pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Philippe Morillon
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on the situation in the Middle East
European Parliament resolution on the situation in the Middle East
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its earlier resolutions on the situation in the Middle East,
– having regard to its resolution of 10 March 2005 on the situation in Lebanon,
– having regard to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1701 (2006),
– having regard to the statement issued by the European Parliament's Conference of Presidents on 20 July 2006,
– having regard to the statement issued by the Bureau of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliament Assembly Bureau on 24 August 2006,
– having regard to the Council conclusions of 25 August 2006 on Lebanon,
– having regard to the Quartet's Roadmap for Peace of 30 April 2003,
– having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. deeply shocked by this war, which has cost the lives of more than one thousand innocent people, mainly civilians, and condemning the inertia shown by some Member States which refused to call for an immediate ceasefire,
B. whereas Lebanon is a country with close historical, cultural and economic links with Europe, is one of the Union's leading partners in the Middle East and is involved in the European neighbourhood policy,
C. emphasising the role that a totally democratic and sovereign Lebanon can play in the implementation of a solution to the Middle-East crisis and the development of a strong Euro-Mediterranean partnership,
D. whereas there is an urgent need to prevent Lebanon from undergoing a new period of instability and to support and consolidate its fragile democratic institutions, as well as to relaunch the reconstruction process,
1. Endorses UNSC Resolution 1701 and calls on the entire international community to shoulder its responsibilities in ensuring that it is fully implemented as soon as possible; stresses, in this connection, that no ceasefire can be lasting without the parties directly concerned showing the political will to tackle the root causes of the recent crisis;
2. Welcomes the outcome of the Council meeting of 25 August 2006, particularly the full support expressed by the Council for implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701 and the Member States' commitment to provide 7 000 of the 15 000 troops for the United Nations interim force (UNIFIL);
3. Welcomes the continuing efforts being made by the European Union to secure a lasting solution to the conflict; stresses, in this connection, the importance of the European Union Member States speaking with one voice and taking joint action;
4. Stresses that the current crisis has placed the Middle-East peace process back on the top of the international agenda; calls on the international community to take this opportunity to organise an international peace conference – along the lines of the 1991 Madrid conference – so as to bring all the parties concerned around a table with a view to arriving at a solution to the conflict; calls for the Council to take the initiative in this matter;
5. Considers that a settlement of the conflict will require a comprehensive regional peace agreement and, in this connection, is concerned at the deteriorating situation in Gaza and the West Bank;
6. Welcomes the decision of the Lebanese Government to deploy its forces in southern Lebanon and that of the Israeli army to withdraw behind the Blue Line, as laid down by UNSC Resolution 1701;
7. Welcomes the Lebanese Government's strong support for an enhanced role to be given to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon;
8. Continues to be extremely concerned at the humanitarian and environmental consequences due to the intensity of fighting and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon, and regrets the resulting casualties among civilians in Lebanon and Israel, soldiers and UN observers, and the massive destruction of civilian infrastructure;
9. Calls on the European Union to undertake to work with all the parties involved and calls on these parties scrupulously to honour their commitments with a view to the full implementation of Resolution 1701, so as allow access for emergency humanitarian assistance and the return of displaced persons under the safest possible conditions; urges, in this context, the lifting of the air and sea blockade of Lebanon;
10. Reiterates the call made by its Conference of Presidents on 20 July and 1 August for the rapid deployment of the international humanitarian aid and a return to respect for international law; stresses, however, that a comprehensive political settlement must be found to put a final end to the conflict, in accordance with UNSC Resolutions 1701 and 1559;
11. Calls on the international community, the European union and humanitarian organisations to give their full backing to the reconstruction of Lebanon and, to this end, welcomes the decisions taken at the international donors' conference in Sweden;
12. Calls on the parties involved scrupulously to respect the ceasefire under Resolution 1701, which entered into force on 14 August and has so far largely been observed;
13. Recalls the terms of Resolution 1701, which calls for the unconditional release of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers, and encourages all efforts aimed at reaching a settlement as soon as possible on the issue of the Lebanese prisoners held in Israel;
14. Calls for the opening of direct political and diplomatic negotiations between the Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority with a view to prisoners being exchanged between the two parties;
15. Reiterates its call for the immediate release of the ministers and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council held by Israel;
16. Stresses that the implementation of Resolution 1701 should lead to the disarming of Hezbollah, measures to prevent the entry of arms into Lebanon, and a final definition of the borders between Lebanon and Israel, and should the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Lebanon, including the southern part of the country;
17. Endorses the mandate conferred on UNIFIL under Articles 11, 14 and 16 of Resolution 1701, and calls on the Member States to provide the necessary troops and logistical resources to ensure that the mission is a success;
18. Stresses the leading role taken on by some EU Member States; fully endorses France's decision to continue to assume the command of UNIFIL until February 2007, when Italy will take over; stresses, however, that a multiplication of commanding structures must be avoided and that it might be useful, in this connection, to envisage a European arrangement based on the model of EUFOR deployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
19. Stresses nevertheless the importance of clearly and adequately defining the mandate, structure and competences of UNIFIL, if necessary to be agreed under a new UN Security Council resolution, which should take into account the lessons learnt from previous peacekeeping missions, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
20. Calls in this context on the military committee of the EU Council to develop contingency plans in support of the Member States' contribution to UNIFIL, by having recourse to the Battle Groups;
21. Stresses its support for the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon throughout the country; emphasises, therefore, that humanitarian aid and early recovery and reconstruction efforts must be conducted under that authority and in the context of the government's national plan for rehabilitation, reform and development;
22. Stresses the vital role of Lebanese local authorities in distributing aid to the most needy, whatever their political, cultural or religious affiliation;
23. Stresses the obligation on both sides under international humanitarian law to ensure access and safe passage of displaced persons, humanitarian workers and supplies;
24. Stresses the need to allocate sufficient emergency funding for the victims of the crisis; calls on the Commission, budgetary authorities and Member States to consider alternative ways for funding beyond the already allocated resources;
25. Urges Iran and Syria to play a constructive role in implementing Security Council Resolutions 1559 and 1701;
26. Stresses Syria's potentially important role in guaranteeing Lebanon's sovereignty and the stability of the region as a whole;
27. Takes the view that the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA), as the Barcelona Process' only parliamentary institution for elected representatives of the peoples of the southern Mediterranean shore and the European Union, should assume its responsibility for facilitating the resumption of dialogue and cooperation between the parties to the Middle-East situation;
28. Believes that, in the medium to long term, the building of institutions uniting the countries of the Mediterranean basin, such as a Euro-Mediterranean Development Bank, will be the best guarantor of lasting peace and human development; and calls on EU Member States to strive for the creation of such institutions, rather than to seek bilateral agreements;
29. Calls on the Commission to take all necessary steps to limit the disastrous impact of the oil slick that has polluted a large section of the Lebanese shoreline;
30. Decides to send a delegation to Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories in order to assess the situation, with special focus on the political and humanitarian conditions;
31. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the member states of the United Nations, the United Nations Secretary-General, and the governments and parliaments of Lebanon and Israel.