Motion for a resolution - B6-0524/2007Motion for a resolution



to wind up the debate on the statement by the Commission
pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure
by Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Johan Van Hecke, Danutė Budreikaitė, Marios Matsakis and Elizabeth Lynne
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on the 10th anniversary of the Ottawa Convention of 1997 on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction

Procedure : 2007/2676(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Texts tabled :
Texts adopted :


European Parliament resolution on the 10th anniversary of the Ottawa Convention of 1997 on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on landmines, and in particular its resolution of 7 July 2005 'on a mine-free world',

–  having regard to the Ottawa Convention of 1997 on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Mine Ban Treaty),

–  having regard to the Nairobi Action Plan adopted in December 2004,

–  having regard to the 8th Meeting of the State Parties to the Ottawa Convention, held in Jordan in November 2007, the 9th Meeting of the State Parties in 2008 and the First Review Conference in 2009,

–  having regard to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which operates in over 70 countries all over the world,

–  having regard to European Council Regulations (EC) Nos 1724/2001 and 1725/2001,

–  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas, as of November 2007, there were 156 States Parties to the Ottawa Convention,

B.  whereas a series of national parliaments and the European Parliament have launched initiatives to promote the further development of actions to control and ban landmines and whereas, in this respect, the European Parliament has actively supported a de-mining programme in Cyprus,

C.  whereas only few countries still produce anti-personnel mines (APM) and APM trade has virtually come to a halt, and whereas since 1999 around 41.8 million APMs have been destroyed,

D.  whereas between 1999 and 2004, 4 million APMs and 1 million anti-vehicle mines (AVMs) were cleared and over 2000 km² (equivalent to the area of Luxembourg) of contaminated land was cleared of landmines,

E.  whereas nevertheless it is estimated that over 200 000 km² worldwide (equivalent to the area of Senegal) is contaminated with mines and unexploded ordnance,

F.  whereas this means that more than 90 countries are still contaminated with mines and unexploded ordnance, 56 of which have problems with AVMs and at least 25 of which have problems with unexploded cluster munitions,

G.  whereas the number of reported casualties has fallen from 11 700 (2002) to 5751 (2006),

H.  whereas nevertheless the estimated number of unreported victims of landmines and unexploded ordnance is still 15 000–20 000 per year,

I.  whereas, for the first time, more mines are being destroyed and cleared than laid,

J.  whereas government use of anti-personnel mines has declined further, with only Myanmar/Burma and Russia continuing to lay new mines, and whereas armed non-state actors decreased their use of anti-personnel mines or improvised explosive devices, although they still use them in at least eight States,

K.  whereas, as of December 2007, 35 armed non-state actors have committed themselves to a total ban on anti-personnel mines through the 'Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for Adherence to a Total Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines and for Cooperation in Mine Action',

L.  whereas it is estimated that 78 countries still have some 250 million landmines stockpiled, and whereas there is evidence that anti-vehicle mines are stockpiled in over 15 and that 13 states not parties to the Ottawa Convention still produce or retain the right to produce anti-personnel mines,

M.  whereas stockpiles of APMs must be destroyed as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the four-year limit stipulated by the Ottawa Convention,

N.  whereas nine States Parties to the Ottawa Convention have yet to destroy their stockpiles within four years of acceding to the Convention,

O.  whereas extra support must be given to the States Parties to the Ottawa Convention in order to encourage the maximum number of State Parties to fulfil their obligation to clear all mines within 10 years of acceding to the Convention,

P.  whereas since the beginning of the nineties, the international community has allocated over USD 3.4 billion to mine action programmes (mine clearance and victim aid) and the European Union has spent nearly € 335 million,

Q.  whereas nevertheless expenditure on such programmes worldwide sank to € 250 million in 2005, and although it increased to € 316 million in 2006, the process is far too slow,

R.  whereas the European Union is committed to long-term leadership on and funding for mine action in order to achieve full universalisation and implementation of the Treaty,

S.  whereas the Commission in 2007 committed a total of € 33 million to mine action in 10 countries (Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan, Lebanon, Senegal and Sudan),

T.  whereas the Strategy Paper 2005-2007 highlights the benefits of a specific APL budget line in order to provide the capacity to 'respond to acute and unplanned needs', 'to reinforce and strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of mine actions undertaken within long-term humanitarian and socioeconomic development programmes' in cases where 'the CSP, NIP or corresponding instruments cannot legally support APL-related activities or in cases of political sensitivity or interest for the EC', and to support non-governmental organisations,

U.  whereas nevertheless the APL budget line of the Commission was repealed by the Instrument for Stability at the end of 2006 and the EU Mine Action Strategy and Programming comes to an end this year and will be replaced by programming performed almost entirely by EU delegations on the basis of guidelines to be drafted by the Commission and by integrating mine action into Country and Regional Strategy Papers; whereas furthermore it will be up to the EU's mine-affected partners to decide the degree of importance to be assigned to mine action in their overall lists of assistance priorities in their financial assistance requests to the Commission,

V.  whereas, although the Commission states that it remains firmly committed to supporting the Ottawa Convention, concern can be and has been expressed about future financial levels of EU mine action,

W.  whereas victim aid and socioeconomic reintegration of mine victims as called for in Article 6 of the Ottawa Convention must be improved; whereas there are an estimated 450 000–500 000 survivors in the world and the number of people who have survived a landmine or unexploded ordnance accident and need care and rehabilitation is growing; whereas three quarters of recorded casualties were civilians and 34% of civilian casualties were children,

X.  reaffirming the need to strengthen international humanitarian law (IHL) applicable to anti-vehicle mines to be established by the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), taking into account that anti-vehicle mines which are equipped with sensitive fuses and anti-handling devices that can be triggered by the unintentional act of a person are already banned by the Convention as they form a deadly threat to vulnerable communities and humanitarian aid workers as well as mine-clearance personnel,

Y.  concerned that time is running short for 29 countries with treaty-mandated clearance deadlines in 2009 or 2010 and underlining in particular that one EU Member State has failed to even begin clearance operations despite the treaty obligation to complete all clearance operations by 2009, and another Member State only began operations this October,

Z.  noting with concern that funding for survivor assistance comprises only 1% of total mine action funding and that progress toward meeting the needs and respecting the rights of survivors has to be regarded as insufficient; whereas at least 13 countries are in urgent need of new or additional mine risk education programmes,

1.  Urges all states to sign and ratify the Ottawa Convention in order to universalise the Convention so as to attain the common goal of a mine-free world;

2.  Underlines in particular the importance of the USA, Russia, China, Pakistan and India's signing and ratifying the Ottawa Convention;

3.  Encourages the two Member States which have not yet acceded to the Convention or completed the ratification process to do so before the next review conference of the Ottawa Convention in 2009;

4.  Urges all armed non-state actors to show their respect for the humanitarian norm established by the Ottawa Convention by stopping the production and use of anti-personnel landmines and to sign the Geneva Call Deed of Commitment;

5.  Calls on the Council, the Member States and candidate countries to immediately start the preparation of the 2009 Ottawa Convention Review Conference and to make a proposal for the planned 'joint action' in this context;

6.  Calls on all States Parties to fully and rapidly implement all their obligations under the Ottawa Convention;

7.  Urges all Member States, candidate countries and parties to the Ottawa Convention to insist that any mine which is likely to be detonated by the presence, proximity or contact of a person is an anti-personnel mine prohibited by the Convention; notes that, specifically, this means that tripwires, break wires, tilt-rods, low-pressure fuses, anti-handling devices and similar fuses are prohibited for States Party to the Convention;

8.  Requests the Member States and candidate countries immediately to take measures to ensure that anti-vehicle mines which are likely to be detonated by the presence, proximity or contact of a person are destroyed in accordance with the provisions of the Ottawa Convention;

9.  Calls on the Commission to fully ensure its determination and continuity of efforts to financially assist communities and individuals affected by landmines through all available instruments, including in territories under the control or influence of armed non-state actors, and calls upon the Commission to appear before Parliament early in 2008 to clarify its action in this context;

10.  Calls on the Commission to reinstate a specific anti-personnel mine budget line for the financing of mine action, victim assistance and stockpile destruction required of States Parties that cannot be funded through the new funding instruments; urges the Commission to ensure that sufficient resources are made available after 2007;

11.  Calls on the Commission to maintain sufficient staff posts to ensure the effective implementation of its policy on banning anti-personnel mines, including ensuring that mine action is explicitly included in mine-affected States Parties’ Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programmes and keeping track of total funding for mine action through the different funding instruments;

12.  Calls on States Parties, particularly EU Member States and candidate countries, to ensure that their funding for mine clearance contributes to the development of a national mine clearance capacity to guarantee that mine clearance activities are continued until all known or suspected mined areas are cleared;

13.  Urges the Council and the Commission to continue to support the efforts to commit armed non-state actors to a landmine ban, which does not imply support for, or recognition of the legitimacy of, armed non-state actors or their activities;

14.  Calls on mine-affected countries and international donors to give greater priority to the physical and economic rehabilitation of survivors, as their needs are not being adequately addressed;

15.  Calls on the relevant committees closely to monitor and participate in CCW meetings, to report on Member States' and candidate countries' initiatives on landmines, and to report on other international measures concerning such weapons;

16.  Recalls that each State Party to the Ottawa Convention undertakes never under any circumstances to assist, encourage or induce, in any way, anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under the Convention;

17.  Calls on State Parties to ensure that they do not allow the financial institutions active on their territory and/or subject to their legislation to invest in companies involved in landmine production, stockpiling or transfers;

18.  Calls on the EU, the Member States and candidate countries to ban any kind of direct or indirect financial support by private or public financial institutions active on their territory and/or subject to their legislation to companies involved in the production, stockpiling or transfer of landmines; considers that this ban should be incorporated in European and national legislation;

19.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission.