Predlog resolucije - B6-0095/2006Predlog resolucije
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to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Jelko Kacin, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Sarah Ludford, Ignasi Guardans Cambó and Philippe Morillon,
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on the outlook for Bosnia Herzegovina

Postopek : 2006/2513(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the outlook for Bosnia Herzegovina

The European Parliament,

-  having regard to its previous resolutions on Bosnia-Herzegovina and on the Western Balkans, in particular its resolution on the Western Balkans of 14 April 2005,

-  having regard to the start of negotiations on 25 January 2006 on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Bosnia-Herzegovina,

-  having regard to the 1995 Dayton Framework Agreement and the need to reform and adapt its constitutional framework in Bosnia-Herzegovina,

-  having regard to the long-term political and financial commitment from the European Union towards Bosnia-Herzegovina and the long-term prospect of EU membership, as outlined at the Thessaloniki Summit in June 2003,

-  having regard to the constitutional negotiations that have started in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the political agreement reached on 16 January 2006 on a first set of constitutional amendments aimed at more effective and efficient decision-making and institutional set-arrangements,

-  having regard to the Commission communication of 27 January 2006 on 'The Western Balkans on the road to the EU - consolidating stability and raising prosperity',

-   having regard to Rule 103 of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas Bosnia-Herzegovina has a clear membership perspective, as set out in the Thessaloniki agenda, of which the Stabilisation and Association Process is the initial phase,

B.  whereas the start of the negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Bosnia-Herzegovina and the European Union adds further pressure for constitutional reform and for creating fully efficient, transparent and stable state institutions which can take the necessary decisions for adopting and implementing EU standards and values in the legislation,

C.  whereas this process, ten years after the signing of the Dayton accord, must aim at the creation of a self-sustaining state with fully functional institutions, complemented by a progressive downgrading of the presence of the UN administration and the phasing-out of the powers of the High Representative,

D.  whereas talks have started between the political parties on constitutional changes and whereas agreement on the changes should be reached by March 2006,

E.  whereas the constitutional changes must be driven by the overriding aim to overcome religious and ethnic divisions and to create strong state institutions and a simplified political system in which sovereignty belongs to the state and the citizen and not to religious and ethnic groups, thereby creating the conditions for a modern and functioning democratic society,

F.  whereas full cooperation with the ICTY is a prerequisite for reconciliation between the ethnicities,

1.  Welcomes the decision to start negotiations on a Stability and Association Agreement with Bosnia-Herzegovina and the readiness for constitutional, political and economic reform among the political forces in the country; underlines that European values and principles must be fully respected and implemented in connection with the constitutional changes;

2.  Underlines that the pace of reforms and their implementation will be determined by the ability of domestic political actors to assume responsibility and increased ownership of the political process in the country; calls on the new EU Special Representative/High Representative to use his powers with restraint so as to encourage the development of genuinely strong and democratic domestic institutions;

3.  Reminds political leaders and parties that the following issues must also be addressed in connection with constitutional change:

  • (a)co-operation with the ICTY and the local war crimes court;
  • (b)implementation of efficient policies in favour of the return of refugees and displaced persons;
  • (c)respect for human and minority rights;
  • (d)implementation of effective policies against corruption, organised crime and trafficking in drugs, persons and arms;

4.  Calls on the High Representative, the Council and the Commission to explore how to provide the necessary political, technical and judicial assistance to Bosnian leaders and political parties in their efforts to reform the Constitutional Charter and implement reforms;

5.  Welcomes the Commission communication of 27 January 2006 on 'The Western Balkans on the road to the EU - consolidating stability and raising prosperity", since it emphasises the urgent need for economic progress, not only in Bosnia-Herzegovina but in the region as a whole, to fight poverty, unemployment and marginalisation and lay the ground for self-sustaining economies;

6.  Reiterates its calls for strengthened cooperation with the countries in the region on border control, as part of a wider EU Justice and Home Affairs strategy for the region, and looks forward to the progressive easing of visa requirements which this process entails;

7.  Supports the initiative to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission aimed at coming to terms with the recent past and dealing with the problems of justice;

8.  Calls on the Bosnian authorities to make every possible effort to put an end to widespread discrimination, which is hindering the return of refugees, and to help those wishing to return to do so;

9.  Welcomes the appointment of Christian Schwarz-Schilling as new High Representative/Special Representative and congratulates Lord Ashdown on the achievements made during his term in office;

10.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the EU Special Representative/ High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling and the Presidency and Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina.