Motion for a resolution - B7-0026/2010Motion for a resolution

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation in Yemen


to wind up the debate on the statement by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure

Holger Krahmer, Graham Watson on behalf of the ALDE Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0021/2010

Procedure : 2009/2813(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Texts adopted :


European Parliament resolution on the situation in Yemen

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to its previous resolutions on Yemen,

–   having regard to the Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union of 27 October 2009 on the deteriorating security situation in Yemen,

–   having regard to the Joint Communiqué following the 16th meeting of the EC-Yemen Joint Cooperation Committee of 27 October 2009,

–   having regard to the recommendations by the EU Election Observation Mission to the 2006 presidential and local elections in Yemen,

–   having regard to the European Community Strategy Paper for the period 2007-2013 for Yemen,

–   having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian terrorist who tried to blow up an aircraft over Detroit in December 2009, was trained at a Yemeni al-Qa'ida camp,

B.  whereas further deterioration of security in Yemen may offer terrorist and insurgent groups in the region, particularly al-Qa'ida, a safe haven in which to plan, organise and support subsequent terrorist operations,

C. whereas since 2007 there have been more than 30 terrorist attacks on pipelines, oil facilities, government buildings, embassies (including the Italian and US), ships and tourists in Yemen,

D. whereas the security situation is further aggravated by the civil war against Zaidi Shi'i revivalists in Sa'dah in the North and the outbreak of violence involving the secessionist movement in the South,

E.  whereas fighting in the Sa'dah region acquired a regional dimension when Saudi military forces attacked the rebels on its border and launched at least two raids on the rebel positions, allegedly causing casualties among the civilian population,

F.  whereas the increase in piracy in the Gulf of Aden and continuous migratory pressure from the Horn of Africa are further factors impacting on the stability of the country,

G.  whereas there remains serious concern about developments in Yemen with regard to democracy, human rights and the independence of the judiciary, especially unfair trials before the country's notorious Specialised Criminal Court and the use of torture in order to obtain false confessions; whereas there are cases of persecution of journalists; whereas the situation of women is especially worrying, with forced marriages and unequal treatment by law of men and women,

H. whereas six European citizens - five Germans and one Briton - are still being held hostage since their kidnapping in June 2009, while three other people from the same group were found dead immediately after abduction; whereas some local tribal leaders have suggested that al-Qa'ida was responsible for the kidnappings,

1.  Expresses its concern about the growing presence of al-Qa'ida in Yemen and stresses that a lack of concrete action could lead to a further erosion of central government authority and destabilisation of the region to the degree seen in Somalia or Afghanistan, which will in turn provide opportunities for extremists directed or inspired by al-Qa'ida to regroup, organise, train and launch jihadi terrorist operations throughout the world from Yemeni territory;

2.  Reaffirms its call for an immediate ceasefire in Sa'dah and in the South and expresses its view that only a comprehensive political solution can achieve lasting peace;

3.  Reminds all parties to the conflict of their obligation to respect human rights and international humanitarian law; calls on the parties to allow civilians wishing to escape from the conflict to reach places of safety, to facilitate access for the UN and NGOs to areas where internally displaced persons have gathered and to urgently allow emergency medical and humanitarian relief to reach those internally displaced;

4.  Calls on the Yemeni authorities to introduce the necessary reforms in order to improve the human rights situation in the country;

5.  Calls on the Council and the Commission to provide, in cooperation with other international actors, increased development assistance to Yemen with the aim of stabilising the political situation as well as improving the economic situation and the living conditions of the population in the country; welcomes the readiness of the Gulf Cooperation Council to further develop its relations with Yemen; calls on the Yemeni Government to ensure, in close cooperation with the donors, enhanced aid effectiveness through appropriate coordination, distribution and implementation mechanisms;

6.  Supports the active cooperation between the Commission and the Yemeni Government, especially in development, policing, justice, border control, anti-trafficking, maritime safety, respect for human rights and democratic principles as well as Yemeni international obligations under international treaties and conventions and counter-terrorism issues; calls on the Council and the Commission to further strengthen bilateral relations with Yemen and to examine the most effective ways in which the EU can help to improve security and the political and economic situation in the country; supports the intention of the Commission to upgrade its presence in Yemen to a fully-fledged Delegation;

7.  Calls on the Yemeni Government to do everything in its power to fight terrorism in the region and in its territory;

8.  Calls on the Council and the Commission to offer a special programme of assistance for Yemen, which would include out-of-country training for Yemeni officials (as conducted by EUJUST LEX in Iraq), the co-location of trainers in key ministries (as undertaken by the EU in Bosnia-Herzegovina) and assistance in implementing the recommendations of the EUEOM 2006 prior to the next general elections;

9.  Calls on the Yemeni authorities to step up their efforts to bring about the release of the six European hostages being held in its territory;

10. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and Yemen and the Gulf Cooperation Council.