Resolutsiooni ettepanek - B6-0614/2006Resolutsiooni ettepanek
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Angelika Beer, Monica Frassoni
on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group
on Iran

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Menetlus : 2006/2664(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Iran

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to Council declaration of 26 July 2006 on the freedom of expression in Iran,

-  having regard to its previous resolutions,

–  having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas the human rights situation in Iran has deteriorated considerably since 2005 and executions alone have increased by 46%,

B.  whereas in 2005 Iran carried out the second highest number of executions worldwide, with a reported 282 death sentences of which 111 were carried out between October 2005 and September 2006,

C.  whereas 8 of those executed were allegedly child offenders and 6 were political prisoners, while at least two people have been lapidated in Mashhad despite the moratorium in place since December 2002, and 11 more have been sentenced to death by lapidation,

D.  whereas in 2006 Iran has been the only country together with Pakistan to have executed minors,

E.  whereas at least 16 journalists have reportedly been arrested since the beginning of the year, ranking Iran among the very worst countries in the world concerning persecution of journalists and crackdowns on press freedom, including harassment of family members, travel bans for journalists, closure of newspapers and press agencies, monitoring of internet cafes, restrictions on the internet and on the use of satellite dishes,

F.  whereas independent human rights defenders and non-governmental organisations continue to come under political pressure, unable to register or at risk of enforced closure on charges of support from foreign organisations and espionage, such as the Centre for the Defence of Human Rights founded by Peace Nobel Price Winner Shirin Ebadi,

G.  whereas the practice of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners, solitary confinement, clandestine detention, the application of cruel, inhumane and degrading punishment and the impunity for state agents continues to be widespread,

H.  whereas numerous students have been barred from the universities for political reasons,

I.  whereas discrimination and violent repression of ethnic and religious minorities are on the rise, especially against Kurds and Ahwasi Arabs, as well as against members of unrecognized faiths, such as Baha'is and Sufis,

1.  Expresses its serious concern about the deterioration of the human rights situation in Iran since President Ahmedinejad took office in June 2005;

2.  Reiterates its strong condemnation of the death penalty and calls for an immediate moratorium on executions;

3.  Is appalled that there are still cases of executions of minors and sentences to death by stoning and that, despite government assurances, at least in two cases these sentences have been carried out and calls for a definite end to these inhumane practices;

4.  Calls for the release of all political prisoners and welcomes, in this context, the recent release of former MP Sayed Ali Akbar Mousavi-Kho'ini, as well as the earlier releases of Ramin Jahanbegloo and Akbar Ganji;

5.   Expects that Mr. Ganji, who was invited to the European Parliament in October 2006, will be able to return to Iran freely and without any obstacles;

5.  Underlines that Iran's active civil society forms an important part of the country's richness and has been following with great concern as virtually all critical newspapers and online magazines have been shut down, the latest victims being the dailies Shargh and Rouzegar, the monthlies Nameh and Hafezand the weekly Safir Dashtestan;

6.   Reminds the Government of Iran of its obligations as a signatory of the International Conventions of Civil and Political, as well as Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the country's obligations to safeguard fundamental human rights, notably the freedom of opinion, and calls for the release of all imprisoned journalists and webbloggers, including Motjaba Saminejad, Ahmad Raza Shiri, Arash Sigarchi and Masoud Bastani;

7. Condemns the continued imprisonment of the German fisherman Donald Klein and his French Skipper Stéphane Lherbier and calls for their immediate release;

8.  Reiterates its call to the Iranian Majlis to raise the age of adulthood for boys and girls to 18 for both sexes as a matter of urgency;

9.  Welcomes the active engagement of women in Iran's civil society and supports their plight for equal rights, such as free movement, free choice of their profession or place of residence;

10.  Remains concerned about the fate of the lawyer Saleh Kamrani, who defended Azeri Turks in a law suit and disappeared on 14 June 2006;

11.  Deeply deplores the deaths of student activist Akbar Mahdavi Mohammadi as well as political prisoner Valiollah Feyz as a result of their hunger strike and calls for the release of Manoucher Mohammadi;

12.  Expresses its concern about the arrest of the two lawyers Farshid Yadollahi and Omid Behrouzi who received prison sentences while being involved in the defence case of Sufis in Qom;

13.  Expresses, equally, its concern for the safety of Ayatollah Sayad Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi, who has been advocating for years the separation of religion from the political bases of the state and who has been rearrested with reportedly more then 400 of his followers; urgently calls for their release;

14.  Recalls that, in July 2005, the Iranian judiciary had prepared a report with evidence on human rights violations, torture and ill-treatment and is has expectations that these findings should lead to important reforms in the justice system;

15.  Welcomes the first visit of the Majlis delegation to the European Parliament in October 2006 and expresses its hope that these fruitful exchanges as well as the present resolution will form part of a continuous dialogue which will lead to a gradual rapprochement between both Iran and the European Union on the basis of shared values as enshrined in the UN Charta and Conventions;

16.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Government and Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran.