Motion for a resolution - B6-0158/2007Motion for a resolution



pursuant to Rule 175 of the Rules of Procedure
by the Conference of Presidents
setting up a temporary committee on climate change

Procedure : 2007/2549(RSO)
Document stages in plenary
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Decision setting up a temporary committee on climate change

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to Rule 175 of its Rules of Procedure,

–  having regard to the decision of the Conference of Presidents of 19 April 2007 to propose that a temporary committee on climate change be set up and its powers and composition defined,

–  having regard to the urgent need to adopt concrete measures at all levels to confront climate change and the need for political leaders to activate this process,

–  having regard to the European Parliament’s resolutions on climate change, particularly those adopted on 16 November 2005,[1] 23 October 2006[2] and 14 February 2007,[3]

–  having regard to the need to assemble and coordinate the opinions of the various committees concerned, so that the European Parliament can play a key role in raising awareness and placing the challenge of climate change at the very top of the international agenda,

–  having regard to the need to organise the temporary committee’s work and structures accordingly, inter alia by granting the additional resources needed to deal with this subject in an appropriate fashion,

1.  Decides to set up a temporary committee on climate change, invested with the following powers:

  • (a)to formulate proposals on the European Union’s future integrated policy on climate change and to coordinate the European Parliament’s position with a view to negotiating the international framework for climate policy after 2012;
  • (b)to analyse and evaluate the state of climate change and propose appropriate measures, at all levels, accompanied by an assessment of both their financial impact and the cost of inaction;
  • (c)to draw up as comprehensive an inventory as possible of recent advances and future prospects in combating climate change, in order to provide Parliament with the detailed analysis of these that it needs in order to assume its political responsibilities;
  • (d)to study the environmental, legal, economic, social, geopolitical, regional and public‑health impact of these recent advances and future prospects;
  • (e)to analyse and evaluate the application to date of relevant Community legislation;
  • (f)to this end, to make the necessary contacts and hold hearings with the parliaments and governments of the Member States and third countries, the European institutions and international organisations, as well as representatives of the scientific community, business and civil society, including the networks of local and regional authorities;

2.  Decides that, while the powers of the European Parliament’s standing committees responsible for the adoption, follow-up and implementation of Community legislation on the subject shall remain unchanged, the temporary committee may make recommendations as to measures or initiatives to be taken;

3.  Decides that the term of office of the temporary committee shall be twelve months, beginning on 10 May 2007, at the end of which it shall present a report to Parliament containing, as appropriate, recommendations for actions or initiatives to be taken;

4.  Decides that the temporary committee shall have 60 members.