Motion for a resolution - B7-0349/2010Motion for a resolution

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on European economic governance


to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure

Martin Schulz, Stephen Hughes on behalf of the S&D Group
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Rebecca Harms, Philippe Lamberts on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0349/2010

Procedure : 2009/2692(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :  


European Parliament resolution on European economic governance

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to Commission Communication COM(2010) 250 on the reinforcement of economic policy coordination,

–   having regard to the Council Regulation establishing a European financial stabilisation mechanism,

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions following the last meeting of the European Council on 25-26 March,

–   having regard to the Presidency conclusions following the meetings of the European Council in March 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and December 2009,

–   having regard to the meeting of the euro area Heads of State and Government on 7 May 2010,

–   having regard to the decisions of the Ecofin Council of 9 May 2010,

–   having regard to the Commission’s Communication ‘Europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ (COM(2010) 2020),

–   having regard to the Commission’s Lisbon Strategy evaluation document (SEC(2010) 114),

–   having regard to the Commission Communication on reinforcing economic policy coordination (COM(2010)250),

–   having regard to its resolution of 10 March on EU 2020[1],

–   having regard to Article 3 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union,

–   having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas, considering the persisting gravity of the financial, economic and social crisis, the expectations regarding the new Europe 2020 strategy to be approved by the European Council in June 2010 are very high,

B.  whereas many Member States are still facing rising unemployment, which may eventually affect up to 28 million people in the EU in the absence of an adequate policy response over the medium term, thereby generating immense social and human difficulties; whereas the crisis has been wiping out millions of jobs and has aggravated job precariousness and poverty; whereas in the EU, 16% of people are at risk of poverty; whereas 9,6 % of people are unemployed ; whereas 8% of people are considered to be ‘working poor’,

C. whereas climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the wasteful depletion of natural resources fundamentally call into question today’s unsustainable production, distribution and consumption patterns, which calls for a new sustainable model of development,

D. whereas the Lisbon strategy rightly set the ambition of achieving a highly competitive knowledge-driven economy, capable of sustainable growth, more and better jobs, greater social cohesion and respect of environment, but has not attained its objectives,

E.  whereas the Lisbon Treaty clearly stipulates that the Union shall define and pursue its external action in order to foster sustainable economic, social and environmental development of developing countries, with the primary objective of eradicating poverty and in order to encourage the integration of all countries into the world economy,

F.  whereas the Council, after several months of unnecessary and costly hesitations, that have severely aggravated eurozone’s fiscal crisis has agreed on a package of measures to preserve financial stability in Europe, including a European Financial Stabilisation mechanism with a total volume of up to € 500 billion,

G. whereas a monetary union characterized by a lack of a crisis resolution framework for highly indebted countries and cross-border financial institutions, as well as a lack of coordinated counter-cyclical fiscal policies is highly vulnerable to internal and external shocks,

1.  Expresses its deep disappointment at the main elements of the new Europe 2020 strategy agreed by the European Council on 26 March;

2.  Believes that the European Council has missed a historic opportunity to draw all the lessons from the current crisis and to define a truly far-sighted, ambitious and coherent strategy;

3.  Emphasises that the EU 2020 strategy must put Europe at the leading edge of the green revolution of the 21st Century that must reconcile human development with the physical limits of planet Earth;

4.  Calls therefore for the overall goal of the EU 2020 strategy to shift away from the sole pursuit of GDP growth towards a broader political concept of the future of the EU as a social and sustainable Union that puts people and the protection of the environment at the centre of policy-making and aims at creating wellbeing and the best opportunities for all; emphasises in this context that competitiveness is not a goal in itself;

5.  Considers that the new strategy should encompass, beyond GDP, a set of indicators for wellbeing, as well as indicators taking into account broad economic externalities and environmental pressure, and that these indicators should be defined, adopted and assessed through democratic and innovative procedures;

6.  Reiterates its earlier calls for a single and integrated development strategy for Europe, clearly defining a long term orientation for economic development, in order to build a better, fairer and more sustainable society with more shared prosperity for all, and protect against financial sector greed and excess; reiterates its demand to integrating the overlapping strategies which Europe is currently supposed to follow, notably the Europe 2020 strategy, the Sustainable Development strategy and the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP); regrets that the European Council refused this approach, leaving the problem of policy incoherence unresolved;

7.  Considers however that, over the next decade, the EU will face multiple challenges in assuring its economic and social progress, including the adverse consequences of the recession, and believes that these challenges call for an in-depth review of mechanisms through which the European employment and social objectives are to be delivered;

8.  Considers the current fiscal crisis in the euro area – with 13 out of the 16 Member States failing to comply today with the SGP criteria, the ECB predictions that by 2011-2012 no member state will be able to comply, along with the extensive and systematic speculative attacks against national bonds – as a clear sign of the important shortcomings of the current EU economic coordination policy which relies mainly on fiscal consolidation and surveillance; underlines that in order to restore enable job creation and achieve the objective of sustainable economic development and social cohesion, full priority should also be given to dealing with persistent and significant macroeconomic imbalances and competitiveness divergences within the euro area; welcomes, in this respect, the recognition of this necessity by the Commission in its communication on economic policy coordination;

9.  Welcomes the Council’s decisions to strengthen Eurozone governance with new instruments to face the challenges revealed by the crisis and on the implementation of the support package for Greece, the creation of a European financial Stability Mechanism, the strengthening of economic governance, the regulation of the financial markets and the fight against speculation; embracing thus the main principle that euro area problems shall be addressed through euro area solutions; considers that these new instruments should also reinforce the coordination of economic policies between all EU Member states beyond surveillance towards pro-active economic policy coordination, including strengthened governance mechanisms to implement the Europe 2020 strategy; regrets, in this respect, that while the Commission has been making wide-reaching proposals to strengthen budgetary surveillance, it has stopped short of proposing sufficiently relevant solutions for restoring and enforcing long term economic sustainability and towards a well targeted economic policy coordination geared towards the development of a common budgetary strategy in the framework of a comprehensive Europe 2020 strategy;

10. Stresses the fact that achieving sustainable public finances requires not just responsible spending but also adequate and socially just taxation. In that perspective, calls on the Commission to propose a set of measures to help Member States to restore the equilibrium of public accounts and to finance public investment though Eurobonds, EU financial transactions tax, green taxes, a progressive bank levy, automatic exchange of information and fight against tax havens. It should also help the Member states to move away from tax competition towards tax cooperation including a timetable for the introduction of a common consolidated tax base for corporate profits and a mechanism to ensure a minimum coordination of corporate tax rates on a similar basis to that which is currently in place for VAT;

11. Calls, therefore, on the task force created by the European Council in March 2010 to provide concrete proposals on deeper and broader economic coordination; these should, in accordance with article 121 and 136, include a set of guidelines in order to develop coordinated and harmonized counter-cyclical fiscal policies as well as further EU solidarity mechanisms aiming at coping with internal imbalances, asymmetric shocks, increase convergence and improve resource allocation efficiency;

12. Regrets that the European Council conclusions do not take into account that the fragile recovery process now underway must be fully reflected in a new 2020 strategy, by formulating a coherent and encompassing policy agenda which fully integrates the macroeconomic policy stance into this strategy in such a way as to ensure that necessary budgetary consolidation will not undermine the achievement of the strategy, especially with regard to the fight against unemployment, as well as adequate and well coordinated investment in infrastructures and knowledge; is alarmed by the conclusions of the Council of 9 May calling for a strong commitment to accelerated fiscal consolidation, which will undermine the political commitments contained in the Europe 2020 strategy, threaten the maintenance of sufficiently strong and fair welfare states, and jeopardize the still fragile recovery process, and may, therefore, lead to an additional loss of several million jobs over the medium term;

13. Stresses that the recent events involving sovereign credit default swaps used by financial speculators and leading to unjustified high levels of several national spreads, have been an urgent reminder of the fact that deficiencies and instabilities in the financial regulatory and supervisory framework have direct negative spill over effects on national economies’ sustainability and on the euro area’s stability; strongly supports the urgent adoption of an enhanced and ambitious European financial supervisory framework providing an adequate regulation and supervision of every financial product, transaction and institution in the EU; underlines that the need for market transparency and enhanced European regulation is a matter not only of efficient market surveillance but also of European sovereignty;

14. Notes the five headline targets agreed by the European Council on employment rate, conditions for research and development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving education levels and promoting social inclusion; deplores that these headline targets are not formulated in the framework of a consistent and coherent sustainable development strategy combining the economic, social and environmental policy agendas; regrets the lack of ambition in these targets and the absence of specific indicators for some of them which open the door to a step backwards in major issues such as social inclusion, education and fighting poverty;

15. Takes note of the headline target on employment rate for men and women; regrets that the quality of employment is not taken into account in this objective; reiterates that high quality employment should be a key priority of a 2020 strategy and that a stronger focus on well-functioning labour markets – both national and European – and on social conditions is vital in order to improve employment performance; calls, therefore, for a new legislative agenda to strengthen workers’ rights and working conditions, including a revision of the posting of workers directive and new or revised directives on minimum income schemes, working time, abusive individual dismissals, information and consultation, union recognition, cross-border collective agreements, equal treatment of atypical workers, equal pay, and labour inspections; furthermore believes that the new strategy must give much more emphasis on job quality and decent work, including the fight against precarious and undeclared work and the creation of conditions for reconciliation of work and private life; as well as ensuring that people who are currently excluded from the labour market can gain access; calls on the Commission to change its practice of considering this area only as being subject to Commission communications, and to propose flagship legislative initiatives to protect workers’ rights as a matter of urgency;

16. In this respect, urges the European Council and the Commission to define and adopt an ambitious decent work agenda which includes the objective of a living wage; demands that the social partners in cooperation with the Commission initiate common European initiatives to fight social dumping and reduce the number of working poor; urges the Commission to publish on an annual basis indicators related to job quality as agreed by the Council;

17. Underlines that excessive wage moderation acts as a brake on the growth of household income and thereby on private consumption; therefore, warns against focusing essentially on wage moderation as a way to achieve price stability; recalls that increased global competition has already contributed to downward pressure on wages, while higher commodity prices have harmed the purchasing power of EU consumers;

18. Calls on members states, Council, Commission and Parliament to by the end of the year adopt an ambitious green jobs strategy, setting the framework conditions for using the job potential of a more sustainable economy based on skills and innovation and ensuring that the transition towards such an economy is socially just and profits all people in Europe; considers that such a strategy should investment in training and lifelong learning to support workers in developing new skills and enable them to move into new jobs where necessary; a framework agreement on transition security, including the right to training and sufficient social security in times of job transition; an agreement between social partners on the right to lifelong learning and training in the workplace; and support for the adaption of skills and workplace organisation across the board;

19. Notes the headline target on improving education; deplores the absence of numerical rates of targets and urges the European Council to set the objective of reaching a 100% target for secondary education as well as clear qualitative targets and indicators for primary and secondary education;

20. Welcomes that the European Council proposes social inclusion, particularly though the reduction of poverty as a priority, but deeply deplores the lack of clear targets and initiatives on this issue; considers that this goal is one of the main objectives of EU 2020 strategy; calls for an ambitious long-term strategy against poverty with far-reaching targets for poverty reduction, including for women, children and, the elderly and for in-work poverty, including a coordinated strategy on housing in Europe; In this regard, takes the view that the EU 2020 strategy should explicitly include ambitious targets for reducing poverty by half every five years (i.e. a target level of poverty of 8.5% by 2015 and 4% by 2020) and for reducing inequality and more specifically the gap between rich and poor; considers therefore that poverty must be measured as ‘relative poverty’ to help identify those at risk of exclusion and that the Gini Index should be an explicit tool of the EU 2020 strategy;

21. Recalls, in respect of the poverty reduction target, its earlier proposals for an EU target for minimum income schemes and contributory replacement income schemes providing income support of at least 60% of national median equalised income, and agreement on a timetable for achieving this target in all;

22. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to establish, on the basis of the headline targets on employment rate and poverty reduction, a set of sub-targets at EU and national level, to be followed up by concrete policies and monitoring mechanisms, including indicators;

23. Recalls that public services, in particular social services, are key elements of social inclusion; underlines that local, regional and national authorities have been attributed wide discretionary power for their provision; regrets the insufficient attention paid to Services of General Economic Interest as essential channels for investment or for the provision of essential services for citizens and the economy; recalls that public providers of such services have claimed for a long time more legal certainty for the provision of these services with regard to the principles of subsidiarity and local self government; therefore, calls on the Commission to present a comprehensive analysis of the effects of liberalisation to date and a legislative framework, considering the new provisions of the Treaty;

24. Regrets that that the headline targets defined by the European Council do not include gender equality as a key target of EU 2020 strategy; calls therefore for a legislative agenda for gender equality to eradicate the existing pay gap between men and women and to ensure full participation of women to the labour market, while promoting women’s career opportunities, inter alia through:

     -    reducing the gender pay gap to 0-5% by 2020;

     -    coming forward with a legislative proposal revising existing legislation;

     -    initiating infringement procedures for non-compliant Member States;

     -    stepping up efforts for reconciliation of work and family life by ensuring accessible,        affordable, flexible and high-quality services while maintaining social security rights,   in particular access to childcare facilities by aiming to ensure 50% of necessary care   for 0-3 years old children and 100% of care for children above 3 years of age and   improved access to care for other dependents;

     -    setting a target of 75% female employment, which includes at least 50% work that        provides economic independence, through targeted active labour market policies and   provisions to combine work and private life, such as flexible hours and workplace and   access to affordable quality childcare and care for other dependants;

25. Notes that the European Council reaffirms the EU commitment agreed in December 2008 to deliver by 2020 a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a minimum 20% increase in the share of renewables in final energy consumption, and a 20% reduction in energy consumption thanks to energy efficiency; recalls that any domestic greenhouse gas reduction target less ambitious than -30% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels is completely out of line with science and will not prevent the dramatic consequences of runaway climate change; considers that it would furthermore demonstrate the breakdown of EU leadership in global climate policy; insists that further reduction targets are necessary for the longer term and that European policies should work towards those longer term targets and start implementing them now; urges the Commission to propose policies to ensure a profound change in production, distribution and consumption towards these objectives;

26. Is deeply concerned that concrete goals or targets, or even a mention of 2020 biodiversity objectives, are absent from the 2020 strategy; therefore calls for the adoption of measurable targets geared towards halting the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services and restoring them where possible by 2020; Reminds the Commission that European citizens expect the Union to push for a cleaner, safer and healthier society; calls on the Commission to continue to apply the ‘polluter pays’ and ‘precautionary’ principles in legislation, which are key elements to a successful sustainable economic recovery; is disappointed with progress made on the sustainable development strategy to date; regrets that action on health prevention and health inequalities is not higher in the 2020 list of priorities;

27. Regrets the lack of any ambition to develop a truly common European energy policy in the EU 2020 strategy; stresses that although a functioning internal market is a key goal for Europe and while stressing the need to rapidly implement the 3rd energy package, overemphasising this part of the Europe’s energy policy has come at the detriment of the other two objectives of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘security-of-supply’; recalls that the internal market cannot be dealt with separately from the external dimension, and that Europe needs a truly Common European Energy policy in order to have a real effect on security of energy supply, climate change and affordability of energy;

28. Calls on the EU, as a first step towards a green fully renewables-based highly efficient economy by 2050, to set binding targets for 2020 to reduce its energy consumption and increase the share of renewable energies while removing technical and non-technical barriers to the further development of sustainable renewable energies;

29. Stresses that environmental sustainability depends on an absolute reduction in resource use; stresses the need to use the current economic crisis for a shift towards a fully renewables based, highly efficient economy; stresses that if Europe’s industry is to succeed in minimizing the use of carbon rich materials as a source of energy and reduce drastically the use of natural resources altogether, rapid and massive transformation is needed; calls in this perspective for the adoption of an ambitious resource efficiency improvement target; in this regard welcomes the flagship initiative ‘Resource efficient Europe’ and an ‘industrial policy for the globalisation era’, notes however the absence of policy instruments to deliver the needed change; calls on the Commission to bring forward its analysis of how to achieve the industrial shift towards a fully renewables based, highly efficient economy, revise its work programme and present policy proposals; deeply regrets that the European Council only adopted a position on energy efficiency without any mention of resource efficiency;

30. Welcomes the framework set out in the EU 2020 strategy for the development of a digital agenda for Europe but regrets that despite the urgent need for action neither the strategy nor the planning in 2010 contains concrete measures and targets to realize this vision; calls on the Commission to present a comprehensive action plan with a timetable and targets to deliver fast and tangible results for an open and prosperous digital society;

31. Notes the 3% GDP headline target on research and development; Underlines that major R&D projects, key energy infrastructure investments, the new EU competence on space policy, and the financing of EU innovation policy require solid, credible and sustainable EU financial support in order to meet the Union’s key 2020 objectives; considers in this framework that explicit targets should be set for SME-compatible funding tools, as well as promoting Open Standards to guarantee digital interoperability and accessibility; Calls for clear integration of EU targets for eco-innovation;

32. Calls for a massive and rapid transformation of European industry through a European sustainable industrial policy; geared towards the creation of green jobs, and the amelioration of resource efficiency and resources use; Underlines that its benefits should be fairly shared and distributed, and should be oriented towards increasing quality of life for all; Believes that sustainable development of the European industry requires intensive dialogue with employees and workers, as a forward-looking industry policy needs innovation, intelligent restructuring, process improvement and the development of qualification standards, all of which gain from the participation of employees and workers; reiterates that this transition will require as well as measures to help workers’ transition towards a new environmentally sustainable economy;

33. Recalls that the European Union has to invest more efficiently in existing transport infrastructures, such as TEN-T, to boost job creation, improve social and territorial cohesion and create a sustainable and interoperable transport system; calls for an interplay between transport modes and smart use of logistics since to decarbonise the transport sector and make it sustainable will require innovation, new technologies and financial resources;

34. Considers that a new Single market strategy should be central in a new 2020 strategy; Emphasises the need to adopt a holistic approach to the Single market, fully integrating citizens concerns, notably though social and consumers orientated policies;

35. Welcomes that the European Council stressed the key role of the common agricultural policy and cohesion policy to support the EU 2020 strategy; calls for a strong linkage between the EU 2020 strategy and cohesion policy, taking into account the huge potential impact of cohesion policy on achieving the long-term aims of the EU 2020 strategy and on tackling the effects of the financial crisis in a sustainable and social way; emphasises that cohesion policy must be a key element of the EU 2020 strategy and must be a policy for all European regions, thus further reinforcing the truly European impact of the strategy; insists that the basic principles of cohesion policy - an integrated approach, multi-level-governance and true partnership - play a key role in achieving the goals of the EU 2020 strategy and should thus be completely integrated in it; stresses that territorial cohesion must also be, in line with the Lisbon treaty, an integrated part of the EU 2020 strategy;

36. Emphasises the need for the forthcoming reforms of the CAP and Cohesion Policy to be carried out with a clear focus on contributing to the realisation of the goals set forth in the 2020 strategy; recalls that the CAP reform by 2013 should be considered in that context to produce an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable agricultural policy focused on food security, natural resources management, climate change, territorial cohesion, environmental protection and jobs in rural areas;

37. Stresses that fisheries (wild fishing as well as aquaculture) is one of the most important pillars of the European Union’s food security and that as such its sustainability and stability must be secured, so that it can in future contribute to the needs of more than half a billion Europeans through fisheries products in qualitative and quantitative terms;

38. Regrets the insufficient attention paid to the external dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy; calls on the Commission to shape its ‘trade strategy for Europe 2020’ based on a multilateralism approach, in order to transform the EU’s trade policy into a true vehicle for job creation, eradication of poverty and sustainable development worldwide; firmly believes that consistency between the internal and external aspects of EU policies is indispensable and that shaping a new trade policy must be consistent with a strong job-creating industrial policy enabling creation of more and better jobs;

39. Asks the Commission to foresee an open dialogue with the European Parliament and civil society early on the EU’s priorities for the post-Doha era, in particular social and environmental standards and WTO reform; requests furthermore that all EU bilateral or regional trade agreements under negotiation include enforceable social and environmental provisions, in particular the implementation of core labour standards and other aspects of decent work, as defined by the ILO requests in this context that Member States fulfil their international obligations and immediately ratify all up to date ILO-conventions, especially ILO-convention 94;

40. Urges the Commission to have a broader and more comprehensive approach in its external action in line with the EU concept of Policy coherence for development; reminds that the new provision of the Lisbon Treaty requests that the Common Commercial Policy shall be conducted in full respect of the principles and objectives of the Union’s external action; Calls for a strong link between EU 2020 Strategy and the forthcoming trade strategy of the European Union, as well as its Action plan in the perspective of the Millennium Goals;

41. Stresses that it is essential not only to increase volumes of official development assistance for developing countries to 2020 and beyond and improve the effectiveness of aid programmes but also to insure policy coherence including to crack down on tax havens, tax evasion and illicit financial flow, which have a negative impact on the sustainable development of poor countries; underlines that strengthening development cooperation is not only a goal in itself, but promotes fair and equitable trade between EU and developing countries for the benefit of citizens of developing countries as well as the EU; believes that it is vital to ensure that the goal of global poverty eradication is not compromised by other policies of the EU; draws attention to the requirement for such Policy Coherence for Development enshrined in Article 208 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; believes that EU policies which have an external impact need to be designed to support developing countries sustainable needs in order to fight poverty, guarantee decent income and livelihood as well as the fulfilment of basic human rights, including gender, social, economic and environmental rights;

42. Emphasises the need for a thorough review of the ‘Global Europe’ trade strategy of the Commission, with the goal of promoting cooperation on binding standards for socially and environmentally sustainable trade relations;

43. Insists that, if the Europe 2020 strategy is to be credible, greater compatibility and complementarity is needed between national budgets of the EU 27 Member States and the EU budget; underlines the greater role the EU budget should play in that respect by pooling resources together ; considers therefore the post 2013 EU budget must focus on key policy priorities of this strategy and should aim at increasing the level of EU expenditures to the agreed own resources ceiling of 1,24% of gross national income (in payments) and 1,31% (in commitments); insists that in the short and medium term the Commission makes a proposal before the end of first semester 2010 to revise the ceilings of the current MFF 2007-13 in order to find extra budgetary means to start implementing the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy, particularly when it comes to financing the proposed flagship initiatives; points out as well to the need to continue exploring new EU financing instruments such as Eurobonds as well as a new financing system for the EU budget, including a financial transactions tax and green taxes; furthermore, underlines the need for the EU budget and all sources of funding to reflect the need to fund the transition towards an environmentally sustainable economy;

44. Emphasises that a Europe 2020 strategy can be credible only if it is adequately funded; regrets that this issue is not addressed by the European Council nor by the European Commission; underlines in that respect that if a greater EIB intervention or a stronger reliance on PPP (as proposed by the Commission in its communication) can in some soundly economic justified cases prove to be an effective solution, it cannot constitute a ‘one-size-fits-all solution’; furthermore asks the European Commission to assess the role long-term public or private investments could play to finance infrastructures needed to implement the flagships initiatives proposed in the Europe 2020 strategy, and the need to adapt the European regulatory framework in order to promote cooperation among long-term investors;

45. Takes note of the incentives to strengthen the political ownership of the strategy at national levels; deplores however the lack of proposals to ensure better political ownerships at European level by a strong European legislative agenda; and suggests that the Commission revisits the ‘Community method’ and uses the tools made available by Lisbon Treaty, in the implementation of the 2020 strategy; Is concerned with the incoherence of the method due to the fact that Member States are expected to set their national targets by June 2010 in the light of the EU headlines targets and indicators, although several of them will not yet have been agreed upon;

46. Considers that democratic support is a crucial condition for success and therefore that national parliaments need to be actively involved in the definition and implementation of the 2020 strategy; in the same spirit takes the view that regions, municipalities, social partners and NGOs should be actively involved in the definition and implementation of the strategy;

47. Calls, in this respect, on the Commission to submit to the Council and the European Parliament in the run-up to the June 2010 European Council a comprehensive list of directives and regulations to achieve the goals to be defined for the new strategy;

48. Urges the Council to acknowledge the key role of the European Parliament in defining and implementing a Europe 2020 strategy, to be formulated within an inter-institutional agreement in order to set down and formalise a democratic and effective way forward; deplores the short time given to the European Parliament to give an input on the integrated guidelines; reminds the Commission and Council of the Treaty right of the European Parliament to be consulted on the employment guidelines;

49. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the European Council and the Commission.