MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the EU-Canada summit
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure
Reinhard Bütikofer, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group
European Parliament resolution on the EU-Canada summit
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Article 218 TFEU,
– having regard to its resolution of 9 February 2010[1] on a revised Framework Agreement between the Parliament and the Commission for the next legislative term (B7‑0091/2010),
– having regard to the negotiations on a comprehensive economic and trade agreement which were launched at the EU-Canada Summit held in Prague on 6 May 2009,
– having regard to the 32nd Interparliamentary Meeting of the Interparliamentary Delegation for Relations with Canada, held in Brussels in November 2009,
– having regard to its resolution of 9 October 2008[2] on Arctic governance,
– having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas Canada is one of the European Union’s oldest and closest partners, with the relationship between the two dating back to 1959,
B. whereas the ongoing negotiations on a comprehensive economic and trade agreement could strengthen EU-Canada relations,
C. whereas Canada holds the chairmanship of the G8 group of countries in 2010, and will host the next G20 Summit,
D. whereas the forthcoming EU-Canada summit to be held in Brussels on 5 May 2010 is expected to focus on strengthening the already close political relationship between the two partners, in particular addressing such joint challenges as: negotiations on a comprehensive economic and trade agreement; foreign and security challenges, including Afghanistan and Pakistan; a common way forward on Iran; nuclear non-proliferation; Haiti and follow-up to the New York donor conference; development cooperation; a coordinated response to the financial and economic crisis; climate change and energy; and moving forward with the Doha round of world trade negotiations,
E. whereas the EU and Canada share common values and a strong commitment to addressing major challenges on a multilateral basis,
1. Takes note of the Commission’s statement citing progress in the negotiations on a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) as a key aspect of EU-Canada economic relations; believes, in this regard, that the EU-Canada summit to be held in Brussels on 5 May 2010 will provide a good opportunity to continue these negotiations;
2. Expects both parties to the CETA negotiations to refrain from making demands that conflict with the other partner’s domestic policy positions or parliamentary prerogatives, such as the EU’s demand for full inclusion of Canada’s provinces in procurement liberalisation, or Canada’s demand for an investment chapter establishing an investor-to-state dispute mechanism; calls on the EU, as a sign of goodwill, to drop its challenges to local content requirements under the Ontario Green Energy Act and to the Canadian Supreme Court’s August 2004 decision on the Canada Post monopoly, which is currently subject to legal proceedings;
3. Notes that both the EU and Canada are parties to the multilateral negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA); calls on both parties to insist to the ACTA partners that the negotiations should be conducted with the utmost transparency from now on, and takes the view that consideration should be given to a temporary moratorium on the negotiations if this is not the case;
4. Notes the robustness of the Canadian economy, especially the banking sector, during the economic crisis; expresses its willingness to work closely with Canada, in the context of the G20, on developing a coordinated global approach to stabilising financial and economic markets;
5. Notes that both Canada and the EU are committed to adopting a coordinated, coherent and comprehensive approach to meeting Haiti’s immediate and longer-term needs; affirms that, together, we are fully committed to building a new Haiti that meets the Haitian people’s legitimate and long-held aspirations for their country, while ensuring Haiti’s national ownership of the reconstruction process;
6. Takes note of various statements made by the Canadian Government concerning its commitment to building a safe and sustainable low-carbon global economy while strengthening its capacity to adapt to the impact of climate change; underlines the importance of continuing discussions on environmental issues in the EU-Canada High-Level Dialogue on the Environment; welcomes Canada’s commitment, as expressed in the recent Throne Speech, to investing in clean energy technologies, securing its place as a clean energy superpower and being a leader in terms of green job creation;
7. Expresses its disappointment, therefore, at Canada’s lack of concrete commitment and action with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions despite international undertakings; reiterates its call to ensure collective greenhouse gas emission reductions in the developed countries at the upper end of the 25-40% range by 2020 (compared to 1990 levels), as recommended by the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 4AR);
8. Expresses its disappointment at Canada’s continued extraction of tar sands, with a production process that generates CO2 emissions up to five times higher than conventional oil extraction; takes the view, therefore, that their use constitutes a serious threat to the climate and to the rights and health of indigenous peoples, in addition to other negative environmental effects; calls on the EU to implement firmly its own climate legislation by adopting a life-cycle approach to the greenhouse gas emissions of fuels placed on the EU market;
9. Notes the interest of European companies, including BP Plc, Royal Dutch Shell, Total and StatoilHydro, in developing Canada’s oil sands sector; calls on the EIB and the Member States’ export credit agencies to withhold all public support for projects relating to the extraction of tar sands;
10. Calls for the EU and Canada to initiate international negotiations with a view to the adoption of an international treaty for the protection of the Arctic, in line with the existing Antarctic Treaty; calls – given the vulnerability of the Arctic environment and the fact that extraction of mineral resources is at odds with global climate objectives – for serious consideration to be given to imposing a moratorium on all exploration or further extraction of mineral resources in the region until an international agreement on its protection has been concluded;
11. Expresses its disappointment that Canada did not invite other stakeholders with legitimate interests in the Arctic region, including Sweden, Finland, Iceland and indigenous groups, to its international meeting on the Arctic of 29 March 2010;
12. Calls on Canada to include all those who have legitimate interests in the region, especially indigenous groups, in future international discussions on the Arctic in order to avoid creating new divisions;
13. Takes note of Canada’s intention to launch a major reform of its fisheries management system, in which NAFO will also be involved; expresses its disappointment at the position adopted by the Canadian Government at the most recent conference of the CITES parties with regard to extending CITES Appendix 1 to include bluefin tuna, and its challenge to the EU ban on seal imports in the context of the WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism;
14. Reiterates its concern that Canada still has a visa requirement for citizens of the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria, and calls for that requirement to be lifted as speedily as possible; welcomes, in this regard, the opening of a visa office in the Canadian Embassy in Prague and the establishment of an expert working group on the issue, and looks forward to seeing whether the promised comprehensive review of the Canadian refugee system will lead to the requirement being lifted;
15. Reminds the Council and the Commission that, following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Parliament must give its consent to international agreements and be fully involved at all stages of the procedure, and looks forward to a statement from the Commission in the near future on how it intends to achieve this;
16. Demands that the role and prerogatives of Canada’s provinces be duly taken into account in all aspects of EU-Canada relations;
17. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the rotating presidency of the EU, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission and the Canadian Government.
- [1] Texts adopted of that date, P7_TA(2010)0009.
- [2] OJ C 9E, 15.1.2010, p. 41.