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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Luisa Morgantini, Kyriacos Triantaphyllides
on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group
on the case of the Al-Kurd family, in East Jerusalem

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B6-0608/2008

Procedura : 2008/2677(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the case of the Al-Kurd family in East Jerusalem

The European Parliament,

- having regard to the declaration of the EU Presidency, on behalf of the European Union, of 10 November 2008, on the destruction of houses in East Jerusalem;

- having regard to Rule 115 of its Rules of Procedure;

A.  Whereas on the night of Sunday 9 November 2008 Israeli police and army forces surrounded the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem and expelled from its home the Palestinian family Al-Kurd; whereas, immediately afterwards, Israeli army troops enabled a group of Israeli settlers to enter the family's house and then sealed off the area to protect the settlers;

B.  Whereas, according to Israeli authorities, the expulsion of the Al-Kurd family was carried out in accordance with a court order recognizing the house as "Jewish Property" according to an unclear Ottoman title deed from 1880, which is a manifest discrimination since the Al-Kurd Family are refugees from West Jerusalem, and the State of Israel refuses to recognize their title deed to the house where they lived prior to 1948; this, like the title deeds of hundreds of thousands of other Palestinians, was declared null and void in Israeli law under the 1950 "Absentee Properties Law".

C.  Whereas, conversely, old title deeds held by Jews are immediately recognized as valid by Israeli courts, making Arab inhabitants into "illegal squatters" in the homes they have inhabited for decades;

D.  Whereas some five hundred Sheikh Jarah inhabitants in placeEast Jerusalem face the threat of expulsion on much the same legal grounds;

E.  Whereas this is the second time that the Al-Kurd family has been dispossessed and displaced, the family having lost its original home in West Jerusalem in 1948;

F.  Whereas several months ago the United States lodged a protest at Israel's intention to expel the Al-Kurd family from their home and the implementation of the expulsion was at that time put off but now, in this post-presidential election period in the United States, has been fully implemented;

G.  Considérant le rôle que jouent les associations extrémistes des colons dans l'aggravation de la situation des Palestiniens vivant légalement à Jérusalem Est, colons qui prônent l'expulsion d'Israël de tout citoyens palestiniens;

1.  Condemns the eviction by Israeli occupation forces of the Al-Kurd family from its Sheikh Jarrah home in East Jerusalem, which the family has owned and lived in since 1956; demande aux autorités israéliennes la restitution immédiate à la famille Al-Kurd des biens leur appartenant;

2.  Warns that the eviction of the Al-Kurd family from its home it is not the first in the area and it is an imminent threat to 27 other families targeted for eviction from their homes, so that a new Israeli settlement of 200 settlement units can be established;

3.  Réaffirme sa condamnation de la politique de colonisation du gouvernement israélien, qui est un obstacle majeur dans le processus de paix israélo-palestinien; demande à Israël de mettre fin à cette politique, notamment à Jérusalem Est; urges the Quartet to make the appropriate pressures on Israel in this direction;

4.  Rappelle les dispositions du droit international et des pertinentes résolutions du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies sur la ville de Jérusalem, ce qui rend illégales les récentes mesures israéliennes d'expulsion de la famille Al-Kurd; souligne à ce propos le contenu de la déclaration du 10 novembre 2008 de la Présidence, au nom de l'Union européenne;

5.  Réaffirme son attachement au processus de paix israélo-palestinien et à la relance des négociations, notamment sur le statut de Jérusalem; demande à Israël de s'abstenir de toute action unilatérale visant à modifier la situation sur le terrain avant ces négociations, comme le demande aussi le Conseil dans sa déclaration du 10 novembre 2008;

6.  Calls on the parties involved in the Sheikh Jarrah housing project in East Jerusalem - the Jordanian Government and UNRWA - to rise up to their historical obligations to protect the residents and to exert pressure on placeplaceIsrael to stop the eviction of Sheikh Jarrah families;

7.  Calls on the Council and the Commission to make representations to the Israeli authorities to stop the policy of house demolition, dispossession and expulsion of Palestinians which is more and more practised in placeEast Jerusalem;

8.  Dans ce cadre, demande qu'on puisse procéder à la suspension de l'accord général de coopération UE-Israël aussi qu'au gèle du "upgrading" des relations bilatérales si le gouvernement de ce pays continue à na pas respecter les pertinentes résolutions du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies, notamment sur le statut de Jérusalem;

9.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Government and Parliament of Israel, the Palestinian National Authority, the Palestinian Legislative Council and to the Israeli-Palestinian civil society's organisation "Sheikh Jarrah Neighbourhood Committee" and "Coalition for placeplaceJerusalem".