Predlog resolucije - B6-0641/2006Predlog resolucije
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to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Hannes Swoboda and Jan Marinus Wiersma
on behalf of the PSE Group
on the Russia-EU Summit

Postopek : 2006/2658(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the Russia-EU Summit

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the European Communities and their Member States and the Russian Federation,[1] which entered into force on 1 December 1997 and will expire in 2007,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on relations with the Russian Federation, in particular the resolution of 12 June 2006 on the EU-Russia Summit held in Sochi on 25 May 2006 and the resolution of 23 October 2006 on EU-Russia relations following the murder of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya,

–  having regard to the outcome of the 18th EU-Russia Summit, held in Helsinki on 24 November 2006,

–  having regard to the EU-Russia Human Rights dialogue,

–  having regard to the current international and European responsibilities of Russia in its capacity as President-in-Office of the G8 and Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe,

–  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas enhanced cooperation and good neighbourly relations between the EU and Russia are of key importance to the stability, security and prosperity of the whole of Europe,

B.  whereas the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Russian Federation is of the greatest importance for this increased cooperation, in particular with regard to the further development of economic relations based on equality, transparency and respect for internationally recognised procedures, to the strengthening of security and stability in Europe by finding peaceful political solutions to regional conflicts in the joint neighbourhood, and to the further strengthening of respect for human rights, respect for the rule of law and a democratic framework as a basis for these relations,

C.  whereas the rapid implementation of the four common areas, with a common economic area, an area of freedom, security and justice, an area of external security and an area of research, education and culture should be at the heart of the negotiations on this new Strategic Partnership Agreement,

D.  whereas the negotiations on the Strategic Partnership Agreement were not able to be launched during the Summit meeting in Helsinki, because no solution could be found to the continuing Russian embargo on agricultural imports from Poland; whereas Russia has recently also imposed a ban on imports of fish from Estonia; whereas Russia has also threatened to ban all European meat imports after 1 January 2007 following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania,

E.  whereas, in the field of energy in particular, relations must be further enhanced on the basis of transparency and improved governance of this sector, reliability of supply, non‑discriminatory use of transit facilities and an improved climate for further investment,

F.  whereas the EU is deeply committed to the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy as one of the top priorities of its external actions; whereas the EU and Russia have a joint responsibility to enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe and to bring about peaceful solutions to conflicts in their immediate vicinities,

G.  whereas there are continuing and increasing concerns over the weakening of democracy in Russia, increased State control of the media, the worsening climate for non-governmental organisations, increased political control of the judiciary, increased difficulties impeding the ability of the political opposition to operate, and other measures which have considerably strengthened the power of the Kremlin,

H.  whereas the recent killings of prominent opponents of the Russian government have caused great concern throughout Europe,

I.  whereas increased cooperation must take place with a view to strengthening democracy, security and stability in the common neighbourhood, in particular through joint activities to establish democracy and respect for basic human rights in Belarus,

1.  Stresses the importance of a strengthened and enhanced partnership between the European Union and the Russian Federation based on interdependence, shared interests in the field of economic and energy cooperation, respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and a strengthening of stability and security in the joint neighbourhood;

2.  Supports the early launch of negotiations on a Strategic Partnership Agreement based on these principles and aimed at full implementation of the four common areas;

3.  Deplores the fact that disputes about exports of agricultural products are delaying the negotiations on the Strategic Partnership Agreement; is of the opinion that the continuation of these trade disputes is seriously endangering the further development of relations between Russia and the European Union; calls, therefore, on the European Commission and the Russian government to resolve these outstanding trade disputes as a matter of urgency; insists that the European Union show the necessary solidarity with all Member States being discriminated against by Russia’s trade policy;

4.  Underlines the strategic importance of cooperation on energy and the need to enhance EU‑Russia energy relations; stresses that further cooperation in this field must be based on the principles of interdependence and transparency and emphasises the importance of reciprocity in terms of access to markets, infrastructure and investment, with the objective of avoiding oligopolistic market structures and diversifying the European Union’s energy supply; in this context, calls on Russia to respect the principles of the Energy Charter Treaty and to increase cooperation on energy savings and renewable energy;

5.  Emphasises the need to work together with Russia as a necessary strategic partner for providing peace, stability and security, and fighting international terrorism and violent extremism, as well as addressing ‘soft security’ issues such as environmental and nuclear hazards, drugs, arms and human trafficking and cross-border organised crime in the European neighbourhood in cooperation with the OSCE and other international fora;

6.  Calls on the Commission and the Council to develop joint initiatives with the Russian Government to strengthen democracy, security and stability in the common neighbourhood, in particular by joint activities to establish democracy and respect for basic human rights in Belarus and joint efforts finally to resolve the conflicts in Moldova, Georgia and Nagorno-Karabakh;

7.  Calls on the Russian Government to contribute to the intensification of the EU-Russia Human Rights Consultations as an essential part of the EU-Russian partnership, to allow the free functioning of domestic and international human rights organisations and other NGOs and to protect the personal safety of human rights activists;

8.  Is deeply shocked by the killing of well-known opponents of the Russian Government such as Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander Litvinenko; calls on the Russian authorities to carry out a full and thorough investigation of these violent crimes, to give their full assistance and cooperation to the British authorities and to do everything in their power to bring the perpetrators to justice;

9.  Emphasises the need for the European Union to act in unity and with determination in its efforts to strengthen relations with the Russian Federation; welcomes the intentions of the German Presidency to give further high priority to this important issue;

10.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the Parliament and Government of the Russian Federation.