Állásfoglalásra irányuló indítvány - B6-0619/2006Állásfoglalásra irányuló indítvány
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to wind up the debate on the statement by the Commission
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by John Bowis
on behalf of the PPE-DE Group
on World AIDS Day

Eljárás : 2006/2668(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on World AIDS Day

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to World AIDS Day on 1 December 2006 and its theme of accountability,

–  having regard to the Commission Working Paper on a coordinated and integrated approach to combat HIV/AIDS within the European Union and in its neighbourhood,

–  having regard to the Dublin Declaration of the 24 February 2004 on partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia,

–  having regard to its resolution of 3 July 2006 on 'HIV/AIDS: Time to Deliver',

–  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas, since the first identified case of AIDS 25 years ago, more than 25 million people have died from the disease,

B.  whereas around 13 500 new cases are diagnosed every day and approximately 700 000 children are infected each year,

C.  whereas, in Sub-Saharan Africa alone, 6 300 people are estimated to be dying every day as a result of HIV/AIDS,

D.  whereas only 24% of people who needed HIV treatment had access to it by mid-2006,

E.  whereas, in Africa, where 27 million people are living with HIV, only 17% have access to anti-retrovirals, yet the number of patients who need second-line Anti-Retroviral Therapies (ARVs) is increasing,

F.  whereas affordable access to ARVs is hampered in some African countries by sales or import taxes levied on drugs,

G.  whereas civil society is at the forefront of prevention, care and support programmes, particularly among the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations,

H.  whereas only 5% of HIV-positive children receive medical help, and fewer than 10% of the 15 million already orphaned by AIDS get financial support,

1.  Stresses the importance of accountability of governments, health service providers, pharmaceutical industry, NGOs and civil society and others involved in prevention, treatment and care;

2.  Believes that governments must show leadership in tackling the AIDS epidemic through budget support to health services, promotion of access to health services, education, information, voluntary counselling, testing and related services, and the promotion of a social and legal environment that is supportive of and safe for voluntary disclosure of HIV status;

3.  Repeats its concern, also expressed recently by the WHO, that some African governments are charging a sales or import tax on ARVs and other drugs, which then make the drugs unaffordable to poor communities; urges the Commission to investigate this and to encourage governments to abolish such taxes;

4.  Calls on the Commission to ensure that affected communities and civil society are meaningfully involved to ensure that Action Frameworks and targets set to achieve universal access reflect the concerns and experiences of marginalised communities;

5.  Stresses that the role of civil society in prevention, treatment and care for those affected by HIV and AIDS is pivotal, and believes that those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS should be encouraged to participate meaningfully in decision-making processes;

6.  Calls on the Commission to use the EC Stakeholder Forum as a systematic and regular mechanism of consultation with civil society, people affected by HIV/AIDS and representatives of community-based organisations from developing countries;

7.  Calls for older people, orphans and other vulnerable children to be taken into account in policies for poverty reduction and support for families affected by HIV/AIDS, and for their involvement and participation in the design and implementation of programmes;

8.  Calls for programmes to ensure adequate and sustainable nutritional support for people living with HIV/AIDS;

9.  Stresses that, in order to effectively halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, it is essential to target key vulnerable groups with specific measures;

10.  Welcomes initiatives to deliver drugs free or at affordable prices, recognising the pharmaceutical industry's responsibility to make products available to the people of developing countries at tiered and differentiated prices for improving access to essential medicines, including antiretrovirals;

11.  Encourages governments to use all the possibilities available to them under the TRIPs Agreement, such as compulsory licences, and for the WHO and the WTO and its members to review the whole of the TRIPs Agreement with a view to improving access to medicines;

12.  Welcomes the inclusion of research into HIV/AIDS in the 7th Research Framework Programme and calls for research on vaccines and microbicides, diagnostic and monitoring tools suited to developing countries' needs, epidemic transmission patterns and social and behavioural trends to be supported;

13.  Calls for investment into the development of female controlled prevention methods such as microbicides, female condoms and post-exposure prophylaxis for survivors of rape;

14.  Calls for greater investment in the development and provision of paediatric formulations for children;

15.  Calls on the Commission and developing countries' governments to defeat stigma, particularly in regard to employment and social inclusion;

16.  Supports the commitment made by Heads of State and Government at the 2005 UN World Summit, which calls for universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention services, treatment and care by 2010; believes, however, that a clear plan for funding universal access should be developed and that international and interim progress targets should be set;

17.  Calls for improved access to safe and affordable diagnostic and testing centres;

18.  Calls on the IMF to end its monetary and fiscal ceilings that force countries to restrict spending on public health and education;

19.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the EU and ACP Councils, the Commission, the Pan-African Parliament, the WHO, UNAIDS and the IMF.