pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Georgs Andrejevs and Marios Matsakis
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on World AIDS Day
European Parliament resolution on World AIDS Day
The European Parliament,
– having regard to World AIDS Day on 1 December 2006 and its theme of accountability,
– having regard to the Toronto Conference held in August 2006, which issued a call to deliver on universal access to proven prevention strategies, HIV care and treatment,
– having regard to the UN AIDS report for 2006,
– having regard to the UN Millennium Development Goals report 2006,
– having regard to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS of 2 June 2006 and the political declaration adopted at that meeting,
– having regard to the commitment made by Heads of State and Government at the 2005 UN World Summit, which calls for universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention services, treatment and care by 2010,
– having regard to the Dublin Declaration of 24 February 2004 on 'Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia' and the Vilnius Declaration of 17 September 2004 on 'Measures to Strengthen Responses to HIV/AIDS in the European Union and in Neighbouring Countries',
– having regard to the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, 'Global Crisis – Global Action', adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 27 June 2001, at its 26th Special Session,
– having regard to the United Nations position paper on 'Preventing the Transmission of HIV among Drug Abusers',
– having regard to Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1394 (2004), which called on Council of Europe member and observer states to involve men and boys in all aspects of sexual and reproductive health through education programmes and improved access to reproductive health services,
– having regard to Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1399 (2004), which called on member states to design a European strategy for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights,
– having regard to the 'European strategy for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights' from 4 October 2004,
– having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas more than 39.5 million people in the world are living with HIV, and whereas 4.3 million new infections were reported in 2006, 65% of them in Sub-Saharan Africa,
B. whereas the fastest growing infection rate is in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, with an increase of 50% since 2004, especially in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Uzbekistan,
C. whereas those exposed to the highest risk in Eastern Europe are injecting drug users,
D. whereas over half of all new HIV infections affect young people under the age of 25,
E. whereas the term 'vulnerable populations' includes primarily women and girls, young people, men having sex with men, injecting drug users, sex workers, migrants and prisoners,
F. whereas HIV prevention programmes are not reaching the people most at risk of infection, such as young people, women and girls, men who have sex with men, sex workers and their clients, injecting drug users and migrant populations,
G. whereas prevention programmes, including education, increased access to information, access to treatment and drug rehabilitation, constitute the most effective tools for combating the HIV epidemic,
H. whereas access to HIV treatment continues to fall short of the Millennium Goals,
1. Expresses its deep concern as HIV virus has spread dramatically in all regions of the world over the last two years, particularly in the former USSR, where cases of HIV infection have risen by 21 % in two years;
2. Stresses the importance of the accountability of governments, health service providers, the pharmaceutical industry, NGOs and civil society in order to ensure the target for universal coverage of prevention, treatment and care;
3. Recognises the Commission's efforts in developing a more structured approach for HIV surveillance and strategic responses to the epidemic;
4. Calls on the Commission to develop and promote the implementation of an effective strategy for combating HIV within Member States by increasing fiscal coverage of HIV prevention programmes, based on the specific needs and obstacles within each country;
5. Urges the Commission and neighbouring countries to develop a comprehensive prevention strategy within their individual Country Strategy Papers, taking into account their distinct national characteristics;
6. Calls on the Member States to promote HIV/AIDS education and awareness, and to encourage safe behaviour and informed decisions;
7. Urges the Commission to further increase cooperation with NGOs and civil society through the Civil Society Forum; considers that, in order to continue to provide the Commission with a comprehensive overview of the situation, the Forum's role should not be underestimated and should, if possible, even be expanded;
8. Stresses that, to enable appropriate preventive measures to be taken to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS, there must be universal acknowledgement of those groups most vulnerable to the disease, including the involvement of HIV-positive girls and women in the development and implementation of programmes and the involvement of men in sexual health and rights;
9. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure that health spending reaches levels commensurate with the political commitments made, both in terms of the Millennium Development Goals in general and combating HIV/AIDS in particular;
10. Urges governments, civil society and the private sector to undertake common actions against stigmatisation and discrimination of people living with AIDS;
11. Calls for greater investment and research for vaccines, microbicides, as well as innovative HIV drugs and the development and provision of paediatric formulations for children suffering from AIDS;
12. Calls on the Commission to ensure that the valuable efforts of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria continue to be adequately funded and supported in the future;
13. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States, the UN Secretary-General and the World Health Organisation.