Πρόταση ψηφίσματος - B6-0628/2008Πρόταση ψηφίσματος
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Marios Matsakis, Marco Cappato, Thierry Cornillet, Fiona Hall
on behalf of the ALDE Group
on Zimbabwe

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B6-0628/2008

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Διαδικασία : 2008/2695(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Zimbabwe

The European Parliament,

  • -having regard to its numerous resolutions on country-regionplaceZimbabwe,
  • -having regard to Council's conclusions on country-regionplaceZimbabwe of 8 December 2008,
  • -having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,
  • A.whereas country-regionplaceZimbabwe has declared a national emergency over the cholera outbreak, which has killed over 1000 people - the most deadly in the country's history,
  • B.whereas the collapse of the health systems and the water supply in the capital, CityplaceHarare, and the overall failure of governance are major reasons why the epidemic has killed so many people,
  • C.whereas as well as the cholera outbreak, up to half of the population - five million people - will need food aid in the coming months,
  • D.whereas the South African and Mozambican authorities are on alert in case the cholera epidemic spreads outside country-regionplaceZimbabwe,
  • E.whereas this health crisis is added to political and economical disasters, and pushes this country close to systematic collapse as food shortages and total isolation continue to take their toll,
  • F.considérant que depuis un mois une vingtaine d'opposants au régime de Robert Mugabe ont été enlevés et que le Zimbabwe n'avait pas connu pareille répression depuis l'entre-deux tours de l'élection présidentielle qui avait fait 180 morts,
  • G.whereas a deadlocked agreement to share power followed disputed elections and Mbeki's mediation has failed,
    • 1.Stresses the Zimbabwean people's radical need for political change and condemns Robert Mugabe's refusal to implement the agreement he signed on 5 September to hand over key ministries to Morgan Tsvangirai's party, or to usher in political reform;
    • 2.Stresses (after similar declarations made by country-regionplaceUK and US officials) French President Nicolas Sarkozy's statement that President Mugabe, "qui a assez pris en otage son peuple", has to resign;
    • 3.Reiterates its deep concern at the deteriorating humanitarian situation in country-regionplaceZimbabwe, particularly as a result of the cholera epidemic and stresses the risk of humanitarian disaster;
    • 4.Reaffirms the EU's commitment to the Zimbabwean people with regard to humanitarian aid;
    • 5.Welcomes the Council's recent decision to improve sanctions and to update the list of persons subject to EU individual restrictive measures, in particular by adding to the list names of persons actively engaged in violence or human rights infringements;
    • 6.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Pan-African Parliament, and the Secretary-General and governments of Southern African Development Community and its Parliamentary Forum.