MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on India, in particular the death sentence on Davinder Pal Singh
pursuant to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure
Graham Watson, Niccolò Rinaldi, Marielle De Sarnez, Marietje Schaake, Kristiina Ojuland, Sonia Alfano, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Frédérique Ries on behalf of the ALDE Group
See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0467/2011
European Parliament resolution on India, in particular the death sentence on Davinder Pal Singh
The European Parliament,
– having regard to UN General Assembly Resolution 62/149 of 18 December 2007 on the moratorium on the use of the death penalty in the world,
– having regard to the UN Secretary-General's report to the fifteenth session of the Human Rights Council on the question of the death penalty of 16 July 2010 (A/HRC/15/19),
– having regard to Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,
– having regard to the EU Guidelines on the Death Penalty, in particular in view of the planned revision of the Guidelines in 2011,
- having regard to the EU‑India Thematic Dialogue on Human Rights,
- having regard to Art. 122 of its rules of procedure,
A. whereas the death sentence upon Mr Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar dates from August 2001,
B. whereas the Indian President Pratibha Patil did not grant clemency to Mr. Singh Bhullar and his petition for mercy was rejected on 25 May 2011,
C. whereas Mr Mahendra Nath Das in also under sentence of death after his conviction in 1997 and his execution has been suspended by the Gaudhati High Court until 21 July 2011
D. whereas since 1995 only one execution took place and there have been no executions in India since 2004 and a resumption of the use of this sanction after a gap of seven years would be counter to the regional and global trends to abolish capital punishment,
1. Recalls its total rejection of death penalties and appeals to the Indian authorities not to execute the death sentences of Mr. Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar, Mr Mahendra Nath Das, nor other death sentences;
2. Urges the Indian government to uphold the moratorium on the practice of execution, as prescribed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 62/149 of 18 December 2007, and to work towards the total abolishment of the death sentence;
3. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to India's Prime Minister, India's Minister of Law and Justice, India's Minister of Home Affairs, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Presidents of parliament of the EU Member States and the UN Secretary-General.