Resolutsiooni ettepanek - B6-0404/2008Resolutsiooni ettepanek
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Cristiana Muscardini, Angelika Beer, Ryszard Czarnecki, Konrad Szymański, Ewa Tomaszewska, Mieczysław Edmund Janowski
on behalf of the UEN Group
on executions in Iran

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B6-0389/2008

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Menetlus : 2008/2624(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on executions in Iran

The European Parliament,

-   having regard to the Council declaration of 25 August 2008 following the declaration of 19

  August 2008 on the execution of Iranian minors,

-   having regard to the Council declaration of 25 February 2008 on the legislative proposal

  on criminal law in placeplaceIran,

-  having regard to its previous resolutions on placeplaceIran and in particular those concerning human rights of 25 October 2007, 31 January 2008, 24 April 2008 and 18 June 2008,

-  having regard to the resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations and in particular Resolution 62/168 of 18 December 2007 on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran and resolution 62/149 of 18 December 2007 on a moratorium on the use of death penalty,

-  having regard to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the international Convention on the elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to all of which Iran is a party,

-   having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas the general human rights situation in placeplaceIran has continued to deteriorate since 2005 and whereas executions alone almost doubled in 2007,

B.  whereas executions of juvenile offenders are carried out for crimes committed by people below the age of 18,

C.  whereas the number of executions in placeplaceIran, including those of minors, often by public hanging, has dramatically increased in recent years,

D.  whereas placeIranplace continues to have, besides placeChina, the highest number of executions in the world and notably executions of child offenders,

E.  whereas the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights reminded the Iranian Authorities on 10 June 2008 of the absolute prohibition on the application of the death penalty for juvenile offenders under international law,

F.  whereas on 28 August 2008 Amnesty International wrote to both the Iraqi and US Governments reminding them of their obligations under international law and urging them to continue to provide protection to people affiliated to and members of the People's Mojahedeen Organisation of Iran (PMOI), "protected persons" under international humanitarian law,

1.  reiterates its strong condemnation of the death sentences and executions in placeplaceIran, in particular those imposed or carried out on juvenile offenders and minors;

2.  Calls on the Iranian authorities to respect human dignity and internationally recognised legal safeguards;

3.  Reaffirms that there can be absolutely no justification for the use of the death penalty by the Iranian authorities, especially in the case of juvenile offenders, as this explicitly runs counter to the legally binding provisions of international law;

4.  Reiterates that these and all other juvenile death sentences are in direct contravention of international obligations and commitments to which the Islamic Republic of Iran is a signatory, including the Convention on the Right of the Child and the international Covenant on Civil and political Rights, both clearly prohibiting the execution of minors or people who has been convicted of crimes committed when they were minors;

5.  Calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran to immediately halt the executions and to introduce a moratorium on the use of the death penalty in all instances;

6.  Calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran to prohibit executions and to bring its domestic legislation and practice into line with the international human rights convention, taking in consideration alternative sentences for juvenile offenders and respect for international norms;

7.  Calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran to consider an appropriate way of dealing with juvenile offenders, such as youth courts and sentences designed mainly to be educational and to facilitate their social rehabilitation;

8.  Urges the Iranian Judiciary to immediately commute the sentences of more than 132 other prisoners for crimes committed while children, known to be on death row;

9.  Calls on the Members of the Majlis speedily to pass the pending reform of the Iranian penal code, with the aim, notably, of abolishing stoning and executions of child offenders, to move towards a moratorium on the death penalty and to bring Iranian legislation into line with international human right obligations;

10.  Calls on the Council and the Commission to monitor closely the human rights situation in placeplaceIran and to submit to Parliament, in the second half of 2008, a comprehensive report on the matter;

11.  Urges the Iraqi and US authorities to work together with UNHCR, and others as appropriate, to find a satisfactory long term solution to the situation of PMOI members and supporters currently at Camp Ashraf;

11.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the Governments and Parliaments of the Member States, the UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council, the UN Human Rights Council, the Head of Judiciary of Iran and the Government and Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran.