingness to achieve a negotiated solution of the conflict by peaceful means; underlines that the new government must be judged not by its past but by its future deeds;

4.  Calls on the Israeli authorities to respect the results, refrain from interference and establish conditions which will enable the Palestinian institutions to function fully;

5.  Reaffirms that there is no alternative to direct bilateral negotiations based on the two-state solution, with strong security guarantees for both sides and a viable territorially contiguous Palestinian state based on 1967 borders; calls on the new Palestinian Parliament and future Government and the Israeli Parliament and Government to take their responsibilities in fulfilling these goals;

6.  Recognises the importance of maintaining the present truce and calls, in this regard, on the Israeli authorities to stop extrajudicial killings;

7.  Takes the view that the newly elected Palestinian Government must distance itself from and clearly fight violence and terrorism in order for the EU to continue to provide assistance and economic aid; recalls that the provision of humanitarian aid is unconditional and calls on the Council and the Commission to strengthen their mechanisms for supervising the financial and economic aid provided to the Palestinian Authority;

8.  Expresses its concern, in this regard, at the resounding electoral victory of a party that supports violent means and does not accept a peaceful two-state solution;

9.  Welcomes, nevertheless, the decision of Hamas to take part in the elections and urges the leadership of this party to be consistent and fully accept the rules of democracy which require its complete transformation into a political force and the dismantlement of its armed militias;

10.  Takes the view that the result of the elections represent a wake-up call for the US and the EU, which have failed to address the growing frustrations of the population and its deep wish for a real change and to respond and support effectively the large sections of Palestinian society truly and genuinely committed to peace as well as to the fight against widespread corruption and the consequent inefficient management of international aid;

11.  Calls, in this regard, for a strong and credible initiative of the Quartet (UN, USA, EU and Russia) in order to facilitate the resumption of dialogue and restart the negotiations between the two sides; takes the view that the 'Roadmap for Peace' remains a constructive basis, but stresses the urgent need for positive and concrete results;

12.  Is convinced that the manner in which Palestinians held the elections should become a role model for the Arab world and other countries in the region with a view to rooting democracy and consolidating the rule of law;

13.  Welcomes the start of the ESDP mission in Gaza to implement the Agreement on Movement and Access signed between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority; points out that this is a further sign of the willingness of the EU to strengthen its direct involvement and deal with the concrete problems of the peace process; takes the view that this is a step towards enhancing the EU's role as a mediator;

14.  Endorses the conclusions of the report on East Jerusalem drafted by the EU Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah, which states that Israel’s activities in Jerusalem are in violation of both its roadmap obligations and international law; deplores the decision of the Council not to take into account the report and not to take initiatives; regrets that Parliament was not informed about its content;

15.  Warns that the ongoing de facto annexation of East Jerusalem as well as the ongoing building of the separation wall is a stumbling block which pre-empts future negotiations with a view to reaching a final status agreement, and calls on the Council and the Commission to be consistent with the recommendations made in this report and to implement them without further delay;

16.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the President of the Palestinian National Authority and the newly elected Parliament, the Prime Minister of Israel and the Knesset, and the UN Secretary General.