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Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni - B6-0599/2008Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Cristiana Muscardini, Adam Bielan, Ryszard Czarnecki, Mieczysław Edmund Janowski, Konrad Szymański, Ewa Tomaszewska
on behalf of the UEN Group
on Somalia

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B6-0596/2008

Proċedura : 2008/2675(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Somalia

The European Parliament,

-   having regard to its resolutions of 14 November 2007, 18 June 2008, 14 October 2008, among others,

-  having regard to the Amnesty international report of 1 November 2008,

-  having regard to the statement of 8 November made by Radhika Coomaraswamy, UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for children and armed conflict condemning this incident,

-  having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas due to the chaotic situation in Somalia, generated by the series of violent acts, perpetrated by some factions of the Islamic Courts that are in the suburbs of Baidoa, where the Somali Parliament is temporarily placed, at 15 kilometres from Mogadiscio and which are trying through the violence to revert the legitimate government of Somalia, there are gross violations of human rights in Somalia on a daily basis,

B.  whereas these violations of human rights include also the kidnapping of two Italian catholic nuns and the increase in suicide attacks that killed at least 30 people in the last weeks in the North of the country,

C.  whereas members of the staff of some international organizations present in the country have recently been the target of violence with some killings and whereas the majority of them have been attributed to members of armed opposition groups, including al Shabab militias, and the various Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (the so called Islamic Courts),

D.  whereas on 27 October 2008 a 13 year old girl named Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was stoned to death in placeplaceSomalia,

E.  whereas the stoning to death was carried out by a group of 50 men in a stadium in the southern port of Kismayo, in front of around 1,000 spectators,

F.  whereas she was accused and convicted of adultery in breach of Islamic law but was in fact a victim of rape by three men,

G.  whereas the al-Shabab militia, who control Kismayo, detained and ordered the execution by lapidation of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow and did not arrest or detain those accused of her rape,

H.  whereas a boy who attempted to prevent her execution was killed by the militia authorities,

I.  whereas such brutal facts show the methods employed by such militias and on a wider basis, all the risks, in terms of respect of human rights, in case of an expansion of their control over the country,

J.  whereas different Member States, including the French EU Presidency consider that it is essential, in order to fight the terrorism, to support the transitional federal government of Somalia and its President, Mr Abdullahi Yusuf,

  • 1.Is deeply concerned of such a barbarian act perpetrated against a 13 old girl victim of a rape and strongly condemns the stoning and execution of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow;
  • 2.Calls on the Somali government to condemn this execution and to take actions to prevent in the future such brutal executions;
  • 3.Calls on the Kenyan authorities to make any efforts and take all political and diplomatic initiatives for the liberation of the two Italian Catholic nuns;
  • 4.Calls on the Somali government to issue documents and make statements to restore the honour of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow posthumously;
  • 5.Supports the legitimate Somali government's attempts to assert its control over the placeplaceportplace of Kismayo, and calls for those accused of raping Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow to be brought to justice by due process;
  • 6.Is aware that the expanding criminality of such gangs mainly linked to the armed opposition groups has determined a considerable deterioration of the human rights' situation in Somalia, including an increased number of refugees to the neighbouring countries; therefore calls on Member States to support the legitimate government of Somali and provide further economic and political aid in order to permit it to assert its control over the whole country;
  • 7.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the placeMemberplace States, the General Secretary of the African Union and the government of placeplaceSomalia.