Propuesta de resolución - B6-0643/2008Propuesta de resolución
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with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure
by Geoffrey Van Orden, Colm Burke, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Bernd Posselt, Charles Tannock
on behalf of the PPE-DE Group
on Zimbabwe

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B6-0628/2008

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Procedimiento : 2008/2695(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Zimbabwe

The European Parliament,

having regard to its numerous previous resolutions on placeplaceZimbabwe, most recently that of 7 July 2008,

–  having regard to Council Common Position 2008/135/CFSP of 18 February 2008 renewing until 20 February 2009 the restrictive measures against Zimbabwe imposed under Common Position 2004/161/CFSP, and to Commission Regulation 1226/2008 of 8 December 2008, amending the Common Position,

–  having regard to the Council Conclusions on placeZimbabweplace adopted on 12 December 2008, expressing serious concerns over the worsening humanitarian situation in placeZimbabwe,

–  having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas in Zimbabwe a Presidential "run off" took place on 27 June 2008 with flagrant disregard for the withdrawal by opposition presidential candidate Morgan Tsvangirai, in view of the violence suffered by his party and innocent civilians, and the illegal restrictions placed upon his supporters,

B.  whereas election monitors from the SADC, the Pan-African Parliament, and the African Union subsequently declared that the "run-off" vote was invalidated by violence, failed to meet AU and SADC standards, and disregarded the actual will of the people,

C.  whereas on 7 October the Movement for Democratic Change announced, in accordance with international opinion, that ZANU-PF had intentionally sabotaged talks on forming a collaborative government, and that with extreme reluctance it was therefore obliged to withdraw from negotiations on forming a Government of Unity;

D.  whereas, in total violation of the expressed will of the people of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has proceeded to form a Government composed entirely of his own self-nominated supporters and henchmen;

E.   whereas millions of Zimbabwean currently only survive on international food aid and, by 2009, some five million people, amounting to half the Zimbabwean population, are expected to be in this dire situation;

F.   whereas the Governments of Zambia, placeKenyaplace and Botswanaplace have called for change in placeZimbabwe, and whereas Archbishops Tutu and Sentamu have used their moral authority to call for the immediate removal of Mugabe, and whereas the Government of Botswana has rightly demanded a ban on fuel supplies to the Zimbabwean police and army;

G.   whereas on 8 December, during a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, President Sarkozy, on behalf of the EU, called for Mugabe to go, stating: "There comes a time when a dictator does not want to hear, does not want to understand, and so my understanding is that heads of states and governments must end discussions. It is the time to say to Mr Mugabe: 'You have taken your people hostage. The people of placeplaceZimbabwe have the right to freedom, to security and to respect' ";

H.   whereas on 9 December the UN Secretary-General said that placeZimbabweplace could be placed on the agenda of the UN Security Council in December, but whereas all previous attempts to discuss Zimbabweplace have been vetoed by Chinaplace and placeRussia;

I.   whereas the United Nations announced on 10 December that the cholera pandemic afflicting Zimbabwe had so far resulted in the death of over 770 victims and the infection of at least 15,219 sufferers, whereas the pandemic is now infecting the whole of the region, and whereas research by UNICEF indicates that over 80% of those living in Zimbabwe are deprived of access to unpolluted drinking water;

J.   whereas on 10 December Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Institute called for the immediate release of Jestina Mukoko, Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project, and other human rights defenders abducted by men associated with the Mugabe regime, and whereas democracy activists from the political opposition continue to be tortured by the state;

  • 1.      Expresses grave concern that the desperate need for immediate, radical and democratic change for the Zimbabwean people continues to be frustrated by the oppressive, manipulative, and self-serving Mugabe regime;
  • 2.      Is horrified by the outbreak of cholera in Zimbabwe, now spreading to South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Zambia; is disgusted by Mugabe's vile attempts to try and blame Britain for the outbreak and deplores his appalling failure to prevent hundreds of deaths from a disease for which vaccines are readily available;
  • 3.      Despairs at the failure of all efforts at mediation due to Mugabe's refusal to relinquish any of his power or control over the organs of the state;
  • 4.      Calls on those around Mugabe now to compel him to recognise democratic realities, and to step down without delay, and if there is any move towards yet another election, insists that this only be carried out under the supervision of reputable African and other international organisations, in order to guarantee the confidence of the Zimbabwean people and the international community;
  • 5.      Applauds the integrity of the Governments of Kenya, Botswana and Zambia for speaking out against Mugabe, and expresses its profound disappointment that so many other African governments are still prepared to turn a blind eye to the evils of his regime;
  • 6.      Calls on South Africa, under its new leadership, and in its own interests as well as those of Zimbabwe and the wider southern African region, to join the chorus of outrage across the international community, and take active steps to bring about the removal of Mugabe;
  • 7.      Calls on the UN to bring the placeZimbabweplace issue before the Security Council as a matter of urgency and to engage all its instruments in order to bring help to the people of placeZimbabwe and secure the changes that are so necessary in that country;
  • 8.      Calls on China and Russia to support strong measures against the Mugabe regime in the UN Security Council and to indicate to African Governments that they are no longer willing to do anything that enables that regime to survive; further calls on Libya to cut its economic ties with Zimbabwe until there is a change of regime;
  • 9.      Demands the immediate release of all persons detained for political reasons, with particular regard to Jestina Mukoko, Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project, and other human rights defenders recently abducted;
  • 10.  Welcomes the recent extension of the EU's list of banned individuals in the Mugabe regime, and calls for further names of key Mugabe loyalists to be added including Florence Chitauro, a former top ZANU PF Minister, now apparently living in London, refusing to condemn Mugabe, and travelling to and from Zimbabwe without hindrance;
  • 11.Insists that the Council enforces all its targeted sanctions with rigorous attention to both the spirit and substance of the measures, and stands ready to take further measures, that might hasten the departure of Mugabe and his criminal henchmen;
  • 11.  Calls on the Council to encourage the African Union to prepare contingencies for active intervention, in order to protect the civil population of placeplaceZimbabwe;
  • 12.  Calls on the Council and placeMemberplace Statesplace to intensify diplomatic action in Africa, in order to bring about active support for measures against placeZimbabwe;
  • 13.  Calls on the Council and placeMemberplace Statesplace to review their policies on development and other assistance for African countries where the Governments continue tacitly to support political oppression and human rights abuse in placeZimbabwe through support for Mugabe;
  • 14.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the governments of the G8 countries, the governments and parliaments of Zimbabwe and South Africa, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Chairmen of the Commission and Executive Council of the African Union, the Pan-African Parliament, and the Secretary-General and governments of the Southern African Development Community and its Parliamentary Forum.