Predlog resolucije - B6-0563/2006Predlog resolucije
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Elisabeth Jeggle and Bernd Posselt
on behalf of the PPE-DE Group
on Uzbekistan

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Postopek : 2006/2649(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Uzbekistan

The European Parliament,

- having regard to its previous resolutions on Uzbekistan,

- having regard to the conclusions of the General Affairs and External Relations Council of 23 May 2005, 13 June 2005, 18 July 2005 and 3 October 2005,

-having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States of the one part and the Republic of Uzbekistan of the other part,

- having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  Whereas the next meeting of the Cooperation Council between the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Uzbekistan is planned for next 8 November ;

B.  Whereas the General Affairs and External Relations Council is expected to consider on 13 November whether it will extend the sanctions adopted last year after the events of May 2005 in Andijan;

C.  Whereas the meeting of the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee between EP and Uzbekistan, planned for the beginning of October 2006, has been postponed for technical reasons until next year;

D.  Whereas foreign media have difficulties to operate in Uzbekistan and clampdowns on Uzbekistan independent journalists have been reported;

E.  Whereas forced repatriation of refugees who fled the country after the Andijan events from neighbour States have been recorded;

F.  Whereas the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Tashkent has been closed on March 17, 2006;

1)  hopes that the EU and Uzbekistan will discuss frankly and in a constructive atmosphere their relations, which must be based on mutual respect for the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights as laid down in the EU - Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement ;

2)  Calls on the Uzbekistan authorities to restore freedom of the press;

3)  Calls on the Uzbekistan authorities to grant humanitarian organisations access to people under arrest following the events in Andijan, in particular those who have been repatriated from third countries;

4)  Urges the Uzbekistan authorities to allow the reopening of the UNHCR Office in Tashkent;

5)  Reiterates its previous requests about an international enquiry into the May 2005 events in Andijan;

6)  Expects the 25 Member States to make a sound and future-oriented decision next month on the basis of exhaustive information;

7)  Stresses the importance of EU-Uzbekistan relations and continued dialogue, taking into account in particular the strategic importance of the area;

8)  Notes that economic development and a fair distribution of the fruits of economic growth among the population is one of the best ways to fight extremism and terrorism;

9)  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the EU Special Representative for Central Asia and the Government of Uzbekistan.