pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Pasqualina Napoletano and Véronique De Keyser,
on behalf of the PSE Group
on human rights violations in Syria
European Parliament resolution on human rights violations in Syria
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948,
- having regard to Article 11 (1) of the Treaty of the European Union and Article 177 of the EC
Treaty which establishes the promotion of human rights as an objective of the common
Foreign and security policy,
- having regard to its previous resolutions on Syria and the Middle East,
- having regard to Rule115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the accession to power of the current president, Bachar Al Assad, sparked some hope in Syria of opening up the Syrian political system, which had been dominated by the Bath Party for many years,
B. whereas the European Parliament and its President have already intervened several times in favour of the release of parliamentarians detained in Syrian prisons, whereas on 19 May 2006 the European Presidency invited the Syrian Government fully to respect the freedom of speech and assembly which is laid down in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratified by Syria in 1969,
C. whereas respect for human rights is an essential element of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, manifested in an Association Agreement between the EU and the Member State concerned,
D. whereas at least 8 civil activists demanding the normalisation of relations between Syria and Lebanon have been arrested and threatened with the death penalty,
E. whereas Michel Kilo, a militant pro-democratic writer, was arrested on 14 May 2006, mainly on the grounds of his position on the Beirut-Damascus Declaration,
F. whereas Nidal Darwish, Mahmoud Meri, Khalil Hussein, Khaled Khalife, Safwan Tayfour and Mahmoud Issa, members of various human rights organisations in Syria, were imprisoned by the State Security Services on 16 May 2006,
G. whereas Anwar Al Bunni, a lawyer specialising in human rights issues, was arrested on the streets of Damascus when he was on the verge of taking up a post as Director of a Human Rights Centre financed by the European Union,
H. whereas Fateh Jamus was arrested on 1 May 2006 during a visit to Europe, by special invitation from Amnesty International to visit Sweden and was also threatened with the death penalty on 14 May 2006 due to his favourable stance with regard to the Arab-Kurd dialogue,
1. Urges the Syrian Authorities to release Michel Kilo, Anwar Al Bunni and Fateh Jamus immediately;
2. Expresses its grave concern at the restrictions imposed on and the charges made against Nidal Darwish, Mahmoud Meri, Khalil Hussein, Khaled Khalife, Safwan Tayfour and Mahmoud Issa for exercising their democratic rights and at the fact that they are facing trials for their peaceful activities;
3. Points out that respect for human rights constitutes a vital component in the EU-Syria Association Agreement, which is still to be finalised;
4. Calls on the Syrian Authorities to ratify the Convention against torture and other inhuman treatment and also to ensure that detained or imprisoned persons are given prompt and regular access to lawyers, doctors and their families;
5. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Syrian Government and the Syrian Parliament.