pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis and Eoin Ryan,
on behalf of the UEN Group
on the situation in Mauritania
European Parliament resolution on the situation in Mauritania
The European Parliament,
– having regard to the partnership Agreement between the members of the group of the States of Africa, of the Caribbean and of the Pacific, on the one hand, and the European Community and its Member States, on the other hand, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 and in particular its Article 96,
– having regard to the resolution of the ACP-EU JPA on the situation in West Africa, adopted on 24 November 2005 in Edinburgh (the United Kingdom),
– having regard to the 23 undertakings given by the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in the areas of respect for democratic principles, fundamental freedoms and rights, the rule of law and good governance during the consultations with the EU and Mauritania under Article 96 of the revised Cotonou Agreement,
– having regard to the report of the mission of the ACP-EU JPA in Mauritania from 23 to 27 February 2006,
– having regard to the report of the delegation of the European Parliament for the relations with the Maghreb Countries and the Arab Magreb Union (including Libya) which went to Mauritania from 3 to 5 May 2006,
– having regard to Article 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,
- A.whereas the inversion of former President Ould Taya, on 3 August 2005, was done without bloodshed,
- B.whereas the Military Committee for Justice and Democracy stated its will to put an end to the totalitarian practices of Ancien Régime and committed itself to establishing democracy in Mauritania,
- C.whereas the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) was set up and the electoral timetable for a constitutional referendum, general, municipal election and presidential were adopted,
- D.whereas the Constitutional referendum was held in Mauritania on 25 June 2006 with a turnout of 76,5%,
- E.whereas 97% of voters backed the Constitutional changes which put limits of two five – year terms on future presidents, ensuring that power changes hands every decade while the last president remained in office for over 20 years,
- F.considering, however, that major Mauritanian population in peripheral areas were not in a position to prove their identity in order to obtain an electoral card, which in accordance with the electoral law requires a copy of a birth certificate of the parents and of the grand-parents,
- G.considering notable improvements regarding to the abolition of the censure of the mass media,
- H.whereas Mauritania has significant natural resources but that the wealth of the country belongs to a very small number and that a very major part of the country lives in extreme poverty,
- I.having regard to the start of oil production in April 2006,
- J.considering the undertaking of the transition authorities to fight corruption and accession to the international conventions on the matter,
- K.whereas the EU-Mauritania fishing agreement expires on 31 July 2006,
- 1.Evaluates with the satisfaction the undertakings of the transition authorities in Mauritania in order to secure the introduction of democracy;
- 2.Is pleased with the setting up of the National Independent Electoral Commission which aims to go ahead with the electoral census (RAVEL) and to manage the election process;
- 3.Welcomes the serene, transparent and well organized constitutional referendum which took place on 25 June 2006 and is an important stage in the movement towards further democracy;
- 4.Looks forward to successful and transparent legislative and municipal elections due to take place in November 2006 with the presidential elections to follow in March 2007; calls on the transitional authorities to respect the timetable that has been set;
- 5.Invites the Military Committee for Justice and Democracy, the transition government and the National Independent Electoral Commission to proceed further with the census of voters and the distribution of the electoral cards, including an acceptance of appropriate forms of evidence as the proof of the identity for the return refugees; is pleased with the non–contentious reaction shown by the President of CENI in Brussels on 30 May 2005;
- 6.Is pleased, in principle, with the position of the transition authorities to allow the return of the Mauritanians from the foreign countries but notes with concern that, in practice, this right were exercised by limited number of people mainly for two reasons: the weakness of the economic means and inability to proof Mauritanian nationality;
- 7.Calls on the transition authorities to give serious consideration to the opening of the polling stations in Mauritania's embassies during the general and presidential elections for the Mauritanians residing abroad and in the refugee camps in Mali and in Senegal;
- 8.Invites the Commission to decide on sending an Election Observation Mission of the European Union (MOEUE);
- 9.Is pleased with notable improvements regarding the abolition of the censure of the mass media;
- 10.Is pleased with the freedom of expression of the representatives of the political parties and of civil society in Mauritania, which is a sign of democracy;
- 11.Notes with concern the glaring disparity between the wealth of the political parties and, in particular, the limited resources available for political training for parties established after the events of 3 August 2005;
- 12.Invites the Military Committee for Justice and Democracy and the transition government to take strong action to stop the impunity for economic crimes;
- 13.Calls on the Mauritanian authorities, present and future, to tackle the question of the inequalities in the distribution of wealth and to introduce a minimum of social justice in Mauritania;
- 14.Is pleased with the closure of the consultations under new Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement and with the full resumption of cooperation between the European Union and the Islamic Republic in Mauritania; is pleased, consequently, that the Islamic Republic in Mauritania will not have been penalized by the events of 3 August 2005;
- 15.Calls on the Mauritanian authorities to take advantage of the new oil resources in order to meet the needs of the population, in particular as regards health and education;
- 16.Is pleased with the undertaking of the authorities of the transition authorities to apply the principles of the EITI initiative (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative);
- 17.Is pleased with the government's commitments to combat corruption and calls for the ratification of the international conventions on this subject;
- 18.Calls on the European Commission and the Mauritanian authorities to conclude in time the negotiations of the fishing agreement; notes that the absence of an agreement could jeopardise the smooth continuation of the transition process;
- 19.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and to the Commission, to the CMJD, to the transition Government and to the ACP-EU JPA.