pursuant to Rule 108(5) of the Rules of Procedure
by Neil Parish
on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
on the cloning of animals for food supply
European Parliament resolution on the cloning of animals for food supply
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the Protocol on protection and welfare of animals requires the Community and Member States to pay full regard to animal welfare requirements in formulating and implementing agriculture and research policies,
B. whereas cloning processes show low rates of survival for transferred embryos and cloned animals, with many cloned animals dying in the early stages of life from cardiovascular failure, immuno-deficiencies, liver failure, respiratory problems, and kidney and musculoskeletal abnormalities,
C. whereas the mortality and morbidity of clones are higher than in sexually produced animals and late pregnancy losses and disorders are likely to affect the welfare of surrogate mothers (European Food Safety Authority, 2008),
D. whereas given current levels of suffering and health problems of surrogate dams and animal clones the European Group on Ethics questions whether cloning animals for food is ethically justified and does not see convincing arguments to justify food production from clones and their offspring,
E. whereas Council Directive 98/58/EC of 20 July 1998 concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes[1] states that 'natural or artificial breeding or breeding procedures which cause or are likely to cause suffering or injury to any of the animals concerned must not be practised' (Annex No 20),
F. whereas cloning would significantly reduce genetic diversity within livestock populations, increasing the possibility of whole herds being decimated by diseases to which they are susceptible,
G. whereas the EFSA is expected to publish a scientific opinion on the implications of animal cloning for food safety, animal health and welfare and the environment in July,
H. whereas, while the principal purpose of cloning is to produce multiple copies of animals with fast growth rates or high yields, traditional selective breeding has already led to leg disorders and cardiovascular malfunction in fast-growing pigs, and lameness, mastitis and premature culling in high-yielding cattle; and whereas cloning the fastest-growing and highest-yielding animals will lead to even higher levels of health and welfare problems,
I. whereas, in addition to the fact that the implications of the cloning of animals for food supply have not been adequately studied, it poses a serious threat to the image and substance of the European agricultural model, which is based on product quality, environment-friendly principles and respect for stringent animal welfare conditions,
1. Calls on the Commission to submit proposals prohibiting (i) the cloning of animals for food supply purposes, (ii) the farming of cloned animals or their offspring, (iii) the placing on the market of meat or dairy products derived from cloned animals or their offspring and (iv) the importing of cloned animals, their offspring, semen and embryos from cloned animals or their offspring, and meat or dairy products derived from cloned animals or their offspring;
2. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission.
- [1] OJ L 221, 8.8.1998, p. 33, amended by Regulation (EC) No. 806/2003 (OJ L 122, 16.5.2003, p. 1).