PROPOSAL FOR A DECISION on the numerical strength of committees
Conference of Presidents
European Parliament decision on the numerical strength of committees
The European Parliament,
– having regard to the proposal by the Conference of Presidents,
– having regard to its decisions of 15 July 2009[1] and 14 December 2011[2] on the numerical strength of parliamentary committees,
– having regard to Rule 183 of its Rules of Procedure,
1. Decides to amend the number of members of parliamentary committees as follows:
C01. Committee on Foreign Affairs: 76 members
C02. Committee on Development: 30 members
C03. Committee on International Trade: 31 members
C04. Committee on Budgets: 43 members
C05. Committee on Budgetary Control: 30 members
C06. Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: 48 members
C07. Committee on Employment and Social Affairs: 49 members
C08. Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety: 69 members
C09. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy: 61 members
C10. Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection: 41 members
C11. Committee on Transport and Tourism: 47 members
C12. Committee on Regional Development: 50 members
C13. Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development: 44 members
C14. Committee on Fisheries: 25 members
C15. Committee on Culture and Education: 31 members
C16. Committee on Legal Affairs: 25 members
C17. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs: 60 members
C18. Committee on Constitutional Affairs: 24 members
C19. Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: 35 members
C20. Committee on Petitions: 35 members,
and to amend the number of members of parliamentary subcommittees as follows:
SC01A. Subcommittee on Human Rights: 31 members
SC01B. Subcommittee on Security and Defence: 31 members;
2. Decides, with reference to the decision of the Conference of Presidents of 9 July 2009 relating to the composition of Committee Bureaux, that the Committee Bureaux may include up to four vice-chairs;
3. Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council and Commission, for information.
- [1] Texts adopted, P7_TA(2009)0001.
- [2] Texts adopted, P7_TA-PROV(2011)0571.